Member Reviews

I don't think saying I enjoyed "Sorry for the Inconvenience" is the correct phrase; instead, I felt it. Farah is heartbreakingly honest with her experiences and shares the most challenging moments of her life. We read about her dealing with generational cycles, cultural expectations, and complicated grief on her journey to figuring out what she wants life to look like. This was such an amazing read, and I plan to explore her fiction works!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an of this book for an honest review.

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It's a YA novel come to life, sort of: in "Sorry for the Inconvenience", Rishi weaves a story of cultural expectations, family dysfunction, and grief...with an unexpected love story underpinning it all.

I'm not usually one much for trigger warnings, but if you like to know what you're in for here I do recommend checking out those warnings ahead of time. The cheerful cover belies the more harrowing parts of the story here (though kudos to the cover designer for the dogwood flowers); without going into too much detail here, there are layers and layers of loss. But also: throughout the story, the thread of Stephen, Rishi's best friend from college, who proves a steadying force again and again throughout the book...and who, when things were extra tough, offered Rishi yet another measure of security: a marriage of convenience, one that could stay a platonic partnership between friends—for as long as Rishi wanted.

I waffled a bit on my rating. There were some quite odd proofreading misses that took me out of the book; this would usually be normal (and not worth mentioning) for an ARC, but in this case the ARC was offered after the publication date, and I'd expect published books to have been through proofreading. But the story and its telling are gripping, and the way Rishi's background as a YA fiction writer comes through here is pretty fascinating. This isn't written for a YA audience, but if someone described the events of this book—with a few tweaks—and said that they were going to write a YA novel about those events, I'd say "Yup, that tracks." (Here I should maybe note that YA done right can tackle some wickedly heavy subjects.) It certainly doesn't make the harder material of the book easier to read, let alone live through, but it does make for a fast-paced, complex read with (what do you know) as classic a hero as one could hope for in a contemporary YA book. And as it happens, Rishi fictionalized at least part of her story with Stephen for a novel, and now I'm desperately curious to see how that version of the story goes.

Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a review copy through NetGalley.

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It is no exaggeration to say this is the most beautiful book I've ever had the pleasure of reading and has easily become my absolute favorite. There's not a single thing I did not like about this absolutely heart-wrenching story of family, loss, and love. I cried many times, but I sobbed a final time after finishing the acknowledgements, and just sitting with myself and all the emotions I had accumulated whilst being on this journey. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone, just please read it. Thank you so much to NetGalley for this ARC.

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Thank you to Mindy’s Book Studio and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this heartfelt book.

I'm writing this as I wipe back tears. I pretty much cried all the way through this one. Between being way too relatable at times and just outright beautifully written, I could not have been happier to have read it. If you haven’t yet, go read it now. Bring tissues.

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I have really been liking memoirs this year and this book did not disappoint. I highly recommend it to all memoir lovers. I think you’ll enjoy it.

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Sorry for the Inconvenience is a beautifully written memoir from Farah Naz Rishi! This biography details Rishi's life from a young student to a prolific author. As the eldest daughter in a South Asian family, I was able to relate to some of Rishi's family relationships and life experiences. While the events of the memoir are heartbreaking, in way, this memoir was very healing and therapeutic for my own lived experiences. I loved the depiction of love in this novel--whether it between family, friends, and partners. Rishi's voice is strong, charming, and endearing, and I can't wait to read their future works!

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For fans of I'm Glad My Mom Died, Sorry for the Inconvenience explores toxic family relationships, falling in love without realizing we are, marriage of conveniences, and losing a parent to cancer. There's signature humor and wryness all balanced with vulnerability. As a long time fan of Farah Naz Rishi, it's a privilege to read. Inspired by a viral TikTok, Sorry for the Inconvenience is tender. While it certainly touches on the story of the TikTok and marriage of convenience, it's also about all the events and ways we become the person we are. The little decisions necessary to be ready - and all the times we aren't.

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Farah Naz Rishi, Michelle Zauner, and I (and a lot more people) all have one thing in common: a difficult relationship with our immigrant moms. therefore see: me bawling my eyes out for a honest-to-goodness half of the book. if and when you read this, i urge you to read it with or just listen to the audiobook, narrated by Farah herself. she is an excellent and very talented audiobook narrator and telling her own story (even if you’ve heard it from TikTok) makes the gut punch a little bit more real. i’ve known Farah’s story from the bits and pieces that she’s told on TikTok but to read it in an incredibly well-written memoir has been simultaneously an honor to learn more about her and a heartbreaking experience. but to walk with her along her journey as she learns about love and loss and all the while, falls deeply in love with the love of her life. Farah, i've learned so much about myself, faith, and what it means to look for your soulmate through this book and i deeply thank you for sharing your story with us. what an honor it has been to read it ❤️

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a memoir told from the point of view of farah naz rishi, sorry for the inconvenience details her life from her freshman year at college to a little more than a decade after, with bits and pieces of her childhood mixed in.

freshman year of college, in a japanese civilization class, farah meets stephen, who at first glance, irks her for some reason. maybe because he came into class five minutes late. or maybe because he wore flip-flops and shorts in winter. after a group project, they slowly become friends, best friends, that play video games together and talk about everything and nothing. he starts reading and learning about islam and coparents the cat she adopts in her dorm.
a familiar struggle that i’m sure a lot of children of immigrants understand, especially in desi culture (their family is pakistani) is that parents expect their kids to choose a “practical” subject to study so that they have a “stable” career, both of which i put in quotes because there’s no such thing as a steady job, and every subject can be practical. nevertheless, you know i'm talking about careers like lawyers and engineers. farah wants to be a writer, and shaz wants to play piano - you can imagine how those conversations went.

although this book has a lot going on, the one consistent thing is how stephen is always there for her. whether as a background character or a supporting one, the one constant is him. even though i already knew they were still married in real life, it didn't spoil anything for me because this book is character-driven and not plot-driven.

in terms of writing, farah naz rishi has a way with words that had me crying every few pages. whether that was because so much of her story parallels my life, or because she’s just that talented, you decide (it can be both for the record). the little comments scattered around the book about how stephen deleted a dating app hours after she made him create a profile, how he’s never really dated, all culminated in the last chapter, as she has her epiphany about her feelings. the buildup didn’t disappoint, and i loved how it got less and less subtle as the book went on.

all in all, this is genuinely the best book i’ve read this year and i can’t wait to see what else farah writes.

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Hauntingly moving, SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE by Farah Naz Rishi is a memoir about loss and love and how the two intersect.

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I’m actually sobbing while writing this so sorry if it doesn’t make sense but here we go:

I just finished 5 seconds ago and this is one of the best books I’ve EVER READ.

Farah’s memoir was completely GUT WRENCHING, heartbreaking, powerful with moments of sweet tenderness sprinkled through I could cry all night. The way she wrote certain scenes you could feel her complete emotions right in your heart.

Being a Pakistani Muslim American myself I resonated so much with the description of Farah’s relationships specifically with faith and God.

I feel so honored to have read this and I just admire her resilience. Reading about her life, her relationships with her brother, parents & partner she takes you through her childhood to adulthood showcasing hardships & her growth while also making you fall in love with her love story as she is herself.

Reminding yourself that this is a memoir and how much she has lived through just leaves me in complete awe.

I’m so proud of you Farah!

Pls check TW’s before reading.

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