Member Reviews

While I liked parts of this I don’t feel the characters were all fully flushed out. The relationships are felt a bit choppy and hard to be invested in (other than the mutual dislike of the ex).

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Such a lovely heart warming read! This book is about a woman who aspires to become an entrepreneur and her journey on her to get there. The book is loaded full of humor. I loved Antonia and how she could get through anything because she believed in herself and that she did not settle for less than she deserved. Great book. Thank you NetGalley for my ARC.

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While I liked the writing style I didn’t care for any of the characters so I found it difficult to be invested in the storyline.

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This book wasn’t really for me I think. I did love the writing style but I just didn’t care about the characters.

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Such a cute and quick read.

Toni is a recent single mother of twin girls who has a passion for inventing. Currently working in transportation at the airport, she befriends an elderly woman when the woman's grandson, Ash, enters her life and helps open some doors.

A cast full of loveable characters, cultural references, girl boss energy and family dynamics. This is a great book with a lot of heart.

Thank you, NetGalley and Alli Frank and Asha Youmans for the E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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loved this mystery and keeping secrets and the different point of views. Also loved trying to figure out who did it . I enjoyed the mystery behind it.

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In Boss Lady, Alli Frank and Asha Youmans (co-authors of The Better Half) have blessed us with an ambitious (and messy) heroine, a little relationship drama, and a BFF bond anyone would be jealous of. To be totally honest, this was a bit cheesier than I'm used to reading, and the dialogue was a struggle for me. However I think it's the kind of light, upbeat read that is perfect for a day at the beach.

Thank you to the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I “absolutely” adore this book. It’s heartfelt, inspiring, AND I just love how it’s fundamentally about women supporting women. While I loved the slow-burn romance between Toni & Ash, I appreciated how their romance wasn't the focus of the book. The book was about Toni believing in herself and finding ways to go after her goals, dreams, and what she truly wants in life, with the encouragement of other strong women (best friend, mother, as well as a mentor). I especially loved the supportive relationship between Toni and Mrs. Eisenberg—that just captured my heart entirely 🤍

Read this book if you love:
✈️ binge watching Shark Tank
🩷 a hardworking, self-deprecating, and very relatable Afro-Puerto Rican heroin
✈️ an international cast of characters
🩷 slow-burn romance
✈️ women supporting women

Thank you to Alli and Asha, Over the River PR & Amazon Publishing for the gifted copy to read and review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Montlake for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Overall, this was an enjoyable book with a lot of heart and depth.

I appreciated the depictions of strong women and how they all had their own backstories. Seeing the friendship grow between them was really special. The ex-husband was annoying and probably my least favorite part of the book. However, I did like Ash, the new love interest, a lot and appreciated that he wasn't the focus of this story.

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This is a fab story about overcoming societal expectations, slowly believing in yourself, going for it, and finding success and love.

Mrs Eisenberg is definitely a force to be reckoned with and freely shares her life wisdom with young Toni.

Life lessons from Mrs Eisenberg:

--> We often overestimate how much we can accomplish in a day but underestimate how much we can achieve in a year.
it never occurs to rich people that they might actually lose at something. When you’re poor, the opposite is true: it never occurs to you that you may win.
--> Stand up straight and own your answer when speaking, because if you don’t believe in you, no one else will either.
--> Have the courage to live a big life even without a safety net.

And a final one:
--> I didn’t want you to need me. I need you to want me.

I loved how this story provided romance, business, and life lessons all beautifully mixed together.

PS. Don't skip over the Foreword as there are some gems there too!

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I love love love Alli and Asha’s books and this may be my new favorite! ⁣

It’s got so many things to love - a hardworking and relatable Afro-Puerto Rican protagonist, an amazing cast of characters that come from all walks of life including witty best friends and a snarky elderly boss lady, a sweet, slow burn romance, and a Shark Tank-esque reality show! I’m finding it hard to tell you what my favorite part was … because it all blends so well into such an inspiring, smart, funny, and feel-good fun romp of a story!⁣

BOSS LADY follows Antonia “Toni” Arroyo - a mess of a heroine who has always put her life on hold for others - her parents, her children, and the husband who abandoned her to pursue his own goals. She’s relatable and strong willed, and I loved watching her find her path to her long delayed dreams - bumpy as it may be.⁣

If you haven’t read anything by Alli and Asha this is your not-so-subtle nudge to do so! This is their 4th book together and I have loved every single one of their empowering and FUN! stories about kick ass women getting all the things they finally deserve.

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Toni Arroyo, the fierce and unyielding protagonist of this story, is a woman fighting tooth and nail to break free from her mother's suffocating expectations. She refuses to conform to societal norms and instead forges her own path, becoming a force to be reckoned with.

With a gripping plot that leaves readers engaged and entertained, brilliantly crafted characters, and a dazzling writing style, it's no wonder this book has captured the hearts of readers everywhere!

This powerful tale delves into themes of resilience, ambition, and the unbreakable strength of self-discovery. Toni's journey to chase her dreams and conquer insurmountable challenges is an empowering reminder that anything is possible when we have the courage to pursue our passions.

Prepare to be moved and inspired by this extraordinary read!


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This had a lot of ups and downs for me. She had more chemistry with her ex husband than the love interest. And the ending left like a cop out. Oh here’s 300k. I would have rather there be no love interest at all and it just be about her being a boss lady. I didn’t like that she got so mad at Ash for not investing in him. Toni felt a little immature. I cried when she renamed the lotion. That was when I was thinking ok this could be a 4⭐️ but then that ending just wasn’t good for me.

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This is a funny and poignant story about a woman's journey and desire to be an entrepreneur.

Antonia (Toni) is raising twin daughters alone after her husband disappears. He has some sort of midlife crisis and is seeking to find himself. That doesn't help Toni raise their teenage daughters. Luckily, she has friends and family who are supportive and push her to achieve more in life. One of these is a client, Mrs Eisenberg, who is a hoot. She has lived quite the life, and has a lot of knowledge and advice to dispense to Toni. That is, if Toni hears and accepts it, sometimes Toni gets in her own way.

I had a love-hate relationship with Toni. I admired her independence and gumption, but she also came across as wishy-washy when it came to her husband, Simon. She knows what she has to do, but her guilt is holding her back. That Catholic guilt will get you every time! Plus, her mother is pressuring her to keep her marriage intact. I despised Simon. He believes he can have whatever he wants without regard for Toni or anyone else.

Now, there is a bright spot in this book: Ash. He is the grandson of Sylvia Eisenberg and a gem. There are the usual misunderstandings between him and Toni, but he doesn't let that stop him from trying to win her heart.

Other characters help round out this book and support Toni in her dream. I did think the product that she pitched to Innovation Nation was genius.

Overall, this was a book about self discovery, and we give it 4 paws up.

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A delightful novel. A wonderful variety of characters, especially the strong women ones. Engaging and heartwarming tale. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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When Toni was young she had her life planned out. However, life got in the way and now she is 40 something and has deferred all her dreams. She has two daughters and a husband that left them 2 years ago. A job at the local airport supports them. When is it Toni's turn? Could she still realize her dreams?

What a wonderful, hopeful story. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. This story definitely resonated with me. I would definitely recommend reading this book. It may just change your outlook on life and what is possible.

Thank you to #NetGalley, @alliandasha, and #Montlake for a copy of this book.

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It's a good story, well written, but it didn't move me as much as I would have hoped, but I enjoyed it anyway.

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I found this book to be entertaining enough, adorable, with engaging and relatable characters and a realistic storyline.
However, it wasn't exactly my cup of tea. Now and then I look for an upfiliting, heartwarming kind of story to read between my usual heavy drama reads. That's why I picked this one up.
It was fine, I guess. It's much more one of those cases "it's me, not the book". I'm sure this book has its audience - and other readers are indeed really enjoying this book - but I'm not really part of it.

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BOSS LADY by Alli Frank and Asha Youmans

Genres: Humor, Women’s Fiction.

I had no idea these two authors had written other books together. Even reading Boss Lady, you cannot tell it was written by two people. The story flows as seamlessly as if it was written by only one person.

Boss Lady is a delightfully uplifting and humorous read that deals with everyday situations in the lives of true-to-life characters. At the center of the story we have our main character, Antonia "Toni" Arroyo, mother of teenage twin daughters, who was abandoned by her husband, Simon, who left them to "go find his true self". Thrust practically overnight into a life of single parenting with only her mother and two best friends, Zwena and Krish, as her support system, Toni navigates the challenges of everyday life - embarrassing moments and all - earning a living in airport transportation services, to make ends meet. But Toni knows she has more going for her than just her natural beauty. She has big plans for her future and those of her daughters. As a promising inventor and budding engineer, she develops a groundbreaking new product, and by a stroke of luck is afforded the opportunity to showcase and pitch her newest invention on TVs most popular show for entrepreneurs, Innovation Nation. But with her soon-to-be-ex-husband suddenly back in their lives, her world is turned upside down.

Luckily Toni has made another new friend, eccentric elderly traveler, and frequent passenger in need of Toni's airport transportation services, Sylvia Eisenberg. Then there is Sylvia's aloof grandson, Ash, whom Toni can't get off her mind.

With so much happening in Toni's life, the reader is taken on a wild ride alongside Toni and a wonderful cast of supporting characters for the ultimate prize of getting Antonia's budding business off the ground. Or could venture capitalist Ash or ex-husband-turned-life-coach, Simon, be what Toni needs more?


Filled with memorable characters, clever prose, and exceptional wit that will have you bent over with laughter, Boss Lady is an absolute treat. It features strong females and diverse characters; an engaging plot, and very realistic and relatable situations in which Toni finds herself.

What I liked most is the low-key romance that added a layer of sweetness to the story without being sappy. The main focus of the story is the friendships formed between all these assorted, quirky characters, and how they all come together to encourage and support our lovely protagonist, Antonia, in her venture for independence and the realization of a lifelong dream.

Boss Lady is ultimately a wonderfully lighthearted feel-good read, with a few wisdoms at its core. It might not be a book that takes itself too seriously, but it's certainly not a fluffy read either.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Montlake for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
3.5 stars rounded up

There is much to like in this book. I really liked that the old lady who chatted to Toni at the airport really was the entrepreneur and innovations guru who had supported some of the biggest names in the business – it was a clever reminder not to judge a book by its cover!

Toni has a brain which cannot stop coming up with bright ideas – she just needs one to work and be picked up by an investor so she can stop her job driving airport transfers. Her ex walked out, leaving her bringing up twins and shouldering all the bills and burdens. When Sylvia, her favourite client, falls ill and she goes with her to the hospital, their lives become more entwined.

Meeting Sylvia's grandson, Ash, changes everything – she finds someone attractive for the first time in forever, but he is completely out of reach... let alone she is still married. And now he is in a position to give her a chance at her dream on a TV investment show. Of course, her ex pops up, like a bad penny, and chaos ensues.

I felt that the plot got a bit overly twisted in places and could have been rejigged a bit to reduce the need for explanation, but I did really enjoy the characters and the storyline, as well as the outcome!

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