Member Reviews

In this installment, I felt the flow was definitely a little over the place compared to the other two. This could be just because the first 2 books followed the same relative setting all throughout and this one was just jumping around. I wish we would've seen a gradual increase in Nadir's inner thoughts because it felt like he found his profound love her a little jarring. It was sweet, and I am glad they are where they are by the end of the book, It just felt a little bit rushed.
Either way, these are small things I noticed because I still enjoyed the ride. I love all of the characters and cannot wait to see how everything ends.

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I received an arc of this book and have loved the story Nisha has created. I can say I really didn’t see that cliff hanger coming and I cannot wait for book 4. I will say book 2 is probably still my favorite of the series but I enjoyed watching the various relationship develop and while I usually despise new character povs this far in a series, I found myself enjoying Gabriel’s chapters. Overall it was a wonderful continuation to the story and I can’t wait to see how it concludes

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Thank you so much to Nisha J. Tuli and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I've never been so excited to win an ARC!

This book opened with a name glossary of all of the characters from the previous books and other authors should absolutely take notes. Although I only read the other books in this series a couple months ago, this section in the book was so helpful (and hilarious). This was a great setup for the book that was to come!

The Fate of the Sun King did such a great job world-building and there was so much happening that it reminded me a lot of the insane world building in Sarah J. Maas books. There was so much going on, but not in an overwhelming way. The multiple perspectives in this book worked so well and I never realized how badly I needed chapters from Gabriel's POV. The romance elements were great and many readers will be very satisfied with the spice. I got the sense part of the way through that my heart was going to be shattered because it felt like a lot of the storylines were getting a little too good to be true...and I was right. Holy crap the ending...that cliffhanger! As much as I'm mad that I have to wait until November to read the next book, I honestly really expect the ending this one had. I can't wait for the next one!

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After reading the first two book in the Artefacts of Ouranos series, I couldn’t wait to read book three. So when I got the opportunity to read an ARC of ‘Fate of the Sun King’, I couldn’t pass up the chance and when the ARC arrived on my Kindle I started reading as soon as I could.

In ‘Fate of the Sun King’ we continue right where the second book ended. Lor now has the Heart Crown, but she still hasn’t been able to completely access her own magic. Now she not only has to hide from all her enemies, but she also has to work together with Nadir to get her magic back before it’s to late. There is danger around every corner, and in the midst from all the danger she learns the truth about her own family’s legacy. Nahir is by her side every time, but Lor still has trouble trusting him after being wronged so many times. And when they finally get closer to learning the truth, there also seem to be more secrets.

‘Fate of the Sun King’ was from the start as good as I hoped it would be. I loved reading about Lor and Nahir again, but also about some of the side characters we got to know in the previous books. There is a lot going on, and I’m glad I only read the first two books in the last couple of months, because while we got some answers we also got a lot more questions. There where some twists I didn’t see coming at all and I definitely kept sitting on the edge of my seat.

The romance was yet again slow burning, but definitely steamy and swoon worthy. I really loved how the author gave us what we wanted, but at the same time made me want so much more. Reading this book through different point of views was a lot of fun. And although I loved Lor, I can’t help myself but love Nahir even more. There is still so much about him we don’t seem to know, and I can’t wait to read more.

This book ended on a major cliffhanger, and I’m not okay. Well, I am.. but I’m not! Sigh.. Book four can’t come fast enough. We got some great thrilling moments that kept me on the edge of my seat. And I really can’t wait for the next book. I need answers!!

If you haven’t started this series yet, trust me, you should start right away.

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The slow burn was well worth the wait for this one!! I couldn't put it down ❤️

I love everything Nisha writes, but this series really has my heart!

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Thank you to Nisha J Tuli and Netgalley, I received an ARC of this third installment and boy am I glad I did. If you like badass, Feisty but Loveable FMCs and touch her and die MMCs. This is for you. It’s got action, intrigue, found family, fated mates, broody characters with wings, great banter and a great story line. Lor, overcomes so much and Nadir is right beside her never trying to dull her shine. The last few chapters will get your heart pumping and that cliffhanger left me devastated and greatly anticipating book 4.

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Holy Hera.

Nisha... Your writing is some of my favorite ever and this book was no exception.

- Snarky FMC
- MMC who would walk through hell for her
- New magic, old magic, hidden magic
- Fated Mates
- Lies, Deceit, Trickery
And most importantly 🤌🏼🤌🏼
- 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Amazing. What an explosive follow up to Aurora King. Nadir and Lor are still working through...whatever they are to each other, while still trying to get to the bottom of her locked magic.

I loved everything about this book... The beginning - hopeful. The middle - 🌶️❤️🌶️❤️🌶️. The ending - soul crushing.

While I am so glad I was able to get an ARC and read early, thank you NetGalley and Nisha, that 9 month wait for the finale is gonna be brutal!!!

* I received an eARC and I am leaving this review voluntarily*

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Thank you a #NetGalley and Nisha for this book! I was BEYOND excited to read this book since I loved the first 2.

This is the 3rd book in the Artefacts of Ouranos series and it picks up where book 2 (Rule of the Aurora King) left off. This books is book both equal parts mystery and answered questions. As we dive deeper into Lor and Nadirs quest to take down his father and restore peace to Ouranos, we also get a look at the past generations and things that brought them to this post.

The multiple POV’s are always something I love, and getting a deeper look into Gabriel was probably my favorite. As with any Nisha Tuli novel the spice was hot, but also deeply emotional!!

The true star of this books is and will always be our girl Lor! We have been on a journey with her since the first books and I think she really came into her own in this book. The discoveries about herself and her family were phenomenal and I was in tears many times throughout this books.

That ending though! 🤯🤯🤯 November is way too far away to find out what happens!!! I need books 4 now!

I absolutely loved this book and this series.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

This is the third book in the series and the two books prior must be read first

I would recommend if you're looking for (SPOILERS)

-m/f fantasy romance
-fated mates
-multi pov
-multi timelines
-he fell first
-twists and turns

I love this series so much, each book is so different from the previous yet weaves the story together. I loved that we got soft moments between Lor and Nadir yet with so much adventure. The ending had me on the edge of my seat and I have no idea how I'm gong to be able to wait for the next book in the series. Also a massive shoutout to the glossary which was hilarious and helpful since it's been a minute since I finished book 2. Though all of this just makes me want to go back and reread. This book really dances the fine line of giving answers yet revealing more questions so well.

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This is the third book in the series and starts off directly where the last left off, with Lor, Nadir, and company having to return to Aphelion to infiltrate the sun palace to regain Lors power and take back her birthright, which proves to be anything but easy. Not when they are still being hunted by not one, but two power hungry kings and a third mystery party who is directly responsible for Lors imprisonment in Nostraza. Lor must try to balance her changing relationships with not only Nadir but with her siblings while also finding out hard truths about the past and trying to parce out truth from fiction to figure out where her place is and where her true destiny lies.
I enjoyed following Lor and Nadir as they decide what each of them wants out of this thing growing between them. Their relationship changes once again from enemies to reluctant allies, and finally into lovers over the course of this story. but let me tell you, when they finally choose each other its magnificent ❤️ The wait was completely worth it and Nadir definitely surprised me with all the sweetness and his conviction to do right by Lor. Their love story gives me hope and a deep longing for a connection half as deep as theirs runs.

"She's not just my mate. Not just the woman I've fallen in love with. She is every star in the sky and every wish I've ever wanted."

We get a lot of Gabriel in this one which I am extremely grateful for because I love me a hot broody warrior fae with an attitude problem. We get to read about his backstory and also some really juicy secrets he's keeping for Atlas as well as some more spicy times involving him. Also, a lot more of Lors siblings, it was really nice to get know Tris and Willow better and see where their story is heading.
My favorite part of this book was exploring how Lor heals from her past and learns to stand on her own two feet again after being abused by men her entire life. We see a good amount of feminine rage and defiance where there was once defeat.

"I've always wanted to be the sort of woman who makes monsters kneel. Who brings down empires. Who holds the world in her hand. And for the first time in my life its within my reach."

"Never underestimate the enduring fragility of a man who suffers from a lack of confidence."

Thank you to Netgalley and Nisha for providing arc opportunities.

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First, thank you so much Nisha for my ARC copy!

This third installment of the Artefacts of Ouranos series answered so many of my questions but also left me with so many more 😅 I love the dual POV that allows us to feel all the history leading up to this point in the story - and that in this book the layers of that history manage to get even more complex. Every time I think I know what’s coming next, there’s a new twist or detail that keeps me guessing and I can’t wait for the final book!

But beware, the ending will leave you in pieces 😅

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Screaming. Crying. Throwing UP.

WHAT DID I JUST READ! I have so many thoughts yet none at all. I just… I need a minute to process. Full review coming when my brain can form coherent thoughts.

——— ——— ——— ——— ———

Update: my brain still can’t form coherent thoughts about this book, but here I am. Everything about this book was so well done! From the glossary of characters at the beginning to remind us who’s who, the impeccable storytelling, and most importantly all the twists along the way (almost none of which I predicted) especially the one at the end. Nisha… ma’am how dare you leave me like this until November 😵‍💫

If you haven’t read this series yet, what are you waiting for? Go run to read Trial of the Sun Queen and Rule of the Aurora King then snatch this up when it publishes on June 4!

Big thank you to NetGalley, the alarm I set so I could snag this while it was “read now”, Nisha, and Orbit for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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*Received as an ARC but will be providing my honest thoughts and opinions.

I was thrilled to wake up one morning to see an eARC of Fate of the Sun King in my email! I adored the first two books in this series and couldn't wait to see where Lor's story continued.

Unfortunately, this book really fell flat compared to Trial of the Sun Queen and Rule of the Aurora King. It provided a lot of context and world building that I think would've been more digestible if it had been sprinkled throughout the first two installments, as this book felt like one giant info dump.
The plot itself was slow moving and dragged during the middle, only really picking up in the last 15% of the story. I really enjoyed the ending and wished that we'd seen that same energy, passion, and speed the entire time.

I still plan on reading the final installment to see how Lor's story ends, and hopefully it'll round out this series on a positive note!

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Warning-spoilers ahead!

I absolutely LOVED all of the world building this book brought. The first few times we switched timelines I didn’t understand, but by the time they all met in the Empyrium I wanted MORE!! I wish Lor learned more of this before the end of the book, I hope the last book doesn’t feel rushed because of that. I see her needing to destroy the arks before Rion and that seems like a lot of plot to advance!

Speaking of end of the book- OMG!! What are we supposed to do until the final installment?? I refuse to believe that happened so casually by accident.

Lor and Nadir’s love story lost a lot of its playfulness for me in this book. Previously, the sass and attitude made it fun but even though it was a slow burn to the good stuff (😉), it still felt like insta-love. Their personalities really developed throughout the story which was compelling, though I’m a little nervous that history is repeating itself with Lor’s focus on revenge!!

Loved loved LOVED the character development - especially seeing more or Gabriel. Getting his internal struggle and seeing his history with Tyr was the most powerful, compelling story arc for me.

Overall, I loved this book and can’t wait for Tale of the Heart Queen! Hoping for even more character dev in Nadir and to learn his backstory finally!

A big thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange of an honest review

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Lots of character development (looking at you Gabe 😘) and world building. Some I wish we had gotten a bit earlier but still good. I loved the tension slow burn and was excited for Lor and Nadir to finally admit everything in that ultimate “don’t you realize I’m in love w you” moment. But it was like super mushy in a slightly more cringe way than sweet idk maybe just me. Also I freaking KNEW there was gonna be a line about inmate v. my mate and that gave me the ick.

All that to say, I will be the first to download this final installment in November cause I’m hooked and shocked by that cliffhanger.

Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review

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I really loved the retelling of the world mythology in this one. It's a theme in these that the truth is often lost to time. Happy that Tristan and Willow have more to do; although the relationship between Willow and Lor is also odd (why do they treat Willow like a child?)

My biggest struggle continues to be the fact that Lor is 24 and with the exception of her siblings everyone else around her was around during her grandmothers time and was a contemporary of her or her mother. It's just...weird in a storytelling sense (esp with Nadir being her mate, which will forever bother me in these Fae books).

But there better be some good payoff from that ending. Don't undo it immediately in the next book please!

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This book had my jaw on the FLOOR! The generational power/history behind the characters had me up until 3am reading. I love that questions are being answered in book 3 and the unsettling feeling I had about Nadir is starting to come to light. I loved everything about this book! I can’t wait for book 4!

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NISHA COUNT YOUR DAYS!!! how DARE you leave off with a cliffhanger like that!!!!
other than my obvious rage at being left with THAT ending, this was a wonderful third installment of the series. Lor and Nadir (finally) do it (many times) the tension was literally killing me.
I need to know what happens next!

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This was the perfect follow up to Rule of the Aurora King. It’s the perfect blend of answers and mystery and the perfect blend of romance and action. I loved the multiple POVS and the few glimpses of past timelines. It made for such a layered story that I couldn’t get enough of. I have loved every moment of Lor’s journey, but the personal growth she goes through in this book takes the cake. We gotta take a moment to appreciate the found family in this book because I love them all so much. It’s such a powerful move to be able to combine funny moments, swoon worthy confessions, and hilarious encounters and Nisha did that all perfectly. I also just want to say… FINALLY!!! I’ll leave it at that, IYKYK. Going into this I was a little nervous by the length knowing there is a 4th book coming but I seriously felt like I blinked and the entire book was over. It was so so good and I’m already impatiently waiting the next book!

Trial of the Sun Queen ★★★★.5
Rule of the Aurora King ★★★★★

Other NJT books
Wicked is the Reaper ★★★★
Feral is the Beast ★★★★★
Heart of Night and Fire ★★★★★

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Arc review 3.5 rating. (Posted on goodreads)

Fate of the Sun King has a lot of character development and world building. We get to know who Altas and Gabriel truly are and what motivates them. Lor and Nadir finally do the deed! The slow burn was a little too slow for me personally. While I enjoyed their enemies to lovers relationship, I didn't enjoy their enemies to mate relationship. It was too mushy for me.

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