Member Reviews

Nisha!!!!! What have you done to me! The dedication?! The GLOSSARY?!!! Like what author makes you laugh at the glossary? Oh yeah, Nisha J. Tuli. My love for this series is unmatched.

Fate of the Sun King is book 3 in the Artefacts of Ouranos. This book expanded on the world A LOT. There was so much new information and history that was revealed. While all of it was crucial to the storyline, the multiple povs and information did get slightly overwhelming at times. It was hard for me to switch back and forth between all the timelines and povs. But these were the only reasons why I rated this one four stars instead of a five. Once the story was pieced all together, the book flowed a lot smoother. And can we talk about that first chapter? Ahhh! I did not see that coming! Plot twist.

One thing about Nisha is that she knows how to write characters. Her characters come alive on the page and stick with me long after I'm done reading. I love the growth and character development of each person. I am thrilled that we got more Gabriel in this book. Gabriel is such a wonderfully, lovable grump. We not only got his pov, but we also got backstory on his character. I loved him before, but I love him even more now.

Last but not least, let's talk about Nadir and Lor. They've both had a lot of growth as individuals and also as a "couple." I love Lor. I love Nadir. And I've been waiting for them to finally decide to be together. They've had the slowest of slow burns throughout this series. Nisha finally gave us what we wanted! Bye bye slow burn.

While this was not my favorite book in the series, I still really enjoyed it! I can't wait to read book four!

Thank you to Nisha, Forever, and Netgalley for an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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If you read Trails and Rule then you know what to expect! An amazing continuation of Lor's story. A fun but high stakes adventure with lots of twists and turns. The world expands so much in this book and answers so many questions while starting to pull everything together to prepare for the finale without feeling like filler. So much happens in this book. I also really enjoyed the multiple POV's. I love getting to see into other characters heads. I am so excited for the next and final book in this series. November cannot come soon enough!

And that cliffhanger?!?!? Nisha how could you?

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thank you so much to read forever, nisha j. tuli, and netgalley for this amazing book^^

i’m writing this just as i finish it and… my only thought is just NISHA YOU DID NOT! no spoilers, but i don’t know HOW i’m supposed to wait for the next book to come out. i just have no idea.

this book was amazing! i loved being back in the world of ouranos, back with the characters i love so much, seeing them grow and learning a little bit more about what makes them the way that they are. also, we get gabriel’s point of view this time??? say LESS. i loved his narrative voice so much, but also his chapters were so sad??? i always loved him, but getting to understand why exactly he behaves the way he does made me sympathize with him so much more.

we also got to see more of the heart siblings together which is everything i never knew i needed. we see them interact and banter like siblings do, or how i imagine they do; i don’t have siblings, and i love the three of them so much more. we get to see tristan and willow really shine this book, and we also get to see the tiny beginnings of relationships form for the both of them which was amazing.

also nadir and lor??? everything i’ve ever wanted??? i love them together so freaking much. they’re so good together; peak enemies to lovers, ten out of ten. i loved being able to reflect back on the first book, or even the second book, and seeing how their relationship transformed. we also learned for sure what we always thought to be true and i was LIVING.

nisha just has a way of writing that draws you in so easily, everything about this book, from her personal writing style, to each character’s specific voice, the world building, magic system, everything is just so great. from the first book in the series it’s starts setting things up and to see things pay off little by little is so immensely satisfying. i’ve only seen this kind of writing before once or twice and i can already tell that she is one of my new favorite authors. i cannot wait for the next book. literally. i cannot wait. nisha please, i’m begging you. please.

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I have heard nothing but great things about this book series. As I was creating a TBR list for ApollyCon, I was shocked to see that these books were available as "read now"! I instantly downloaded all three in this series.

The highly anticipated third installment of the steamy Artefacts of Ouranos series journeys deeper into the glittering fae world as Lor puts both her life and her heart on the line in this enemies-to-lovers fantasy romance.
With the Heart Crown now in her possession, Lor must navigate the dangers of being an heir on the run, knowing more than one power-hungry ruler is after her blood. When she returns to Aphelion to unlock her magic and recover her family's legacy, it becomes clearer than ever that all that’s gold doesn’t sparkle. No stranger to battles, she continues to fight her attraction to the Aurora Prince, understanding this might be the one she finally loses.
As the past mixes with the present, Lor uncovers the truth about the Artefacts and their role in shaping her destiny. Now, her future hangs in the balance, leaving her closer than ever to getting everything she's ever wanted... or losing it all forever.

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Fate of the Sun King by Nisha J. Tuli was a great third installment to the Artefacts of Ouranos series. We see our heroine, Lor come into her power and explode as a character. Her development is truly spectacular in this novel and so well-done. Her relationship with Nadir is tested, but love prevails with these two. The fated mates trope was done well and although I was expecting it, the way it was revealed was nicely done.

My biggest complaint was the addition of multiple POV’s and the time jumps. In the previous book, these things were consistent; however, Fate of the Sun King added more than I was prepared for and it took me a longer time to get adjusted. When I would adjust to a new timeline/character, I was a little thrown off when it quickly jumped back to the present. The glossary of characters at the beginning was helpful for this confusion.

Overall, I enjoyed my time reading this story. I did wait until the audiobook was released to be able to enjoy this arc and fully immerse myself in this read. I thought the audio was well done and loved the addition of Gabriel’s voice.

Tuli explores new themes and looks at the larger picture here in this installment. I am looking forward to what she has in store for us readers in the final book. That cliffhanger left me wanting more, while still keeping me satisfied at the knowledge shared in the final chapters.

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The best book in the series yet! 4.5 stars.
Fate of the Sun King answered so many of the questions I had regarding the world mechanics and certain historical figures whose actions seemed integral to this story. We have three primary POVs, Lor, Nadir, and Gabriel (poor Gabriel!), as well as a series of flashbacks that take us from the first and second ages of Ouranos to as recently as a few months back with a familiar high priestess of Zerra.

Speaking of Zerra—I LOVED the reveals around the past rulers and the respective blights poisoning each of the kingdoms, as well as the creation of the artefacts and further details around the intricacies of the arks. I am floored by this book's ending and refuse to accept this is the only path forward. What a cliffhanger!

And whispers of betrayal?? Nisha, please! I know what book I'll be requesting an ARC for because I cannot stand for this!

But apart from the deeper worldbuilding and major reveals around Lor's family and things that happened in the past, I absolutely loved Nadir and Lor finally getting their moment together—their chemistry is so fun and explosive and swoon-worthy, and I just love everything about them. Their scenes were sexy and loooong overdue, but we got last!

I am intrigued by all the side characters—Hylene and Tristan, Willow and Amya, Nerissa...even Erevan. It was also so nice to see a couple faces again that meant so much to Lor in the first book! But my heart goes out to Gabriel and his journey in all this—I need for him to get his HEA, too! I adore him. His grumpiness is 100% warranted in this situation.

For audiobook listeners: I wholeheartedly recommend the audiobook. The performances by the three actors for Lor, Nadir, and Gabriel are amazing. There were some really intense scenes with Gabriel especially and I could FEEL his pain and rage in those chapters to my core. Fantastic work to them all!

Can't wait to discuss this book next on the Story Darlings podcast!

Tale of the Heart Queen can't come out soon enough. 😩😩😩

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AHHHHH the end of this book!!!! Gnawing at the bars of my enclosure for book 4 because no way I can survive not knowing what happens after that cliffhanger!!!! The middle portion of this book I found to be a little slower than the previous books, but the beginning & end (especially the end) made up for it! This book has all the best found family vibes, fated mates, a quest (I LOVE a quest) & lots of plot bombs that had me flipping the pages so fast to find out what happens next. I do wish some things were explained over more time & other things explained more briefly, but I had few complaints!! I really enjoyed this & am ecstatic for the next book!!!

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Thank you to Perfect (Grand Central Publishing) and Netgalley for an eARC copy of Fate of The Sun King in exchange for an honest review.

I was glad to see the progress of Lor's story and that there were still new things to learn about her and her family. I appreciate that when the author approaches the characters of Lor and Nadir, she does not say that they don't do mad things. Both characters make it clear that they are willing to tragic things for the right reason. I appreciated that it was not a Hallmark washing of ethics. I do think that some of the language that was used was too modernized for the era that this seems to be taking place in. Unfortunately it cheapens the writing for me because I don't feel as immersed in the "fantasy, castles, no electricity" of it all.

I will say that for some reason I thought that was the last book in the series and flipped back and forth from the last page yelling "WHAT?!". I will be waiting for the explanation in the next!

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Nisha!!!!! Why would you do that to us!!! I need book 4 asap. That ending had me in a chokehold and now I don’t know what to do with my life till November!!! Again I absolutely love this book. Nisha has a way of just sucking you into this world and it’s written in a way to where you can mentally see everything happening. The world building and the lore just make you feel like you are physically in the book and on an adventure alongside the characters. I am so excited for book 4 and to see what happens next for Lor and Nadir.

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Thank you Forever and Netgalley for my ARC copy of Fate of the Sun King. I devoured book one and when I saw this up for grabs I knew I wanted to get back to this Fantasy world. So upon approval, I picked up Book 2 and promptly realized I forgot 80% of book 1 that I read over a year ago. But as I continued on most of it came back.
Book 3 picked up right where book 2 had ended, and while this novel was very enjoyable at parts, I do not believe its for me. The multiple time lines, the vast amount of POV changes and the constant who are you again when they travel their world made for a lengthy read.

I do recommend this series to anyone who loves:
-multiple POVs
- past and present time lines
- fated mates
- slow burn romances
- on the page spicy scenes
- secrets
- hidden identity

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A fun, fast-paced fantasy romance installment in this series with a kickass heroine and a broody fae love interest. Bars, dark-corners, world-altering secrets and betrayals, what else could you ask for? The villain seems remarkably competent in this series, which is a pleasing development when there are otherwise caricatures opposing the main characters. Looking forward to the next and final book in the series!

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Fate of the Sun King by Nisha J. Tuli is the third book in Artefacts of Ouranos series. Lor, now in possession of the Heart Crown, must evade power-hungry rulers and unlock her magic to reclaim her family's legacy. As she battles enemies and her feelings for the Aurora Prince, she discovers the truth about the Artefacts, with her future hanging in the balance.

Fate of the Sun King was one of my most anticipated June reads! I absolutely loved Trial of the Sun Queen and while Rule of the Aurora King was slower, I appreciated it for the deeper dive into the characters' pasts. However, I had mixed feelings about Fate of the Sun King and it may be my least favorite in the series so far. The much-anticipated connection between Lor and Nadir felt disappointing and lackluster. The multiple POVs and subplots, though initially intriguing, ended up slowing down the story. I did enjoy learning more about Lor’s siblings, particularly their backstories and character development. Unfortunately, the pacing was extremely slow and repetitive, with too much planning and not enough action at the beginning, making the eventual action scenes feel underwhelming. Despite these issues, a few of the last chapters did manage to pull me back into the story and the book ended on a cliffhanger. I’m hoping the final installment in November will have a great conclusion to the series.

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This was such a wonderful book 3! I loved the writing and the story and I could not put it down! I cannot wait for the next book!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the eARC of Fate of the Sun King in exchange for an honest review. I was looking forward to this release SO much because I absolutely love and adore Nisha and all her writings. This book was a 3.5-4 star read for me though (usually all of her stuff is a 5/5 star). I had a difficult time staying engaged with the story, even though I love the characters. I will continue with the series and read Tale of the Heart Queen once it is released, especially after the cliffhanger ending.

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Thank you so much to Forever and Netgalley for providing an advanced copy of this! All thoughts and opinions are still my own.

One of my most anticipated sequels of the year and it definitely didn't disappoint!

I started this series earlier this year and have completely fallen head over heels in love with it. This is a great twist on some classic fantasy romance themes and I'm wholly addicted.

I don't want to go into too much detail since this is so far into the series, but I love how the relationship, magic, and world is developing. This had so many twists and turns that I didn't see coming and I can't wait to see how it all wraps up in book 4!

I'm so glad we're getting books 3 and 4 so close together because I truly don't know how I'd wait a year for that conclusion 😅

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I really enjoyed the character development, especially with Gabriel. And the declaration of love between Lor and Nadir was fantastic—I've been eagerly anticipating that moment. However, I find the series as a whole to be rather mild. Books 1 and 2 were just okay for me, so I wasn't sure what to expect from book 3. Given its title, "Fate of the Sun King," I was hoping for more focus on Atlas, but he doesn't appear much until the very end.

The biggest issue for me was the plot—it felt scattered and left some plot holes. Hopefully, these will be resolved in Book 4.

Thank you NetGalley for providing this ARC!

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I think I died after reading this one. I need the next book like NOW. This plot line is 🔥 and the moment I was waiting for FINALLY happened! IYKYK. 😏

My heart had all the emotions while reading and I loved seeing the stories of the other characters more. The twists and turns of this story kept me wondering what the hell else could happen!

The imagery was astounding, the multiple POVs were so good, and seeing the backstory of the first rulers of Ouranos was my favorite part! I love how Nisha brought each character to life and they all hold a special place in my heart (except for a certain Sun King 🤦🏻‍♀️ )

If you haven’t started this series, you NEED to. It’s got all the best elements of popular fantasy series but put into its own little world. Really can’t explain how perfect these books are without spoiling everything!

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Thank you, NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review. I love Nisha Tuli's writing and this series even more. This was an incredible third installment of this series. The tension, the banter, ugh. SO GOOD! She always leaves you with questions that you just NEED to be answered. I can't wait for book four!

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Fate of the Sun King by Nisha J. Tuli is an enthralling third installment in the Artefacts of Ouranos series, following Lor as she navigates the perilous journey of an heir on the run. With the Heart Crown in her possession, she must unlock her magic, reclaim her family's legacy, and confront her feelings for the Aurora Prince, Nadir. The story beautifully explores the resilience and deep bonds of Lor, her siblings, and their allies as they uncover ancestral secrets and face relentless enemies. The book ends on a heart-wrenching cliffhanger, setting the stage for an epic showdown. Tuli's masterful storytelling, complex characters, and diverse representation make this a must-read fantasy romance.

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This series truly gets better and better with every release! I enjoyed the first two books plenty and gave them a solid 4 stars, but THIS hit in every way I wanted to and felt like it brought the entire story up to its true potential for me.

We pick up right where we left off from book two, and Lor is in the thick of learning about her powers and her mysterious family history. We also jumped around a lot in terms not only POVs but also time periods, going back further than we ever have before to an age that was largely a mystery. I LOVED this so much, it made Ouranos all the more richer of a world, with more complex characters and variable motivations. There are some villains that have firmly remained power-hungry villains who you can do nothing but hate, but we also learned about some of the more human sides of our adversaries in some moments. In that same vein, Lor learns about the less-than-admirable sides of her ancestors, and has to grapple with how these past events will color every decision she makes from here on out.

And we MUST talk about the romance: I'm trying my hardest to avoid spoilers but let me tell you, this love story between Lor & Nadir has been the slooooooowwwwesst of slow burns... But the PAYOFF, the payoff was so incredibly worthwhile. These two have grappled with so many difficult feelings, so much hurt and trauma, and so many political barriers to feeling the way they know they feel. I loved loved LOVED how well Nisha J. Tuli explored all of these difficult facets of their relationship and their past, and I think it made a ton of sense (given Lor's life thus far) that they took as long as they did to reconcile with their feelings. These two were absolutely swoon-worthy in this book, both in terms of spice/tension but ALSO in the way of love and devotion. It just struck the most, most perfect balance.

Lastly, I have a bone to pick about THIS FREAKING CLIFFHANGER. I saw the % creeping up on my kindle and just thought "there is no way she will leave us here," but oh man.... she did. She did that. And I'm going to be frantically searching for answers until the next release drops!

Thank you so, so very much to the author, Forever, and NetGalley for this eArc. I cannot WAIT to get my hands on the sequel!

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