Member Reviews

Don’t Let Her In by Joanne Ryan is about Lena, a woman who just moved into a new neighborhood. Coincidentally, her neighbors (all of them have their secrets and dysfunction) begin to receive threatening letters. But Lena doesn’t get any which is of course, immediately suspicious. Who is out to ruin her? It couldn’t be her ex-partner Gareth who cheated on her, so who is it? And why?

Told through various points of view, the book was twisty and entertaining!

Here is what you need to know:

Lena just moved to Mandalay Close. She needed a new start, since her boyfriend cheated her out of the happy-ever-after she’d believed they were always going to share.

But on the day Lena moves in, letters begin to arrive for all her new neighbours. Letters that promise to expose everyone’s deepest, darkest secrets. Every house has received one – except for Lena’s.

Someone clearly wants to implicate her, to ruin her new life and turn everyone against her. She’s made an enemy, but who, and why? Everyone seems so nice, so trustworthy. So normal.

As more bad things happen and her life rapidly spins out of control, Lena finds herself unable to believe this is happening to her. After all, she’s not a bad person. Though she does have secrets of her own, secrets that she’s not willing to share with anyone…

Out on April 18!

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A fast read with a twisty plot, focusing on a neighborhood populated by a collection of accessible characters, each of them hiding secrets and living a life very different from which it appears.

Lena Clarke, a 32 year old business owner, recently betrayed by her partner of eleven years through his illicit affair with a teenager, has also now found herself homeless. As Lena settles into her rental carriage home in the new and seemingly sedate neighborhood of Mandalay Close, she has no idea at all in terms of what will soon be in store for her.

Beginning with Jolyon, an eight year old boy (with a strange name) who lives next door with his parents, Oliver and Rachel Anderson. Jolyon has his own story to tell, and a well-crafted voice with which he will tell it, - a voice that is both childishly authentic and heartbreakingly mature.

Lena’s new community also in less Prue, Lena’s sixtyish neighbor on the other side, who is a caretaker for her own senile mother, and is secretly battling her own form of what must be seen as mental illness.

I enjoyed this book, - a good read that moves at a clip and will keep a reader guessing and engaged, right up to its satisfying, and not quite predictable, devious ending.

A great big thank you to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for an ARC of this book. All thoughts presented are my own.

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Don't Let Her In by Joanne Ryan is my first read from this author, but it will certainly not be my last. This one ticks all of my boxes for a satisfyingly immersive thriller.

Lena has just moved to Mandalay Close following a breakup with her cheating boyfriend. The reception on the street is less than welcoming, however, with a series of poison pen letters being sent to each of the neighbours, threatening to reveal their darkest secrets, the implication being that Lena is the sender. As things continue to escalate on the Close, Lena wonders what she has done to make enemies so quickly. Naturally, Lena has secrets of her own to protect, but there is definitely something sinister brewing very close to home.

I dove right into this one and barely came up for air as I tried to slot the pieces into place. I look forward to whatever comes next from the talented Ms Ryan. 4.5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC.

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OMG, Joanne Ryan has written a brilliant thriller. I devoured this book! I was on the edge of my seat and could not stop reading Don’t Let Her In. This is my first book my Joanne Ryan but it won’t be my last.
Many thanks to the author, Boldwood Books and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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Don’t Let Her In was a little slow paced for me, but I found the twists well crafted. Overall a solid read.

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This is a book that will get you thinking. A great psychological thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat. This is a book that is not at all predictable and will leave you wondering what is going to happen next.

With letters being delivered to all the neighbours, secrets yet to be revealed, but none have been delivered to Lena, who has just moved to Mandalay Close. Why and what is going on? So many twists and turns in this book it will make your head spin. Intense, intriguing, exciting and even a bit scary. Everything you want from a good thriller for sure.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for approving me for this book. It was a bit short on thrills, but several twits save it. Paranoia seems to be the theme of this story as every character shows signs of it. It held my interest but by the end I was a little disappointed. I found it a quick read but not a book I'd recommend. The title is misleading. I rounded up my 3 1/2 stars to four.

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First, I want to thank Joanne Ryan, BoldwoodBooks, Rachel’s Random Resource and NetGalley for providing me with this book.

I absolutely fell in love with Joanne Ryan’s last book I read so I thought I would read this one. While she is a good writer this was not one of my favorites. However, just because I didn’t care for it didn’t mean others wouldn’t.

I totally related to Lena how we both are too nice for our own good! I can totally relate to people taking advantage of my niceness at times. Like Lena I am not perfect by any means and yes can be too trusting at times.

Let’s talk about Gareth shall we? He was not my favorite person in the book. She dates him for 11 years and then he goes and cheats on her. However, he still calls her on a daily basis! An ex is an ex for a reason. How is Lena moving on with him still lingering around? There was way too much focus on Gareth (side note I loved the name).

The new couple next door was creepy!!! Seriously, why would a Father name their kid Jolyon? I don’t blame the kid for hating his name and felt bad that the kids at school picked on him for it. The Mom was loving and caring to Jolyon but when the Father was around she had to be standoffish. The Father totally rubbed me the wrong way.

There was a mystery behind some creepy letters that came to the house. Who sent them and why? This to me was the interesting part of the story.

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In the book Don’t Let Her In by Joanne Ryan we meet Alanna she recently found out her longtime live-in partner Garrett was cheating on her so she found a place to stay in an apartment or home depending on who you ask in Mandalay Close. His cheating blindsided her and she laments at moving out of the home she not only invested in but loved so much and the fact she’s moved into a nightmare hasn’t even dawned on her yet. It seems the day she moves in to the close everyone receives a threatening letter about their secrets coming out for some they just threw it in the trash and didn’t think twice about it for others it cause panic more secrecy and paranoia. Simon for example has money issues due to his secret and it’s something he wants desperately to keep away from the love of his life Fiona but it seems in trying to solve his problem he only made it worse. Not to mention he soon starts cheating on Fiona. Lana on the other hand wants her house back at first she continues to speak to Garrett even though it’s him putting her down and telling her basically what a loser she is but it’s when she stops talking to him that will change everything. I haven’t even mentioned Lana‘s neighbors Oliver and his wife and weird son Jalyn when she first meets them she realizes he is a bragger and she is a woman who thinks she married a hero at least in her mind she does and their son doesn’t seem to have the normal emotions most children his age have and things only get worse from there. Like always the fun is over in danger gets pushed up a notch when someone dies. This book was an OMG twister twisty twist it is definitely a book thriller fans would love especially for those who like books where the bad guy gets his comeuppance. I love Joanne Ryan‘s books and this one is no exception it’s a book I definitely recommend with great riding great characters to route for and even better villains to dislike and an awesome plot. I want to thank Boldwood Books for my free ARC copy via NetGalley please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate most of my review.

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I enjoyed her previous titles Keep Your Friends Close.
I was eager to jump into a new title Don't Let Her In by Joanne Ryan.
The story is interesting, and the suspense and mystery add to its appeal. You'll keep turning the pages, wanting to know what happened. An undercurrent of tension flows through it all.
The intensity of it was great. I was white knuckling through it. 

Thank You NetGalley and Boldwood Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This book has quite the intriguing premise but fails to deliver the punch.

I don’t like slow thrillers that lack the thrill element so I found myself, slowly but surely, losing interest as the story progressed.

Was not my cup of tea but might be yours.

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Thank you @netgalley I enjoyed this small town thriller. It has great characters with secrets and twist and turns

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Joanne Ryan was a new author for me and wow what a book.I was drawn in from the first pages a true page turner with so many twists and turns itt had me guessing till the last pages.#netgalley #boldwoodbooks

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This was the first book I’ve read by Joanne Ryan, and I was intrigued by the book description. I really enjoyed this book. It was a fun and easy read with some good twists and turns that I wasn’t expecting. I really enjoyed it and definitely recommend it to anyone that likes suspense!

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This is my second book by Joanne Ryan and I am impressed with the way she writes her characters and plot. This is about Lena, a woman in her 30's who owns a cleaning company. Lena recently moved into a coach house in an area called Mandalay Close after breaking up with her partner of 11 years. She is sad about the breakup because he was cheating on her but also because she paid the majority of their mortgage payments and other bills and he never added her name to the deed so she was left with nothing. As soon as Lena arrives, some of the residents on this street begin receiving letters with strange warnings on them. Lena meets new neighbors Oliver and Rachel and their young son and Oliver seems to take an immediate hatred of Lena and even dumps weeds and mud over his driveway and then insists she did it.

This novel has an interesting and unusual plot. We get the viewpoints of various people who live in the close including Oliver, his eight year old son, a man in another house named Simon and a woman named Prue who is a caretaker for her mother with dementia. All of these people have their own secrets and we are waiting for something to happen for the first part of the book. A lot of Lena's narrative is about her ex partner Gareth and her friend who constantly borrows money and doesn't seem to be there for Lena. There is a murder of one of the neighbors at one point and the author does a good job of weaving the various stories together as the police conduct their investigation. I admit I was expecting one last twist as something seemed to be pointing to one final thing going on, but I did like the ending and Lena's growth as a person. Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for a review.

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I enjoyed this addictive thriller/murder mystery very much. The drama within a small town neighborhood was intriguing, the characters were connected in unexpected ways, and the plot twists were good. I adored the main character Lena. The multiple POVs were done well and it was not confusing. It was a thrilling and fun read. ⁣

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC that was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

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Poor Lena moves into the small carriage house she can afford in a nice neighborhood, after breaking up with her cheating boyfriend. She's nothing but nice to her neighbors, but for some reason her neighbor Oliver has taken a dislike to her, accusing her of all sorts of vandalism. Her neighbor Prue, is a little eccentric, but is a "watcher" who sits in her window and sees everything that's going on. I can only assume the title "Don't Let Her In" has to do with the fact that Lena was an outsider to the Mandalay Close neighborhood. And all of the neighbors except for Lena have received threatening letters.

The author did a good job of having the reader empathize with Lena, who is all of a sudden cast as the perpetrator, and not the victim. There was a great deal made of the letters at the beginning of the book, and I would have liked to have seen more follow-through on that theme.

All in all, this was a quick read with some good twists and turns.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the ARC of this book.
This was the first book I have read by the author but will be interested in reading more.
It was a fairly easy read but intriguing none the least. There were obviously lots of suspects but the twist in the end was worth reading the book for. Not sure the title was quite right for the book.

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this is a multi-POV, quick, thriller read about the goings-on in a small-town neighborhood. it's a reminder about how we never know what's going on behind our neighbors' closed doors. it's a good read! not at all bad. this is one of those where everyone looks guilty or just suspicious.

while it started off interesting and picked up fairly quickly, some things just didn't fit as well or lacking. like some parts felt too slow, rushed, and/or repetitive. i loved the multi-POV and the diverse cast of characters. i just found it peculiar that the narration didn't show any diversity. there were no quirks, phrases, or linguistic differences within the characters. so i guess it was a bit too "monotone".

nonetheless, i still think it's a decent read if you can get past some of that. even though i called some of the revelations, i was still shocked by some. i've never read any of this author's previous works, and despite everything, i enjoyed her writing style.

thank you to NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read this book. i received this as an ARC and leave this review voluntarily.

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I’d like to thank Boldwood Books and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Don’t Let Her In’ written by Joanne Ryan in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

The day Lena moves into The Coach House at No. 7A Mandalay Close her neighbours Oliver and Rachel take an instant dislike to her and Lena can’t understand why. She’s a nice person who likes to please people so Lena can’t understand what she’s done to upset Oliver who’s being thoroughly unpleasant and calling her derogatory names.

‘Don’t Let Her In’ is a thoroughly enjoyable psychological thriller that I couldn’t put down and read in a day. It’s well-written with a nicely concocted plot, suspense, intrigue and great character descriptions. There are so many twists and turns that I wasn’t quite sure what was happening and it wasn’t until the final chapters that all the loose ends were neatly tied up. I like the way Joanne Ryan writes which has made this novel a joy to read and I’m happy to recommend it to anyone who wants to immerse themselves in an entertaining read.

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