Member Reviews

Love this fun mystery series and Lucy Score is one of my favorite authors so of course I had to read this one. This is a fast paced story that keeps you on your toes.

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The next in the series, this is a fun investigation for the gang! As usual, Lucy Score puts a humorous spin on the search for answers. If you like fun mysteries, this is for you!

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This series has everything: spite cows, scandalous octogenarians, a gassy fur-baby, wrapped up with some angst and Mystery! Blast from the Past was just as fun and I cannot wait for The Body In the Backyard to be released this summer. Thanks for another 5-star read Lucy!

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Lucy Score can do no wrong in my eyes. The Riley Thorn series is no exception! Will continue reading anything and everything she writes

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Basically just binged my way through the first three books in the Riley Thorn series....and I want to read the fourth now! Guess I have to wait for it to get published. Riley's back with her sexy P.I., Nick, his stick-up-the-behind family, her family of psychics, a full fast and furious complement of seniors from next-door and a genie like spiritual teacher. Nick is obsessed with trying to discover whatever happened to his ex-partner's teenage sister years ago. Between that and his surprise Halloween birthday party, the reader is in for fast-paced fun with a hint of pandemonium.
4.25 stars

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The Blast from the Past is like that quirky neighbor who throws wild parties: entertaining, but sometimes a bit too much to handle. Lucy Score delivers another dose of hilarity and hijinks with Riley and Nick, but this one did not hold the same charm for me as the first two books in the series.

Settled into their new fixer-upper, Riley and Nick are hoping for a break from dead bodies and drama. But alas, fate has other plans, because what's a romantic comedy without a sprinkle of chaos, right? Nick's obsession with a cold case leaves him smelling less like roses and more like a detective-shaped stink bomb. I wanted to throat-punch him numerous times during this one.

Meanwhile, Riley gets abducted, her psychic powers go haywire, and their elderly neighbors are either troublemakers or trouble magnets.
While the plot barrels forward like a runaway train, sometimes it feels like it's careening off the tracks. Sure, the laughs are aplenty, but the constant barrage of wacky incidents can leave you feeling like you're riding a rollercoaster without a seatbelt.

Still, if you're in the mood for a wild ride filled with accidental arson, dog doody bandits, and unexpected blasts from the past, then this book might be your ticket to laughter town.

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Lucy Score is without a doubt an auto buy author for me!! Lucy Score knows how to write the perfect character & this book is no different. I love the Riley Thorn series & this one is my new favorite. This book is a fun, easy read I would recommend to anyone. So hoping we get a 4th installment in the Riley Thorn series!

Thank you NetGalley & SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for an ARC copy of this book.

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Blast From the Past is the third book in the Riley Thorn series by Lucy Score. Riley, a reluctant psychic, has moved in with her private investigator boyfriend, Nick. Riley and Nick have surrounded themselves with a hilarious group of octogenarians that will have you laughing out loud. The story is well written and the mystery feels like it stepped out of a Scooby Doo cartoon. I hadn’t read the first two books before this one and now I will go back and read them! This book was silly, fun, and Lucy Score can never do wrong in my eyes.

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Yet another fun edition to the Riley Thorn series! We see Riley and Nick getting up to all kinds of wacky situations in this book while trying to get used to living in their new home.

We pick up where the last book left off. Nick is frantically trying to find leads on Beth now that he knows she is still alive. He ends up putting off all other responsibilities such as fixing their new home.

Of course Riley finds Beth without even trying and we are quickly introduced to Sesame. There is so much going on and so many secrets that are surrounding Sesame that we are kept constantly on our toes. I never could have predicted some of the turns that this book took.

I was smiling throughout due to all the quirky and bizarre situations that these characters go caught up in. I can't wait to see what is in store book book 4! Really hoping we get some Webber and Jasmine content because I have a feeling that those two will be explosive.

Thank you to Bloom publishing and Lucy Score for an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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I am loving this series so much. The combo of hilarity and steam plus a touch of mystery and a dash of paranormal makes "The Blast from the Past" a fantastic new entry to Lucy Score's Riley Thorne series. Watching Riley not only accept but embrace her psychic abilities is lovely. Nick tries to continue his "touch her and die" attitude, but it lessens a bit as he continues to understand all she can do for herself. The combo of Josie and Jasmine is amazing, and I cannot wait to see more of Jasmine and Kellan - I am a total sucker for enemies to lovers.

5 stars. Thank you to Bloom and NetGalley for a complimentary ARC of this book. These opinions are my own.

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4⭐️ 2🌶️

This book continued with the comedic shenanigans I have come to expect and love from the Riley Thorn series.

We FINALLY get answers about what happened to Beth! I am used to all kinds of crazy twists from reading domestic thrillers and nothing could have prepared me for what really happened. Every time I think the characters can be more absurd I am proven wrong and I love that about this series.

While I did love this book it did fall short of the others because Nick was an idiot and it took him entirely too long to pull his head out of his ass. I didn’t like how he let his obsession with the case cause him to put Riley on the back burner. He mostly redeemed himself with some spectacular grovelling. But I expected more from him.

I also really love how Riley came to embrace her psychic powers and realize how important they were to her. She struggled a lot through this book and I really loved her growth.

I can’t wait for the next book in the series. July can’t come fast enough!

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The Blast from the Past by Lucy Score follows Riley Thorn and Nick Santiago. Riley and Nick’s life gets put on a hold when a missing person shows up after years of being gone. There are many unknowns revolving around this person’s reappearance. You follow along the couple and their hilarious friends unraveling this mysterious person. This book is apart of a series however, I think it could be read separate. I have not been able to read the others but, I did not have an issue following along with this story. I loved the banter and the mysteries had me enamored. The characters really showed their personalities and it painted such a clear picture of how they are as if they were real. In conclusion, I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys laughing out loud and indulging in a good mystery! Thank you Sourcebooks Bloom books for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I am a huge fan of Lucy Score’s books and this book just adds to that love. The characters are hilarious and the mystery is so entertaining. Please tell me we are getting a 4th book. I need to know what other shenanigans this group can get theirselves into.

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When I requested this I did not realise it was part of a series. Having now read the series I feel that this is one of the weaker books in it. Did I enjoy it? Yes. Did I find the story good? Yes but it felt rushed compare to the others and I can’t pin point why. Maybe it just wasn’t for me this time and that’s ok

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I love Lucy Score so I had to check out this book! Caveat: I am new to the Riley Thorn universe so I have no background into the characters or history. I am coming into this blind, so some of the jokes and history are a bit obscure to me.

Overall I enjoyed it and liked the characters. Riley and Nick are fun and I would love to know more about the story behind how the agency go started. Jasmine and Josie are some of my favorites and I hope we get to see a lot more of them. I enjoyed the amount of trouble they all get into. More, please!

The elderly neighbors, though….I get that they are there to add comedy and a bit of chaos, but people constantly coming over without notice and walking into my house would drive my batty. The lack of boundaries takes me out of the story a bit because I get so annoyed!

The story kept me guessing and the ending both made me smile and maybe groan a bit. No spoilers as to why I rolled my eyes (not in a bad way, more in a “of COURSE” way) … you’ll have to read to find out.

(Link to Amazon review to come, once it is approved)

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This book was so fun to read. I enjoyed it so much. I didn’t read the other books in this series before reading this one which I should’ve done as it’s a continuation but either way I still overly enjoyed it. i loved the way that this group of characters were chaotic when all together with their unique personalities was just amazing to read about. I honestly laughed out loud quite a few times. Loved the plot line and Riley and Nick are just the cutest. Readers don’t always see what the relationship ends up being like because many books end when the couple is finally together but this book showed how they live their lives together and Nick being jealous and protective was just so cute. Loved it

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This book was another great addition to the Riley Thorn series! It has just as much humor as the other books and an introduces some great new characters. If you're enjoying this series, you will definitely enjoy this book as well. I can't wait for the fourth book!

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I’ve put off reading this series from Lucy Score for so long and now that I’ve read it I’m wondering why did I do that???

Lucy always finds the right amount of suspense and humour in her writing and i absolutely love it!!


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This is book 3 of who knows how many in the Riley Thorn series and another great one. I did feel like it lost a it of momentum compared to the first two, but I always find there to be one book in a long series that I like far less than the others. There will be a fourth one releasing later in 2024, and who knows how many more! Either way, I love Riley and will definitely be continuing this series.

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Riley and Nick are back once again, only this time no one is dead (yet?)..
Quite the opposite.. we found out that a certain somebody is in fact alive and Nick is on the case determined more than ever to find answers from the mysteries in his past.

I will say Nick spends the first 40% of this book being one big grump.. but Riley’s family of psychics makes up for it by being as fun and quirky as ever.

We get more silly shenanigans from Polly with the purple hair , gabe the spirit guide and the stinky dog who insists on eating Taco Bell.

This series is full of feel good, dysfunctional family fun, mysteries with the side of occasional murder, spirit guides, psychic abilities and talking ghosts. We are here for the drama and the jokes.

My favourite Lucy score series by far. I will say out of the 3 books released I think book 3 lost a little bit of steam, but the end surprise birthday party scene certainly made up for it, safe to say I laughed out loud a LOT.

I am extremely excited for the upcoming book 4 and have a feeling it’ll come back with a vengeance and pack a punch for the reader.

Thank you to Lucy Score, Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the EARC.
Publish date; May 14 (available now on KU)

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