Member Reviews

This book was funnier than the last and enjoyable. This book reminded me of watching a sitcom and I couldn't get enough. I love all of the characters and their quirks.

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This is probably my least favorite of the series so far...I didn't feel connected to the characters as much as the previous books and I actually was quite irritated with the MMC at times.

I would still continue in the series, but I don't think it even compares to the other books.

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The tattooed PI boyfriend gets wrapped up in a past case, and he just can’t let it go. In fact, he lets pretty much everything else in his life, including sleep, go, to try and focus on this case. The romance is great, the banter is even better! I loved it!

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I love Lucy score and I love Riley and Nick! The whole series is perfect but this is probably my favorite one yet. It’s hilarious, swooney, and a perfect amount of mystery a perfect vacation read.

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Lucy Score is incredible. Each book I read gets better and better. These have just the right amount of drama and comedy to keep me intrigued the whole time.

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I love this, Lucy’s writing is just so good to me! This is probably one of my favorites! I love how crazy these books are, you never know what someone will say but it’s so normal for this series as well. Such a fun read!

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“Nick, I know you’re glad to see me alive, but you’re going to have to let me go so I can do this.”
“Nope. Oh, we’re going to dinner tonight. Then I’m taking you to the beach for the weekend.”

This was such a fun read! Another adventure for Nick and Riley. I cracked up at reading how Nick and Riley are navigating living next-door to all of their crazy neighbors/ex roommates. Basically, they have no privacy lol! Of course, this book wouldn’t be complete without the hilarious scenarios and scenes that Riley and her friends get into. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the story line featuring Beth. At times I felt like it was a little overwhelming at the same time underwhelming. I did like the pacing a lot more in this book over the other ones. The mystery took place only after a few days instead of a few weeks. The ending was hilarious and exciting as always! I cannot wait to see what is next in store for the characters!

Read if you like:
3rd person dual POVs
Paranormal romance
A bit of mystery
Hilarious side characters
Swoony hero
Open door romance

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I’m completely hooked, and you will be too once you dive in. This book is a perfect blend of romantic suspense and laugh-out-loud comedy, with just enough mystery to keep you on the edge of your seat. If you’ve been following Riley and Nick’s adventures, you already know how amazing they are together—and this installment takes it to a whole new level.

Nick and Riley are moving in together (yay for fixer-uppers!), but of course, nothing is simple in their world. Nick is all caught up trying to solve the mystery of his missing ex-partner, Beth (now calling herself Sesame... yeah, it's as weird as it sounds haha), and Riley is dealing with her psychic powers going totally haywire. And let's not forget the hilarious elderly neighbors who just can’t seem to stay out of their business—Mrs. Penny is on a roll, solving her own little mysteries, and honestly, the whole gang is an absolute riot!

I love how Lucy Score keeps things fresh with each book. The humor is top-notch, with plenty of quirky, heartwarming moments that had me giggling throughout. There are these wild scenarios (like a thief clown and a ‘doggy doody bandit’), and somehow, it all works so perfectly together. You never know what’s going to happen next, and I love that unpredictable twisty vibe.

The dynamic between Nick and Riley just keeps getting better. There are some serious moments of tension (hello, Riley getting abducted!), but also so much growth and love between them. Nick’s development has been fantastic to watch—he’s really learning to balance his past and his present with Riley, and it’s so satisfying. And Riley, with her quick wit and her struggle to deal with the craziness around her, is just the best. The two of them together? Pure magic.

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I am such a huge Lucy score fan and I was so honored to get this book to review! Lucy’s books are always hilarious and the plot was so entertaining. I really got sucked in and enjoyed reading it! Thank you for the opportunity!

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I'm not the biggest cozy mystery fan, but Nick and Riley crack me up! I really enjoyed this and would love to circle back to the series from the top, as I jumped in sort of in the middle.

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Blast from the Past was a hoot from start to finish! Fast paced whodunnit with great main characters, wacky side characters, and plenty of laugh out loud moments. I can't wait to read the next book in this highly entertaining series!

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Another highly entertaining instalment of the Riley Thorn series. Riley and Nick and their hilarious crew of misfit friends and family get involved in investigating the disappearance of Nick's former partner's sister Beth. Can't wait to find out what Riley et al. get into in the next book!

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Another fun mystery from Lucy Score. Love all the characters and mysteries. The psychic part is not my favorite. However, I’m sure this series will find its audience.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC to read and review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Sourcebooks for this ARC by Lucy Score. The third in its series, I really enjoyed Score’s newest addition to Thorn’s story. I would’ve loved more Nick and Riley moments, just the two of them, but do appreciate the craziness of the plot. I think Sesame was a fun addition, and I’m still waiting on Jas and Weber to get together already! If you want a fun ensemble cast, compelling storylines, and comedic relief, I highly recommend this series!

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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I will ready anything from Lucy Score I discovered her last year and have been working on her back log. A fun paranormal romance with some mystery to it. I’ve been enjoying this whole series

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Another great installment to this super fun series. What a bingeable series it is. It is so addictive and so much fun to read. It was such a fast read. Really loved it.

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I tired to give this series a try and it just wasn’t for me. I love Lucy Scores writing but I just think nothing has come close to her Knockemout series.

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I just love this series. Riley and her neighbors along with her ‘gifted’ family are a hoot. However her boyfriend really is not very likeable the way he has little trust in Riley, I wish he treated her better. The mystery of what happened to Beth was well done. Looking forward to the next book in the series.

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eek i fear im not quite enjoying this series. it doesn’t feel like lucy score whatsoever and i am in complete shock that this is the same who wrote the knockemout series for example. they are cozy 2000s vibes, but that’s about all that saves them

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