Member Reviews

I didnt like this book very much. I think P&P retelling are hard to do well, and this just didn’t hit the mark for me

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for an earc!

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I DNFd this less than 10% in. It was not what I was
Expecting and I knew if I continued it would likely become a hate read. While the cover is GORGEOUS this book is a no from me. I was so excited for it too so I'm soooo sad.

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I was so excited when I received this ARC. Like many others, I was drawn in by the gorgeous cover. I expected Pride & Prejudice reimagined, however, it was the most literal execution of Pride & Prejudice in Space possible. It simply lifted the original text and swapped out the Regency vocabulary for Sci-Fi. Perhaps if it had been fan-fiction I would have found it enjoyable, but as a novel it is throughly uncreative.

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Cute idea. Pride and Prejudice in Space sticks really closely to the established and well-known script (à la those Disney "live action" remakes)...just made "spacey." This one is obviously in the same vein as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, with a different style frame. We know the story and it doesn't not feel like if they made P&P Mad Libs.

However, the shine of this one is in its illustrations and artwork, of which there are many. The illustrations give the reader some peak moments and sparks the attention back into gear, and I'm sure this one would be gorgeous on a shelf in its physical form.

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Once I saw the title, I knew I had to put in the request for it. I love Pride and Prejudice, it's one of my favorite books and movies of all time. So adding in a space theme seemed right up my alley.

I enjoyed this book. I thought it was a really interesting concept and spin on the original Pride and Prejudice. I do wish it was more original though.

I didn't realize I hadn't put my review on here so am posting this a bit late.
Thank you to Netgalley for giving me this ARC.

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This is a story about intergalactic obstinate, headstrong girls.

I can’t recommend this book enough if you’re someone who loves scifi or fantasy, and is wanting to tackle a classic! Jane Austen fan fic is basically its own published genre now, but this one absolutely stands out from the crowd- the art?! The scope of the world building while preserving the core story?! This is incredible, all of the stars.

Thank you @netgalley & @unionsqandco for the eArc 🖤

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Wow! I loved this so much! I’ve read a lot of P&P adaptations but this one did such a good job of weaving the original with the sci-fi elements. I loved the com-chats and the sight seeing adventures, how it added to the story but also helped create this futuristic world. Very well done!

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Oh man... I had HIGH hopes for this novel. I LOVE P&P adaptations, so I immediately requested this title. I was so interested into how the author would translate the P&P themes into a space setting. Sadly, the author translated nothing, and just picked up the entirety of Pride and Prejudice and plopped it into a space setting. Nearly every scene, every scrap of dialogue, was copied from the original novel and changed to take place on new planets and spaceships. The one thing I did like about this novel was the addition of communications between the characters via "coms", which was just about the only original voice in the whole novel. Sadly, this novel just didn't do it for me.

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Although this book has really quite stunning artwork and was full of promise, the narrative was far too close to the original 1813 work.
The best elements were those that were completely new such as the comms logs.
As a serious Austen book collector, I still purchased a physical copy which I reviewed in full on Insta @my_austen .
Unfortunately for me, the whole story felt incongruous with its setting. The language and etiquette of 1813 just didn’t fit with the futuristic world.
I really wish Alex Lampley had trusted herself to take this version further away from the exact text of the original; sadly as this was not the case, I cannot recommend it.

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I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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DNF’d early on. sorry! It’s not you it’s me.

I love pride and prejudice and I love sci fi but i couldn’t bring myself to read any more of this. I know the Austen text so well that having whole chunks of the text just integrated into the book made it hard for me to imagine anything else. Plus it didn’t make sense with a futuristic sci-fi genre to have the exact same values as regency England, dresses and focus on marriage. Maybe I will come back and try this again another time but I couldn’t get the original text out of my head so was really hard to read in a completely new context. I love a Jane Austen adaptation but either it’s completely adapted for a new time or genre or it sticks to regency era. I would rather just read the original

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I will admit that I was skeptical about this one- it really is Pride in Prejudice, but set in space. Much of the best thing about the original is Austin's voice and Lampley preserves a great deal of her prose. But what makes this book unique is how the text itself develops the universe in which it is set. This was hard to capture in an eARC. It took me seeing a finished copy in a bookstore that my interest piqued. It is printed on high gloss paper with full color illustrations throughout on the page. While plot. beats and dialogue are verbatim, the imaginative application of this world is spectacular. The original art makes the world immersive , which given the Regency context, is. a difficult thing to do in space fairing technologically advanced world. I am the kind of Austenite that enjoys rereading the novel every few years. This allowed me to revisit and old friend and see it in a whole new way. While likely not the preferred fair of some readers, if you love Austin and beautifully illustrated books you will likely appreciate what Lampley has done her to bring the story into the 21rst century and beyond.

Thanks to Union Square and Co for access to an eARC for review.

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This was a very well written book that made the story of Pride and Prejudice its own in a unique and enjoyable way. Not only did I enjoy this book, but I went out on release day to buy the "Trophy" which should tell you all you need to know!

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"Pride and Prejudice in Space" is - quite literally - "Pride and Prejudice" in space. The story is the exact same except for one plot deviation in the latter half of the book that I appreciated and thought necessary for the setting. I enjoyed getting to dive into this story again with a spacey and futuristic vibe. While there are spaceships, cool fabrics, and travel to different worlds, the foundation for the story is still a regency-esque society ruled by social norms and class hierarchy. If you're expecting a story that takes its cues from P&P, but offers new characters or new plot points, you will be largely disappointed. The names are unchanged, the relationships are unchanged. Besides that one difference I mentioned earlier, there is nothing greatly different about the story beyond the fact that sometimes they're on a spaceship instead of in a manor. However, the author still made the book interesting by incorporating immersive setting descriptions and insight from other characters. The emotions of all the characters are brought to the surface for the reader. I liked getting closer to Elizabeth and Darcy by reading from their perspectives.

The star of this book is the illustrations by the author. Each chapter ends in either a mixed media component like communication chats between characters, tourist posters for different locations, or illustrations drawn by one of the characters. I loved this aspect of the book, however, none of the illustrations inside the book comes close to the gorgeous cover featuring Elizabeth. I wish we could have gotten more illustrations like the cover within the book. I was particularly hoping for some illustrations of Darcy or any of the other characters in the same amazing style as the cover.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves Jane Austen, especially if they haven't read "Pride and Prejudice" recently. Be warned, this book is thick and made out of thick graphic novel paper, so it's heavy.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an ARC of this book for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I have an English degree and have not read Pride and Prejudice in its entirety... probably a red flag, but from the portions I have read, I just don't think I'd enjoy it very much. I saw this novel and thought I would give it a shot, thinking a fun science fiction twist to the classic might allow me to actually enjoy it.

It did not take me long to discover this was basically the classic novel with a bit of science fiction thrown in. I even pulled up a pdf of the classic to compare passages and found the wording to be nearly identical in the portions I compared.

Alas, it seemed to be not enough of a new approach for me to enjoy. There were moments where it felt truly unique (chapters 9, 63, and 67). But for the most part, it seemed like a copy/paste of the classic with some words swapped out for more sci-fi sounding language and some maps and pictures tossed in.

The little that is shown of the planets, creatures, and ships is very interesting, but there's simply not enough of it to really shine through. It feels oddly thrown in, instead of integrated. All in all, I really wish there was more of a twist/unique retelling approach.

And this just solidified that yeah, the OG Pride and Prejudice isn't for me.

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Pride and Prejudice in Space by Alexis Lampley is a book I was pretty excited about but unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. I used to love Pride and Prejudice, it's probably one of the few stories I've engaged with the most throughout my life, as I've read it several times in different languages and watched all movie adaptations multiple times. I thought I couldn't get enough of it but maybe that's not so true anymore. I'm also a fan of everything that takes place in space so that drew me in, along with the promise of beautiful illustrations.

My first impression was that—not so surprisingly—Regency and space don't go well together. It's just too hard to believe that with such technological advances society would still be so backwards and would have so many limitations.

The other thing that had me reeling was the author's choices regarding language and tone. The characters talk exactly like Austen's characters do but there are these text message or chat-like communications that take place on a device called 'Coms' where they have goofy nicknames similar to what we had online in maybe the early 00s. To make matters worse, the chats are written in contemporary language, unlike the rest of the dialogs. These two were in such a ridiculous conflict that I couldn't take it seriously.

Also, I really wanted the plot to at least be a bit original, maybe only inspired by P&P but it happened to be EXACTLY the same, it's just set in space. A lot of conversations are lifted from the source material word-for-word which just baffled me further. And it didn't make sense for this to be over 500 pages! No matter how much I used to like P&P, I was really bored for most of it.

The illustrations were indeed nice but I wish there were more. They were probably the only redeeming quality of this book 😔

It made me sad because it's such a fun idea and I feel like this is a wasted opportunity. With more original plot, attention to tone, and the proper incorporation of scifi elements, I feel like this could've been a great read!

Thanks to NetGalley, Union Square & Co., and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

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I love a Pride & Prejudice retelling and I was so looking forward to this one but it just did not land with me. It's a gorgeous cover and the illustrations throughout were incredible but the actual writing and story was very unoriginal. It felt like she took the scenes from the original book and then just rewrote certain things so you knew it was in space. The one kinda unique thing was seeing other characters POVs which was nice but still not enough to really hold my interest.

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This book is simply GORGEOUS. You almost can't go wrong with Pride and Prejudice in any setting, and I loved the spin this one took. The illustrations are gorgeous and high-quality, and I'm looking forward to reading this one over and over.

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Firstly, I will talk about what I really liked about this novel.

1. The mixed media - it was such a great idea to open the book with illustrations on the galaxy and planetary area the story is set in. It really helped set up the world and get the reader into the world. Also the communcation lots, the journal entries, the illustrations of the people/animals/space ships really helped build this worl for the reader. It appears the art was done by the author themselves as well as Erik Jacobson which - wow! - both of them are extremely talented and if they ever collab to make a graphic novel one day, I will definitely be interested in buying it!

2. The cover is absolutely stunning!

3. Having Pride and Prejudice set in space is a very smart idea! I can immediately imagine all sorts of situations and dynamics and story that could be told just from moving this classic novel into a wildly different genre/setting such a space! It is a genius idea.

4. Having Mr Darcy as a pov character is a great idea, and I was very excited to read his thought process and feelings.

5. This book is perfect for Austen fans who want to dip back into the world of Pride and Prejudice but want just a splash of something new in it.

However, my positive end there. Unfortunately this was a huge disappointment for me.

1. This book is almost 1:1 copy-paste of the Austen original with a few words and things changed to make it spacey. Every single line or sentence that I found funny or really enjoyed was actually taken straight out of the original P&P without any or much tweaking - I checked with my very own copy of the classic.

2. The next big disappointment is that there is not nearly enough sci-fi in it for my personal preference. When I read Sci-Fi, I expect much more fluidity when it comes to the characters', relationships, gender, sexuality, race, appearances etc.

Judging from the illustations in this book alone, the Bingely family and everyone in this story are still all white middle-class Englishmen wearing Austen-esque dresses to balls and such. On top of that, the Bingley family dynamics and work is exactly the same as the original. Why am I reading a sci-fi novel where 19th Century Traditional Straight Men/Women roles and dynamics are still happening? Why aren't the daughters doing more space stuff? Why do none of the daughters do any serious sci-fi jobs, research, interests, or hobbies?

It's absolutely fine to go to balls in space but, where 's the tech? Nothing techy with their outfits? Nothing floating in the air? No robots or andriods or cyborgs or alien species at the ball either?

3. Setting Pide and Prejudice in space is genuinely a great idea, I can definitely see and imagine all sorts of potentials with this, but this book plays it a bit too safe and a bit too faithful to original classic where almost whole sections are carbon copies of what Austen wrote, which is a shame.

If this book had been a bit more loosely based on the original and heavier on the sci-fi I truly think I would've eaten this up within a matter a hours.

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I am shamelessly a huge Jane Austen fan, and will always go for any retellings (my favorite being Pride and Prejudice and Zombies). I look forward to seeing how authors alter the classic plotline into different scenarios in other genres or universes. In this story, we are transported to the Londinium Lunar System, where our favorite characters go to each other’s capsules and have teas and balls. Of course, we have our Elizabeth and Darcy romance taking center stage, with the same pacing as the original story.

The title says it all - this is Pride and Prejudice in space. You can expect the same elements and plot of the original story to be present here. There is not much deviation from it in this story, save for the fantastic worldbuilding (accompanied by amazing sketches and art describing the world). The sisters are much more amiable towards one another, but not dramatically so.

The reason I’m giving it a four star rating is because I would expect some deviation from the plot. In other retellings, there are dramatic differences, aligned with a similar plot. In this futuristic situation, I felt a bit disillusioned with the women being inactive. When I compare this to other sci-fi stories, it feels awkward and out of place. There was a great opportunity to make a creative decision here (similar to The Lizzie Bennet Diaries) to give us that activity. It simply felt like this was the Regency era more than a sci-fi story.

If you’re a diehard fan of the original, and want something not too different but fun, this is for you!

Thanks to NetGalley and Union Square for the e-ARC.

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