Member Reviews
The way this novel is written fits well with the world and characters it depicts. The plot points smoothly roll from one to the next, never feeling too fast or too slow, just gracefully carrying the reader along until the culmination of the story. The book starts with Dom, which is a great way to build interest in the heroine by focusing on the mystique she creates to him. The story also stays mostly with Dom’s perspective, a surprise twist for the genre, and it works well due to the depth of the characters.
The relationship between Dom and Jaime is bittersweet, both being so in love with the other but unable to understand how they could be loved themselves. In every move they make, Dom and Jaime are both pushing the other away even as they pulled closer. Dom is afraid of his strength while Jaime is afraid of her weakness, never realizing that together they balanced each other. It is so fulfilling when they finally accept that their being together makes the other all they could hope to be.
Grandpa Jack would be considered the “wise fool” had this been a classical play. He said and did things to antagonize —which is a bit of a hoot—while helping everyone find the truth of the situation. His eccentricity could cause Jack to be underestimated, but his actions always moved the plot forward.
I do not think I have ever read a book so perfectly formed. The writing style is near flawless, the pace flows beautifully, the characters have such depth… I would not only buy this book but all others in the series without a second thought. Laura Florand has created a world that you will want to get as lost in as Jaime did.