Member Reviews

<b>**FULL REVIEW**</b>
So, ummmmm….yeah. That happened.
I needed a quick read to get out of a funk—this one worked (I hope) because it was short, steamy, and had a decent plot.
Was it the best book I’ve ever read? Nope.
But it was exactly what I needed and because of that, 3-stars feels fair.
There’s a little confusion when I started reading, unsure if the narrator is male or female, but that was cleared quick enough (I mean, clenching isn’t really a guy thing). I enjoyed the exploration between the female characters as well as the development between Sam and Gabe.
I will admit, Gabe comes off as a little too protective right off the bat—it makes him seem more like a stalker than a love interest.
There is a fair amount of cheese in the dialog, clichés we’ve all heard a million times in a million different ways…but, the suspense element was intriguing enough that I may actually pick up the series and read it. I would’ve liked a little more back story on Gabe’s past, and because Kendra and Tristan felt like more than just side characters in this story, I would’ve liked to hear a little more about their history too (I guess that’s where book one comes in). Also, Kendra and Sam’s history…that storyline seems quite interesting as well.
Overall, good story. Easy, quick read. Part of me is glad I waited so long to pick it up, but the other part of me wishes it was sooner so I could move right into the series as it released (that is, after all, part of the fun of reading…the anticipation).
<b>**3 Charmed Tracker, Stars**</b>

I liked it and have told my followers to get themselves a copy for themselves as it is a really good read.
recommended to not only my followers but friends and family