Member Reviews

I’ll be the first to say Sports Romances are not usually my thing but I had to give this one a try for Lana’s sake and I will say it charmed me! I love fake dating and a good shower scene and Lana did not disappoint. Very steamy if that’s what you’re looking for.

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Y’all don’t get it…I’m pretty sure I’m meant to be a sweet little baker in a small town who’s adored by everyone like it’s truly my destiny.

I just gotta start this by saying I love the way Lana writes banter,, especially when it comes to side characters like Jack. Humor is something that always keeps me from DNFing a book when I’m in a slump, so that definitely helped. In the same realm of character development though, I do think the book seemed a bit repetitive when it came to plot. It may just be me — since I’m not the biggest fan of sibling’s best friend / friends to lovers trope (there is simply not enough tension for me) — but the book is heavy on “I loved him but couldn’t have him” moments.

I do love the choice of light “forced” proximity by way of the TV show. If you told me I needed to bake with my past crush in order to save my job,, I fear I wouldn’t need much convincing. Something about men who are presented as big and aggressive doing domestic tasks is just <33.

Overall, this was a cute little story that I was able to enjoy and easily put down & pick back up while finishing up my senior year of high school (get me out of here).

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This was a quick read, and somewhat enjoyable. As a fan of sports romances, I was excited to read this one, but it didn’t quite hit the mark for me. The book felt generic and didn’t really have that SPECIAL factor that makes novels stand out among the endless piles of sports romances out there. It almost felt like a Hallmark movie.

I thought the romance developed too quickly. We didn't get to see HIM fall in love. It was like “Oh, so you feel this way about me? Yeah sure, you’re hot, me too”. IDK, it didn't give me butterflies or evoke any strong emotions. The smut was too much, too soon - & kind of a copy-paste from typical romance books (although this happens with most of them TBH).

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, IT GOT ME OUT OF MY READING SLUMP!!! Their love was cute and pure. I found the last chapters far more engaging than the rest of the book. THAT level of tension should have been present throughout the entire novel. The plot had potential, but it lacked the right structure in my opinion.

Nonetheless, I do think this book could be enjoyable - and even a favorite - for a lot of people!!<3

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Well, I'm convinced that Lana Ferguson can write any kind of romance novel she wants to. We've got a sports romance with actual hockey content! I finally know what "offsides" means!! I adored "The Game Changer" and could hardly set it down. It's so good and SO hot. The shower scene alone...

I love how the top priority for both Delilah and Ian in their relationship-for-the-press is to help the other person. Ian is obsessed with protecting others, even to the detriment of himself. And Delilah is living out her teenage dream! Also, there is so much representation here and it's all written so naturally - queer relationships, characters of color, mental health experiences. It's fantastic.

The whole relationship is built on real adult conversations: they make sure to talk to each other, even when it's hard, and none of the plot relies on miscommunication. Their relationship is so solid that the biggest issues in the book are family drama and success at work. Incredibly refreshing in an adult romance. Ian and Delilah are committed to supporting each other and neither can believe how lucky they are to be together. I love to see it!

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for providing an eARC for review.

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I’m not usually drawn to sports romance, but I am drawn to whatever Lana Ferguson writes. This was sooo cute! Lana had the best plots, and I loved this one so much! Ian and Delilah had my whole heart!

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I loved this book. It was funny and hot and I liked the characters. I found the premise of Ian's social media reputation affecting Delilah's ratings and job a little questionable but I enjoyed everything else so much that I was willing to go with it.

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You get five stars you get five stars you get five stars. round of a freaking applause. so so great.

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Thank you Berkley Romance for my copy! All thoughts are my own.

One of the series I read when I first really got into Romance is the Off Campus series by Elle Kennedy. It was pure fun and brain candy, but definitely written from the male gaze. It has such a following though and I think fans of that series will love this book. It’s like grown up off campus. It’s super tropey but just so fun and easy to read. It has a bit more sophisticated writing and adult characters yet keeps the hockey romance deliciousness.


“When a very public breakup becomes a PR nightmare for Ian Chase's team, he hopes to focus on his game, but that suddenly seem less likely than a hat trick. With his career and the team’s image in jeopardy, Ian is surprised to find a solution through none other than Delilah Baker, his best friend and teammate's little sister…who isn’t so little anymore.Delilah Baker is known as “the darling of baking” on her local cable show, and being in the public eye is her bread and butter. But with her numbers dwindling and her producers turning up the heat, Delilah offers up the half-baked idea to collaborate with her brother’s team to entice the hockey fans of Boston to tune in to her show. Delilah thinks it will be a piece of cake—until the team sends Ian Chase, her brother’s best friend and the object of a decade-long crush that she’s never quite gotten over. Delilah's and Ian’s teams think it’s a true win-win situation—gaining higher numbers for Delilah’s show and casting Ian in a more positive light. And viewers are eating them up like a cupcake, sparking the idea to play up their relationship for the goal of good press. With more than just their careers on thin ice, the line between what’s real and what’s for show begins to blur, but one thing’s for certain: This PR stunt will either be a total game changer—or leave them both totally pucked.” —NetGalley

What I Liked:

The Tropes—Brother’s best friend, fake dating, celebrity/pro athlete! So. Much. Fun. And the tension was so good! I’ve been missing that in my romances lately.

The Pacing—I thought everything was very well paced and happened at an appropriate time! The tension was so so good and I loved how their was no third act break up. It made total sense!!!

How Fun and Entertaining It Is—I just gobbled this book up. It was very spicy, very fun, very swoony, and so much fun to read. It has a lot of depth to it while still remaining utterly entertaining.

What Didn’t Work:

Not much! I really had the best time reading this book.

Character Authenticity: 4/5 Spice Rating: 3.5/5 Overall Rating: 4/5

Content Warnings:

emotional abuse, panic attack, death of a parent, toxic relationship with a parent, gaslighting

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I was pretty excited about the premise for this one - fake dating, brothers best friend, hockey player and baker? Sounded like an easy recipe for a classic romcom.

The story itself started out pretty well, I was liking the flow, storyline and banter for the first half of the book. After that the book lost some steam for me, while it had cute moments I felt like it lost the compelling pull / will they - won’t they give it started on. It also felt less romcom and more ron-drama for part 2 which didn’t feel as natural in the storyline.

It was a cute read but not a favorite for me. So far I’m finding this author to be one of those hit or miss types for my reading preferences 🤷🏼‍♀️

I read and reviewed a complimentary arc, all thoughts and opinions are my own and freely offered.

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This one was cute! There was spice, super cute moments, and tons of banter. I really loved how it started out as a fake relationship, but then turned into a real one. I also loved that Delilah and Ian communicated. There was so many issues they faced, but instead of miscommunication or break ups, there was trust and talking things out.

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Delilah "Lila" Baker is a baker (funny right?) and the host of a small cable network baking show. Ian is an NHL hockey player returning to play for his hometown team, which his parents own, but he's been the subject of bad press about his relationships in the past. Lila and Ian team up to do a little fake dating and have Ian as a guest on her show to boost her viewership and boost Ian's image. We can't forget that Lila has been pinning over Ian since she was a kid and now is finally her chance to have him, but will it be real or just for show?

This was a fun hockey romance read. Brother's best friend is one of my favorite tropes and this one did it well. Lila and Ian seemed like a great fit for each other and just needed a little push for Ian to realize it. The plot did slow down a little at points, but not too much. The concept was cute and I liked how their relationships slowly gross. Its a slow burn, which normally isn't my favorite, but this one worked. Overall I enjoyed this book and give it 4 of 5 stars.

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Fake dating is always silly and fun and I think The Game Changer will appeal to folks who aren't looking for more than that in a book. Lana Ferguson always writes sexy little books and the spicy scenes carry The Game Changer. Hockey fans will likely enjoy this more than most. The cooking show piece was a different take on a traditional hockey romance and I found that refreshing.

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unfortunately for me i just cant get into this one or really connect with the two main characters, i think the idea of this one is super cute and i get that they’ve known each other for forever and previously had feelings so while its not insta lovey dovey for them it was for me and i wouldve liked a bit more tension between the two.

i think i may try and come back to this one in the future when the feeling is right but i cant force it anymore.

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This was different than Lana’s other books but I really enjoyed it. Lana writes an excellent sports romance.

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When Ian is in a PR nightmare and Delilah's ratings are lackluster, they are thrown together in a scenario that will help both of them out. And after seeing one another for just a few days, Delilah knows that the crush she had on her brother's best friend when she was younger is back full force. Ian never saw Delilah in that kind of light, but he is seeing her now. Too bad he lives with her brother and he can't cross that line.
When they are forced to make it "look like" they are dating things start to get real though. The lines are blurred and Ian has no idea why he hasn't been seeing her like this all along.
I loved Delilah and I loved Ian even more. He had such a disaster going on in his personal life and I felt terrible for him. He was such a good person but his family and the press just really took him down, to the point he could barely function outside in the world. Delilah helped him breathe again. Their story was sweet and spicy, just like a Lana Ferguson book should be.
Thank you to Lana, Netgalley and Berkley for an early copy.

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I have read many Hockey Romances this year to the point where they have all blurred together - however, this one stood out like a shining star! It was sooooo refreshing to read a brother's best friend trope where they don't hate each other, the brother doesn't overreact to their love and all around was such a great read. Equal parts sweet and spicy with such a fresh sense of humour I can see myself reaching for this as my next go to comfort read - will for sure be recommending to anyone who will listen!!

4.5 stars!!

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First of all, I want to thank NetGalley and Berkley for granting me this ARC. However, due to recent information that has come forward regarding Lana Ferguson and her previously published fan fiction depicting racist stereotypes, I no longer feel comfortable reading and reviewing her work.

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This book didn't really grab me, felt like a generic hockey romance... but I otherwise love Lana Ferguson's work and will definitely be trying her next book!

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The Game Changer by Lara Ferguson was such a fun, swoony and entertaining read. Lana Ferguson's writing is so delightful and fun. You're guaranteed to have a good time when you pick up a Lana Ferguson book. The Game Changer is probably the best book to pick up for the summer. It's joyful, it's steamy and the characters are nothing but loveable. The writing is fun and keeps you hooked from the start. It's both spicy yet heartwarming. Overall, a fantastic summer romance read.

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This book disappointed me, a lot. I really enjoyed Lana's first two books, but this one was just lackluster and really threw me. Sports romance is not one of my main genres, but I do read and enjoy it. That isn't the problem with this book, the sports are fine. Honestly, it's characters and plot, which were pretty strong in The Nanny and and The Fake Mate.

What I liked: the inital premise did seem interesting to me. Oooh, he has bad press but they have good chemistry, so commence fake relationship! I also liked that Delilah has a strong, loving relationship with her weird brother.

What I didn't like: pretty much everything else. The world feels notably underdeveloped. For starters, Delilah has no friends outside work. The work friends she does have don't have any personality, they're just cutouts to bounce jokes off of. I liked Delilah's agent, but that's pretty much it. We don't know much of anything about Delilah, other than she is perfect. She does charity with orphans because she was one, and she's a caretaker, she wants to look after people. She's a pastry chef who trained in France, and God save me from the cringey French in the book. She's has an obsessive crush on her brother's best friend since she was a little kid, and they haven't seen each other in years.

I really wanted to like Ian, I did. It's just that he was so BORING. Like Delilah, he is perfect and has been wronged by the world. His marriage fell apart but it wasn't his fault! No spoilers, but while there is some blame to be thrown around, I saw right through the twist since Ian's dad is such an ass.

I think the main thing (aside from the utter boredom and total lack of pacing) is that it weirdly leans into the incestuousness? Like, there is no ACTUAL incest, as Ian and Delilah are not related. But Ian has been in their lives for twenty years, and thinks of Delilah's brother as a brother. He also *thought* of Delilah as a kid sister before they met again as adults. Then there are these jokes like "my brother is fucking my sister, ewwww." I really didn't like that! They kept talking about how connected they were as kids, and all of the sweet memories they have together. I like friends to lovers, but this doesn't feel that way to me? Maybe I am just not cut out for "brother's best friend" romances, I don't know. I also think it's just rote and kinda dull. So far, all of Ferguson's female main characters have a few things in common: 1) no parents for one reason or another 2) significantly younger than the male MC and 3) aparently totally unaware of what it looks like when a man finds one attractive. I just find MCs with too similar backrounds to be a red flag in terms of bad writing, plus there's the laziness of "she's an orphan so she's inherently sympathetic."

I think given the other controversy re: this author I'll just cut my losses here. Too bad.

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