Member Reviews

Arc review 3.5 rating. (Posted on goodreads)

Fate of the Sun King has a lot of character development and world building. We get to know who Altas and Gabriel truly are and what motivates them. Lor and Nadir finally do the deed! The slow burn was a little too slow for me personally. While I enjoyed their enemies to lovers relationship, I didn't enjoy their enemies to mate relationship. It was too mushy for me.

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The cliffhanger just threw me into a pit of internal screaming. How am I going to survive the wait for the 4th?!

Wow... This book was an absolute wild ride and it was so worth the wait to read it.

I've become so much more attached to Nadir and Lor, the emotional rollercoaster of this series is just beyond words.

I love the multiple POV with a split between the past and present. It creates such a unique reading experience that really brings the story to life. I wouldn't want to read a book any other way.

The spice finally heats up in this book and it does NOT disappoint.

Nisha knows how to write an exceptional story that keeps you obsessed and addicted. I could not put this book down from the first page, which was the same for the first 2 books.

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OMG! Nisha literally never dissapoints. Usually, in a fantasy series you would expect one book to stand out from the rest. However, for this one, I CAN'T CHOOSE! I love all the intrigue, mystery, relations and world of this series and can't wait for the fourth one!

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Fate Of The Sun King is the third book in the Artefacts of Ouranos Series. I absolutely loved this book and series. The previous books were fantastic, but Fate of the Sun King is AMAZING. I haven't read a series that increases my excitement, anxiety, and heartache with every book that is released. I fell in and out of love as we uncovered each character’s past and the history of Ouranos. The twists and turns of this phenomenally written plot kept me on the edge of my seat. And then we finally get the resolution to Lor and Nadir's slow burn romance. Perfection! I can't stress enough on how highly I recommend this must read. I am waiting with excited anticipation for the final book in the series.

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I was very excited for the third book in this series and honestly I was not disappointed! The world building is incredible, and I love how Nisha continues the story as she is building onto this fantastic world she has created. It was amazing to continue the story in Aphelion and dive deeper into everything. This book made me laugh and it also made me cry. I am so in love with these characters and I truly think this is one of the best written series I have read in a long time. It was by far a 5 star rating for me!

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WhAt WaS tHaT eNdInG!?!
November can not come soon enough!

<I>’ Eventually, I must confront all the ugly truths I've been avoiding. Eventually, I must look in the mirror and decide if those years will finally break me or make me.’ </i>
I loved this latest edition to the Artefacts of Ouranos series! This book was a bit slower then the first two, with more world development and character growth. I adored seeing Lor come in to her own and open up a bit more, and the pay off for the slowest of slow burns was 🔥💯.
It was great to have multiple POVs, as well as flash backs from the past to begin to tie the story together in the build up for the final book.
I struggled to put this down, keen to find out where the story would go next! All the characters in this book a fabulously developed, and I can’t wait to see how this story gets finished off!

4.5 ⭐️

***Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for a free copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review***

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Thank you for the opportunity to read Fate of the Sun King.
Nisha never fails me with story, plot and characters.
the wild ride that this 3rd installment is will leave you screaming in agony by the end,

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WOW WOW WOW. I have devoured books 1 and 2 and book 3 was no different. I am too far in deep, committed to the Lor + Nadir storyline, and that ending was a "heart clutching" broken moment and I need to know what happens next!!! Such a wonderful read, loved the deeper storyline into Gabriel's character. I never want this series to end!

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Nisha knocked it out of the park again. This was an emotional rollercoaster. And that ending was killer. I think 4 books will be the perfect length for this series even though it just keeps getting better.

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e of the Sun King by Nisha J Tuli


The book had me hooked as soon as I read the dedication! I flew through page after page and just could not put it down!
I don’t know how I’m going to make it until November waiting for the next book especially with that ending 😱 I am literally stunned.

I have yet to read something by Tuli that I don’t absolutely love and Fate of the Sun King is one of my favorites so far this year!

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This book really had me feeling every emotion from start to finish. I was either smiling and laughing or crying. It was an absolute wild ride and I enjoyed every second of it.
All I have to say is that the next book must come sooner. This has become one of my favorite series of all time.

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I'm 1000% convinced that Nisha J. Tuli saw my reviews for Trial of the Sun Queen & Rule of the Aurora King, took it personally, and proceeded to put all she had into this book (& I'm hoping the last book too 🤭). Any comment or critique (lol but to be fair, who do I think I am..) I may have had about those books, didn't exist in this one. The current trajectory of this series, for me, has been consistently up ↗️. Which is actually very surprising to me for a fantasy/romance series. More often than not, in a fantasy series of 3+ books it has looked more like 📈. I've really liked/loved the first book- enough to invest in the series- only to have the second or third book fall flat until the conclusion. I'm stubborn enough that if I invested in the first 2 books of a series, I'm seeing it through no matter what. One of my many flaws.

That hasn't been the case though with Artefacts of Ouranos and I think Tuli's decision to wrap up the series in 4 books was a great call. Every book so far has outdone the book prior and that's honestly something of a rarity for me. This book may have solidified the entire series as one of my go-to recommendations, especially for brand new baby fantasy/romance readers. I get the Throne of Glass comparisons from a marketing standpoint, but I can't help but wish this book/series could stand on its own legs because Nisha deserves it.

Ok sorry, this review unintentionally became a series (so far) review, but this book was fantastic. You must read the first 2 books in the series and the glossary in the beginning (it's hilarious 😂). I continue to be enthralled by the lush world building, magic, and romance. I can't wait to see what's next for Nadir and Lor.

Thank you to Forever pub for the opportunity to review this early! 🫶🏼

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Nisha writing is absolutely flawless, I love how she captures every little detail about the characters and world building which makes you feel fully immersed into the story.
I love the tension between nadir and Lor, their relationship is so beautiful and electrifying!

Enemies to lovers trope is my favourite and this was so well done!
I loved reading Nadirs POV and how he really felt about Lor. It was interesting to read about Gabriel too I actually really like him in this and seeing his character grow.

The pacing was great with some twists and turns, secrets revealed, love and despair with so much heartbreak at the end. Why does it have to end that way? I need more! Loved it can’t wait for book 4!
Thanks Netgalley/publisher for providing me with this ARC 🙂

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That ending was Cruel, Nisha.

I don’t know how I’m going to make it until November.

Enemies to Lovers
Slooooow Burn
Political Intrigue
Found Family
Multi POV
Fated Mates
Multi Generational Plot Twists
High Stakes

Fate of the Sun King is my favorite book in the quartet so far, and I’ll even go so far as to say it’s my favorite book that Nisha J Tuli has written. This series has spun itself from a Bachelor meets Hunger Games trial to a true epic romantic fantasy that I can’t get enough of. The world building is phenomenal and the character development is even better. I adore how each of the POVs leave breadcrumbs to hint at a bigger picture that is still eluding me. This book totally immersed me into the world and I was breathlessly turning the pages. There is so much at stake and so many moving pieces that I can’t even hope to predict what will happen next. This series is shaping up to be one of my favorites of all time and I will forever be grateful that I decided to pick up these books. Trust me, you want to read them.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for the ARC!

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I’m trying to make it a habit to write my reviews right after I finish the book before I forget any details or feelings that I want to share. For Fate of the Sun King, I somehow have so much to say, but at the same time, I’m entirely speechless. 😶

Thank you to NetGalley & Forever for this early copy of Fate of the Sun King by Nisha J. Tuli. All opinions are my own!

Fate of the Sun King is the third book in this series, and it picks up right after the second book (Rule of the Aurora King). If you haven’t read the first and second book yet, I’ll refrain from spoiling anything by not including a synopsis.

I’ll start off by saying, this book is way different from the first and second book in terms of plot and character development. And also. Spice, spice baby (sung to the tune of Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice). This one has way more spice than the previous two books, and I’m not mad about it. 🌶️🥵

Like Trial of the Sun Queen and Rule of the Aurora King, we have glimpses of the past revealed to us and quite a bit of secrets exposed as well, which are always very entertaining. 🤭

There are also many relationships progressing, which is a nice change from the slow burn and tension of the first two books. We get to see a lot more of certain side characters and some background about why they are the way that they are. Overall, I was excited and grateful that I got to learn more about other characters too. 🤗

Things are still confusing to me as more background and characters and objects are revealed, but I’m hoping all will be explained in the final book (Tale of the Heart Queen).❣️

Shoutout to my favorite character at the moment: Gabriel! 😱 I knew you were going to be more complex than you came off as at first, but the more I get to know you, the more I love! 🫶🏼

I’m going to finish off by saying, WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT ENDING!? 😭 I don’t know what to think! I don’t know what to feel!? Was it all a lie??? And now I have to once again wait!? Until November (which, yes, is not that long in the grand scheme of things… but yes it is 😫)!?!?!

Will always recommend this series. Cant wait until November!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 to Fate of the Sun King. ☀️🤴🏻

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I should have known that I would need therapy when I finished this book. Nisha knows how to create an exceptional cliffhanger that makes you want to cry and throw your book across the room. I have so many questions and will be impatiently waiting for the final book to get them answered.

This series is everything to me and keeps getting better with each book. The growth that Lor has gone through from the first book to this one has been inspiring. This book really focused on her learned to accept love from others and be more vulnerable. She obviously accepted the love from Nadir, but also from her siblings. She came to terms with the fact that she did not always have to be so self-sacrificing, and that her siblings wanted to protect her as well.

This book was all about searching for the Artefacts, with Lor also learned more about her background. She had a lot to deal with, especially when it came to learning about how her grandmother was not who she thought she was. This made Lor want to be a better person though. We also get a glimpse into what will be probably happening in book 3.

I am happy to announce that the insane slow burn finally paid off. After 3 books we finally got Nadir and Lor to confess their feelings for one another. In fact, they're mates! I love a fated mates trope and this one did not disappoint. That is why I am so shocked about the ending of this book. I firmly believe though that Nadir did not purposely tell his father where Lor was. For one, they're mates so there is no way to fake that love. Second, he hates his father as much as Lor does. I think that Cloris reported their whereabout to the Aurora King when they visited her. I refuse to believe my boy Nadir would do anything to put Lor in danger.

The spice in this book was spicing. The wait was well worth it and I am hoping for more in the next book. It was a perfect amount of spice, and Nadir is now on my list of shadow daddies.

I can confirm that Atlas is still a giant pile of garbage. I did not think he could not get any worse, but I was mistaken. While I hope Gabriel killed him in that final scene, I don't think it will be that simple. Sadly, I think we will be getting more bullsh*t from him in the next book. I just hope that Gabriel gets justice and a happily ever after with Tyr.

So much happened in this book that reminded me why I love this series so much. I have no clue how Nisha will wrap it all up in book 4, especially with the way this one ended. I am so excited and can't wait to see other people's reactions to this newest edition to the series.

Thank you to Nisha J. Tulli and the publisher for an e-ARC of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Lucky enough to grab an eARC of this, cause I don’t know how I could’ve waited any longer for it.

I think this was my favorite of the bunch so far. You got everything you could want in this… friendships developing, banter between characters, heroic rescues, new plot twists that tie in with details way back to book 1, OH AND A CLIFFHANGER THANKS A LOT NISHA

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I can’t believe that ENDING. Ugh Nisha how could you do this.

Overall a great read! Very informative on not only the history of Ouranos, but on some of the motives of the other characters. Very well written and Nisha is at the top of her game with this series! Cant wait for November for the last (excuse me while I sob) book of the series!

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I loved this book even more than I did the previous books in this series. This book blew me away with the suspense, mystery, action, revenge, betrayal, lies, truth, funny, sweet and steamy scenes. I love the anticipation and the deliverance of it when it came to Lor and Prince Nadir and I couldn't get enough of them. The cliffhanger ending left me wanting to read the next book in the series as this one ends with a cliffhanger. There are definitely characters I love and dislike when it comes to this series, and I can't wait to read how everything turns out for everyone. King Rion and King Atlas are still searching for Lor for very different reasons. Lor finds out the truth about her connection to Nadir while Gabriel is trying to find out why Atlas wants Lor. He is also trying to keep Tyr alive while trying to hide the truth about Lor from Atlas. Apricia is determined to marry Atlas, yet he is doing everything to put it off. We learn more about the actions of Lor's parents and grandmother as we get answers to questions from a blast from the past. While also getting more information from the gods of Ouranos, enemies face off, powers shift, lies are revealed, truth holds power, and while one life is restored another is lost. I can't wait to find out what happens next as this is the best book in this series thus far.

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Fate of the Sun King is book 3 in the Artefacts of Ouranos series by Nisha J. Tuli.
I’ve been waiting or book three and it surely did not disappoint!
This book consumed my every waking thought.
This book, one word… incredible!
The world building is phenomenal, the character development is breathtaking.
I love the chemistry and the tension between our main female and male characters.
I’m literally so excited for book 4 Tale of the Heart Queen. Like can I please have it now? 🤗

Thank You NetGalley and Forever for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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