Member Reviews

This one really apparently wasn’t for me. I liked the characters but the plot fell a little short for me. I do think this will be a hit with her audience

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I was so thrilled to start another comedic mystery with Riley and this book happens to be everything I wished for! There’s nothing worse than a mystery that you can solve in the first chapter, this luckily was not that case. I also laughed out loud so many times, Lucy Score never fails to create a hilarious book.. I couldn’t put it down, highly recommend!

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This is my favorite series I've read this year and I'm sad I have to wait until July for book 4. I need more Nick and Riley shenanigans!

I love this series more with each book. You never know what Riley, Nick, and the gang are going to get into next. In Riley Thorn and the Blast from the Past, while Nick obsesses with solving a cold case, Riley is left taking care of everything else which includes babysitting Mrs. Penny.

The secondary characters add so much to this series! Even though Nick and Riley have moved out, they still can't get a moment alone together. Their elderly neighbors keep finding ways to get into their new house (even if they have to do a B&E). Riley and Nick never know what they're going to wake up to. The chaos is very entertaining and never fails to put a smile on my face. After Riley and Nick, Gabe is my favorite. He is the sweetest and I love the off the wall stuff he says 😂 I can't wait to see what's next for him and Wander. They are the cutest.

If you like the Stephanie Plum books, I highly recommend this series. It's even funnier and I love the romance so much more! I'm counting down to July when I can get my Riley and Nick fix!

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Contemporary rom com with a bit of spice and paranormal thrown in. I love these books! The main leads have fantastic chemistry and the banter is great. This series is so fun and I can't wait to read the next book.

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I never want to stop reading books about Riley Thorn! I loved being back in her odd world and reading about what shenanigans she and her bunch of misfits were up to now. I can't wait for the next book.

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Book 3 continues the adventures of Riley and Nick, but watch out for spoilers if you haven't read the first two books!

The familiar cast of characters and quirky neighbors make for a fun read, with Riley once again in trouble. The story keeps you hooked. Can't wait for the next book!

I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions included here are my own.

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Book 3 in the series and it still had me laughing and loving the characters. Glad to know what happened with Beth! There’s a lot of story line left for me so I hope another comes out because I love Riley , Nick and friends!

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Ummm excuse me Lucy Score but I’m gonna need you to write a lot more Riley Thorn. They are exactly what I needed and they are just such fun and just filled with amazing romance but also mysterious happenings and also dead people so yeah consider me an addict and give me more as soon as possible please.

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im OBSESSEEDDDDDD!! i love this author so so much. had the privilege of reading this early. cant wait so sell this in my store!! 5/5

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The Blast from the Past by Lucy Score (A Riley Thorn Novel)
Rating: 3/5

The Blast from the Past was my first read from Lucy Score. I have heard so many rave reviews about Lucy’s books and I may, or may not, own several paperbacks of hers, but this book just a bit too much cheese for my liking.

I did not find myself connecting with the characters as much as I wanted too and they ended up becoming a bit annoying towards the end in my opinion.

I can’t quite put my finger on why this book didn’t sit well for me, but perhaps it will for you. So if you’ve enjoyed previous works from Lucy, please give this one a try.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and SourceBooks Bloom Books | Bloom Books for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Riley Thorn and the Blast from the Past by Lucy Score is a cozy mystery. It's the third book from the Riley Thorn series.

To say that this book is the best mystery I have read this year, would be absolutely true. It's incredible, unique, and downright hilarious. It's a great mix of comedy and mystery with an engaging plot and magnificent characters. From the first few chapters, you realize what a gemstone this will be. It begins with a captivating scene and then it slowly unfolds the storyline. My favorite
parts are the comedic scenes between the octogenarian neighbors and the younger generation. Mrs. Penny is the best character in the whole book.

Even though it's a part of a series it can be read as a standalone. Although I highly recommend you to read the previous two books before this one. I regret not doing it but I will soon.

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loved this romance and how the characters were able to figure things out and find their way to love. Loved the friends .

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4/5 ⭐
2/5 🌶️
5/5 🎧

Another fantastic addition to the Riley Thorn series. I adore these characters to pieces, they're just so funny and relatable and yet absolutely ridiculous and I can't get enough. Whether it's Nick or Riley, Gabe or Penny, or the dozens of other side characters and suspects we come across in their adventures, they're all unique and amazing.

While I did want to deck Nick for the first half of the book (hence the 4 star instead of 5), I was happy he eventually made it up to Riley and became the lovable golden retriever we're all obsessed with. I hated that he out finding Beth before Riley to the point where she was walking in eggshells and unsure of their relationship... In the past he's been the best book boyfriend and it made me sad he kinda failed in this installment.

The twists were insanity and I almost couldn't keep up. I'm so happy we finally discovered what happened to Beth, and for the absolutely wild ride it took us on. I'm so excited to see what book four has in store for us and what our crazy crew will be up to next.

The audio was perfect as always, I will be listening to these stories time and time again.

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Riley and Nick are all moved in to their murder house, even though it still needs a lot of work. Nick is too distracted to help out though, now that he knows Beth isn't dead - and is totally focused on finding her.

Once again, the characters in this world are amongst my all time favorite, and all I want is to move in next door to them. I laughed out loud so many times and could not put this book down!

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I just love this series! Lucy Score does such a good job with the characters. It's amazing.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Title: The Blast from the Past by Lucy Score
A Riley Thorn Novel Riley Thorn #3
Release Date: May, 14th, 2024


Riley Thorn and her private investigator boyfriend settle into their new home, relieved that they haven't stumbled upon any new dead bodies. However, their peace is short-lived as Nick becomes consumed with a cold case, leaving his partner Mrs. Penny in charge of investigations. Meanwhile, Riley juggles renovations and dealing with quirky neighbours. The situation takes a dark turn when Riley is abducted and her psychic powers falter, while ominous warnings suggest trouble ahead. With unexpected challenges including a severed finger, a surprise birthday party, and more, Riley and Nick must race against time to solve the case and stay in one piece.

"The Blast from the Past" by Lucy Score is an absolute joyride, brimming with quirky humour, lovable characters, and captivating mystery twists that had me hooked from beginning to end. Returning to the world of Riley Thorn and her gang felt like reuniting with old friends, and I couldn't wait to dive back into their adventures.

Score seamlessly blends humour, mystery, and heartfelt moments, crafting a storyline that kept me eagerly flipping through the pages. The revelations from the previous book and the search for Kellen's missing sister add layers of intrigue and suspense, keeping me guessing until the very last chapter.

What truly shines in this book is Score's talent for creating vibrant characters and witty dialogue that had me chuckling out loud. The dynamic between Riley, Nick, and the rest of the ensemble cast felt genuine and endearing.

This is a must-read for fans of the Riley Thorn series and anyone seeking a delightful and entertaining read. With its perfect blend of humour, mystery, and memorable characters, this book is a page-turner that you won't want to put down.

Thank you to The Publisher SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books | Bloom Books, The Author Lucy Score & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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I was so excited to dive back into the Riley Thorn series with this book. I wanted to see what was next for Riley, Nick, and the whole crew.

Even though this is the third book in the series I still felt like Riley and Nick are interesting and fun characters. Lucy does an excellent job developing their relationship as well as how they grow as individuals. There is no shortage of sweet, swoony, and steamy moments they shared.

Things don't always go as planned for Riley and Nick. Especially when her neighbors, family, and friends are involved. The secondary characters are one of my favorite parts of the book. They added so much humor and entertainment to the story.

The plot was nicely paced with a mystery that kept me engaged and waiting to see what happened next. It was great to get some answers to things that were in previous books, but not in a predictable or obvious way.

I really, really hope we get more of Nick and Riley's adventures in the future!

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The Blast from the Past- Nick and Riley

This is book 3 so I recommend you read book 1 and 2 first. If you have not read, there may be spoilers.

So Riley, as we know, is psychic and has some trouble with her powers. Just as Riley is getting a better grasp with her special gift, she tends to overdo it this time. We find out a very important detail in book 2, that Det. Weber’s sister, Beth, is not dead. Nick is obsessed with going through all the details to try to find her but in doing that, he is letting a lot of other things pass by, like other jobs and time with Riley. Everything will fall in their laps sooner rather than later.

We still see Riley’s crazy family and all the insane old neighbor people that want to “help” but fail miserably at. Not wanting to give away too much, Riley again finds herself in trouble and gets help from some unexpected people. Another fun read and look forward to the new book coming soon.

I received this book via ARC and am leaving my review voluntarily. Thank You #NetGalley, #BloomBooks

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Riley Thorn is a physic who just moved into a fixer upper mansion/business headquarters for Nick - her private investigator boyfriend. If you have read the first 2 books then you know that there is mystery, hysterical friends & family and a sweet relationship. Riley's family and physic guide, Gabe are the quirkiest, funniest, most supportive group of people. Riley's former roommates (a bunch of geriatric, sassy men & women) are hilarious and you never really know how they are going to get in the way or make something funny happy. This read was incredibly enjoyable and funny with life lessons sprinkled in.

He [Gabe] nodded, "Being who we are meant to be is not always easy."

[Riley] "I don't want to be this. I want to be normal. Ordinary."

[Gabe] "No one is meant to be ordinary. We are all extraordinary," he said, his brown eyes beseeching her.

[Riley} "Yeah? Well, I just want to be ordinary." That's all she 'd ever wanted. To be normal. To fit in.

[Gabe} "It is here that our beliefs diverge, Riley," he said. "Life is an adventure to be lived, not a series or repetitive days to survive."

[Riley} "Would you please stop talking in fortune cookies?"

*NOTE: Will come back and post links to my tiktok/IG reviews once I get them done and uploaded.

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Mysteries solved and new ones popping up everywhere - missing sister, huge thugs, mass arousal, and the regular motley crew that Riley and Nick just can't escape, not for lack of trying. Loads of fun with some mystery solving and one huge lion dog. What more could you want?

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