Member Reviews

Big thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for the chance to review this book pre-release. The Fate of Magic was SUCH a great end of the duology. It took me a couple of chapters to get completely invested, but once I broke past that part, I really flew through the whole thing. The ending wrapped up nicely, and nothing felt rushed at the end, which I feel like happens often in duology's. A more formal review will be available on my IG/TikTok and Goodreads.

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yep. this is how you do a fantasy sequel. after enjoying the first one last year, i was so excited to receive the arc of this one as well and it absolutely held up! more lush in plot and development of the world, i loved every second of being back with these characters again and already want more from them and this series

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This was a wonderful conclusion to a great duology! The first few chapters felt a bit rushed, but once we got into the meat of the story I was completely swept away. I loved the characters and romance!

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*Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers of this book for an ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts! These are entirely my own.*

I will start off by saying I did DNF the book. HOWEVER, that is only because I was crazy busy with work. From what I did read, I loved how distinct the main characters were. This is dual-POV, and the POVs were definitely easily distinguishable. I loved the writing style!

It also seemed to be a pretty clean book (again, from what I was able to read before I ran out of time). The plot wasn't my jam, but that's just a personal opinion. It had nothing to do with the author; for lack of better terms, the vibes of the plot just weren't for me. And that's ay-okay!

I think I would have really enjoyed it had I had the time, but I just didn't this time around.

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I really enjoyed this duology; it is cleverly written, blending history with fantasy. The Fate of Magic begins not too long after the action in Night of the Witch. Fritzi and Otto are in the Well, working to solidify their connection so they can be bonded as champion and warrior. As a reader, we know that Dieter's threat has not been eliminated so we wait for him to make his move. I enjoyed the journey that Fritzi, Otto and the other witches go on to try to find and defend the stones. I felt like the battle in the Well and at the tree was a little anti-climatic. I wish we had more insight into how Dieter knew about the stones, found the water stone, and breached the Well's defenses. I also wish there was more Leisel in this book because I love her dynamic with both Fritzi and Otto! Overall, this was a satisfying conclusion to the duology and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical fiction with magic on the side!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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It took a while to get reoriented to the story from where the first book left off but this ended up being a very strong finish to the duology. Dieter was one of the most vile villains I’ve ever encountered. There still seemed to be some loose ends or pieces of the magic that weren’t fully explained but the character development and over all message made this a solid 4 star read for me.

Thanks to Netgally and Sourcebooks Fire for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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thanks to NetGalley for the eARC!

⭐️=4.25 | 😘=3 | 🤬=2.5 | ⚔️=5 | 15/16+

summary: Night of the Witch book two

thoughts: this is WAY better than the first book. exponentially, weirdly better. I liked the characters more, and the MCs were more interesting when they weren’t worried about whether the other person liked them or not. it’s so much better for them to just be in love and make out and there weren’t any stupid miscommunications with their feelings or whatever. and there were some great themes woven into the fantasy element! and it was well-paced!! not necessarily worth it to get through book one so you can read this, but it was pretty dang good!

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This was a perfect follow up to the first book, and I’m so grateful I was approved for an arc. It was scary and leaning into horror territory butdone fantastically. I really enjoyed the dual pov here. The romance was great. The villain is truly the worst which is great. It was fantastic!

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Thank you Netgalley and publisher for a copy of this eARC.

My oh my did I have a good time reading this book! Our characters are in constant danger. The villain is truly evil!!! If it wasn't for the romance, this could easily be a horror book with that guy! (Check the trigger warnings.)

The magic system is solid ( I liked how religion was applied) and world building needs some work in my opinion. (There was some info dump on the past history) I would have also liked more on the characters.

BTW Liesel's stories are the best!

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Brilliant!!! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this book and The Night of the Witch. This was a great conclusion to the duology. The writing was amazing. So much history in the story regarding the Germanic witch trials. The history was blended beautifully with the fantasy story line. The growth of the characters and their relationships was well done. I would love to see more books in this world exploring some of the other characters.

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I was super excited after reading thr synopsis I was super excited for this and it didn't disappoint! I loved the story, the world building and meeting the different characters. I felt completely immersed in the story and couldn't stop reading it.

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The Fate of Magic by S. Raasch is the sequel to Night of the Witch, book one in Witch and Hunter duet.
This is not a stand alone, the story picks up immediatedly where the previous book was left off. Set in the 1590ties in Germany, Fritzi and Otto barely escaped and are now on to new adventures. A wonderful story written in dual pov, a view that I enjoyed very much so, Witches, magic, hexenjäger, verbotenes at a time where witchcraft is verboten and gets bestraft. An intriguing read that had me in suspense from start til the very last page. Masterfully crafted and literally unputdownable.

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Darker and more witchy than most witch based series out there. Love Sara's writing and enjoy this series immensely

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The Fate of Magic is the second part in the Witch and the Hunter duology. It picks back up after Night of the Witch ends, which seemed to have been tied up pretty nicely except spoiler alert, the villain was not dealt with as well as they had thought. Fritzi and Otto have to set out to try to stop Dieter from gathering goddess-blessed stones that will help him gain more power and destroy the Origin Tree, a tree that safeguards all magic. Fritzi's chapters worked better for me than Otto's chapters, which I remember from the first book, and the ending felt a bit rushed- I actually thought it was a lead up into a third book until I got to the last chapter. All in all I think this sequel will be enjoyed by the fans of the first book.

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This was a great continuation to the first book. I absolutely adored night of the witch and I was super excited when I saw that I was approved to read the sequel. It was action packed, the plot keep me in my toes and the romance was as wonderful as it was in the first book. I can't wait to have it in my hands.

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I loved this sequel to Night of the Witch. It answered questions I had from book 1 and kept my attention through out the entirety of the book. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed reading this book, I tend to not enjoy reading the second book in a series but that was not the case here!

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‘The Fate of Magic’ by Sara Raasch and Beth Revis picks up right where “Night of the Witch” left off. Again, we are in Germany during the height of the witch burnings. Fritzi and Otto are about to be bonded as champion and warrior and not a moment too soon as it appears that Deiter is not dead as they had assumed and he has definite plans for his sister and his cousin, Leisel. The action is pretty much non-stop and for the most part, the story moves along at a good pace. There needed to be a bit more character development for some of the side characters so the reader could actually care about their fate. A duology should finish with a complete story and this one did not disappoint. If you enjoyed the first book, you will certainly enjoy this one. It is most definitely not a standalone, so be sure to read “Night of the Witch” first. Thank you to NetGalley and publishers for the advanced ARC

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This was such a highly anticipated release for me after loving and obsessing of Night of the Witch last year!

Short Synopsis:
FATE takes off where Night of the Witch left off. Fritzi is a champion. Otto is her warrior. There’s lots of love and magic. And I won’t say anything more since it’s book two!

My Thoughts:
I probably should have reread book one to refresh myself on the characters, but I was just too excited to get into it. It took me a bit to settle into the story (but that’s on me and my crap memory of books). But once the action started, I WAS HOOKED. Duologies are my favorite in fantasy books. It gives us more time with the characters and stories without dragging anything out. And I love how Beth and Sara wrote a beautiful ending to Fritzi and Otto’s story.

What You’ll Find
🪄 Witches
🗓️Historical fantasy
💞Found family
🏰Medieval German
😡Female rage

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Thank you to NetGalley, Sara Raasch, Beth Revis, and the publishers for allowing me access to the e-Arc.

I have really enjoyed this duo-logy. It’s been a fast-paced story through most of the books. There is so much that happens in this last book in the duo-logy. It’s definitely darker than I am used to but I am a sucker for a witchy story.

I highly recommend it! Please, check trigger warnings. Do not take them lightly.

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*Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review* This book was really good! Similar to the first book, I struggled a bit adjusting to the speed of the book. It was constant action with very little filler section, but I think it helped to keep the story interesting. I appreciated the authors putting in an effort to make the climax of the book feel important throughout and somewhat inevitable. A great read overall!

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