Member Reviews

FIVE STARS!!! The story is incredible. Sally Hepworth gives readers strong female characters intertwined in a heartwarming suspense. This is a beautifully written story of the strong bonds of sisterhood among three women who grew up in the same foster home. Hepworth easily
transitions the readers as the story moves from one character to the next and between past and present. Just when you think you have it figured out, you get hit with a huge twist!
The narrator is perfect. Her voice is very easy to listen to as she transports you through this story. I 100% recommend purchasing this audiobook!!

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4.5 stars! I am a big fan of Sally Hepworth’s work. Her talent as a masterful storyteller has been proven over and over again to me through the years with each new book that she writes. Darling Girls was no exception. It was dark yet heart wrenching. The setting for Darling Girls was a place called Wild Meadows Farm in Port Agatha, Australia. Sally Hepworth painstakingly detailed and portrayed a very flawed foster care system. She exemplified how that broken and sometimes uncaring system left its undeniable mark on each of three young girls who managed to grow into strong women years later, after they had aged out of the system and went on to live their adult lives. I listened to the audiobook that was narrated by Jessica Clarke. Darling Girls captured my attention immediately and drew me into the lives of the characters that were both deeply flawed yet so believable.

Three young girls, each with her own reasons, were placed in the foster care system within years and months of each other. All three of these girls were placed with Miss Holly Fairchild at her home at Wild Meadows Farm. They were each told how lucky they were to be placed in such a nice home with such a caring and loving person to take care of them. The house was lovely and it even had a pool and horses as well. Even though everything appeared to be perfect, the young girls learned very quickly that the things that were perceived as perfect were often deceptive. How true that was for Jessica, Norah and Alicia. Living under Miss Fairchild’s roof was their worst nightmare. Miss Fairchild proved to be manipulative, a stickler for rules that suited her, an abusive caregiver who exerted her authority both physically, mentally and emotionally and she managed to leave permanent scars on all three girls that remained throughout their adult lives.

Jessica arrived at Wild Meadows in Port Agatha, Australia when she was only five years old. She craved approval, attention and acceptance from Miss Fairchild. There was nothing that Jessica wouldn’t do to be able to earn those things from Miss Fairchild. For several years, it was just Jessica and Miss Fairchild. Then one day, about six years after Jessica had arrived, Norah was brought to Wild Meadows. Miss Fairchild agreed to foster Norah as well as Jessica. Norah, a troubled and sometimes violent child, was eleven years old when she started living at Wild Meadows. The last to arrive was twelve year old Alicia. Miss Fairchild agreed to foster Alicia as well. Alicia’s stay was supposed to be temporary and short term. Her grandmother had been taking care of Alicia but when she got ill and had to go to the hospital, Alicia had no one to take care of her. Miss Fairchild played one child against the other. She was relentless with her rules that she imposed, the amount of chores that the girls were forced to do and the isolation they were meant to endure. The girls were lucky to have one another. They each promised to always have one another’s backs. Even though they were not sisters by blood they were sisters in every sense of the word. They promised each other that they would always be there for each other and remain together for the rest of their lives.

Twenty five years later, all three girls, Jessica, Norah and Alicia were contacted by a detective from Port Agatha. The detective told each of the three women that human bones of a baby were discovered under the foster home that they had resided in all those years ago. When the detective had asked Jessica, Norah and Alicia if they would return to Port Agatha to help with the investigation their first instinct was to decline. Port Agatha was a place that each Jessica, Norah and Alicia hoped to never step foot in again. The memories they carried from their time with Miss Fairchild were painful and they had tried very hard to leave those years behind them. In the end, they decided to go, though. What would be revealed about the bones? Who did they belong to? Who had buried them under the house? What secrets would be revealed? Could Jessica, Norah and Alicia finally bury their pasts and begin to live more productive and healthier lives? Where was Miss Fairchild? Could she still hurt Jessica, Norah or Alicia?

Darling Girls alternated between the past and the present in a very cohesive way. As always, I enjoyed the characters that Sally Hepworth created in her novel. They spoke to me and I felt their trauma, pain and healing that was evident throughout their lives as young girls and then as adult women. I disliked Miss Fairchild with great intensity. She was so manipulative and went out of her way to be hurtful and mean. She left permanent scars on each of the girls she fostered. I particularly enjoyed the part with the therapist but had a hard time figuring out who he was counseling. There were so many twists and turns in this book that I didn’t see coming. I enjoyed the ending and found it very satisfying. Sally Hepworth did an exemplary job portraying the challenges that the foster care system faced and still does on many different levels. She also did an excellent job portraying drug abuse, rehabilitation and mental health issues. Overall, I really enjoyed listening to the audiobook of Darling Girls and highly recommend it. Publication is set for April 23, 2024.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio for allowing me to listen to the audiobook of Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth through Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

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4.8 ⭐️ 🎧

I couldn’t put this book down, I was captivated beginning to end!

💔I have a huge soft spot for foster children, especially teens, so this book tugged hard at my heart. It follows the story of 3 teens that were raised in a foster home by an abusive caretaker, and centers around the investigation of some bones that were discovered decades later.

💪🏽 I loved watching the strength of the sisters as they bonded together to rise from the ashes. I thought the writing and audio was well done. It’s told from multiple POV’s and does hop between timelines, but I was able to follow it easily. It had a very realistic approach, as this stuff definitely happens IRL 😭

🔨 Sally nailed the psychological aspect, which is one thing I really appreciate about books. And she also nailed some really shocking twists, which was unexpected. (Seriously, the ending made my heart drop and I’m not ok yet) But also managed a happy ending.

📚 This was my first full-length novel by Sally, and I definitely plan to check out some of her other work.

Thanks to NetGalley, Macmillan Audio, and Sally Hepworth for providing me with a complimentary ARC to review!

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Darling Girls is another work of wonder from author Sally Hepworth. A dual timeline goes back and forth between three girls’ time in the foster home of Ms. Fairchild and the investigation following the unearthing of bones years later. The bonds of sisterhood are tested in the past and the present as the reader follows along trying to understand who the bones belong to and why they were found by the house. The ending had me blown away! I knew there would be a twist at the end, but I don’t think that was the twist I was expecting. I want more!

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Suspense, mystery, and complex characters intertwine in a riveting tale......…..

Book Information

Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth is a 368-page thriller with a publication date of April 23, 2024. The audio version, narrated by Jessica Clarke, spans 9 hours and 6 minutes. Thank you to Macmillan Audio for providing me with an Advance Readers Copy for review.


Jessica, Norah, and Alicia were rescued from family tragedies as kids and raised by Miss Fairchild on a farm. Despite appearances, their childhood wasn't perfect; Miss Fairchild was strict and unpredictable. They eventually left her but still felt her influence. When a body is found at their old home, they become both key witnesses and suspects.

My Thoughts

Sally Hepworth's "Darling Girls" takes readers on a journey of suspense and emotion, weaving a web of mystery that is as enthralling as it is chilling. It features a well-crafted plot and engaging storytelling. This novel offers a gripping exploration of the complexities of human nature. Prepare to have your heartstrings expertly plucked and your mind thoroughly twisted as Hepworth masterfully navigates the murky waters of human emotion.

At its core are the three fostered girls, each with unique personalities, quirks, and secrets. Hepworth's skillful manipulation of perspective allows readers to delve into the minds of these characters, as the story unfolds through a series of cleverly constructed twists and turns. From the gripping suspense to the heart-wrenching revelations, the book kept me on the edge of my seat, eagerly turning pages to uncover the truth.

One thing that sets "Darling Girls" apart is its ability to balance moments of levity with the darker themes at its core. Hepworth infuses the story with humor and wit, courtesy of the girls' sharp banter and corny jokes (which I may or may not have borrowed for use with my kids). Yet, beneath the surface lies a haunting exploration of the lasting effects of abuse and trauma, portrayed with a rawness and authenticity that is both compelling and heartbreaking.

The novel's structure is well-paced and tightly woven, with short, punchy chapters driving the plot forward at a perfect pace. Hepworth expertly navigates between past and present, gradually revealing the pieces of the puzzle in a way that kept me guessing until the very end. The conclusion delivers a satisfying payoff, with twists that are as surprising as they are inevitable. Hepworth successfully plants seeds of doubt and intrigue that blossom into a garden of gripping suspense, leaving you guessing until the very end.

Jessica Clarke's narration adds another layer of depth to the story, bringing Hepworth's characters to life with her skillful delivery. While the variation between character voices may be subtle, Clarke's ability to maintain tension and momentum ensures that listeners remain fully immersed in the story from start to finish.


"Darling Girls" is a riveting read that will appeal to fans of suspense thrillers and mysteries alike. With its well-drawn characters, expertly crafted plot, and unexpected twists, it's a novel that will keep you guessing until the very end. Strongly recommended.


4 Foster Stars

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Darling Girls is a well written, well narrated, and clever psychological thriller. Focused on Miss Fairchild, her female charges, and an old house, the story moves back and forth between "then" and "now" quite effectively. Hepworth draws her characters fairly well but the narrator fails to distinguish them by a change in voice or tone, sometimes making the story a bit confusing. Hepworth's fans will line up enthusiastically for Darling Girls. Many readers who are new to Hepworth's work are sure to come back for more.

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My heart is broken for these fictional characters who grew up in foster care. While the specific stories of these sisters were made up, I see bits and pieces of what some of my own foster children have gone through in them.

Darling Girls was a heartbreaking walk through the darker side of the foster care system woven into a psychological thriller. I appreciated the way Sally brought the realities that so many youth in our own communities are facing front and center. She didn’t shy away from the uncomfortable. These stories need to be told.

There are many, many trigger warnings for this thriller, so please look those up if you’re concerned. I could have done without the intimate scene towards the end of the book.

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“Darling Girls” was my first book by Sally Hepworth and this book didn’t disappoint. This psychological thriller showcases three foster sisters: Jessica, Norah and Alicia, who live at Wild Meadows Farms with their foster mother Ms. Fairchild. We are told the story from each of their points of view as well as from a mystery character. The book weaves a tale from their time at Wild Meadows Farm and present day. The long-lasting effects of the foster mother’s narcissistic behavior are evidenced throughout the story.

I enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it to other readers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillian Audio for allowing me to listen to this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This audiobook was fast moving, and held my attention. The back and forth with time was slightly confusing listening but all came together well! Thank you for the opportunity to read this!

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A story of three girls raised in the same foster home and their bond as sisters throughout their childhood and into adult life. When a body is discovered buried under the former foster home that they were raised in, thee three women will return to the small town where they were raised and help unbury secrets long since forgotten.
Sally Hepwroth did a fantastic job with each of the three main protagonists-- I felt connected and interested in each of their three stories. If you are into dysfunctional families and twisty turvy psychological thrillers, this book is for you.

Jessica Clarke had done a fabulous job narrating this one. Despite there being three points of view, I think a single narrator worked and Jessica brought each character to life effortlessly.

4.5 ⭐

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Darling Girls is told in two timelines, with the before being the three girls during their time in foster care, and the present being those girls now as grown women having to deal with repercussions from the past. I thought the timelines were well balanced, with just enough of each to give us a clear picture of all that happened.

I listened to the audiobook, and initially I struggled a bit. All three girls/women have POV parts. The narrator is quite good, but she doesn’t change her tone at all for each character. Consequently, I initially got confused as to which person’s story was being told. To further muddle my brain, the children’s thoughts and dialogue often came off more mature than their age. But once I settled in, the different personalities became apparent.

The story unravels with Hepworth’s trademark combination of drama and suspense.

I loved the connection between these three females, and how this bond gave them each something to cling to over the years.

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In "DARLING GIRLS," bestselling author Sally Hepworth weaves a captivating story of sisterhood, secrets, and the haunting grip of the past. From its gripping opening pages to its shocking conclusion, this novel grabs hold of the reader and never lets go. At the heart of the story are Jessica, Norah, and Alicia, three sisters who were raised by their foster mother, Miss Fairchild, on an idyllic farming estate. While their childhood appeared charmed to outsiders, the reality was far darker, with Miss Fairchild's strict rules and unpredictable behavior casting a shadow over their lives. When a body is discovered under their former home, the sisters find themselves thrust into a web of intrigue as key witnesses - or perhaps even suspects. Hepworth masterfully crafts a suspenseful narrative that keeps readers guessing until the very end. As the sisters grapple with the fallout from the discovery and confront long-buried secrets, the tension mounts, drawing readers deeper into the mystery. The complex dynamics between the sisters, their complicated relationship with Miss Fairchild, and the secrets they each hold add layers of depth and intrigue to the story.

What sets "DARLING GIRLS" apart is its exploration of the bonds of sisterhood and the enduring impact of childhood trauma. Through Hepworth's evocative prose and richly drawn characters, the novel delves into themes of resilience, forgiveness, and the power of love to overcome even the darkest of secrets.

Overall, "DARLING GIRLS" is a riveting read that will appeal to fans of suspense and psychological thrillers. With its twisty plot, well-developed characters, and atmospheric setting, this novel is sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats until the final page. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a gripping tale of family, betrayal, and redemption.

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WOW! After reading The Soulmate I had high hopes for this book and I was not disappointed! The torment the three sisters received in foster care was heartbreaking but the bond they built from it was eternally refreshing. One of my favorite things about this book was that it was very realistic. It didn't describe situations that would be too hard to belive. As much as we hate to believe it, children in foster care do experience the things these young girls went through. It also did a great job of depicting how such a tumultuous upbringing could bring on emotional trauma into adulthood. The strength portrayed in the characters by showing the struggles they faced and how they worked to overcome them was a breath of fresh air. As for the twists, my brain is mush! This book kept throwing twists at you until the very last chapter! I sensed a few twists but although I had a feeling they were coming, I never could have guessed what the twists would be. I listened to the audiobook. The narrator has a very heavy accent that took me some getting used to. I couldn't listen at the speed I normally would until about halfway through the book. However, I could not have imagined a better voice to depict the villainous Ms.Fairchild! Anytime she said the words "my darling girl" it sent cold chills down my spine. I will be hearing that in my nightmares for weeks! I enjoy books with dual timelines and multiple POVs and found this easy to keep up with. Overall it was suspenseful and kept me on the edge of my seat. I devoured it in one sitting. After two home runs from Sally Hepworth, I'll definitely be adding all her other books to my list!

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What. The. Hell.

I received this ARC audiobook from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book hooked me quickly, threw me around a lot, and shook me at the end. The plot is interesting and keeps you reading (or listening, in my case). The characters are interesting and obviously traumatized, and the author does a great job of making you ✨hate✨ the villain. My one complaint is the slightly too cheesy resolution for the sisters. I appreciate Jessica’s arc because of the catharsis. The other two felt a bit too overdone for me personally.

The twist. T h e T w I s t. Blew my mind. I thought I had this book figured out. I caught the first hook pretty quickly. The second took a bit longer, but I still made the conclusion before it was mentioned. The third. Y’all. What. The. Hell.


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Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the ARC. Solid read with some good twists. I had just recently read The Soulmate and liked that one a little better. The book was told from several points of view and from three characters. This is an author I will continue to explore for my suspense niche.

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This is my second Sally Hepworth book and I will definitely be looking to read more. Darling Girls is a dual timeline book about 3 foster girls and their foster mother. Their childhood wasn’t a pleasant one and when a child’s remains are found at the house they grew up in, it resurfaces lots of emotions they have tried to forget over the years. Each girl holds on to their own issues from a troubled childhood and are trying their best to move past them. I listened to this book but do have a physical copy coming. At the end of the book I have a question I need answered and so I will have to wait for the physical book to show up so it can hopefully clear it up for me.

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The narrators of this thriller create an intriguing plot from chapter one. There is a trigger warning if you have troubling with child abuse. Three, or really four, strong female leads in the twisted story of a foster family and all their dark secrets. This one leaves you guessing until the final chapter.

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I really enjoyed this thriller/suspense story by Sally Hepworth. This story focuses on three foster girls named: Jessica, Norah and Alicia who grew up as sisters at Wild Meadows Farm. Darling Girls, chronicles the lives of three foster girls for 25 years, and how they arrived at Wild Meadows Farms with their erratic foster mother Miss Fairchild. I liked how the author developed the characters of each foster child in which we saw their lives before they came to Wild Meadows Farm, and how the reader could see how dysfunctional relationships and behavior followed the girls into adulthood.
Norah, Jessica and Alicia have to travel back to the town of they grew up in after the new owner of Wild Meadow Farm find the body of child. Each of the girls will have to relive their youth and find out some new revelations and the dark secrets of Wild Meadows Farm.
Also, prepare yourself for the truths and dark secrets that will come forth in the end that will make you say wow.
I always enjoy a great thriller! Sally Hepworth knows how to write a good thriller and develop her characters very well.
Thank you Net galley, Macmillian audio and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to listen to this arc. I highly recommend.

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Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for this audio ARC.

Jessica Clarke was a brilliant narrator.

This story. Sheezus super-sized something with a side of twenty margaritas. It was twisted and delightful. Until that last chapter. If you know, you know.

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As always Sally Hepworth delivered with another amazing book jam packed with twists and turns! It even had some snarky humor. I couldn’t put it down. I highly recommend this book and we’ll all of her books!

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