Member Reviews

This is co-written by Jeffery Deaver and Isabella Maldonado, so you can expect a serial killer whose motivation is buried under layers of twists, as well as a hard-as-nails female cop who's willing to bend the rules. So, in one sense, this was exactly what I expected, but that didn't take away at all from my enjoyment. Expecting twists was one thing but figuring them out was completely separate. And Carmen was a fantastic character who was really fun to root for. I really enjoyed this and look forward to the rest of the series!

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I’m a massive Jeffery Deaver fan so I was super excited to read this. This is my first book by Isabella Maldonado. I was expecting great things with this collaboration and I’m happy to say I really enjoyed this book. There was a lot going on as there were a fair few characters and plots going on at the same time. It did take me a while to get my head round who was who and where they fit in but once I had it straight in my head it was great. The story was interesting and pretty fast paced and I liked the main characters. This has the potential to be a brilliant series so I hope these two authors do write more books together. All in all a solid read, thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to book 2!

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Very good!

Solid, well-crafted mystery read. The majority of the book is focused on finding and stopping Spider, a serial killer targeting people who are successful. It appears that he is working with someone with technical knowledge, but the identity of that person isn't exposed until almost the end of the book, and boy was I shocked! There's another minor storyline that is lightly threaded throughout the book, can't say more there without spoilers.

I liked the interactions between Sanchez and Heron, and look forward to future books in this series.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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Thank you Thomas and Mercer for early access to Fatal Intrusion. It's been a while since I read a Deaver procedural, I was a big fan of his Kathryn Dance books, and it was fun to get back to his action filled procedural plots. This book has the hallmarks of a Deaver read, strong and engaging lead characters with interesting backgrounds and good chemistry, and a plot filled with twists and turns that jump out! The struggle with this and any start to a new series of finding a balance with introducing new characters, particularly when there are two main leads and their relationship to develop, and here merging writing with two, not one, author... for me this lead to some pacing issues at times and places with a lot of detail that interrupted the flow for me. I chalk this up to the struggles of any start to a new series and will look forward to the next book with Sanchez and Heron.

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The pacing in Fatal Intrusion felt uneven. The narrative starts slowly, focusing heavily on Carmen’s personal life and her job at Homeland Security. Although Jake Heron is introduced early on, the details of his first meeting with Carmen—and the reason for their strained relationship—are withheld until the second half of the book. This prolonged suspense surrounding their past ultimately felt unnecessary, with repetitive references to a ruined Christmas four years ago.

The technical details were another sticking point. While realism is important in a crime novel, the extensive explanations of Heron’s intrusion testing and the killer’s obsession with spiders bordered on overkill. These repetitive details slowed the narrative, leading me to skim over them.

Finally, the plot twist and ending left much to be desired. The twist, intended to shock, fell flat for me, and the abrupt ending was jarring, even for a series opener. Overall, this left me more frustrated than intrigued.

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Carmine Sanchez works for Homeland Security and when her sister is attacked she goes into full protection mode. Once she is safe she goes to Palo Alto to ask for a favor from a man she arrested four years ago. Jake Herron is a computer and security expert and so much more. Where Carmine is by the book Jake does not open the book he may hack into the book and then say find me if you can. You really can’t tell if she wants to put him in cuffs again at times, you know he is thinking that. Together they work at taking down a much larger threat which keeps the story moving along until the end which is good for so many reasons. Excellent characters and a really good story, very much worth the read.

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Jeffery Deaver is a longtime favorite, and Isabella Maldonado is a more recent high-quality discovery for me. Sometimes two authors can make things read awkwardly, but that was not an issue here. This collaboration shows off the strengths of both authors, with twisty plotting and compelling action.

Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for a digital advance review copy.

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I think this is the first book I have read written by a pair of authors where I have read both authors individual works as well. Which made it a very unique reading experience. It also made it a slam dunk of a book, given how much I enjoyed their individual writing. To start, I loved the characters. Maldonado’s character building is clear in Carmen Sanchez, with her career in law enforcement, slightly loose canon tendency, and complicated family. Jake Heron can be seen more as Deaver’s, playing a more vigilante type character, with a vast knowledge of technology. Together, Maldonado and Deaver and Carmen and Jake make a phenomenal duo. As for the plot. it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time, and the ending was so amazing and brilliantly executed. And it set up the future books in the series so well. The only thing I struggled with a bit was the varying perspectives of the chapters, as it had a lot of different characters getting povs and some flashback chapters. But overall, I loved this book and highly recommend it.

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This is a fast paced start to a new series. Carmen Sanchez, who works for Homeland Security, enlisted the help of Professor Jake Heron to find the man who attacked her sister. You'll learn a lot about spiders as these two chase the man. Thanks to Netgalley for the ArC. A page turner.

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I received an ARC through "NetGalley" and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

The story begins with the killing of an induvial who was photographing snakes. The killing is the just start by an unknown killer. The next section begins with Sanchez at a location where an individual has taken hostages and the area is completely covered by law enforcement. She is aware that the person holding the hostages has nothing to loose and will kill the hostages if she needs to. She decides on a plan as to how to get the individual to come out and initiates it with the expected result. The other law enforcement leaders are upset with her even though it was successful. Soon thereafter she is notified that her sister has been attacked and immediately leaves to go be with her.

Upon arriving at the hospital, she learns that her sister is okay but an individual that tried to help her is in serious condition. Her sister is in good condition and is able to provide a good description of her assailant. As time went by, Sanchez got the impression that the sheriff's dept. wasn't going to do a lot on the case, so she wound up taking a vacation to protect her sister. As luck would have it, a cell phone was recovered, but what files were in it were encoded. She was able to get a copy of the files from Ryan, the detective on the case, and then decided to see Heron and see if he could learn what the files contained. Heron took the flash drive and agreed to help. He sent the file to a person he knew for help. Once he learned what the file contained, contacted Sanchez. It was then discovered that there was more associated with this case than originally thought. It pointed to a potential serial killer.

Now her investigation took a new turn and against her wishes, Heron became involved. They soon discovered of a website where people posted individuals who somehow got lucky and where the subjects that were attacked were listed. It seems that a body of individuals selected one of the lucky people be killed. It then became Sanchez and Heron's task to try and figure who and where the next killing was going to happen with the intent of stopping the kill and capturing the killer.

Read along and discover the steps the two took in their search. Find out the real reason behind it and who was ultimately responsible. The ending sums the story up nicely and the book is well worth reading. Don't miss out!

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Rounded up to 4.5 Complex, twisty, information loaded police procedural. I was intrigued and struggling all in one with information overload. There is family dynamics with a super twist. There is FBI rule follower and a Professor (his latest job) who believes rules can and should be broken for the greater good. Action packed and scary. Scary in today's digital world and the reminder of evil. I asked to read this book because of Isabella Maldonado. I am thrilled this is book 1, looking forward to more. Thank you for the opportunity to read early. I freely volunteer my thoughts and opinions. #FatalIntrusion #Sanchez&Heron #JefferyDeaver #IsabellaMaldonado #ThomasMercer #NetGalley

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While I’ve been a fan of Jeffrey Deaver for numerous decades, until now I’d never read anything by Isabella Maldonado. Now having read Fatal Intrusion, I’ll be adding Isabella’s books to my ever expanding TBR list. In Fatal Intrusion (which is hopefully only the first of many adventures) we meet Carmen Sanchez, a straight-laced homeland security agent, but when her sister gets attacked she realizes her usual investigative tacts aren’t going to work so she calls in a favor from Jake Heron, a private security expert from her past. This is a classic odd couple-type team up, and I really enjoyed the interaction between the duo. As expected from Deaver the story is excellent, with plenty of twists and turns. (only a few of which I figured out ahead of time, but not that last one!) I really hope this series catches on. I could definitely see this as a streaming series. I’d like to thank Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an eARC of Fatal Intrusion.

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Fatal Intrusion by Jeffery Deaver and Isabella Maldonado is a fast-moving mystery fueled by power-seeking individuals.

Will Carmen and Jacoby find out why Lina was targeted?

Carmen Sanchez
Carmen is a Homeland Security Investigations special agent stationed in Southern California. She is also a former FBI cyber crimes agent. Lina is Carmen's younger sister. Both of their parents are deceased, so the girls only have each other, not that they are getting along right now.

I like Carmen. She is down to earth and works hard to keep up with all aspects of a special agent's life. However, Carmen doesn't allow her career to consume her life. She has a beautiful home and manages to keep her refrigerator stocked.

Jacoby Heron
Jake, as Carmen calls him, is an Intrusionist who provides Personal, Corporate, and Governmental Security Solutions. He has found a way to turn hacking into a paid venture without hurting his clients. Jake is one of the country's elite hackers. Carmen arrested him a few years back, and he did time for hacking into the IRS. Let's say that she doesn't like him, and he is still holding a grudge. But they trust each other.

I like Jake, but he is sneaky. Don't leave any of your computers or phones out when he is around.

The Mystery
Why is this serial killer all of a sudden picking random people to kill? What is his trigger, and how can they stop him? Why is an elite hacker working with him? A beautiful mom and her weird, overweight young adult kid involved?

The plot twists in this story are crazy. I absolutely love that. Just when you think you have it figured out, "Plot Twist," and now you don't. It goes for everything from the serial killer to our agent/hacker duo.

Five Stars
My rating for Fatal Intrusion by Jeffery Deaver and Isabella Maldonado is five stars. I truly enjoyed the story, writing style, and the banter between our investigators. It's brilliant.

I look forward to reading the next installment. Yes, I am recommending it to all crime thriller readers.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Fatal Intrusion by Jeffery Deaver and Isabella Maldonado.

Until the next time,

If you would like to see other reviews like this one, check out Baroness Book Trove.

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WARNING: it's an unexpected stop of the unpopular opinion train!!

I honestly never expected this to happen. I'm probably in the minority, but I requested this book mainly because I've become a big fan of Isabella Maldonado's writing in recent years. I was curious about this collaboration with Jeffery Deaver, and of course I can never resist a serial killer blurb... I fully expected to have a great time reading it, but to my surprise the completely opposite ended up happening. Oh yes, Fatal Intrusion and me most definitely didn't get along.

Don't get me wrong, the premise of Fatal Intrusion is definitely right up my alley. I like my thrillers on the dark and twisted side, and this serial killer thriller without doubt fits the bill. Give me an usual serial killer character, and I'm usually over the moon... But in this particular case, there were other elements that prevented me from properly enjoying this story. I'll try to explain what did and didn't work for me personally below.

I think one of the main issues I had with Fatal Intrusion has everything to do with the fact that I STRONGLY disliked one of the main characters. I'm not sure why, but I started to resent Heron more and more as we got to know him better, and he never redeemed himself for me. The constant repetition of his intrusion theories and his personality in general put a major damper on things, and since Heron is half of the duo featured in this new series, this was really hard to overcome. I could see Isabella Maldonado's influence in the other half of the duo, Carmen Sanchez, and I would have much preferred this series to be solely focused on her instead.

I also struggled considerably with the pace, which was surprisingly slow for a serial killer thriller. I think this had a lot to do with the use of a multiple POV structure, with POV switches that weren't always as fluid. The main issue had more to do with the fact that the plot of Fatal Intrusion has an overdose of descriptions though, with background information that is more than enough to make your head spin. I caught myself skimreading more than once, as the story simply wasn't able to keep my attention. Some of the information was quite repetitive as well; especially everything involving that intrusion theory.

I can't deny that I still like the premise and Carmen Sanchez makes for a great main character. There were parts that were more engaging, and there were a couple of twists I didn't expect. Sadly, there were also too many other elements that didn't work for me though, and Fatal Intrusion ended up being an unexpected miss for me. As you might have already guessed, I won't be continuing this series... I simply cannot bring myself to spend one more minute with Heron.

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Love love loved! So twisty! There was one twist that actually shocked me! The intrusion concept was interesting too! Great characters.

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This is a crime thriller. A particularly nasty killer made a huge mistake when he attempted to kill our heroine's sister. Now she will stop at nothing to catch him. The chase is going to get very complicated and dangerous for lots of people.
We follow the story from many points of view. It will keep you on the edge of your seat. And if like me you only have a vague idea of what this latest generation of cyber geeks can do, you hope this is fiction. It's scary. I still enjoyed the chase and mystery. I understood exactly why the heroine just told the hero to make hot dogs. ( inside joke in the book). Our killer is also more than he first appears with plenty of tricks up his sleeve. A book that is very hard to put down.

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Fatal Intrusion by Jeffery Deaver and Isabella Maldonado is a serial killer mystery featuring Special Agent Carman Sanchez of Homeland Security Investigations, a little known branch of the greater whole. She shouldn’t have gotten involved but her younger sister was attacked. They didn’t get along well, but she had taught Selina some self-defense moves and one came in handy this day as she fought off her attacker. This is a complicated story with many moving parts and the more they uncovered, the more complicated it got. Carmen had been chasing a disruptor that had fled to Arizona and taken hostages. Never one to follow the rules, she short cut the incident commander and brought it all to a close, just in time to start looking for the guy who attacked her sister. It was not really in the HSI’s purview but who was she to let a rule stop her. When technology got involved, she went to the best, a hacker she had busted four years earlier but who was now out and appeared to be going mostly straight. He could get into the phone her sister had taken from her attacker way sooner than going through proper channels.

Professor Jacoby Herron had developed a theory which he taught when he left prison. It was about points of intrusion, places of entry into a life, for example. More complicated than that, but it lead to him understanding people’s behavior. He is a good guy and in point of fact, he had been being a good guy when he got busted. That cost six people their lives. He is a wiz and a pretty caring person. He can keep up with Carmen, which is unique in itself. The investigation was fast-moving and detailed. The crime was one in a string of many, committed by people who were professionals. It took both of them to untangle the mess of it. It was a captivating story, genius in the way it all unfolded. I know they are rogue agents, but they give me hope, as opposed to a lot of these books which rob me of it. Thanks Deaver and Maldonado for some excellent characters. I look forward to more.

I was invited to read Fatal Intrusion by Thomas & Mercer. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #ThomasAndMercer #JefferyDeaver #IsabellaMaldonado #FatalIntrusion

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If you’ve read Deaver for any length of time, you’ll know that twists come along at regular intervals. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that nothing is ever quite what it seems. Here, he teams up with Isabella Maldonado, an author new to me. But though this book is a product of joint authorship, to me, this tale has all the hallmarks of a Jeffery Deaver novel.

Carmen Sanchez, a Homeland Security agent, is horrified to learn that her younger sister, Selina, has survived an attack by an unidentified man. Luckily, Selina has been coached to be attentive to detail and also to be able to look after herself physically. In consequence, she survived reasonably unscathed, and though details are scant, a tattoo of a spider on the wrist of the attacker is one notable clue Selina has been able to supply.

Sanchez needs to go off the books, to some extent, to hunt down the man responsible for the attack, and to aid her investigation she decides to contact Professor Jake Heron, a lecturer and expert on all things related to security and, as he puts it, ‘intrusion’. We’re advised that Sanchez and Heron have history, but the nature of any previous engagement(s) will remain a mystery for now.

The spider man is an interesting character, and as a result of the exploration into his background, his motivations, and his inner thoughts, readers are likely to become something of a minor expert on arachnids. It’s clever enough tale, and there’s good chemistry between Carmen and Jake – expect to see them again at some point. But though I found this an easy and engaging novel, I always felt like I was being somewhat manipulated, and this is not a feeling I particularly relish.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the story for what it was, even though some things got figured out as easily as they did.
I'm really looking forward to this book in Ukrainian. because our book lovers should read this book too!
Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercier for allowing me early access to this first entry in a great new series.

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To stop a serial killer, a DHS agent forms an unlikely alliance

When her sister Selina is attacked and almost killed, DHS Special Agent Carmen Sanchez does not trust the well-meaning but overburdened local police forces to find Selina’s assailant. Carmen suspects that this is not the perpetrator’s first assault, and analysis bears out her judgement….there is a serial killer at work in the San Diego area, but he has no discernible pattern. Despite the estrangement between Carmen and her sister, there is zero chance that Carmen will let this go, and she reluctantly contacts Jake Heron, a college professor whose expertise is in intrusions, particularly the penetration of computer systems. The two have a history, and its not a pleasant one….neither really wants to see (let alone work with) one another, but Jake owes Carmen a favor, and she is collecting. Soon they are on the trail of Spider, a man with a fondness for (an obsession with, really) arachnids of all sorts and a compulsion to harm others, a feeling he calls “The Push”. Can Carmen and Jake overcome the hostility arising from their past and figure out who Spider is and why he is on a killing spree? Can they predict who his future victims will be and save lives, or will they become his targets instead?
Fatal Instrusions is the first in a proposed series featuring these two intriguing protagonists. Carmen is a top investigator with a division of DHS called Homeland Security Investigations, and while she always plays by the rules, she doesn’t necessarily play well with others….she trusts herself to know the best way to accomplish her goal, and bruises more than a few egos along the way. Jake, on the other hand, does not have the same respect for rules, and in fact regularly breaks the law when he works in his capacity as a penetration specialist….it is literally his job to infiltrate the computers and/or premises of the businesses who hire him to expose their weaknesses. They don’t particularly trust one another, but they need to combine their respective skills in order to stop the killings. Author Jeffrey Deaver is known for creating some truly creepy criminals, while co-author Isabella Maldonado has written several series featuring strong, take-no-prisoners female protagonists, and in this outing the reader is treated to a combination of both these talents. The action starts from the very first page and doesn’t stop till the end, with the two protagonists’ histories and personalities slowly spooling out. I didn’t want to put the book down once I started, and while not every plot twist came as a complete surprise I thoroughly enjoyed the ride (and look forward to the next outing of Carmen and Jake). Fans of either of the two co-authors, as well as readers of John Sandford, J. A. Jance and Kendra Elliot, should definitely grab a copy of Fatal Intrusion and prepare for an adventure. Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercier for allowing me early access to this first entry in a great new series.

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