Member Reviews

This was a fun read. The story begun with a great set up, with interesting characters, a strong main character, and enough mystery to keep me guessing. The book did however start to drag a bit and fell a bit too much into reiterating Astraea‘a missing memories, and Nyte dangling his knowledge. I wish there was more story building. I’m still not entirely sure I knew by the end what the main plot was. This story has a lot of promise and I could see fans of fourth wing really enjoying this. I look forward to reading the next installment.

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I really really wanted to like this book! I love so many of the ideas that went into it, but it needed so much editing from the first page onward. There was just too much going on that never paid off for me, and the writing just rambled (almost incoherently at parts, unfortunately). I did not connect with the characters or the world, the pacing either dragged or rushed, and the story could not decide what it wanted to be. By the end, I could barely care about the supposed “twist” - which was so upsetting for me as a reader who normally loves these kinds of stories.

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I had a really hard time getting in to this book but towards the end I was hooked enough that I will likely read the next book. Im hoping book two moves a little faster!
I did really appreciate the pronunciation guide at the back of the book as I usually just make up pronunciations of names in many fantasy books!

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2/5 stars
I want to start this by saying that not only is the cover and sprayed pages absolutely gorgeous, the premise of the story has so much potential. The summary of the book automatically grabbed my attention, and I couldn't wait to start reading when I was approved for the ARC. The beginning of the novel was a little confusing, as the FMC doesn't exactly know who she is or where she comes from, and the world building was also a little spacey/confusing. The "purple prose" used throughout the book also took away from the world-building and story itself, as I feel like I spent too much time trying to figure out what point the author was actually trying to make.
The first time the FMC and MMC meet also kind of turned me off from reading much further. The FMC is running from her captor to avoid punishment for sneaking out of her room to observe his party, and instead sneaks into a room that is not her own (where the MMC is coincidentally sitting on his own). She can hear the music from the party still, and totally forgets where she is and starts dancing in her own little world for this mystery man. Like were you not just running for your life? I also feel like the pacing during this scene was too fast, but that could just be my preference. However, regardless of these flaws that I couldn't ignore to read past, I still believe there is potential for this series. I want to and may try to read it again one day, but today is just not that day.
Big shoutout and thank you to NetGalley, Chloe C. Peñaranda, and Tor Publishing for allowing me to have access to the ARC of this novel!

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The Stars Are Dying by Author C.C. Penaranda
Star Rating: 3.75
Spice: 3 Chilies
Genre: Dark Romantasy including:
*Celestial Magic
*Slow Burn
*Forbbiden Romance
*Star-Crossed Lovers
*World Building
*Paranormal Romance
*Vampires & Faeries

Book 1 in the Nytefall Trilogy

I received this e-book as am Arc in exchange for my honest review through Net Galley.

I was so so so excited to read this novel. It was a larger book from what I am use to but with the amount of world building it made sense. I was not a fan of how slow paced the story was. I kind of dragged in some parts and led to me being confused and having to re-read a ton.

The story starts off with us learning about the silver haired FMC Asteria. She is quite interesting as we learn that she only remembers the last 5 years of her life. Her only true support system is her friend Cassia. Cassia and Asteria go through a lot in this novel as Cassia plans to participate in the Kings games to keep the vampires from invading her people and protect them.

Along this journey Asteria begins to see Nyte whom is a different kind of being. He is a villain-ish bad boy that is truly not there, yet she communicates with him. Asteria has back and forth feelings about Nyte which forces us to ask the question, "Do we trust him"? Tons of secrets and plot twists drives this home, yet you will have to stick with it to gain all the answers you seak.

I would recommend if you love a slow burn, forbidden love story, with lots of magic. She is a thick book so take your time, but it is worth the read.

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I had high hopes for this book after seeing great reviews but it just didn't hit for me like I thought it would. I feel like the world building could have been a little better , I just wasn't connecting at all.

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The world that this book builds, albeit slowly, is remarkable. It's almost as if the reader gains an understanding of the world as Astraea is exposed to the wider world and begins to put the pieces of her past back together. The tension between Astraea and Nyte is exquisite, and the explosion when they can finally touch is *chef's kiss*. about halfway through, the pace really picks up, and I could not put this book down. There were many twists and revelations I did not see coming, which I enjoyed.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next one in the series. If you like lovers to enemies to lovers, he falls first and harder, shadow daddy, play the game to save the world, found family, and amnesia tropes, you'll love this book.

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I liked this book more than I thought I would. It’s standard romantasy in parts, but with just enough added intrigue to help it stand out. I’m definitely going to be recommending this to my patrons!

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The Stars are Dying really took me by surprise with how much it sucked me in and had me dying to know more. Astraea, the FMC, is our silver haired heroine with a lost memory and goes on a path to figure out her identify as well as a path of vengeance. There are fae, vampires, gods/godesses and creatures of all sorts with a little something for everybody. And of course our MMC, Nyte, is a morally gray shadow daddy that is OBSESSED with her!

I’m not going to lie, this plot had me very confused a majority of the time but the vibes just kept me reading and wanting to figure it all out. The pacing is a bit off but there is definitely potential here. There is a lot of world building involved in this book but I really think as the series progresses it will come together!

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The quality of the prose in this one just wasn't enough to keep me reading very far into the book. The cover and edges are absolutely gorgeous, so I know this one will find plenty of fans, but I didn't find it compelling enough to stand out amongst a crowded field of romantic fantasy.

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We had this title in store before it was picked up and I wish I read it then! Excited to have it back and to handsell it. Unique and a fun read!

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"The brightest star needs the darkest night."

Astrea and Nyte might be my two new favorite book characters. And the side characters are also really amazing (there is a bonus chapter that just reaffirms this!). I loved how all of their relationships developed. I am usually not the biggest fan of the memory loss trope but the way it is done in this book worked well.

The world that C.C. Peñaranda has built is magical and I could easily picture every scene. The way the galaxy + stars are incorporated was really unique. I do think it would be helpful to have a larger glossary of the different types of vampires + other beings (maybe some editions have it).

I did not particularly love the tournament aspect but the beginning and the end were perfection. There is still so much to uncover and I am really looking forward to the second book.

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This book was way too long and the plot was all over the place. I was confused for so much of it because the book can’t pick an objective and stick with it. There were repetitive scenes, the same thing over and over. I read the whole damn thing trying to figure out what was happening and there were still no answers. Super unsatisfying.

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Title: The Stars Are Dying

Author: Chloe C. Peñaranda

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Rating: ★★★★☆

Chloe C. Peñaranda’s "The Stars Are Dying" is a mesmerising blend of fantasy, romance, and dark intrigue, set in a world abandoned by celestial guardians and dominated by a tyrant king. This captivating novel takes readers on a journey filled with mystery, danger, and unexpected alliances, perfect for fans of epic fantasy and swoon-worthy romance.

Astraea, a young woman with fragmented memories of only the last five years, seeks answers about her past. Living in seclusion for safety from the rumoured vampires, she decides to flee her oppressive captor. Her path crosses with Nyte, a mysterious figure whose presence is as alluring as it is dangerous. Despite her fears, Astraea accepts Nyte's help, only to find herself questioning if she has allied with one of the very vampires she has been taught to fear.

Their journey leads them to the King’s Central, where Astraea accompanies her best friend Cassia to the centenary of the Libertatem—a series of trials in which human lands compete for safety from the bloodthirsty vampires. When tragedy strikes, Astraea must decide whether to take the place of a murdered participant for the safety of her kingdom or to seek protection and answers about her past.

What I Loved:

1. Complex Characters: Astraea’s journey of self-discovery and bravery is compelling, and her dynamic with Nyte is both intense and intriguing. Nyte, with his enigmatic charm, adds depth and complexity to the story, keeping readers guessing about his true intentions.
2. Rich World-Building: Peñaranda crafts a vivid world filled with celestial lore, tyrannical rulers, and fearsome vampires. The detailed setting enhances the immersive experience, making the stakes feel real and the dangers palpable.
3. High-Stakes Plot: The Libertatem trials introduce a thrilling element of competition and danger, adding suspense and excitement to the narrative. Astraea's participation in the trials for the safety of her kingdom keeps readers on the edge of their seats.
4. Emotional Depth: The novel delves into themes of memory, identity, and trust. Astraea's struggle to reclaim her past and navigate her feelings for Nyte adds an emotional layer that resonates with readers.

The celestial guardians' abandonment and the trials of Libertatem provide a unique twist to the typical fantasy setting. The concept of competing for safety from vampires through a series of royal trials adds an inventive and engaging element to the story.

"The Stars Are Dying" is a thrilling, romantic, and richly imagined fantasy that keeps readers hooked from the first page to the last.

Chloe C. Peñaranda masterfully balances action, romance, and mystery, creating a story that is as enchanting as it is heart-pounding.

Astraea’s journey is one of courage and self-discovery, and her interactions with Nyte are filled with tension and chemistry. The high-stakes trials and the looming threat of vampires add a sense of urgency and excitement to the plot.

For fans of epic fantasy with a touch of romance and dark intrigue, "The Stars Are Dying" is a must-read. Peñaranda’s skilful storytelling and captivating characters make this novel an unforgettable adventure in a beautifully crafted world.

Thank you to The Publisher Tor Publishing Group | Bramble. ,The Author Chloe C. Peñaranda & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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The Stars Are Dying is the first book in Chloe’s new NA Fantasy Romance series and while it can easily be read as a standalone, if you’ve read the author’s other series, you might notice some fun Easter eggs.

Where do I even begin… This book is so unique and often reminded me of a fairytale, I was fully invested in it since the first page and read the whole book in one sitting at night because I couldn’t put it down. I loved our main characters, Astraea and Nyte. Astraea had some difficult past and can only remember the last 5 years of her life, she was perhaps a bit naive at times, but I loved how she grew through the story and how despite her mental struggles, she was fighting for what she wanted. Nyte is the book boyfriend I knew I would love since the first time I met him: mysterious, morally grey with all the 'touch her and die’ and 'who did this to you’ vibes, I absolutely loved him. Astraea’s and Nyte’s relationship and eventual romance is a slow burn, but there was so much tension and amazing banter between them I loved all of it, their story is so beautiful and heartbreaking, I can’t wait to read even more of it in the next book, they are easily one of my favorite bookish couples and I already miss them.

I spent quite some time having no idea what was going on but I loved slowly discovering everything alongside Astraea. I must say I had some predictions as to what happened in the past and could still happen, but every time I thought I figured it out, the author proved how amazing writer she is, the foreshadowing was perfect and when some things became clear in the end, OMG I was speechless. The plot was perfectly paced and I had so much fun reading this book, it was really interesting, the characters and romance were just incredible and there were so many of my favorite tropes (morally grey characters, villain gets the girl, hidden identity, lost memories and many more).

The Stars Are Dying is an absolutely incredible book that I really loved and already can’t wait for the book 2 because OMG that ending! I was shocked, I was crying and smiling through my tears while reading, this book was a real rollercoaster of emotions and the sequel can’t come soon enough.

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A mesmerizing start to a NA fantasy romance series! The writing style is both eloquent and gripping, seamlessly weaving together lush world-building with a sizzling, heartfelt romance. The characters are compelling, and their chemistry is palpable. A must-read that leaves you eagerly anticipating the next book.

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This was a fun romantasy read! It's a little slow at times but there's some fast-paced action to keep you going. I really liked the magic and star-related magic in this book, it came across very poetic to read about. I actually liked the cliffhanger ending and will be reading book two. However, a lot of my enjoyment from this book I feel like I've already read in others. There's many parallels to ACOTAR, hunger games, twilight, etc, so it feels a bit like lightlark/fourth wing in that way.

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I attempted to make it further into the book, but I fear The Stars are Dying suffers from many of the same pitfalls as other romantasy books. It uses schlocky vocabulary, especially around physical features ("irises", "locks" etc), over explains the characters' feelings, and overanticipates later events in the book. The ideas contained in the book have potential, but the writing is poorly executed. I suspect some aspects of this book may be a little too targeted toward BookTok. Some readers may enjoy this, but this fell short of my expectations for Tor publishing.

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I liked this book a lot, especially the romance and fantasy aspects. The beginning of the book had me so invested and I liked the uniqueness of this book. I'm still confused about a lot of the worldbuilding aspects but I loved the stars/moon allusions and the writing had some good quotable moments. This book has vampires, fae, and humans and the fmc starts as an escort who's kept hidden by this lord who rescued her. She plans to escape with her best friend and that's when everything hits the fan. In her mind, she hears the voice of the mmc who talks to her and helps her but she doesn't realize that no one sees and communicates with him except her. The main characters have lots of chemistry and the tension is so good I was rooting for them even when secrets are revealed and people are not who we think they are. This is a bit of a slow burn and there is some good spice in it. I'm excited about the next book and can't wait to see what happens.

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This book is both intriguing and masterfully constructed, with a vividly depicted world, and a simmering romance! The unexpected turns in the plot kept me fully engrossed, and I am eagerly anticipating delving into the next installment of this series!

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