Member Reviews

The Game Changer is a fake dating, friends to lovers, hockey romance perfect for fans of books like Mixed Signals by B.K. Borison, The Dixon Rule by Elle Kennedy, Unravel Me by Becka Mack, The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams, The Fake Out by Stephanie Archer, and Matching All the Way by Veronica Eden. The Game Changer deals with themes and topics like family, orphanhood, marriage and divorce, infidelity, appearance versus reality, secrets and lies, reputation and legacy, fame and status, mental health, and self worth.

I have read a lot of hockey romances in recent history, so much so that some of the plots and characters are starting to blur together in my mind. So, I appreciated the addition of Delilah’s baking show in The Game Changer as I felt like this really helped it to be more memorable and stand apart from other hockey romances. There was no third act break-up as well as lots of spice and swoon-worthy moments in The Game Changer, which will be definite pluses for fellow romance readers!

On the downside, I personally found it harder to get into The Game Changer compared to other Lana Ferguson books that I’ve read, perhaps because friends to lovers isn’t my favourite trope, and thought that the plot was a tad predictable.

Overall, The Game Changer was an enjoyable and easy read that would be a great addition to steamy romance readers’ summer TBR lists!

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I really enjoyed this read. It was quite different as a sports romance from Lana’s first book I read, The Fake Mate. I definitely enjoyed it. I think the book had intrigue, mystery, heartbreak, but a good ending.

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Secrets, meddling family, expectations, assumptions, and a scandal that could resurface and ruin more than one career.

If you are in the mood for a hockey romance with witty dialogue and plenty of teasing banter you might enjoy this read.

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4/5 ⭐️

I honestly don’t know what it is about Lana Ferguson but I inhale her writing! They are always a good time!

Brother’s best friend??? Age gap??? That’s actually all you need to say for me to pick up a book and this one did not disappoint.

I promise you’ll enjoy this one!

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Delilah Baker has a dream - a successful baking show on a local Boston TV station and also the dream of Ian Chase, childhood friend turned gorgeous hockey player. When Ian returns to Boston, he's looking to rehab his bad boy image - one he's actually done nothing to earn. Delilah needs a boost to her ratings. So, Ian appears as a guest & the public falls in love with the image of them dating. They agree to fake it until things get really real.

I loved Lana Ferguson's "The Nanny" and this one definitely continues on the spicy scenes path. Parts of it fell flat for me, though.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC!

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DNF @ 30%. A really cute premise, but I've learned I don't like the brother's best friend trope. It's no fault to the author, the only thing turning me away is that. I do think you'll love this if you're a sports romance and/or fan of the brother's best friend trope. I enjoyed the writing and characters, so I'll have to read something else from this author.

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Thank you Berkley for this early copy.

I found this alright. It’s literally “Icebreakers” set outside of college and instead of the girl being an ice skater, she’s a baker. I think the premise was cute and I enjoyed the fake-dating aspect! But I think once they started developing feelings for each other, and all the random other issues that came along with that, the book was less compelling.

I’m also sick of brothers in books being protective of their sisters. Like we get it, you’re a man. What do you expect your sister is going to do? Never fall in love?? It’s so boring and annoying.

I am also starting a petition to ban the nickname “brat” in romance novels.

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3 stars★
“I don’t know when you went from the girl I adored to the woman I can’t stop thinking about, but you did . You’ve always been in my heart, but now you’re in my head too."

This hockey romance is perfect for those who can't stand miscommunication. Once the main characters finally get together, it's smooth sailing from there on out.

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3.5 Stars!

What happens when lines between what's real and what's for show start to blur? Find out in The Game Changer by Lana Ferguson.

The Game Changer is a fun and entertaining read with just the right amount of spice and drama. Fans of sports romances and brother's best friend tropes will thoroughly enjoy this quick and sexy read.

I for one can't wait to see what this author will write next!

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This is a really, <i>really</i> basic brother's best friend-to-lovers romance. There is barely any build-up, no tension, and the drama is non-existent (though the author tried really, really hard to make it seem like it was a bigger deal than it was). Even though it's a hockey romance, there's minimal hockey in this (and to be fair, minimal baking, even though she's supposed to be running her own baking show). I was surprised at the spicy scenes though. Maybe a 3 chili pepper rating?

But, this might be people's cup of tea if you want something a little spicier than soothing. This falls squarely in the something low-stakes and cute category, and you aren't kept wondering will-they-won't-they. Some cute teasing, one-dimensional side characters (who sometimes make no sense), and no one creating any kind of deterrent to the two of them getting together. It's all pretty much wrapped up with a bow by page 50.

But, if you are infuriated by someone's whole life being changed because they couldn't have a single conversation that would have resulted in none of the said minimal drama occurring, or issues that literally a single therapy session could solve, then maybe don't think too hard about this book. But I'd read this author again. I won't remember much, but it was fine. 2.5 stars.

</i>I received an ARC of this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.<i>

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Lana Ferguson has entered the fray of hockey romance with a *cough* bang. This is a "fake dating my brother's best friend who she's been in love with since childhood trope" which is done to perfection. Plus, you know, it's Lana so it's going to be hot.

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Do you like sports romances (specifically hockey)? Do you like fake-dating? Do you like mega-watt steam? Do you like cupcakes?

You're welcome.

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As a fan of Ferguson’s work, I was excited to dive into this new book, and I wasn’t disappointed. Ferguson’s writing style is signature to her previous works, including “The Fake Mate”, which I also enjoyed. She has a knack for crafting ridiculous plot lines that are both humorous and engaging. In “The Game Changer”, the drama is a little heightened, but that’s par for the course in the romantic comedy genre.

One thing that frustrated me slightly was the way the characters handled some of the media-related problems they faced. However, I understand that family dynamics can be unpredictable, and we’re all guilty of making irrational decisions when it comes to our loved ones.

On the other hand, there are two things that I absolutely adored about this book:

1) It is FILTHY.
2) There is ✨ no third act breakup ✨

The couple’s relationship is rock-solid from the start, with no unnecessary drama or breakups. It’s a breath of fresh air to see a romance that doesn’t rely on angst or drama to drive the plot.

Overall, I highly recommend “The Game Changer” to anyone looking for a fun, lighthearted romance with a healthy dose of humor and passion.

If tropes are your thing, here are some selling points:
🧁 Brother’s best friend
🧁 Forced proximity
🧁 Anxiety rep (MMC)
🧁 Friends to lovers

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This book is the equivalent of the incestuous Folgers commercial! I enjoyed The Fake Mate but this book really missed the mark for me. I didn’t like Jack’s weird incest jokes and the plot was weak. Where was Delilah’s nonwork friends. Why did Ian decide he liked her? It was just meh.

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Read this if you like:
•hockey romances
•childhood friends to lovers
•baking shows

Ian is SWOONY. Lilah is so fun and sweet. This book was such a delight. The friendship was chefs kiss. The steam was chefs kiss. I can’t wait for this to be out in the world. Thank you Berkley romance for the eARC!

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Ian has just returned to his hometown to end his hockey career alongside his childhood best friend. He’s spent the past ten years of his life labeled as a cheater and womanizer by the media after his marriage ended and he was seen with a mysterious woman he has insisted on keeping a secret. At the same time, his best friend’s sister Delilah (who has pined over him her whole life) is struggling to maintain viewers on her local baking show and sees an opportunity: bring him on as a guest to help both their public appeal. The result is sparking chemistry. Everyone notices their spark right away, and they both immediately are intrigued by how the other has grown up in the years they’ve been apart. What could follow? A fake dating scheme arranged by their PR teams, of course. As they get closer for the public cameras, they begin to let their walls down too and realize that maybe their secrets will only bring them closer.

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Delilah stars in a popular cable show and is needing more views, and Ian is a hockey player needing good press. These two team up together and things start to get steamy. Ian wants to keep her in the friend zone because he’s always seen her as a little sister. That is until feelings develop and both can’t hold back anymore. They fake date for positive PR, but the chemistry between them has both questioning if they can make things work out for real.

Overall this was cute, but it wasn’t my fav by Lana Ferguson. I’m a sucker for hockey romances, but something just didn’t do it for me in this one. The smut is hotttt, and I love when both just give in. I was laughing at times. One thing I couldn’t get in line with was the nicknames. That was a little cringe and he calls her “brat” like 73 times in this. Sadly I had mixed feelings about this book, but I will continue to read Lana’s books because they are pretty fun!

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I loved this book. I loved Delilah and Ian so much, individually and together. I love that I know that Lana didn’t always love this book, that she had to work hard to write it and love it - because it turned out SO GOOD. I love a hockey romance so really I was always going to like it!! And brother’s best friend?? And the fact that he was her childhood crush and now they’re fake dating so they both can get some good PR?? It was SO GOOD.

What I really liked was that Delilah and Ian were ALWAYS SOLID, there was never a moment where their relationship, or even friendship, or feelings were in question. Yes they took a minute to define things, but once they started their fake relationship, that was it, they were in it together. All of the conflict was based on things outside of their relationship and I loved that they were always solid.

I also loved how supportive Delilah was of Ian. He was coming home feeling very unsure of so many things, he was keeping secrets that weren’t his and he didn’t know how he would fit into his old life. But Delilah was there for him the whole time, no matter what!

And the two of them were PERFECT. Lana knows how to write a sexy book! And they were fun and sweet and sexy and so SOFT FOR EACH OTHER! I loved their chemistry and their banter and their love for each other, even before their deep romantic feelings. They also prioritized their friendship, and Ian’s friendship with Jack which I thought was so sweet. They didn’t want things to change, but they also wanted to figure out the next step and they did it so well!

Here’s hoping Jack gets his own book!! I feel like I saw her saying something about it happening, maybe happening?? Hopefully happening?? But in the mean time I AM excited this one coming out so soon and about Under Loch and Key in December!!

Thank you so much to Berkeley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I thought the plot was interesting. I just didn’t really fall in love with Ian. I would’ve liked to see why he fell in love with Lilah besides her growing up.

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I’ve really come to enjoy Ferguson’s writing, and this book was a lot of fun! There were a lot of cute moments, the characters were just so good! Especially Delilah’s brother!!

Thank you so much for the eARC!!

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