Member Reviews

Darling Girls
Author: Sally Hepworth

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press and Macmillan Audio and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: For as long as they can remember, Jessica, Norah, and Alicia have been told how lucky they are. As young girls they were rescued from family tragedies and raised by a loving foster mother, Miss Fairchild, on an idyllic farming estate and given an elusive second chance at a happy family life.

But their childhood wasn’t the fairy tale everyone thinks it was. Miss Fairchild had rules. Miss Fairchild could be unpredictable. And Miss Fairchild was never, ever to be crossed. In a moment of desperation, the three broke away from Miss Fairchild and thought they were free. Even though they never saw her again, she was always somewhere in the shadows of their minds. When a body is discovered under the home they grew up in, the foster sisters find themselves thrust into the spotlight as key witnesses. Or are they prime suspects?

My Thoughts: This was a captivating tale of sisterhood love and secrets, and what happens when you test the boiling point with murder. Jessica, Norah, and Alicia were pulled from their homes and placed with Miss Fairchild, the best foster mother that the system had, living on an exclusive large farm called Wild Meadows. However, their childhood was not the fairytales that everyone believes. Miss Fairchild had rules and was highly unpredictable. When the trio finally broke away, they thought they were free. When the farm is sold and a body is found, they become the key witnesses, or suspects?

The story is set in Australia, which I love. The three girls get a call from law enforcement about discovering a body under the place they called home for a few years. They all return for interviews with the detective, but also to hopefully get some closure and healing. The story is narrated in both present and past tense of the three girls. The narrative really gives an insight into what happened to these girls, how they grew through the process, and how they had to do anything to survive. I really love how the story focused on three girls, united by fostering, but kept a sister bond through their lives.

The story is narrated in a third person POV. The narrators are primarily Jessica, Norah, and Alicia, with a fourth unknown person having discussions with a psychologist. Jessica’s life is deteriorating when she is caught stealing pills from a client home and struggling with demons of addiction and being estranged from her husband. She is complex, and we start to discover the layers to her character. Norah has her own demons, struggling with anger and the thought of facing jail time. She is sarcastic and her character’s vulnerability really penetrates my heart. Finally, Alicia, is now a social worker, although she is very insecure and has been unable to have meaningful relationships with anyone. She has a very kind and compassionate heart. The characters were well developed, fleshed out, were mysterious, secretive, and intriguing. The author’s writing style was complex, multilayered, twisty, suspenseful, and just brilliantly written. Our characters were built up in a slow burn manner, the plot is developed in twisty layers, and the ending is brilliant.

TW: emotional abuse, physical abuse, and addiction. Hepworth’s new novel is everything you expect from her. It was captivating, compelling, twisty, dark, and gripping. This psychological thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat. The narrator, Jessica Clarke, does an amazing job with voice variation within character distinction. Has excellent pitch and flow, I was able to listen at 2x speed and had no issues understanding and keeping up. This heart-wrenching novel will be a top book for this year. I have read other Hepworth books before, but I thin this is the best one yet. I highly recommend picking this up today! Please read the author note after the story, it provides the context for this novel.

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What a heartbreaking story! And masterfully weaved.

It is a story about three women, that had became sisters under the roof of their foster mother. Now, 25 years later, a dead body is about to reunite all of them and resurface all the forgotten secrets and pains.

The bond between these three women was awesome to watch. They grow through the bad and the good together, building their bond and strength through the horrors of living with the woman that seems so good in the eyes of everyone else around them. It shed so much light on living in foster care, on mental health, on childhood trauma that keeps following through the rest of your life.

Though in parts it felt a bit slow, the twist in the end, and the secrets that were uncovered left me loving this book, and would definitely recommend for those looking for women's fiction with sister bond, mental health, and family secrets.

Thank you to St. Martin's press for me audio review copy.

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This is my 2nd Sally Hepworth book and unfortunately I think we just don’t vibe well. I found the premise interesting but for the entire the middle section I just tuned out. The ending was interesting but I didn’t like the pretty bow put on it.
It’s not you, it’s me.

I did enjoy the narration but the POVs were a bit much.


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The story unfolds through now-and-then chapters, providing perspectives from each of the three women. The "then" chapters, where we delve into their younger years, are particularly engaging, offering deep insights into their characters. The present-day narrative, interspersed with a mysterious POV discussing a creepy psychologist named Dr. Warren, keeps the suspense alive.

Hepworth masterfully balances the dark themes of abuse and trauma with the protagonists' strength, intelligence, resourcefulness, kindness, humor, and loyalty. Norah’s fiery temperament adds humor and lightness, especially for dog lovers who will enjoy the quirky names of her pets.

The pacing is slower, but the ending twists are worth the wait. The bond between the sisters is beautifully portrayed, showcasing female friendship in a positive and supportive light. The author's notes on her research add an extra layer of depth to the reading experience.

While the book's repetition of days under Miss Fairchild's care slows the narrative a bit, the compelling characters and intricate plot make it a captivating read. "Darling Girls" is a thought-provoking tale of sisterhood, resilience, and the shadows of the past.

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Thank you Netgalley and MacMillan audio for providing the audiobook.

Jessica, Alicia and Norah were foster sisters raised by Miss Fairchild. Their childhood was not so sweet contrary to what the outside world saw. Years later, the girls are approached by a detective in response to finding a child's body buried under their home. Miss Fairchild is playing innocent, blaming the girls. What we don't know is that the girls have some secrets too.

It is a slow-paced thriller. The final few chapters did justice, the mystery was solved and it wasn't how I thought. It's a decent book for those who like slow-burn thrillers.

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Darling Girls follows three sisters Jessica, Norah and Alicia who were adopted by a woman named Miss Fairchild. While they were repeatedly told how lucky they were to be with Miss Fairchild, they began to experience a side of her that was unpredictable and dangerous. Alternating POV from current day to the past inside Miss Fairchild’s home, Darling Girls keeps you questioning, what actually happened when they were in her care?

I alternated reading and listening to the audiobook narrated by Jessica Clarke. I listened at a 1.25x speed which is my usual speed and the pace was good. I enjoyed the emotion the narrators brought to the characters and found the different voices to be clear and distinguishable. I highly enjoyed the listening experience of the audiobook.

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I was SO excited to receive an ARC of Sally Hepworth's newest novel Darling Girls -and it did not disappoint!

I truly enjoyed this story would find myself thinking about the characters when I would have to begrudgingly put the book down. It follows three young girls who forged a strong, sisterly bond from being placed in the same Australian foster home together. The story follows each of the sister's POV with a dual timeline of their time in Miss Fairchild's care and where they are now. I love the ride that Sally Hepworth took me on for this story and kept me guessing throughout.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced listening copy of this book.
This book follows 3 women who were foster children a the same foster home growing up. Now they are called back to assist with an investigation at the home, leading them to revisit buried childhood secrets.

This is my second Sally Hepworth and I think it is my last. This book is mis-marketed as a thriller. I thought it was very slow and didn't provide any thrills. The character development was lacking which lead me to not care at all about the characters or what they went through, and the ending was a cop-out. It tried to be gritty and horrific by talking about childhood trauma, but it totally missed the mark.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for providing me with a gifted copy of this audiobook to review.

The story follows the lives of three sisters, flashing through time as they reflect on their experiences in foster care and how it has impacted their lives today.

If you’re thinking this will follow the structure of a thriller or classic murder mystery, put those expectations aside. This book really focuses on the inner psyches of the characters and describing the abuse they faced in their childhood. Overall, this was a tough read and it ended up taking me over a month to actually finish. I think the book was still worth reading though, and I appreciated the resolution.

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Thank you Macmillan Audio for the gifted ALC of Darling Girls.

No one does family drama better than Sally Hepworth.... NO ONE. Sisters, secrets, love, and murder — Darling Girls has it all.

Follow Jessica, Norah, and Alicia, three foster sisters haunted by a dark past under the watchful eye of Miss Fairchild. When a body is discovered under their childhood home, they're thrust into a whirlwind of suspicion and mystery.

"Darling Girls" is a thrilling page-turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat, captivated by its intricate puzzle and emotional depth. This rare gem is equally driven by character and plot, showcasing Hepworth's masterful storytelling. She excels at crafting family dramas, and her characters are so fully developed that you can't help but be drawn into their lives… Plus, having a character to despise (looking at you, Miss Fairchild) adds an extra layer of fun.

The book has an addictive quality—one of those stories you can’t put down because you need to piece everything together. Towards the end, I was worried about being underwhelmed, thinking the story was heading in one direction when I wanted another. But then, BAM! Hepworth delivered in a way only she can, reminding me never to doubt her skill.

The audiobook performance was solid, with excellent pacing. However, with so many female characters, I wish there were more distinguishing vocal differences. Despite this, audiobook lovers will find themselves thoroughly immersed.

While not the darkest book I've read, "Darling Girls" is darker than Hepworth’s other works. It does contain child abuse, so be mindful if that’s a trigger. Overall, mystery lovers will find plenty to rejoice about with this one.

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Love a good Sally Hepworth read, and this was no different. What a twisty, disturbing ride! I loved to watch as our three darling girls all became sisters and were there for each other through it all. That part was heartwarming and so redeeming, in an otherwise super messed up world. I saw some of the twists coming, but man, that last chapter! I love how the book weaves the perspectives from each of the girls, as well as flashbacks and scenes from the psychologists office. This one was hard to put down, and definitely kept my attention.

I switched between ebook and audio for this one. The audio book was done really well. I feel like the narrator added something to the telling of the story that made it very enjoyable for me.

Bottom Line: Read it.

**I received a copy of Darling Girls from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

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I was hooked from the start!

Jessica, Norah and Alicia may not be biological sisters but they are sisters in all the ways that matter. Everyone thought they were lucky to live with Miss Fairchild on a beautiful farm growing up. However, Miss Fairchild was not the person everyone thought she was. She was unpredictable and emotionally abusive.

Abandoned by the system, the girls finally get out on their own. Now they are grown up and bones have been found under the house. They have to go back together and answer questions and face the woman herself. Are they suspects or victims? They all have secrets of their own.

I gave this one ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. It was a great read! I love Sally Hepworth and this might be my favorite of hers. I loved the bond between the girls and seeing the way trauma manifests in them differently. I am often drawn to books about social work issues with kids. This one had twists and secrets. I loved it!

Thank you to @stmartinspress for the paper ARC and and @netgalley for the audio ARC. I went back and forth and enjoyed both!

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I've read several books by Sally Hepworth now, and she has yet to disappoint me with one of them. Once again she's created interesting, flawed characters in this story of 3 adult women who bonded as foster "sisters" and remain close as adults. When a skeleton is found under the house where they were fostered, they're called in to try to help figure out whose bones they might be. This isn't always an easy read, with accounts of both mental and physical abuse of foster children in a setting that appears idyllic from the outside, but is far from it. And come into it prepared to pay attention - there are multiple points of view, and multiple timelines here. It's not as difficult to keep up as that might seem, just be aware and watch/listen for those changes. I mostly listened to the audiobook, and Jessica Clarke did a wonderful job with the narration, with subtle changes to the voices of the main characters. This is a book that pulled me in from the start and didn't let go until I was finished.
Thanks to Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for providing copies for an unbiased review.

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This was a well-written, intriguing, and haunting tale filled with a list of flawed characters. Miss Fairchild was one of those characters you love to hate. I couldn’t stop reading because I had to know what happened next and needed to know whose bones were found under the house. The book is written in a dual timeline- before and after and gives the perspective of each of the women. I didn’t care for the lesbian encounter included in the story, but was glad that everyone got closure at the end.

I listened to the audiobook ⭐️⭐️⭐️narrated by Jessica Clark. Jessica used lots of inflection while reading but didn’t differentiate between the voices which made it difficult to determine who was speaking or if it was just narration.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the audiobook in exchange for my honest review!

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Sally Hepworth has turned out another thriller. Her books are fun to read in the story is always compelling. Darling girls was no different. That is both its strength and its weakness.
Her characters are well rounded flawed, and still likable
The story is interesting all the way through
The dialogue rings, true

The writing is almost formulaic
Well, the story is interesting. It is often contrived.

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I've learned to never expect anything less than greatness from Sally Hepworth. Her books are almost always 5 star books for me and Darling Girls was no exception. This book follows 3 girls as they are taken in by a foster mother, Mrs. Fairchild, who they believe is a great woman. But, she has some issues and some rules that they just don't quite understand. She's controlling and doesn't allow the girls to do much. Now, as adults, they learn more about their childhood as a body is found at their old property. It was a bit hard to follow at times, but I think this was done on purpose because everything was cleared up by the end. This book goes back and forth between timelines from their childhood and adulthood. Each girl/woman is represented and we get to know their individual stories. Definitely would recommend.

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I was lucky enough to receive both the ebook and audiobook ARC for Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth. I wound up mainly listening to this story as the narrator was excellent and helped me continue the story while having a busy schedule. I really enjoyed this book and found it to be in line with my expectations of this author. There were some parts that were fairly predictable but I don’t feel like it detracted from the storyline. The ending however totally got me! I did not see that coming. Overall I would highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a fun time.

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Darling Girls was a great read about the power of sisters, no matter how different they may be. The girls were raised by their foster mother Miss Fairchild. Everyone believed the girls to be raised well, but deep down she could be a wicked woman. Now the girls are all adults leading lives of their own when a body is discovered under the home they’ were raised in. Whose body is it and are the girls responsible for it being there? Sally Hepworth is a remarkable story teller. My heart broke for these girls, but I was also in awe of their strength. Darling Girls tells a story about women empowerment, mental health awareness, and the resilience of three very different sisters.

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I am typically a huge fan of this author’s books. They are edge-of-your seat thrillers with normal day-to-day people. However, this one just didn’t click for me. The child abuse facets just pushed me over the edge and had me cringing while trying to listen to one more page to get to the end. I know there are plenty of positive reviews and I will recommend that you decide for yourself if this appeals to you. And the plot twist at the end just left me feeling angry. Though I did enjoy listening to the narrator with the Australian accent. It was at least one thing that was delightful about the book.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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As a huge fan of Sally Hepworth, I was excited about her newest release. I have to say, this one isn't my favorite. Dealing with a house where a woman hosts foster children, Darling Girls deals with some of the worst aspects of the foster care system. We primarily follow three girls who have become sisters to each other, creating a found family who can truly rely on each other. They are contacted regarding some human remains found under the house where they met while staying with an abusive foster mother. Told in flashbacks and transcriptions from therapy appointments, this book teases out the story of what happened when they were young, who the remains belong to, and how they got there. I guessed quite a lot of the reveals in this book, and although that isn't a deal breaker for me, the book didn't bring enough emotion and involvement to the table to make up for it. I'll continue to read from this author, but this one is a miss for me.

The tone and voice of the narrator of the audiobook were fine, but there were repeated incorrect pronunciations. I'm not talking about words that may be pronounced differently if spoken with an accent, but incorrect syllable emphasis that made it difficult to know what word was spoken. It seemed like the narrator was reading without really considering the words being spoken, or they'd surely notice that what they said wasn't correct. That aside, I had no issues with the pacing of the read.

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