Member Reviews

First of all…WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED.

Second of all, freaking finally Lor and Nadir. 👏🏼 But I am still reeling at that ending and how am I going to wait for the last book!?

But back to an actual review-
I love that there is a character glossary at the start of the book. This is so perfect if it’s been a little bit since you finished book 2 and your mind needs a refresh. Really appreciated this.

I also love all of the various POVs throughout the story. I feel like these characters have become my friends and I’m really rooting for them.

Seeing Lor come into her power has been awesome and it’s setting up for some badass finale moments, but also Tristan!? Let’s go. I need more of him!

Am I low-key terrified for book 4? Yes. But am I also really excited to see how this story concludes? Absofreakinglutely.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for this advanced copy!

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This book was full of action! I’m so glad Lor and Nadir finally got it together and dived head first into their relationship, it was spicy and sweet and made the slow burn of book two so worth it!
We also learn so much about Lors grandmother and what really happened that day as well as what Cloris did and what she’s been doing.
There’s also a huge turn of events that involve Gabriel so that will be exciting to see in book 4! I also loved Tristan and Willows portions of the book and how much growth they’ve each had.
This book is full of action, different POVs, new love, even more family, revenge, and more secrets. So many things happen in this book it definitely feels like a stepping stone to a grand finale and I can’t wait to see how all the pieces fit together.
I can’t wait to see how it concludes in November!
Thank you so much Nisha J Tuli & NetGalley for the eArc🖤

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This was one of my highly anticipated books of the year. And it did not disappoint. It is the third book in the series and it was so good! The romance was perfect and the book was very well written. I can’t recommend this book enough.

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First off… how could you with that ending?!!! But really, this was a great third book in this series. I love that “things” finally happened with our two lovelies and that they finally admitted their feelings!
The new lore added to this story was interesting enough and pertained to the plot enough that I didn’t mind when it switched from the main characters.
Gabriel! My poor dude! I’m glad this book explored more of him.
The pace was good and the character development was excellent for most of the characters. I would have liked to have seen a little more from the side characters, but a lot was going on so I can see where it could detract.
Definitely recommend if you’re willing to accept the terrible, awful, I need to cry into a pillow cliffhanger.

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Until the world turns to ash.

This third installment of the Artefacts of Ouranos does not disappoint. I devoured the first two books and this one was no different. We continue to follow Lor and Nadir as they try to restore her power. I enjoyed the multiple perspectives in this book and some surprises we hadn’t seen in previous editions. It was as beautiful as it was heartbreaking. If you want a series that keeps you engaged from start to finish, this is the one. I loved the end and can’t wait for the final installment!

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This was one of my most anticipated reads for this year, and I was absolutely not wrong about just knowing it was going to be amazing! The series itself is so good and caught my attention from the very first sentence. This book was no exception. I was hooked from the beginning. The characters are perfect. The banter and sass are top tier. I can’t even begin with how many quotes I had to save to go back to again. Nishas writing is beautiful and very entertaining. The story moves at the perfect pace. I will be recommending this series to anyone who will listen! It’s absolutely in my top favorites of all time. Nadir is the perfect book boyfriend and Lor is the perfect strong, resilient, and powerful female we all love to read about! I can’t wait for book 4!!!

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This is book 3 of four?? in the series. Definitely book 3, and pretty sure there is only going to be one more book, but who knows, authors change their mind all the time.

The first two books were so much fun and I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one! It did not disappoint and this should definitely not be read as a standalone as you will be confused, and just won't get the full pofcture. We get an additional POV that we didn't get in the other 2 books which really added to my enjoyment of this book. We also get more character development across all characters (not just the main ones) and I am super interested to see how their stories play out in the final? installment of the series.

This does end off on a pretty big cliff hanger which is UGH for me who needs to know what happens next, but also I get it. I keep telling myself I won't read incomplete series, and then I keep doing exactly that. Oh well, maybe next time.

Thank you Nisha J. Tuli and Netgalley for the arc in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Okay, first thought: FINALLY!! We got the spice of the slowest of slow burns to ever burn. Lor and Nadir are perfection and I love them together. Both Lor and Nadir have so much depth to their characters and it's always fun to see them clash.
This was one of my favorite series' last year and I am so happy to have gotten a copy of this book early. Atlas continued to be a colossal villain and was thrilled that the first chapter was from Gabriel's POV. We finally got to learn more about who he is and see his character development. I also loved reading more about Atlas from Gabriel's perspective and his true thoughts about everything that's happened, thus far.
Nadir does fall HARD for Lor and his growth away from his father is amazing to read. He becomes an even better person being away from the expectations.
If anyone needs me, I'll be crying over the cliffhanger and (impatiently) waiting for the fourth book.

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This book was slow to start, didn’t capture me like the first 2. Then everything started to change. Loved the fast paced adventure!

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I loved the first two books in this series, and in the the third book, this story just keeps getting better! The new POV and additional history adds so many more layers to the story. I loved getting to see more of the character's interact and have their storylines merge in this book. I could not put this book down and was left gasping on the final page. I cannot wait for the final book! My only complaint is being left on such a large cliffhanger waiting for the next book : )

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I was one of the VERY lucky people to receive a free ARC from NetGalley and boy did Nisha deliver with this one!

This book starts off right where book 2 ended. I loved getting to continue along Lor’s journey of self discovery! She is such a character I can get behind. The love and loyalty she has for her family, both blood and found, is written in such a genuine way. We also got to feel and witness her growth through the trauma she has been dealt in her life. THAT ENDING….I’m going to need book 4 about 20 minutes ago Nisha! Whoa.

We got to see our boy Nadir and hear more from him in this book. It was nice to see more of his sensitive side that he was constantly felt but was being smothered by his need of answers from Lor and his need for revenge against his father. We love a confident in his feelings male for Lor.

I really enjoyed getting to read more of Gabriel’s POV in this one. It brought A TON of revelations to the story and overall plot of the book. Well done!

I’m not giving any spoilers…but this is definitely a MUST read…be prepared for a little shock to the heart at the end. That cliffhanger will get you.

Can’t wait for book 4!!! ❤️

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To start thank you very much to Nisha J.Tuli and Net Galley to the chance to be an advance reader of this book!! I love this series, it was the highlight of my day to get to enjoy all my favorite characters again. This is the third in the series and it does NOT disappoint. I read the first 2 books in a day and a half, this one being no different with me finishing same day.

I do not want to spoil anything so no names or exact info but know this book is amazing and we get to crank the spice level up (FINALLY)!

I love the writing style first and foremost. The author is able to give us casual language with modern phrasing that doesn't completely remove you from the fantasy of the world. The conversations feel like friends and alley talking, not just information being thrown out. There continues to be a large amount of character deployment, backstory and word building; it is done in such a beautiful way that it is never overwhelming or repetitive. Secrets are revealed and new challenges are presented in a way that helps build upon the existing plot without just adding random issues for them to overcome.

The series in general has characters you will love from day one, characters you will hate with every fiber of your being, and characters you will want to dislike but just cant! This book specifically added details to everyone that allow for an understanding of their actions and round out their thought processes. The new insight to my favorite character and their development as they overcome hardships both placed by outer and inner forces truly show an understanding of the turmoil/ panic that can comes with change. there are so many quotable moments that will stick with you as you continue in the story.

I am so excited for the next installment.

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THIS BOOK!!! 🫠 This is the third book in the Artefacts of Ouranos series, so if you haven't started it, yet- 👏GET 👏 ON 👏 IT! The world Nisha has built for this story is incredible. Her characters have depth, and I love the way the relationships form. There are no half-🍑ed plots here- you're in for a ride!

💪Strong FMC
💘Fated Mates
❤️‍🩹Hopeless Love

💬Favorite Quotes:
🥹He makes me feel things I never expected to feel. Safe. Wanted. Beautiful. Like my flaws aren’t a series of mistakes but rather the essential pieces that make me who I am.
😏I don’t acknowledge it because he doesn’t know it yet, but I’m giving him the silent treatment right now. 🤣
🖤He sees into my darkness and stares at it with unflinching eyes.
🥰And so many more that I can't share because they are too spoiler-y!

Thank you so much to Nisha and to NetGalley for allowing me to read an ARC of Fate of the Sun King! 🤗

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4.25 stars!!

The lore and the LOR in this book!!!!!

I truly truly loved the first two books in this series, and could not WAIT to get my hands on this third book- and it is a great continuation of where we left off from the end of book 2. Lor was able to unlock her magic, even if just a dash of it to save Nadir, she's rescued her Imperial Artefact, and is on her way back to the Mirror to learn what is next in store for her. There's only one problem though: Atlas will try and capture and bond to her if she shows her face back in Aphelion, and there are some complicated feelings (and maybe something bigger) going on with the Aurora Prince, who has been banished from Aphelion himself.

This book was an exciting ride of journey through more of Ouranos- getting to spend time in the Woodlands, adventuring through Heart, exploring previously unseen to us sectors of Aphelion- and through deeper world building of the lore behind Ouranos- learning about the origins of the artefacts and the arks, understanding what really caused the breaking of the world, discovering Zerra's history as a goddess.

It was also a great chance to spend time with our favorite characters and MORE! Lor has been going on an emotional journey, having to come to terms with having belonged to men that used her for so much of her life, and trying to find out if she can open her heart to Nadir...though does she really have a choice in the matter? Nadir has been fighting against his father, fighting against his own territorial instincts, and striving to protect those who he cares about...Lor most of all. Tristan and Willow, Lor's protective older siblings, really start to step into their own power and their own paths here after having just survived with little hope for so long...and maybe onto pathways with love and power in their futures. Gabriel (Gabriel!!) becomes such a more complex character in this book- we learn how he became a warder, what (if anything) he truly loves in this world, and how he really feels about Atlas. Other characters like Mael, Hylene, Etienne, Rhiannon, Cedar, and Nerissa are all there to bring love, support, protection, and humor into a world with so little of them.

The big thing here though- the ENDING!!! the foreshadowing that I hoped I was wrong about spotting!!! My jaw was on the FLOOR!!! Oh how I NEED Tale of the Heart Queen as fast as possible!!!

Thank you SO MUCH to Nisha J Tuli and NetGalley for a chance to read this in exchange for an honest review. Fate of the Sun King is the 3rd book in the Artefacts of Ouranos series and comes out Jun 4!

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I really liked this book and I can't wait until the 4th installment is released. The review below does not contain spoilers.

The chemistry between our FMC and MMC was so much better in this book. It felt electric and sincere. Their love felt more real and that made the ending so devastating.

I really loved the new POVs. Gabriel's actions were such a mystery but hearing his story through his voice explained all. I loved the flashbacks to the original fae monarchs and all we learned from them.

This book served to anchor down the overarching story with context. It did just that while still serving a great storyline and providing room for the central romance to blossom.

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I have been HIGHLY anticipating this book so I did a little happy dance and shrieked for joy when I got the ARC. The thrill surged through me like a lightning bolt (pun intended!

I'll start off by saying, out of the three books in this series, I liked this one the least so far, but to be honest, book 2 was one of my favorite books ever, and book 1 was also up there so the bar was really high... and I still rate this book easily as a 5. The reason that it's #3, both in chronological order, and in my heart, is that we go back in time a lot for some additional world building to set up for the ending, and the back and forth pulled me out of the moment, especially because it was going from 1st person to 3rd person. Maybe in some ways that’s good for me though, because I tend to devour books without coming up for air, so this does sort of force you to pause and think. I was also on the fence initially about Gabriel’s POVs, but I did end up enjoying getting into his head, especially towards the end of the book.

The slow burn? It erupts into a wildfire. Nadir and Lor's chemistry sizzles, leaving literal scorch marks on the pages. The peppers? They were peppering (2.5/5). NJT is literally my favorite, the queen if you will, of spicy scenes. They're just SO GOOD and so beautiful without being cringey. All hail.

I also love Nadir’s POVs so much, and we continue to get them very regularly in this book It’s sweet how he’s such a simp for Lor. Honestly, every heroine needs a sexy smoldering Nadir in their life :) Lor grows a lot in this book as well, we see her healing and she finally stops being so angry and impulsive (but let’s be real, she’s still a total spitfire and we wouldn’t love as her as much if she wasn’t).

Last thing I have to say is… THAT ENDING THOUGH. I don’t even know how I’m going to recover from this. I don’t want to give anything away but if what happened is permanent, I am revolting. Now I feel like I need book 4 immediately, this wait is going to be agonizing.

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What a cliffhanger!!! This book was an amazing third installment of the Ouranos series. There were so many twists and turns that I did not see coming, which was refreshing and original from the plotline point-of-view but incredibly frustrating for the characters. Lor just cannot catch a break!

I can't wait until the final book comes out in November -- please don't make me wait that long!!

Thank you to the author for giving me an e-ARC of the book via NetGalley!

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I love this whole series and Fate of the Sun King does not disappoint! The enemies to lovers is so well done, I love getting more of Nadir’s POV to see just how devoted he is to Lor. Seeing them both process their internal turmoil and coping with the previous traumas is so genuine and brings so much life to their characters. I love a sincere progression to being vulnerable and earning trust and this story delivers. The character development is well done for main characters as well as so many side characters and that is always commendable for an author to accomplish! As you’re reading you feel connected to these people and this book keeps you on the edge of your seat. Gabriel’s story is fascinating and I definitely didn’t see that coming but love where it’s going. There are whole layers to this world that we learning about and revealing how it’s been interwoven into the story from the beginning is so well done. This book ends on a major cliffhanger so prepare yourself accordingly!

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I love a badass FMC and Lor did not disappoint! The character development in this book was 👌🏻 perfection. And we finally got some spiceeeee between our two favorite peeps! Beware: this book ends on a cliffhanger and I am already dying to read the next one. This series has made Nisha an auto buy author for me!

Read if you love:

▪️Touch her and 💀

Genre/type: Romantasy
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐
Spice: 🌶️🌶️ .5
Series or standalone: Book 3 in a series
Tropes or themes: Romantasy, Enemies to Lovers, Touch Her and 💀, Revenge, Fae Politics, BIPOC Rep, Ride or Die Sibling Love, 🌈 Side Character Rep, Multiple POV, Betrayal

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This series has quickly turned into one of my all time favorites. First of all, Nisha Tuli is a brilliant story teller. She weaves beautiful plot with a wonderfully built world, and perfectly flawed yet loveable characters. She has you guessing and second guessing where the story will take you. And I'm here to tell you I am strapped in and screaming with delight and sometimes terror with the rollercoaster ride this book takes you on. Read. This. Series. It's funny, and heartbreaking, and beautiful, and frustrating, and perfect.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Nisha Tuli for the eARC.

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