Member Reviews

A Sweet and precious picture book about an even more precious Hummingbird. And the artwork is simply gorgeous.

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This book screams self published and not in a good way. While I do like illustrations, I have a feeling they are AI. When scrolling through they take on different art styles coloration etc. they don’t seem to have a flow like you would see with an artist. Some are bright and overexposed some look more drawn some are fuzzy. Just I wanna like the illustrations I can’t. Ask for the story it is long. This is a case of didn’t show. This feels more like a story a parent would make up at bedtime then a well-done edited picture book you would buy at a bookstore.

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What a beautiful and heartwarming story about the love of a mom and her children. I can’t get enough of those wonderful illustrations. So bright, colorful and absolutely adorable. Hummy is a little hummingbird waiting on her eggs to hatch. As soon as they are born her heart swells with love. She loves them with all her heart and promises to take care of them and keep them safe. We follow their journey as a family as the little ones grow up and learn to fly. The story shows how much the mom cares for her babies as they grow and how she is always there for them. Your family will love this story and it will become a treasure for you too. It is truly a wonderful story showing the strong love a mother has for her children, all through their life. It would also be a perfect gift for a new mother and family.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Dr. Kasey-Ann Cornwall for the sheer joy of reading this book. While children’s books often touch my heart, this one especially did so because it brought memories of my parents watching the hummingbirds outside their windows. We always enjoyed them and this book is so beautifully illustrated I can’t wait to share it with my nieces. The story of how Hummy loves and watches over her family is so special that it’s a perfect gift for anyone in your life. I highly recommend this for everyone.

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I love how beautiful this book is! I like how it represents the lives of birds, step by step and the care of mother bird. Daaamn. I love this book!

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This is such a cute book. It not only shows that you should listen to your parents and that sometimes if you feel things it’s not as bad as it seems. I think this is really great for showing children that sometimes things can be scary, but it also will be alright, but you can handle that and I love that inbox and I love the art style I loved just everything in this book just hit really well, especially for children’s book

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A cute children's picture book that will touch the hearts of young ones with its charming tale of Hummy the hummingbird and her adorable adventures. The illustrations are absolutely stunning, bringing Hummy's world to life with vivid colors and intricate details that will spark the imagination of children. What I enjoyed most about this book is its storyline, which not only entertains but also teaches valuable lessons about nature, love, and courage. Whether it's for story time or bedtime, Hummy's Little Treasures is sure to become a beloved favorite in any child's library.

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This book has the most beautiful illustrations and the storyline is so very sweet. It shows a mother’s love for her babies and how we prepare them to fly on their own. This applies to human children growing up as well. I just loved this book and can’t wait to buy it and read it to my grandchildren. Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book in return for an honest review.

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A cute story with absolutely precious illustrations. This book will make anyone smile.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy.

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This is a beautifully illustrated story that shows how much a mother bird loves her babies and how proud she is of them when they learn to fly.
My two great granddaughters, ages 3 and 6, loved it.
I received a complimentary copy from Independently Published via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Alright kiddos, gather 'round because Hummy's Little Treasures is about to take you on a wild ride through the magical world of Hummy the hummingbird! This book isn't just your average picture book – oh no, it's a feast for your eyes with its dazzling illustrations that'll make you feel like you're right there in the garden with Hummy and her gang. And let me tell you, Hummy's adventures are nothing short of epic – from caring for her precious eggs to teaching her babies how to spread their wings and fly, this bird's got it all! But it's not just about the fun stuff – Hummy's Little Treasures also sneaks in some important lessons about nature, love, and being brave. So, if you're ready for a wild ride with Hummy and her crew, grab a copy of this book ASAP and get ready to spread your wings and soar! 🐦✨

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I read this story to my 4 year old son. My son has reviewed this book. He liked the story of the baby birds growing up and learning things like how to fly. He really liked the pictures in the book and how they helped show what was happening in the story.. My son really enjoyed the book and wanted it to be read to him again. After the story he was able to tell me what had happened in the book.

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My 3 and 6 year old liked reading this book with me. My 6 year old son loved the colorful illustrations. We have hummingbirds come to our feeders in the summer so this is definitely a book I would purchase for our family.

My only comment is that the pictures don't always seem to flow. Ex: in one picture the baby bird is yellow and looks like a chick and on the next page the babies are brown and white. Another example, on the last page it says the family is wrapped in a mother's loving wings but her wings are not wrapped around her babies.

My kids didn't notice and I might be being too picky but thought I would point it out.

Overall, I thought this was a cute, fun book about hummingbirds with beautiful illustrations.

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I enjoyed this book so much. First off I think it is the most beautifully illustrated book I've ever seen. The colors are so bright and vibrant. The pictures go so well with the story. This would be a lovely book for a mother to read to her child or children. I plan to buy it for my daughter-in-law to read ti her daughter when it is released.

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Five stars for the artwork—one star for the story and writing.

The thing about <i>Hummy’s Little Treasures,</i> that irks me is the fact that there was so much potential here. If you can illustrate <i>that well</i>, my goodness, what a waste it is to have the text and story to be that awful.

Seeing your little ones “fly off on their own” as they grow is such a repetitive trope for bird related children’s books to the point that if you’re going to waste such gorgeous artwork on that kind of story, you <i>really</i> need to do something, <i>anything</i> to make that story accessible to the children who will inevitably read or have it read to them.

The first missed mark is that the story, overall, was very boring. The second missed mark is that there was absolutely nothing about the text that would engage and entertain a child. The third missed mark was that there was absolutely zero musicality to the text—ultimately, you find yourself reading it and wondering why the hell nothing rhymes or has a cadence. And the fourth missed mark is that the language was very advanced for young readers.

It’s great for kids to learn new vocabulary, of course, but as someone who literally teaches children to read for a living, I always find it so depressing when a children’s book has an opportunity to aid in that goal and doesn’t even bother. I mean, honestly, what child who fits in the age range for this book is going to be interested in the story in the first place without even getting into how utterly difficult words like fluttered, nerves, excitement, soared, emeralds, treasures, heart, special, delicate, nectar, gathering, strong, precious, fragile, feathers, curious, knowing, encouraged, and ready are for them to read.

The only thing this book really has going for it is that the illustrations are perfectly beautiful. They’re colorful and engaging. Any kiddo who loves to look at bright animals will <i>love</i> this. It’s just such a shame that the writing doesn’t compliment it at all. This feels more like a book for those moms who have their feels rather than a book that offers young kiddos much of anything at all.

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Thank you so much to Dr. Kasey-Ann Cornwall and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.

Hummy is a proud hummingbird, she protects her eggs until they hatch and treasures them when they do. The story shares the love between a mother and her babies through stunning illustrations, a sweet story and hummingbirds.

This was so beautiful the illustrations throughout are honestly gorgeous, the little baby hummingbirds are the cutest things ever. You are drawn to look at these illustrations they are so bright and so beautifully done.

The story is the sweetest it shows how a mothers love is the strongest bond ever, taking you from how she cared before they were hatched, after they hatched, feeding them, snuggling them and then teaching them how to be independent without her, but that she’s never far away.

This is a perfect story for little ones to have read to them, they will feel their own parents love whilst being read to them, they will be swept up in the beautifulness of the illustrations and really enjoy this sweet story about hummingbirds.

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Very beautiful artwork and the storytelling was wonderfully done. A mothers love and encouragement to grow and fly and explore the world and all it’s beautiful surroundings while knowing a mothers love is never ending. Beautifully written.

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This book had vibrant and beautiful colors but didn't interest my son at all. It didn't hold my interest either. More details and fun facts would help.

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This is such a beautiful book with a lovely heartwarming story and beautiful pictures. My son loved me reading it to him.

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3.3 ⭐️
I was drawn to this book for the adorable illustrations. So vivid and colorful. However the art style varies on every page, causing the characters to look different each time. In my experience with kids, the “question askers” would lose focus on the story to point that out on ever page.

🪺 The story is about a mother hummingbird and her joy of watching her babies grow. The main lesson is about the mother’s love.

😴 I could see this being a bedtime story for mother and child.

Thanks to NetGalley and *Dr. Kasey-Ann Cornwall for providing me with a complimentary ARC to review! *And thank you for your service in the US Airforce 🫡

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