Member Reviews

Elizabeth Bennet lives on a small moon in the Londinium lunar system with her parents and four sisters. While she dreams of piloting a starship rather than settling down with an eligible man, her world turns upside down when the handsome Mr. Bingley docks the Netherfield StarCruiser on the neighboring estate. The arrival thrusts the Bennet sisters into the bustling asteroid field of the system’s wider society, and Elizabeth’s aspirations are suddenly in flux. Drawn into the orbit of Mr. Bingley’s friend, the proud Fitzwilliam Darcy, Elizabeth is determined to dislike him despite his ten thousand aurum per year.
Can the Bennet sisters navigate the perils of love and space? Will Elizabeth avoid the collision course she’s on with the formidable Mr. Darcy? This tale of scifi romance for women explores timeless themes of love, pride, and prejudice, set against the backdrop of the infinite cosmos.Pride and Prejudice in Space features stunning, colorful chapter headers and an array of interior art. With over 60 full-color illustrations and designs, readers will be captivated by this new world—from maps and brochures to digital message logs and pages pulled from the Bennet sisters’ journals and sketchbooks.

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A visually stunning book that puts you in the original story of pride and prejudice. I wasn’t necessarily expecting the story to be a retelling due to the title being very literal to what the plot is, taking pride and prejudice and putting it in space, but I was not expecting the language to be very similar to that of the original story’s decade. It kinda put me out of the story a little bit at first, since it didn’t have the futuristic language that you’d expect from space. In other words, picture futuristic type technology, but with the language and customs of 19th century England. I did appreciate the designs and pictures throughout the book that allows you to get a grasp on what is discussed, and in all honesty it was a pretty good version of pride and prejudice. I would probably recommend this to people who like the original and basically want to reread the original but change some tiny elements.

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Look, this is exactly what it says on the tin: Pride and Prejudice in Space. So if you're expecting something along the lines of what Sharon Shinn did for Jane Eyre in JENNA STARBORN, you'll probably be disappointed--but if you're interested in a fun, visually gorgeous, and extremely faithful to the original narrative retelling of Pride and Prejudice as a science fiction graphic novel, you'll love this one like I did. I'm looking forward to including it on my list of recommended Austen retellings, particularly for YA readers.

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A whimsical resetting of the classic with beautiful illustrations and only slight changes in plot. With additional POVs, we see more of the characters’ motivations and backstories, but generally get the same narrative as always. I had hoped for more creative license, but still enjoyed all the charm of the original.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy. These opinions are my own.

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I chose not to finish this title at 28%. I skimmed through the subsequent chapters to see if there was anything I would be missing, but didn't find myself inspired to continue. The reason is that this was too similar to the original Pride and Prejudice for me. I kept waiting for something new or unusual to happen, but the plot and even the cadence and speech of the characters was almost too-true to Austen. It felt as if Regency England and its customs, language, and societal expectations were transplanted into a futuristic world where Netherfield was a space craft. Elizabeth had an interest in ship design and piloting and space terminology was used by all characters, but I wanted more divergence from Pride and Prejudice. The highlights for me were the illustrations that I could tell would be gorgeous (even while reading in black and white on my Kindle device) and the communications (emails and text messages) sent between characters. I cracked a smile seeing that Bingley's username was Ba_Da_Bing_ley. I'm certain that the final product will be beautiful in design, but the story within was not as unique as I expected or desired. For some readers, the similarities between this and Austen may be exactly what they're looking for and a great comfort.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite novels, and I love science fiction (especially stories set in space), so this book sounded absolutely made for a reader like me. Considering the drastic change in setting, I was anticipating a futuristic retelling loosely based on the original story. However, this is essentially Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice thrown into space. There is not enough reimagining and original writing to make this story concept work for me. It's challenging to suspend disbelief and accept that even in the future, women aren’t allowed to fly ships, need their fathers’ permission to meet men, and should aspire for suitable matches to improve their societal standing. I would have liked to see more creative ways of reworking the original plot points so they make sense in a futuristic space setting. I’ve read other modern adaptations of Pride and Prejudice that stand on their own while still showing inspiration from the classic story. The journals and emails were a nice addition because they were in the author’s own voice.

The added illustrations are beautiful, they’re definitely my favorite part of the book! However the overall ebook formatting needs to be fixed, it was difficult to read with the odd spacing and page breaks. If I were to purchase the ebook like this, I would want a refund until it was fixed.

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When I saw this title, I got so excited because yes! two of my favorite things!! Then I started reading and from the first page I was like wow...this is quite literarly Pride & Prejudice...just in Space. I was really hoping for a retelling or some new spin on the original, but it was the original just set in space. I was a bit disappointed and really wanted something more.

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I love science fiction and Jane Austen is one of my favourite 19th century authors so of course I had to read this. The concept and execution of this novel was absolutely beautiful and brilliant! I couldn't stop looking at the gorgeous and detailed illustrations and other extra material surrounding the original story.

What made me slightly disappointed though, was the fact that the story was so close to the original. Elizabeth was more of a ship designer than a reader, but they still wore gowns, went to balls and needed their father's permission to meet a handsome new man visiting their "town". I had hoped for a more modern/futuristic take on the story, which meant that I actually started skimming the text after a while and just focused on the extra material. I still very much enjoyed it and look forward to seeing it in it's printed and colour version.

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When I first saw the title of this book, I laughed at it. Why didn't they come up with a better title? Surely this is just a weird marketing gimmick, and there's more to this book than just putting Pride & Prejudice in Space.
Dear reader, there is nothing more to this book than putting Pride & Prejudice in space.

I reread Pride & Prejudice immediately before reading this book, thinking that it would make it more fun to be able to catch the little references and parallels that this book would have. This novel doesn't have parallels, it has whole conversations and scenes lifted from the original barely changed. Sure, some of the slang has been made "spacey," but nothing of substance has been altered. This is Pride & Prejudice wearing a filter, and not a good one.

Some of the letters and conversations have been updated to make them space-emails (or journals) with new dialogue. Those were my favorite parts of the book, because they were in the author's own voice and provided new takes on the characters and situations. Unfortunately, the fact that they were in the author's voice instead of the stilted Pride & Prejudice voice of the rest of the novel only made it more apparent that the rest of the book was so soulless and lacking in any actual reimagining.

A video review including this book will be on my Youtube channel in the coming weeks, @ChloeFrizzle.

Thanks to Netgalley and Union Square & Co for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I loved this retelling of Pride and Prejudice. I think the author has done well in moving the story to space. It feels almost completely believable that they have this 19th century society with balls and rules of life even though the story should be set far into the future. I think the feeling comes from the fact that it is a kind of closed system with a planet and its moons which means that you don't question the social order that it is women's life task to get married.

I like how some parts of the story have been adapted to the space theme, but that it is still familiar to those who know the original story. The absolute best thing about the book is the illustrations between chapters and the little bits of insight into other characters' thoughts you get through notes, messages and the like. However, it doesn't reach its full potential when read as an e-book on a small screen because the format doesn't do the illustrations justice. It is probably best to read it in print.

A book for those who like Pride and Prejudice, but want a space twist on the story!

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As someone who wasn’t a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice the book, but loved the movie and anything sci-fi, I wasn’t sure what to expect when starting this book, but it definitely wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.

I was hoping this would be an adaptation of P&P or just loosely based on the original, but no this is literally P&P in space. Even the names are the same. I am still confused though, a lot of the time. If this is in space then it’s in the future right? Are women in need of favorable matches with men to “upgrade” their standing in society? That doesn’t sound very futuristic to me. And why are they having balls in space? Is that the only way of meeting suitors in this future? And why can’t women fly ships? What kind of future is this?

The editing could use some work, hopefully it all gets fixed once it’s officially published. It almost looks like a PDF looks when it gets converted to word. Lots of words jumbled together and random letters within a word are getting capitalized for some reason. And the title and author are randomly inserted into paragraphs. I’m assuming they are meant to be at the top of each page, but that isn’t happening correctly in the pdf.

The start was a bit confusing because it felt like a ton of information was being given all at one time and I couldn’t keep up with it. I was overall just a bit disappointed. This wasn’t sci-fi to me.
My one positive is that I love the graphics throughout the book!

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*reviewed after receiving an arc*

This is such a perfect mixture of Pride and Prejudice and sci-fi that I can't believe it hasn't been done before. The addition of illustrations, journals, and chats in between the chapters help add to the characters and further the plot while staying true to the original source.

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The art included was very nice. However, the author kept too much to the source text. I could not finish because I've already read the original. The things that were added were not enough to keep my attention. I find it hard to believe that people in the future would sound exactly like regency England characters. Good idea, but uninspired execution.

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Alexis Lampley’s Pride and Prejudice in Space is exactly as advertised in the title. Pride and Prejudice taking place in space with the same characters that you know and love and hate updated slightly to fit into the new locale. But where the latest remixed classic shines is in the gaps of the original. The waives, diary entries, and emails between the characters and the added details bringing the new location into context. Pride and Prejudice fans should spend a couple of days enjoying this new take.

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I would like to thank NetGalley and Union Square & Co. for providing me an eARC of this story in exchange for honest feedback. I greatly appreciate it!

When I first heard about this version of Pride and Prejudice, I was really excited. After reading the original and then reading this retelling afterwards, I was able to enjoy the differences and similarities that much more! I strongly believe this is an edition that fans should buy in physical form, rather than digital. While I enjoyed the ebook version, there were moments where the formatting felt to intrude on my experience and what was occurring on the page was sort of confusing. With that being said, this a review on an unreleased version of the book and things can always change. This is certainly a unique retelling set in an additionally unique setting and I can't wait to revisit this title again in October on release day! I recommend reading the original story before reading this version, only because it makes it that much more enjoyable!

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If you've never read Pride and Prejudice and you enjoy a light hearted scifi romance, this is for you! If you've read P&P and are a fan, take a pass, however, because it does not add anything, and the writing--how could it?--is not on par with the original, so leaves something to be desired.

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Pride and Prejudice in Space is exactly what it says on the tin: people going to each other’s houses regency style, except instead of using horses and carriages they do so in spaceships. A perfect solution if you’ve ever read the original Pride and Prejudice and thought to yourself “there’s not nearly enough outer space in here”.

I am a big fan of alternate universe fanfiction, the kind that strips an original novel of all the upholstery and dresses anew the bare bones that keep a story afloat — so you could imagine my surprise when, as I started reading this book, I found that the characters were taken from early 1800s society and planted into whatever year in the future just to maintain the same status quo and etiquette — and many of the things that happen in the original story make sense because they’re rooted in that etiquette, while here in the future there is really no rhyme or reason as to why the Bennet girls can’t inherit the Longbourn property or why marriage is their only viable scope in life.

In this book we get the same story, but instead of seeing everything from only Elizabeth’s eyes, we have every character’s point of view, both in the text and in their private conversations through their equivalent of emails, messages, diaries and scrapbooks. As an addendum, the book features beautiful illustrations depticting the landscapes of the moons of Londinium.

Every modern or genre bending adaptation pales in the shadow of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, but if you’re missing Pride and Prejudice and still want to feel like you’re reading something new this book might be for you!

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This was so much fun! Pride and Prejudice in Space is a straight retelling of the original Pride and Prejudice. It is not a reimagining but the same story with similar prose and added sci-fi elements. It is sometimes a bit odd to have the original's ideas on marriage and society in the space setting, but it was still immensely fun to read.

There were fun pictures, comms, and journal entries at the ends of chapters that really helped to add to the new setting. I definitely can't wait to see this book in print form.

Rated 4 stars. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for he ARC ebook.

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Thank you Alexis Lampley, Netgalley & Union Square & Co. for this free ARC in exchange for a review.

This sci-fi novel was a charming version of the classic, which is as enjoyable to read as the original.

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If you loved Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” and are looking for a fun reread, you might want to try “Pride and Prejudice in Space”. You know you are curious…

Alexis Lampley’s retelling manages to put everything in Space, without changing most of Austen’s intrigue and writing style. That is great in a way because… why mess with perfection? But it was also a bit weird. How can British societal rules and expectations continue the same in such a setting? It felt wrong.

I won’t start with a summary of the plot as if you don’t know it by now, I have no idea what you’re doing here – go read the original first. Just go now. Hurry! However, if you are familiar with it, this article is about the good and the bad – all my thoughts on this fast read – “Pride and Prejudice in Space”.

1. World Building
Space is a wonderful idea. The few changes the author made were great (Lizzy is as audacious as ever and loves to fly spaceships, for example). However, these changes were minimal.

Yes, you have different planets, you have space travel, spaceships… it’s all futuristic up to the point where it clashes terribly with the antiquated societal rules (how do men still get to do the first visits as heads of the households?).

I wish the author would have let her imagination dive deeper. I wish she would have dared to change more of the novel to fit this new perspective. I wish she would have put as much care and thought into all aspects of her world-building as she put into her graphics.

All in all, for me, this is the worst failure of this book: the inability to build a cohesive story, to change the original narrative enough so that it makes sense in space as well.

2. Awesome graphics
As I was saying… the graphics are amazing. I loved them despite only having read the NetGalley ebook version. Alexis Lampley’s talent shines through.

3. Characters
Even though she didn’t take many chances with changing the narrative, the author captured the main characters’ essence. A few of the side characters, like Mary, Georgiana or Mr. Bennet, got a chance to grow a bit more, to show a bit more of their inner thoughts. I loved that for them!

On the other hand, Darcy is a lot more obvious about his feelings for Elizabeth. The original felt a bit more mysterious, while here, a lot of the suspense and romantic buildup didn’t feel quite the same. It was a great experience overall either way.

4. Writing and Dialogue
While the general writing is exquisite, it can’t be otherwise because entire passages were practically identical to the original.

What felt fresh was the written group chats people had and the journal entries. The tidbits there added a bit more fun to the mix.

“Pride and Prejudice in Space”, like the title says, is exactly that – not more, not less. I personally loved the idea, even though I felt a bit disappointed by the execution.

I can’t help but wonder if a younger person were a bit more attracted to this kind of reinterpretation and would, through it, become a classics fan as well.

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