Member Reviews

This series truly gets better and better with every release! I enjoyed the first two books plenty and gave them a solid 4 stars, but THIS hit in every way I wanted to and felt like it brought the entire story up to its true potential for me.

We pick up right where we left off from book two, and Lor is in the thick of learning about her powers and her mysterious family history. We also jumped around a lot in terms not only POVs but also time periods, going back further than we ever have before to an age that was largely a mystery. I LOVED this so much, it made Ouranos all the more richer of a world, with more complex characters and variable motivations. There are some villains that have firmly remained power-hungry villains who you can do nothing but hate, but we also learned about some of the more human sides of our adversaries in some moments. In that same vein, Lor learns about the less-than-admirable sides of her ancestors, and has to grapple with how these past events will color every decision she makes from here on out.

And we MUST talk about the romance: I'm trying my hardest to avoid spoilers but let me tell you, this love story between Lor & Nadir has been the slooooooowwwwesst of slow burns... But the PAYOFF, the payoff was so incredibly worthwhile. These two have grappled with so many difficult feelings, so much hurt and trauma, and so many political barriers to feeling the way they know they feel. I loved loved LOVED how well Nisha J. Tuli explored all of these difficult facets of their relationship and their past, and I think it made a ton of sense (given Lor's life thus far) that they took as long as they did to reconcile with their feelings. These two were absolutely swoon-worthy in this book, both in terms of spice/tension but ALSO in the way of love and devotion. It just struck the most, most perfect balance.

Lastly, I have a bone to pick about THIS FREAKING CLIFFHANGER. I saw the % creeping up on my kindle and just thought "there is no way she will leave us here," but oh man.... she did. She did that. And I'm going to be frantically searching for answers until the next release drops!

Thank you so, so very much to the author, Forever, and NetGalley for this eArc. I cannot WAIT to get my hands on the sequel!

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This series has me in a complete chokehold and I absolutely LOVED this third installment. I saw great improvements in the mysterious POV choices when compared to Rule of the Aurora King as I wasn't bored during each alternate POV. I think Nadir and Lor's romance unfolded brilliantly and I can't wait for book 4!

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This series just keeps amping up the intrigue and drama… I love it! Definitely keeps me coming back for more! And that cliffhanger….. dang woman why you have to go ripping out our hearts like that! Can’t wait for the conclusion in November!

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Wow what a way to end on a cliffhanger! I like how the spice picks up in this third book. The character development is growing more complex and I had to really take my time to read and process exactly who all the characters were and what part they play in the different worlds. That aside, the storyline is captivating and creative. I thoroughly enjoyed my time reading this one and look forward to the finale in book four!

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This book!!!! I have loved Nisha J. Tuli's writing since I first read Night of Heart and Fire, and that love has only grown as I worked my way through her titles. Fate of the Sun King solidified her as a favorite author of mine for SURE.

Nisha writes with such an easy pacing and diction that defines each character's voice so clearly. It's impossible not to slip away into the worlds she creates. As Lore and Nadir's story progresses and their found family grows and becomes more complex in its weaving, the plot for The Artefacts of Ouranos becomes ever more captivating. There is tension, banter, joy, and utter devastation on these pages and the ending is *chef's kiss*. I hated and loved it in equal measure.

This is an easy five stars for me and I cannot wait to find out what happens next- my only regret is having devoured it in a single day.

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I need book 4 and I need it now. I freaking loved this return to Ouranos. I wanted to savor it and then read the last half in a day! Getting Gabe’s POV was everything. Nadir and Lor, you can do no wrong. And you will continue to do no wrong from now until the evanescence claims you. Right? RIGHT?! Anyways. November needs to be here yesterday.

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Absolutely loved this book. Semi-spoilers ahead!

I just did a reread of the first 2, so I would be fully prepared for this book and it did not disappoint. We learned SO much in this book, but got just as many questions. The pacing was perfect and I loved the character development as well. I enjoyed seeing Willow start to come into her own and Lor finally allow herself to open up. I KNEW there was more to Gabriel and I’m so glad we got more of his story as well. I really enjoyed his POV. The Sun King’s secret was definitely unexpected. I knew he was up to something, but it wasn’t that. Made me hate him all over again.

Can’t wait for book 4! Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the ARC.

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(Very minor, baby spoilers already mentioned on the book jacket)

Fate of the Sun King is the 3rd book in the Artefacts of Ouranos quartet and my favorite book yet in the whole series! Each book had been immensely different in overall storyline and this one broke the mold. Nadir and Lor return as the main characters in their quest to take revenge on the Aurora King and help Lor get her magic back and discover what her true purpose is within the Heart Kingdom. They get to travel all over Ouranos in this noble and it was so fun going on this journey!

I am very excited to read the fourth and final book coming out in November! I don’t want to leave this interesting world though!

What Fate of the Sun King did *so* right -
💋The sexual tension was palpable in this and a massive improvement to the cringe of book 2
💋The world was expanded and there were POVs that time traveled to the past and taught the reader about so much of the history of Ouranos
💋The multiple POVs grew and changed with the story! Gabriel is my favorite character now (as I knew he would be with more screen time) and I would love a prequel now thanks to the many jumps to the past
💋Gabriel is the funniest and most complex character - forced into servitude with so many secrets and tense feelings - I just want to have him in plushie form and go on adventures together tbh.
💋Getting to meet and discover the wonderful side characters this book including Willow, Tristan, and Mael was such a delight! Nisha Tuli can write a side character that makes you want to invest 300 pages into their own backgrounds and eccentricities

What I wanted more (or less) of -
💔Chapters of the past and beginnings of Ouranos. I left this book a bit unfinished here.
💔Mentions of food and lifestyle of the citizens - I didn’t connect to the plight of the plebeians without some more day to day lifestyle builds.
💔Less steam that was not necessary
💔Less grammatical errors

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What a great third book in the series! I love how the plot developed in this book, especially towards the end as the climax is hitting its highest point with secrets coming out, troubling decisions, and revenge and distrust amongst the group! I know the fourth book is gonna be so much fun as everything plays out!

I also love the growth of Lor and Gabriel, both of them have changed and grown into who they are meant to be, that you can’t help but root for them to have it all work out and be with their loves! Lor and Nadir have a great relationship that is still developing and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out!

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Ahhhh this book! I don’t know what to say that wouldn’t be a spoiler at this point but I think everyone should read this series. It continues to be a 5-star series in my books. I’m dying for the fourth book now 😭!

Thanks so much to Forever Pub, NetGalley and Nisha J Tuli for the arc! 🥰

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Fate of the Sun King was breathtaking, mind-blowing, baffling, and absolutely well worth the wait! As the third installment of the Artefacts of Ouranos series, there were extremely high expectations for this release and I was admittedly a bit nervous to see how FOTSK would measure up. If I’m honest, I don’t think Nisha could ever write a book that I won’t absolutely devour, but I truly can’t express the voracity with which I read this book - it’s that good.

Similar to Rule of the Aurora King (Book 2), FOTSK introduces the reader to new POVs that span across a multitude of timeline masterfully interwoven. Gabriel is the first additional POV that the reader encounters. Each chapter told from his point of view allows the reader to delve deeper into the raw and honest history of the Sun King’s court and its prominent players, unraveling mysteries that were laid out in Trial of the Sun Queen (Book 1). Tuli does a magnificent job of layering each new POV onto of the current day storyline, building upon the ancient lore and history of Ouranos that we had previously learned.

With the amount of character development and world building that occurs throughout FOTSK, it’s truly impressive that the pacing of the plot was not hindered in any way. There was not a single chapter or page that read as unnecessary or slow. Learning about each new character introduced as well as the deeper exploration of some of our favorite characters from the series was so refreshing. Often times the penultimate installation of a series reads a bit like a training montage where little to no action occurs aside from the preparation for the upcoming battle - this just wasn’t the case.

To be quite honest, I like to pride myself of being able to pick up on the thoughtfully laid out crumbs of foreshadowing an author gives us, but that was not the case with FOTSK. I had so many theories and notes written down about what I *knew* was going to happen, and every single one was wrong. It was amazing to constantly be surprised by the outcome and I’m not sure how I’ll be able to wait for the release of Tale of the Heart Queen.

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🧚‍♀️ Who doesn’t love a bingeable romantansy series? ⚔️

The Fate of the Sun King is the third installment in the Artefacts of Ouranos—for the sake of keeping the bulk of the series unspoiled, please feel free to scroll down to my original review of book one for the run down. Romantasy readers who enjoyed Throne of Glass and A Dawn of Onyx will devour this book. But truly, at the end of the day, it was the character driven writing (and the characters themselves) that constantly held my attention (or made me want to chuck the book across the room…in a loving, most compelling way).

Let me try and set the scene for you without giving spoilers:
☀️ Pointy, thorny FMC
☀️ He falls…(and falls again) first
☀️ The slowest of slow burns
☀️ A new POV that will wrench your heart out
☀️ Fae politics, underlying *upper chaos* lore
☀️ Pining :)

Gently put, I loved this book. Feral-put, I’m dying for the next book—the ending?

Thank you @NetGalley and @ReadForeverPub for the ARC! I did the happiest of happy dances opening the acceptance email.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for sending me an advanced copy for review!

No, because that ending was truly CRIMINAL!!! I don't know how I will be able to wait for book 4. I have SO MANY questions and so many theories, and I just know none of them are correct, lol. This is by far the best one in the series so far. You can really tell the difference between the writing and the world-building, even from book 2, and I enjoyed this one so much more. I won't lie; I struggled with all the information dumping, but I think it's worth it to get to that ending!

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Gosh do I love this series and this was another great installment! I can't wait to see how the story will end - but I"m getting ahead of myself!

There are many "spicy" scenes in this one - finally! The flashback scenes were great too! I thought I knew where it was going at one point and then I was completely wrong. I'm not a fan of Nadir's new pet name for Lor but I'll get over that.

I thought this was a great book and will be reading it again when its out - because that ending was O.o

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Thanks netgalley and forever for letting me review this book!

Lor is back, still trying to take down the Sun and Aurora Kings for the misery they wrote large in her life and across Ouranos. However, her magic is still trapped, shes on the run with her family, and she has super messy feelings for the Nadir, the aurora prince. She has pieces of the puzzle but will she be able to unlock her power in time to save everyone and herself?

This is the rare series that keeps getting better with every book. I liked the first book but it reminded me too much of other romantasy series i had read, the second one added the dual timelines and got me invested in the slow burn and lor's healing journey, and then in the dedication of this book the author goes ahead and lets slide that shes finally gonna let the characters fuck, followed by a super snarky character glossary that made me lol- i was immediately off to a good start. Sometimes the fated mate stuff got a lil heavy handed for me but maybe im in a cynical season of my life. I really loved gabriel returning the added layer of the empiryon and OMG THAT CLIFF HANGER. i cant wait for the next book.

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Another great installment in the series! I can't wait to see how this whole story ends, but I'm loving the journey.

Lor and Nadir finally accept their feelings (& fate?) which provides many spicy little moments in this book. And look, 'lightning bug' is definitely not my favourite term of endearment, but I think it suits the character.

I really enjoy the flashback chapters, showing how the current world came to be - the artefacts, the people and drama, the secrets and betrayals. It's crucial information to the story, but also just interesting to know.

Loved this one! But that ending??

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One of my most anticipated releases of the year, I absolutely devoured the first 2 books in the series! I was so desperate for book 3 I created a TikTok account and started posting bookish content with the hopes and dreams of scoring an ARC of Book 3! When I got the ARC approval email I nearly died of excitement!

So what is to love about Fate of the Sun King?
- Slowest of the slow burn, in all the right ways (the tension and build up!)
- Badass FMC with curves!
- Sexy as hell MMC with colorful aurora wings 🩷
- Great banter
- Spectacular found family
- additional POVs including Gabriel (who I may of may not be in love with)
- a plot that moves, we’re constantly on the go for this one
- Some shocking reveals that I did not see coming!
- Seamless inclusion of pertinent details from book 1 & 2 - (no need to reread even if you have a terrible memory like me)
- Excellent spice 🌶️

If you’re looking for a fun, fast paced, romantasy with plenty of non romantic plot this is a great series!

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First and Foremost, thank you to Nisha for the ARC, I have been blessed to receive ARCs of all of Nisha's works, and her books are an absolute blessing to this world, so thank you very much for letting me be one of those lucky souls :)

On that note, how dare you Nisha. You know what you did!!


Fate of the Sun King is the third book in the Artefacts of Ouranos series. So if you have not read this series, go back, read Trial of the Sun Queen and DM me once you've devoured the series in under 18 hours. Its THAT good. Anyway, I will try to keep this as spoiler free as possible.

This book leaves off right after Rule of the Aurora King. Lor and her team delve deeper into the history of the realms, are submitted to more dick swinging contests between those in power and go through some incredible personal (SOME VERY PERSONAL IYKYK) journeys. I love all the books in this series for different reasons, but the found family in this one had my heart so full. The character arcs, and all the trials and tribulations they live through, are really showcased. We learn that a lot of these people are just victims of their ancestors greed, and corruption (classic). Just praying we get a HEA in the next one! Especially after the end of this one....

BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT IT FINALLY HAPPENS. and thats all I will say about that.

Read this if you like:
- Enemies to Lovers
- Fated Mates
- Girls who wield daggers
- Found Family
- Hot, possessive Fae male who is a dark aurora daddy.
- Political Intrigue
- A Trial (book 1)
- If you like ACOTAR - this is my top rec.
- multiple pov
- slow burn
- spicy

I cannot wait to see where the next one goes, but know this, its going to be an absolute banger.

Trial of the Sun Queen *****
Rule of the Aurora King *****

Other Books by Nisha
Heart of Night and Fire *****
Dance of Star and Ashes *****
Wicked is the Reaper ****
Feral is the Beast *****

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I loved this addition to the Artefacts of Ouranos series. The world expanded through flashbacks that gave a lot of insight into the history and lore of the world.

This story begins right where Rule of the Aurora King ends. Lor and Nadir are discovering more about Lor's past and who they are to each other. I also really love the side characters, especially moody Gabriel.

I love Nisha's writing and how everything feels intentional and necessary to advance the story. I can’t wait for the next book and I NEED it after the end of this one!

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WOW. Will do my best to avoid spoilers!

I had a blast devouring this book! I thoroughly enjoyed the introduction to more lore and history of Ouranos. The complexity of the layers of the past were really well laid out. There were new, multiple POV’s that we get introduced to in order to dive into the history. We learn of some of the information directly from new character POV’s and then get additional details to fill in the blanks as Lor is learning more about the past through the people she meets and artefacts she encounters.

The burn was the slowest, seeing as it took about two and a half books to get to, but I think the payoff was great! The only drawback is that I preferred “inmate” to the new term of endearment Nadir begins using for Lor. *sigh*

I felt like my rating of the book would be more of a 4 star read because of how much maneuvering had to be accomplished in this book - the ragtag group is researching history and searching for answers to as many things as they can to prepare themselves for the fight they know is ahead. While a lot of things are being set up, I felt like my interest held because of the history introduced and how we learned about it. That ending changes everything though! It was a WILD ride and I was left gasping! I need answers about what Lor was able to do and what it all means!!!

The ending is a HUGE cliffhanger, so beware when you start it, but I know it’s setting up for an insane finale!

I have enjoyed all the books in this series so far and cannot wait to see how it ends!

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