Member Reviews

Thanks so much to NetGalley for the opportunity to read A Westerly Wind Brings Witches by Sally Walker. Not what I was expecting. I am very happy I continued reading; i found the book to be sad, but hopeful.

Moira goes to Cornwall to join a coven for stroppy women. Witches and Wisewoman stand together to reclaim female spirituality, unearthing pagan roots, and standing on stones during full moons. Along with some trips back to 'The Burning Times' where women's role in the lingering rural folkways was disappearing from Merrie England.
This book has some amusing parts and some very poignant parts too. Personally, I preferred the sections with were written in the historic timeline as it appealed to me far more.
For me it only really got 3 stars as I just felt very neutral about it
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC

Poor Moira has almost nothing going for her and I did find the start of this one somewhat heavy-going as Walker ensured we were very aware of that fact. It would have been frankly unbearable if the way Life is heaped against Moira hadn’t been leavened with doses of humour. But I would also add that Walker’s humour is very Brit. Rather dark and sarky. Fortunately, there is a change in the tone once she gets to Cornwall and meets up and makes friends, especially Pat.
In her meditations, Moira experiences two former lives. The first and most vivid is as the beautiful, sweet-natured Hannah. And after what befalls this lovely girl, I completely understand why Moira returns as someone without charm or attractiveness. I also found a huge sense of relief to get back to Moira, who then redoubles her efforts to understand more about how magic operates for those who open themselves up to the possibility, after Puritanism tried to eradicate the Old Ways and a lot of that knowledge was lost.
This isn’t just about a story of a modern woman trying to reclaim her ancient birthright as a wise woman or witch. In amongst that exploration, there is a lot of discussion about the Big Questions. Why are we here? What is Life about? This could have both silted up the narrative and turned the story into a heavy-handed, pretentious mess. What stops this happening is that these discussions are nested amongst the coven and tend to occur once everyone is seated around a blazing fire. So there is also a lot of humour threading through the arguments. What Moira does have going for her is a hungry, questing mind that doesn’t let go of a concern, which I enjoyed and appreciated.
There are also some lovely poignant moments that I found very moving, in amongst the arguing, questions and flashbacks. And while this is an ambitious book that attempts to cover a lot of ground, other than being slightly overwritten at times – she has a very wordy style – this is one that will stay with me for a long time. And if you are interested in reading a book that attempts to take a look at what being a witch truly meant and can still mean – then give this one a go. While I obtained an arc of A Westerly Wind Brings Witches from the publishers via Netgalley, the opinions I have expressed are unbiased and my own.

2 1/2 stars. This book starts off depressing. Moira doesn't have a terrible life but it isn't great either. She just doesn't have any happiness in her life. So, one day she decides to chuck it all and ends up in Cornwall where she becomes drawn to the Wicca life style. She eventually forms friendships and finds some self-empowerment.
I didn't find it as funny as the blurb described it and over all was kind of disappointed in Moira's present day life. However, the exploration of two of her past lives turned out to be interesting. That turned out to be the best part of the book for me.
A mixed bag. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

I started reading this based on the book description. Having read 20+% of the book, I have failed to raise a smile, let alone a giggle.
In fact the amount I've read bears no relation to the description. It certainly looks at an historical period, with pagans, but nothing modern with a group of friends, and female emancipation. Although, it is true there is a rag tag group of 'witches' in the modern village.
Very disappointed with the style and content.

I loved this life affirming and intriguing story that mixes paranormal and women's fiction. Moira is an interesting characters and I liked the past life and how the character changed.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

We follow Moira who had a hard upbringing and never felt like she fitted in.
She moves to Cornwall and meets a coven of witches. Moira discovers friendship and a new way of life even her past lives.
I enjoyed this book but felt it was a little hard to follow at time's.
Actual rating 3.5

After having enough of living a boring life Moira up ends everything to move to Cornwall where she joins a witch coven and lets her new life begin.
I have very mixed feelings about this book, i struggled to get into it and found some of the language used strange and a little too much. Throughout the book we see moira progress in her current life but also get two of her past lives as well. I didn't particularly like the modern day plot but loved the past lives.
The concept of the past lives was intriguing and historically fascinating. I felt it was easier to understand the character and have real emotion and attachment to her throughout the past lives. These scenes made me feel real emotion and I just wanted to read more about it.
I did enjoy the majority of the book and do look forward to what this author may produce in the future

I really struggled with this book, I think it was the writing style and the story felt jagged. It took me 3 or 4 attempts to actually get into it enough to continue reading past chapter 1.
It's a really interesting premise and once the story gets going it's a good read.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read and review this ARC.

Moira’s story is both sad and exhilarating. Her life started out rather hard but she took charge and left home when she was able to and discovered witches when she arrived in Cornwall. This is where things get interesting, as we explore three of Moira’s lives, the present and two past lives. This made for a pretty good read!

A story of three parts
Moira left Slough and moved to Cornwall where she becomes a member of the local witches coven and this book follows her current life plus 2 of her previous ones
I have really mixed feelings about this book, I really enjoyed Moira’s past lives, they came across really well written and pulled me in so I was more emotionally attached to the story, however I really struggled with present day Moira. She is very depressing and I really struggled to bond to her, and for at least some of the time, actually care about her life which sounds so awful. Like I say, mixed feelings
The book looks at some of the more challenging times in history, the Elizabethan witch hunts and the Black Death of the 1300’s from a point of view that I haven’t read before and I found it fascinating. It made the times more real, not just dates and events in history books but the reality of witches and women in a time so different to our present
I did think the author portrayed the subject of witches and past lives really well and it has intrigued me to want to find out more
I would recommend this book to those who enjoy an alternate story which will pull you in and let you see a different side to some of the more famous events in history whilst also weaving a story that you will love

A funny book, based on a tragic childhood, where Moira, the lead character in the book, is ignored at best. One day she decides to go to Cornwall where she finds witches. I will not tell you anything more, or it would spoil the story, but I do recommend the book, as it is a good read. It is a comedy with real humour, I found it both funny and at times, heartbreaking.

Thank you Collective Ink Limited, Sally Walker and Netgalley for this free ARC in exchange for a review.
This pagan novel involving a past life is good, though not great. The parts taking place in the past held more attention than the modern ones. The modern chapters seemed to be padded with a lot of scenes that didn't add much if anything to the story.