Member Reviews

“ I grew up with the elderly. I skipped a generation.”
I was so excited to receive this early copy of Perrin’s first novel, which is released tomorrow- June 4th. Thank-you @europaedtions for my copy in exchange for an honest review. I adored Perrin’s other two novels - Fresh Water for Flowers and Three - both fabulous books. This is her third novel to be translated and published by Europa but is actually her debut. Happy to report that this is just as enjoyable as the other two - a bit shorter in length but not in depth. (My favourite of the three books is still Fresh Water for Flowers - it was a bestseller in Italy in 2020 and the country’s favourite lockdown novel)
Justine is a twenty something who has lived with her grandparents and cousin most of her life. She works as a carer in a retirement home and spends a big part of her days listening to the residents memories and stories of their lives. She bonds with a resident named Helene, and it’s through listening to her recount her life story, that Justine confronts secrets from her own past. This is both endearing and original. A book you just let yourself be immersed in - easy to do with such lyrical and gorgeous prose. A multilayered story typical of Perrin that is beautifully told. I really like how there is always a bit of mystery that at first is confusing and unsettling but eventually things all fall into place. You know you’re in good hands!
Add to your list if you are a Perrin fan

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I loved Valérie Perrin’s novels Fresh Water for Flowers ( and Three ( so was excited to learn that her debut novel, Forgotten on Sunday, has been translated. Though not as polished as Fresh Water for Flowers, it is still a good read.

Twenty-one-year-old Justine Neige is a geriatric nursing assistant working at a retirement home in a small French village. Orphaned at a young age, she was raised by her paternal grandparents with whom she still lives, along with her also-orphaned cousin Jules. Justine loves her job at the seniors’ home and spends a lot of time listening to residents’ stories. She becomes particularly close to 96-year-old Hélène Hel whose story she decides to write.

The book tells Hélène’s story, especially her romance with Lucien Perrin. But it also tells Justine’s story. The narrative alternates between the two women, Justine’s sections being narrated in the first person. We learn about the deaths of Justine’s parents, her work at The Hydrangeas retirement home, and her regular one-night stands with a man whose name she doesn’t even know. We also read about the car accident that claimed both Justine and Jules’ parents, an accident which Justine comes to realize is connected to secrets kept by both Gramps and Gran.

Another mystery is the identity of the anonymous caller who phones families of residents who seem to have been forgotten because they haven’t had visitors on Sundays, the regular day for family visits. The caller falsely announces the deaths of these residents, thereby forcing relatives to visit. The phone calls are traced to The Hydrangeas, but who is the mystery caller?

Justine is a character the reader cannot but like. She is devoted to the residents who are not always easy to care for. She does a lot of unpaid overtime so she can listen to residents’ stories. Her actions indicate she’s warm, patient, sensitive, empathetic, and caring. She saves money so Jules will be able to attend university but doesn’t want him to know that she’s the one paying for his education. What makes her convincing is that she also has flaws. She’s insecure about her appearance; more than once she compares herself to others and concludes she is not pretty. She also makes cruel comments intended to hurt, “to take my revenge.”

Love is a major theme. Hélène experienced a love that survived separation and time. This is the type of love Justine hopes to find: “I tell myself that what I don’t find pretty about me will one day be someone’s beautiful. Someone who’ll love me and become my artist. Who’ll continue me. Who’ll take me from rough sketch to masterpiece.” She wants to be as lucky as her best friend Jo who has found a soulmate in her husband Patrick. Ironically, it’s obvious that What’s-his-name is very interested, but Justine seems to fear commitment. Perhaps Hélène , who didn't agree to a marriage because it was "not love as she'd imagined it, the love that leaves you reeling," tells her story to Justine because she sees some of herself in the young woman. Justine seems towant a handsome Prince Charming, not a man who has poor taste in his clothes.

I did find some events problematic. I had difficulty accepting Edna’s actions, especially when it comes to her daughter. Justine sees What’s-his-name regularly but doesn’t ask him any questions, not even his name and occupation? Armand’s secret relationship also stretches the reader’s credibility, and parts of the closing border on over-sentimentality.

Regardless, there is much to love in the book. The challenges of aging and the inevitability of death are not glossed over. I enjoyed the character connections between Hélène’s story and Justine’s (Rose, Roman, Claude, Fatiha). The touches of humour are delightful. Because of the drama, romance, and mystery, there is something for everyone; parts are heart-breaking but others are heart-warming. For me, reading the book was an immersive experience.

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Forgotten on Sunday by Valérie Perrin is a profoundly moving and beautifully crafted novel that delves into themes of love, loss, memory, and the intricate bonds that connect us across generations. Perrin’s debut novel, translated from French, tells the story of Justine, a 21-year-old woman whose life is forever changed by her interactions with the residents of the retirement home where she works.

Justine has lived with her grandparents and cousin Jules since the tragic death of her parents. She finds solace and purpose in her job as a caregiver at The Hydrangeas, a retirement home. Here, she listens to the life stories of the elderly residents, recording their memories and offering them companionship. Her bond with Hélène, an almost 100-year-old resident, becomes particularly significant. Through their conversations, both women begin to reveal and confront their pasts.

Hélène’s story, rich with memories of love and war, helps Justine face the secrets and losses she has buried deep within herself. Justine’s narrative is interwoven with Hélène’s past, creating a tapestry of stories that highlight the impact of history and memory on our present lives. The arrival of a mysterious phone call adds an element of suspense, uncovering shocking revelations that shake the foundation of the retirement home and force Justine to reevaluate her understanding of her own history.

Valérie Perrin’s writing is both tender and evocative, capturing the delicate balance between humor and melancholy. Her characters are vividly drawn, each with their own distinct voices and stories that resonate deeply with the reader. Justine’s journey is one of self-discovery and healing, set against the backdrop of the richly described French countryside.

The novel’s structure, with its multiple time frames and perspectives, allows the narrative to unfold gradually, drawing the reader into the lives of its characters. The blend of contemporary and historical elements adds depth and complexity to the story, making it a compelling read from start to finish.

Forgotten on Sunday is a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring bonds between people. It’s a reminder that even in the face of loss and grief, there is hope and the possibility of connection. Perrin’s debut novel is a beautifully written, emotionally resonant work that will stay with readers long after the final page.

Thank you to Europa Editions and NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A multilayered complicated family story with wonderful characters who make terrible and difficult choices. I was engrossed in the story an captivated by the characters. Spanning three different time periods, I think there is something for almost every reader in this story.

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I adored this book. Set in a small French town is a less-than-glamourous part of France, this book has genuine soul. It follows a young woman who is both old fashioned and contemporary. Working in a nursing home, she develops close ties to some of the inmates, even as she struggles with her own family complexities and secrets. Unassumingly yet beautifully-written, it a compelling book with an interesting central character and a couple mysteries. The story propels itself and I was up later than I wanted to be reading it each night--it was that good! As the daughter of a French woman who did a year of study at a rural French university, this book captured something of the essence of life in smaller-town French life in the center of France. A terrific book all around. I look forward to reading Perrin's future books!

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4.5 Stars Rounded Up

Modern Mrs. Darcy Summer Reading Guide 2024.

This book captivated me from start to finish. Justine, who works at The Hydrangeas Nursing Home, takes pride in listening to the residents' stories. Her connection with Helene leads her to document Helene’s life story, which in turn prompts Justine to reflect on her own life and unravel a childhood mystery.

Forgotten on Sunday is rich with layers and intricately woven tales, all blending together beautifully. The conclusion made me happy. This is a lovely book, and I am eager to read more from this author.

However, I believe the cover should feature the picture that Roman gifted to Justine. It would have been a perfect choice. Perhaps the English translation edition will have a different cover.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an advanced copy of this translation.

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I’ve had my eye on Valérie Perrin’s body of work for a while, so where better to start than with her debut novel FORGOTTEN ON SUNDAY. Originally published in 2015 in French, it’s only quite recently been translated to English.

Justine is 21, lives with her grandparents and cousin following the death of her parents in a car crash years earlier, and works as a care assistant at the local retirement home. From the outset, it is very clear she is gifted at her job, she listens to and is gentle in her care for the residents, including in particular Hélèn.

What follows is the story of two stories. As Hélèn shares snippets of her life story with Justine, Justine starts writing it down, leading to the uncovering of a long hidden and remarkable history of passion, war and lost love. Along the way, Justine also starts to unravel long held devastating secrets about her own family.

With a real sense of melancholy and warmth, this beautifully threaded the past with the present of both Justine and Hélèn’s story and Perrin writes with an elegance and sensitivity that pulls at your heartstrings. This was also a massive page-turner for me once it got going and I understood the book’s structure. The slow but compelling reveal of each character’s history was masterfully done.

Such an immersive and perfect lose-yourself-in-another-time-and-place kind of a book. Count me as a new and enthusiastic Perrin fan!

Thank-you @europaeditions and @netgalley for sharing a copy with me. I loved it.

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'Sunday is visiting day. But not for everyone'.

For some families, moving elderly into retirement homes, as they near their use-by dates, is a burden removed. Their lives lived, their stories told; history. Sadly, some residents, at The Hydrangeas home, are even forgotten on Sunday - the day reserved for family visits. However, Justine, a 21 year old nursing assistant at The Hydrangeas, lives for their stories. By recording them, she releases them, 'And old folks, since that's all they have left to do, can tell the past like no one else'. She brings them to life - both the story and the story teller. Her favourite story, which she's currently recording is from Helene. And, yet Justine has no history. Her story came to an end when her parents, together with her aunt and uncle, died in a car crash when she was young. Her grandparents, who raised her, refuse to talk about it, they refuse to answer questions. It's best forgotten.

'Forgotten on Sunday' is Justine's journey in discovering her story, her history, whilst listening and recording Helene's. The book is told in dual time and multiple POVs and there are many threads to its weaving. Indeed, there are stories within the stories - mysterious ones too. For me, the story is about love: lost love, unrequited love, forbidden love, family love, romantic love, and intimate love. Loved which yearn, support, obsess, depress, or are simply a tryst, 'We're all someone's Michelangelo; the trouble is we have to meet them'.

Anyone who enjoys literary, contemporary and even historical fiction, will enjoy this one. It is wonderfully translated too. The story is in the telling. In order to have a history, we need to live.

'You know, when you've lost the person you loved most in the world, you lose her everyday'.

Thank you Europa Editions and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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It took me a few "pages" to get into the rhythm of how Perrin is telling these two stories... back and forth between Justine and Hélène. At first the stories are years apart, but they begin to draw closer together on the timeline. The story telling is beautiful and the translation is perfection!

As I settled into the rhythm, I just let the story unfold. I felt no need to race through this book! The writing is so beautiful... and though the story is very compelling it felt better to let it come together slowly rather than race though. I loved how Perrin reveals what the title means (no spoilers, sorry) but it is so poignantly beautiful!

If you loved Fresh Water for Flowers, you will love Forgotten on Sunday! I highly recommend this book!

I would like to thank Netgalley and Europa Editions for this digital copy of Forgotten on Sunday. It will be published June 4, 2024.

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I requested and received an eARC of Forgotten on Sunday by Valérie Perrin which is soon to be published in English for the first time. This was my first time reading anything by Perrin, although her novel Three has been lingering on my TBR list for some time. The novel centers on Justine, a twenty-one year old woman who, with her cousin Jules, has lived with her grandparents nearly her entire life following the death of their parents in a car accident (their fathers were twin brothers.) Justine works as a caretaker at a retirement home and this is where we meet Hélène, an almost 100-year-old patient whose mind is seemingly fixated on the great romance of her life with a man named Lucien.

The story weaves between the past and the present as Justine unravels Hélène’s history, but also as the history of Justine’s own family is revealed. There were a few moments where I had to readjust to fully grasp the extent of the narrative, but I thoroughly enjoyed every page. Perrin poses really interesting questions about love, jealousy, and whether or not we can ever truly know and understand the people in our lives. It took me a few chapters to get into the story, but once I was hooked I couldn’t get through this quickly enough. Perrin’s writing, even in translation, flows incredibly well and paints an extraordinary image.

What I love the most about this novel is how compelling the characters are. Hélène and Lucien are both fascinating to read about, but I felt myself more drawn to the secondary cast of the novel. Little details like the grandmother’s sort of double life as a very capable handyman and her suicide attempts force you to look behind your shoulders like Lot’s wife even as Justine presses forward in her presentation of her life and Hélène’s history. Edna and Gramps, however, fascinated me beyond measure. I also think this novel works really well as an interrogation of the reliability of memory, something that is really driven home in the final chapters of the novel. Without spoiling any details, there were several times I was genuinely shocked by the twists and turns of Perrin’s story.

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Although this novel by Perrin was written years ago, it has only recently been translated and published in English. It's a melancholy story about how an unlikely friendship in a retirement home serves to heal the wounds of the past. The characters are lifelike and memorable and the story is revealed in layers, developing slowly and deliberately and at a gentle pace. Like Perrin's Fresh Water for Flowers it's a charming book with subtle humor and lovely language. Definitely recommended.
I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Europa Editions and Valerie Perrin for the opportunity to read Forgotten on Sunday.
This is a very confusing novel with multiple characters, multiple points of view, multiple timelines along with a touch of fantasy, I think! Events jump around so much, I had a very hard time keeping the story straight in my mind.
My favorite character is Justine who is a caretaker for a 100 year old resident, Helene. Justine becomes very involved in Helene's long life in addition to dealing with her own family drama. Some parts of Helene's story feel fever dreamlike and I was not sure what storylines were actually real and what portions are symbolic or fantasy.
This book is beautifully written but occasionally flips to vulgar language which kept me on the sidelines and not fully invested in the story. There is too much going on for my total enjoyment, I found myself skimming through parts that were somewhat repetitive. This one is definitely not for me.

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Forgotten on Sunday is a multi-layered, multi-generational story. It's a friendship book, a war book, a story of love and loss. A young woman connects with a 100 year old resident at a nursing home. Helene's story, that Justine is carefully writing, is one of war, grief and loss. At the same time, she's dealing with memory loss and painful memories.

Justine has led a life full of pain as well, so its easy for the two women to connect.

It's a lovely story, but does leave a little something to be desired but perhaps that was just a translation issue for me.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review.

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This is a story of family, of their lives over the years, how their family grew over those years, and how their family also fell apart, a little bit at a time. While this has multiple settings with various themes, it is primarily set in a retirement home where Helene, a resident nearing 100 years old, shares her stories of her life over the years with 21 year old Justine Neige, and Justine, in turn, shares her stories, as well, with some encouragement from Helene.

Justine’s life hasn’t been easy, she has secrets that she prefers to keep to herself, and loss that seems to have become a part of her, seemingly reluctant to let go of these secrets, despite knowing it will not help her.

There is a sense of grief, sprinkled occasionally with a light humour, love as well as loss, memories, both good and bad, and letting go.

’You know, when you’ve lost the person you loved most in the world, you lose her every day.’

Beautifully written, with wonderfully memorable characters, this was a very moving and lovely read for me.

Pub Date: 04 Jun 2024

Many thanks for the ARC provided by Europa Editions

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It was beautifully written but I did not feel the same connection to it as I did this authors other works. I think part of my problem was that she uses some of the same characters names as she did in Three. I do like the translation though and the characters. I just needed more.

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This is a beautiful, timeless, atmospheric book. So many imperfect characters with deep connections. It encompasses so much and was near impossible to put down.

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I loved reading Valérie Perrin’s Fresh Water for Flowers early last year, so I was eager to read an ARC copy of her soon-to-be-released and freshly translated debut novel, Forgotten on Sunday, to be published in the US early June 2024. (Originally published in 2015, this novel hasn’t previously been translated into English or released in the US.)

Like Fresh Water for Flowers, Perrin’s debut novel is a gentle, delicate story, beautifully written and translated. While Forgotten on Sunday follows a much simpler storyline (and coming in at about half the length), it does share themes with Fresh Water for Flowers: love, loss, grief, and resurrection. I very much enjoyed reading this debut effort. That said, I didn’t engage with the story right away; it took a little bit of time for me to pick up the rhythm of the back-and-forth narration. (Part of it may have been the format of the digital proof I received, which was somewhat visually awkward. I imagine this will be taken care of in the final published copy of the book.) Once I did find my way into the flow of the book, I found it immersive and captivating.

I love Valérie Perrin’s style of writing - and will read everything she writes. Absolutely charming!

Thank you to Europa Editions and NetGalley for providing an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. The book will be published on June 4, 2024.

4 stars.

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I don't know what it is about Europa Edition books, but they just make my heart (and eyes) full. I was so emotional from the get go! So good!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Europa for the opportunity to read Forgotten on Sunday by Valerie Perrin. Lovely and bittersweet.

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A friend (who reads and speaks French!) recommended this book. I was so happy to see it available in translation and thoroughly enjoyed the premise, the story, and the characters. I read "Fresh Water for Flowers" previously and was not disappointed in this, my second Valerie Perrin novel.

Thank you for translating it so even more people can enjoy!

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