Member Reviews

Rating: 3.5⭐️
Pub Date: April 23, 2024
How I Read It: 🎧

Jessica, Nora, and Alicia are foster sisters who lived at the mysterious Wild Meadows farmhouse, 25 years ago. All three girls receive a call from a detective, telling them they have found human remains at Wild Meadows, so the girls return to the home that has left them with horrible childhood memories, to find out who the detectives have discovered.

My Thoughts
I didn’t see that ending coming! It did have some twists in there, but in the beginning, it sometimes fell a little flat for me. With multiple point of views, there was a lot to keep up with. I did like the sister dynamic, but it was hard to read some of the book since it dealt with child abuse. This wasn’t my favorite SH book, but it was still good!

Final Thoughts
🎧 I listened to the audio of this book and the narrator was pretty good. I was a little confused listening to the audio, since they were multiple point of views and multiple timelines, as well as a mystery therapy session, which really confused me. With all that said, if you can’t fully concentrate on the audio, you may want to read the physical book.

❗️Of Note
📝 Child abuse
📝 Foster care

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book!

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Omg!! Thank you so much for the advance copy of this book. I love all of the author’s previous books and was so excited for this new one. I loved the book so much I finished it in one day. I couldn’t put it down. The story was so intriguing that you wanted to figure out who did what and why. Just when you think you figured everything out, another surprise would pop up. The story touched on so many emotions, from sisterly love and protection, mental health issues, foster care, addiction and the list continues. I cannot express how much I enjoyed this book. I highly recommend for everyone to read this book when it becomes available!

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Sally Hepworth's newest book, "Darling Girls," dives deep into the tangled web of family secrets, resilience, and the lingering effects of childhood trauma. Right from the get-go, readers are pulled into the lives of Jessica, Norah, and Alicia—three foster sisters whose seemingly picture-perfect upbringing hides a darker reality.

Hepworth spins a tale that seamlessly blends past and present, uncovering the mysteries surrounding Miss Fairchild, their foster mother, and the events that fractured their family. As the sisters grapple with the shocking discovery of a body beneath their childhood home, they're thrust into a whirlwind of suspicion and intrigue. What sets "Darling Girls" apart is Hepworth's compassionate portrayal of the foster care system and its lasting impact on those who navigate its complexities. Through Jessica, Norah, and Alicia's journeys, Hepworth shines a light on the resilience found in the face of adversity and the unbreakable bonds formed through shared trauma.

The book keeps you on your toes with its unpredictable twists and turns, ensuring you'll be hooked until the very end. Hepworth's attention to detail and vivid character development breathe life into the story, immersing readers in a world filled with tension and uncertainty.At its heart, "Darling Girls" is a story about hope, resilience, and the enduring power of sisterhood. With its compelling narrative and unforgettable characters, this is a book that will stay with you long after you've turned the final page.

For fans of gripping thrillers with a heartfelt touch, "Darling Girls" is a must-read. Hepworth's engaging writing style and captivating storytelling make this a book you won't want to put down. Make sure to mark your calendars for April 23rd—this is one release you won't want to miss!!!

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Such a unique story without being far fetched! Magnificent narration—definitely recommend listening to the audiobook.

Set in Australia, Darling Girls is a story of three very different sisters bonded for life thanks to Miss Fairchild, their foster mother. But not in the way you would want. Miss Fairchild has rules and her mood changes on a whim. Miss Fairchild can be dangerous, even with her darling girls…

The story unfolds from the past and present POV of each sister—Jessica, the first to be sent to Miss Fairchild, is organized and always moving; Norah with an h is whip smart, beautiful and witty; and Alicia, arguably the most caring and loving of the thee now works in the very foster system that she and her sisters came from.

Let me start by saying that I loved how different each sister was yet how they were still so close and complemented each other. I also appreciated the reality and relatability of each of their situations. And oh my goodness that ending had my jaw dropping to the floor!

Thank you to NetGalley and MacMillan publishing for sending an advanced copy for me to listen to!

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Three former foster sisters have to confront their past—and their foster mother—when a new horror is discovered at the house where they grew up. This book was fast paced and enthralling. The audio narration was great and kept the story moving quickly. I truly had chills while reading this book!

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I found myself invested from the beginning. This was definitely a slow burn suspense, but there were enough twists and surprises to keep me interested.

I loved hearing each girl’s perspective and I thought the story did a great job flowing from the past to the present. It gave you a chance to really understand each character.

This might be one of my favorite Sally Hepworth books!

Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the advance audiobook and for the eARC.

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This book takes place from three POV by girls that created a bond as foster children under the horrid ms Fairchild. As adults there past gets brought back up after a body is found under their foster house.

Please be where that they’re could be trigger warmings that might be hard for some readers

Just when I thought I was starting to figure it out, there was more. Fully engrossed until the very end. The ENDING 😱

Thank you to the author and publisher for the this pre-released audiobook from NetGalley. I was absolutely captivated.

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Thanks to Macmillan Audio for the copy of this book!

When an unidentified body is discovered under the house three foster sisters grew up in, they become key witnesses... or maybe suspects.

When I heard our domestic-suspense-writing Sally went dark, I was SO EXCITED. This follows the story of three sister, and we do get all three POVs, from the past and their traumatic upbringing with their foster mother, to the present, when a body is found under their childhood home. The sister dynamic was good and complex, and there was quite the twist at the end! Recommend this if you normally like Sally's books or if you enjoy a good domestic thriller.

Jessica Clarke's narration was fantastic, but I think with the multiple POVs, this could've been a great full-cast audio!

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I’ll give this 3.5/5 … it dragged on a bit in places and was quite predictable. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I enjoyed listening to this audiobook, even though the premise was somewhat disturbing. The story takes place near Sydney and the narrator’s Australian accent came across in a casual and pleasant tone.

This story is about a complex crime involving many different perspectives of the foster care experience. It was remarkable that one of the girls who grew up in a toxic foster home later decided to dedicate her life to assisting and advocating for kids in the foster system. Each of the three “sisters” in this book had a unique personality and I liked the bond that they formed in order to survive, since they may not have been confidants in other circumstances.

There were some humorous situations that kept the story light when dealing with such serious subject matter. I especially liked the 3 dogs named for the first item they destroyed, and the jokes one of the sisters would tell the others at bedtime.

The motivations for the girl's evil foster mother’s actions do come out in the end, with a bit of a final twist that made me go back and reflect on which parts of her past were true and which were fabricated. I was a bit confused by Amy the six-toed orphan and what her true origins were and how she and the other “babies” happened to pop back into town during the investigation. I would have thought their involvement would be irrelevant since they were so young and were in the foster home for such a brief period of time.

Overall, the book kept my attention and kept me guessing and I would recommend it to readers who enjoy a modern mystery.

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Daaaaaaang 🫨👀😮 what a RIDE! ⚠️ content warnings for child abuse!! Proceed at your own risk.

✨multiple POVs + timelines
✨3 foster siblings - sisters proving blood relation isn’t always everything
✨twisty twisty 🌪️ I didn’t see a lot of it coming!!
✨great on audio!
✨fast-paced + quick chapters

It was dark, emotional, and really got into how childhood trauma can impact lives very differently later in life. Each sister had a distinct voice (especially once you get into it) and I really enjoyed the exploration of family all tied up within the mystery. Definitely reccomend! 👏

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To say this one has me at the edge of my seat up until the very end would be an understatement.

I’m a fan of Salleh Hepworth’s writing, she makes the twists so effortlessly.

I thought I knew how this would end, but the last 3 minutes of the audio ripped the rug out from under me. I didn’t see it coming at all.

I enjoyed listening to the three sisters and their sisterhood develop through their horrible experiences with foster care. Miss Fairchild was a horrid person. Her unpredictability and sudden change in moods was absolutely nuts. Those girls didn’t stand a chance in pleasing her.

This book had so many different levels to it. You saw these girls as 10-12 years old, then again as they’re older and experiencing their lives while still staying close. The amount of manipulation was done perfectly, and I feel the author did a great job and showing just how easily kids can slip through the cracks in the system and how their told they’re lucky to be placed somewhere even when it’s horrible.

This book made me feel a lot of things and I highly recommend this one!

Thankful for NetGalley for the audiobook! I enjoyed it and look forward to more reads by this author very soon!

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I really enjoyed this book I could not put it down! It is definitely one of my all time favourite Sally Hepworth books!

The story follows the sisters, Alicia, Jessica and Norah (with an h), (bonded by childhood experiences not by blood) who all met in a seemingly idillic foster home at a young age.

I really loved each sister, their individual personalities, quirks, chemistry and bond. You grow to care for them and feel like you are a part of their journey and sisterhood.

The story is told in past and present, showing how they came to be, their shared experiences in the foster home that fated them to become bonded allies, and the situation in their present lives.

In the present they have all grown up, over a decade has past and they are still in each others lives. One by one they each receive a phone call from a detective stating that remains have been found on the property of their foster home.

They are forced to return to their past, and questioned about the events that took place. It is obvious they are suspects in potential homicide.

I loved the pacing of the book, getting to see page after page the unfolding story of what happened whilst trying to guess how we got to where we are in the present.

There is a lot of suspense, along with humour from the brave, snarky siblings.

I would definitely recommend this book to everyone it was an extremely enjoyable read! The narrator of the audiobook did a fantastic job 🩵

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillion audio for allowing me an early copy of this audiobook!

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I've read two other books by Sally Hepworth, and this was by far my favorite!

Darling Girls is about 3 "sisters" who grew up together in foster care in the home of their emotionally and verbally abusive caregiver, Ms. Fairchild. They remain close as adults, helping each other cope with the trauma of their childhood, but their worlds are rocked when bones are discovered at their former home, leading them to be roped into a police investigation that explores their past. I especially enjoyed the twist at the end, that I wasn't able to guess in advance (unusual for me)!

Read this is you enjoy:
*Strong female protagonists
*Surprise endings
*Dual timelines
*Multiple POVs
*LGBTQ representation

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Macmillan Audio for e-book and audiobook copies to review in exchange for my opinion.

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This is my second Sally Hepworth novel and she is officially a favorite for me. Both of her novels have kept me on the edge of ny seat. “Darling Girls” centers around three foster sisters and their shared trauma. I loved reading about the sisters lives, eventually leading up to the insane final twist. I had the pleasure of both reading and listening to this novel and the narration was fantastic! I typically prefer to read but the audio for this one added so much character to the story. I definitely recommend “Darling Girls” to all psychological thriller fans, 4⭐️

Thank you to St Martin’s Press for providing me with an advanced reader’s copy of this title via NetGalley.

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I had a very mixed reaction to this book. On one hand, the sisters' bond and their time in foster care were incredibly compelling, adding a strong character dynamic and backstory. Additionally, I found parts of the ongoing Wild Meadows mystery quite engaging, eagerly anticipating the resolution. However, I had a somewhat lukewarm response to the twist, which caused the climax to fall slightly short of my expectations. Despite this, I still believe it was a very worthwhile read, especially for those interested in complex family dynamics within the mystery genre.

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I will say all of Sally Hepworth books are so good. The endings always surprises me. This book was no exception and I thought I had it figured out but the last chapter was just a great surprised in the story.

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Love Sally Hepworth! Thank you NetGalley for giving me the early opportunity to read this new book from one of my favs.

This book is disturbing in the way that her books tend to be—mentions of child abuse and a twist at the end just to dig the knife deeper. It had me on my toes and was a wild ride.

Read this if you like: the Family Plot, Sally Hepworth other books

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This was a dark and sad book but very excellent story. There was a lot of depth to the characters and I also enjoyed their development.

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My third Sally Hepworth book, and my favorite so far! I loved how the book had so many different perspectives - four narrators and two different time periods. Jessica, Norah, and Alicia were all likeable characters that I was rooting for. There were several twists along the way, including a great one at the end. It was difficult to read about the abuse they endured from Miss Fairchild. The narrator was enjoyable, although a full cast would have been amazing.

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