Member Reviews

“Fatal Intrusion” by Jeffery Deaver & Isabella Maldonado is about a homeland security who is out to get the person that attacked her sister. The sister was fortunate to survive and noticed a tattoo of a spider which connects the attacker to another murder. There are a lot of layers in this mystery and it delves deeply into the dark web which becomes very intense. I found myself struggling with this book because of the many layers of the story and for me the second half really dragged. The idea behind this story really intrigued me so I will probably give the next book in this new series a try.

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Two strong personalities with a linked past meet in this collaboration from Jeffery Deaver and Isabella Maldonado. A killer on the loose tests the mettle of HSI Agent Carmen Sanchez and private security expert Jake Heron, especially when Carmen's estranged sister is attacked.

The killer is using the newest and fanciest technology, pushing both Carmen and Jake to the very edge of the rules that Carmen is so determined to obey, and which Jake thinks are there to be broken if necessary. Their different methods of working have to adapt to the other because the killer is always one step ahead.

I enjoyed the pace of this book, it never let up, and both characters were equally enjoyable. There is a thread left unraveled at the end and I hope it means there will be a next book in this series.

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Fabulously spellbinding!!
Carmen Sanchez is a HS agent who goes on full search mode when her younger sister is
attacked and almost killed by an unknown assailant after leaving a coffee shop.
when it appears that her sister's attacker may be linked to other killings, she enlists the
aid of a former convict and current cyber security expert Jake Heron to try to determine
patterns and algorithms that may aid in the search and capture.
While searching for the killer, past personal events come in to play as well.
Absolutely great story line with terrific and well-defined characters that jump right off the
pages at you.
Deaver and Maldonado are a one-of-a-kind team and I am sure there MUST be more coming.
Waiting anxiously........

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I have read many Isabella Maldonado books and she is one of my favorite when it comes to this genre. I have not read any Jeffery Deaver books until this one. It took me a while to really get into this book for about 50% of the book I was trying to figure out what the unsub was getting at what was the MO what was this leading to . At the 50% mark we get a lead of where this plot is going. The plot however gets bigger and bigger it truly is a web which is very fitting of our unsub. There is some flashback teases we get glimpses at which I was not a big fan of. It also seemed to be a bit excessive in the spider facts.
Although there was a few things I didn't enjoy about the book I am curious to see what would happen in a second book with this civil consultant and HLS Agent. I very much enjoyed this crime fighting duo and would like to see what they get into next.

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I found this book to be a little slow to start, but it got really interesting as I got further into it. It also felt very 'technical" in regards to the procedures of the police, the FBI, and the "intrusion" specialist. I had never heard of the concept of "intrusion," but it has definitely peaked my interest. I had a feeling I knew where the book was going, but was definitely pleasantly surprised once I got to the end of the book. The characters are well developed throughout the book, and I look forward to reading more about these characters if there are more books. I feel that a lot more could happen with these characters, and it was an excellent introduction to the world of "intrusion" as well as these 2 authors.

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I loved this book and I just wish I could have kept reading! It does a great job balancing the thrilling mystery with light, fun characters. I haven't read any previous books by these authors but I can definitely say this partnership is a great one! Can't wait for the next one!

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Two strong personalities with a linked past meet in this collaboration from Jeffery Deaver and Isabella Maldonado. A killer on the loose tests the mettle of HSI Agent Carmen Sanchez and private security expert Jake Heron, especially when Carmen's estranged sister is attacked.

The killer is using the newest and fanciest technology, pushing both Carmen and Jake to the very edge of the rules that Carmen is so determined to obey, and which Jake thinks are there to be broken if necessary. Their different methods of working have to adapt to the other because the killer is always one step ahead.

I enjoyed the pace of this book, it never let up, and both characters were equally enjoyable. There is a thread left unraveled at the end and I hope it means there will be a next book in this series.

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I really like the mystery genre, but this was my first thriller suspense. This will be my trigger warning, if criminal phycology and having the pov of the murderer is not an interest to you, this might be disturbing. It was a different and interesting view to also have and it just-just stopped before the line where I wanted to put the book down and dnf this book. I enjoyed having the 'cat-and-mouse' pov, seeing it from both angles, but will say there was a stage where it was just too many pov's and the story got a little long.
With all of that said, I am so ready for the next Sanchez & Heron story!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC #FatalIntrusionSanchezHeronBand1 #NetGalley

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Not gonna lie, its been years since I read my last Deaver novel, but the addition of Maldonado is what really drew me in. I was entertained by the overall plot of this book but as someone who has family in LE, I am always pulled out of the story when legit laws are broken for plot's sake. When I could let go of this annoyance, I was highly entertained by the mystery and twists. Which I won't mention because that would be lame.

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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This book was a thrilling, wild ride! I’ve been reading Jeffery Deaver for years and this was one of my favorites. I loved the relationship between Sanchez and Heron and I’m excited to read more about them in the future!

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This is one of my favorites of the new characters introduced in the last while by thriller writers. The collaboration of Deaver and Maldonado is a good one. The main character Carmen is helped by a man with amazing powers in the world of technology and the internet. Together they are involved in trying to solve the crimes that appear to be the work of a serial killer. The twists turns and high tech in this thriller I found appealing. The relationship between the partners is interesting and the set up to next novels is definitely there. One of my favorites so far in this year's thriller alignment. Thanks to #NetGalley#FatalIntrusion#JefferyDeaver#Isabella Maldonado.

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Jeffery Deaver and Isabella Maldonado wrote a fast-paced, exciting thriller with Fatal Intrusion. Non-stop action, twists and turns! The story was robust with great plot-lines throughout. A good surprise also appears at the end, hopefully leading to more from this great writing team.

Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Fatal Intrusion is a collaborative work between Jeffrey Deaver and Isabella Maldonado. Partnerships between established authors can lead to very engaging stories by combining their styles and strengths. The protagonists Carmen Sanchez and Jake Heron are intriguing team brought together by an attack on Carmen's sister and her reaching out to Jake for assistance. They pursue a complex serial killer case with layers of motivation. Unraveling twisted motives while following a gripping crime narrative makes for a compelling read. Fatal Intrusion was a success in blending the skills of its two writers into a riveting crime thriller. I look forward to read future works in this series.

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Carmen Sanchez, a Homeland Security agent, is out for blood. She is usually by-the-book, but this time it’s personal. Her sister Selina was attacked, and it seems to be connected to another murder. The attacker was slick and her sister was lucky to fight him off. She did notice a tattoo of a spider, however.

As Carmen deviates from her usual procedural ways, she uncovers more about the attacker and his ties, but this now ventures into technical territory she has no clue about. Cue Jack Heron, a professor of intrusion and security expert who knows a little thing or two about finding people behind the layers of the web.

But layers are what they are going to find, as each clue uncovered unearths something even more sinister and the connection seems out of reach. Will procedure or by the cuff prove to be the right choice?

Since the story takes place over seventy-two hours, the action is full-on from the beginning. Some might even say it was a little too much and a tad unbelievable to have things figured out so easily and slotted into place so nicely. I just read it for the adventure it was meant to be and enjoyed it.

The relationship between Carmen and Selina was interesting as the strain between them as well as the strain between Jake and Carmen ran parallel and had to intersect at some point. I was somewhat hazy over some of Jake and Carmen’s backstory as things offered to the reader can be interpreted differently.

The parts about the dark sites were actually quite scary in that there are so many layers of things happening out there and no matter how much we think we keep things private, there are lots of people able to find them and have an influence over them based on their own beliefs.

The technical stuff got pretty intense and considering the internet (as we know it) is relatively new, technology has broadened in leaps and bounds. In some ways a good thing, in some ways not.

The one thing that made me raise my eyebrows was the error in the casino. Maybe it was a play on words and done deliberately, but the bet on a roulette table that covers three numbers and pays 11:1 is called a street and not a streak. If done deliberately, this will have a number of readers in the know shaking their heads.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story for what it was, even though some things got figured out as easily as they did. When you need to read just one more chapter, you know it’s a good thing. I’ve been a Deaver fan for years and this didn’t disappoint. Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to review the book.

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First in a new series by two incredible authors. Combine Maldonado's experience as an FBI Special Investigations Commander with Jeffery Deaver's ability to twist clues multiple times in the same story, sometimes the same chapter, and you've got an unbeatable team behind the Sanchez and Heron thrillers. I'm positive this series will join many others being made into TV or big screen movies.

When the serial killers in FATAL INTRUSION chose Det Carmen Sanchez' sister as a victim, they never dreamed they were opening a hornet's nest. Sanchez is a Homeland Security Special Investigations detective and a big sister who will move every obstacle thrown in her way to keep her sister safe. Sanchez' background includes being a FBI team member on just about every special duty team they have. A hostage rescue gone wrong leaves Sanchez with three bullet holes in her back and a difference of opinion with the men she worked with. When offered the HS position, she jumps and never looks back.

Jake Heron is a "leet" or 1337 hacker. The best of the best/worst man to have hacking your information. He's also an expert on intrusions. The information on intrusions was part interesting, part scary, but set the scene for Jake becoming Sanchez' partner as they track the serial killer and his support team.

So, that's the back story and where it goes from here makes a great story. The book seemed a little long to me but it took the time to set up this team who sometimes hates each other but always has each other's back. Are you sure I can only give it 5 stars?

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What a start to a new series, a fast thrilling story for the modern times. A great new team in writing and in Sanchez and Heron. The story moves along at a good pace, never getting bogged down in any unnecessary needless information. I can't wait to read the next chapter in this partnership. Thanks to Netgalley, and Thomas and Mercer for the advanced copy

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Ohhhh a new favorite writing duo! Fatal Intrusion surprised me! I wasn't expecting to like it that much but I couldn't put it down. one thing I will say is that if you are afraid of spiders, you better give this a pass. Can't wait for the continuation of the story!

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Thank you to the authors, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC to this book in exchange for an honest review.

I am a big fan of Ms. Maldonado's Daniela Vega series, and this is my first exposure to Mr. Deaver. Once again, this book presents us with a strong female protagonist, Carmen Sanchez, of Dept of Homeland Security. I like the unique twist to book one of this series which pairs her with hacker extraordinaire, Jake Heron, with whom she has a past in her past job with the FBI. This was a very entertaining book that sets up the series nicely. I look forward to seeing where the authors take the series as I certainly feel crimes of the future will indeed feature more and more high tech elements to combat. This was a great read and I give it 4.2 stars.

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This is a new series showcasing Carmen and Jake who are thrown together so that they can each use each other but in the end help each other willingly to solve the murders. This is a really well written book that strings you along until the end. Highly recommend!

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As a wave of murders grips Southern California, an unlikely pair must untangle the mysterious patterns of an elusive killer in Fatal Intrusion (Sanchez & Heron, Band 1) by Jeffery Deaver and Isabella Maldonado.

The book was pretty action-packed and had good characters. The story had some very good twists.

Fatal Intrusion is a good crime drama and police procedural with great action.

#FatalIntrusionSanchezHeronBand1 #NetGalley @AmazonPub

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