Member Reviews

This book hooked me from the first chapter! I’m starting to see a rise in the number of stories written in the roaring twenties, but this one touched on a part of history not discussed much—aviation. Not only did I enjoy that aspect of the story, but I also loved how it was about a married couple! There aren’t enough books with married couples at the main characters (and they aren’t either cheating, recovering from cheating, or fighting half the time).

My only complaint was I thought the story could have used a few more breadcrumbs before the final reveal, but other than that, I enjoyed this SO MUCH! I will for sure be reading other books from this author.

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A sweeping, beautiful historical romance that takes you on a whirlwind of an adventure.
I loved the surprised and twists and the deep quality of this story.
The main character goes through so much over the course of the story. You see past wounds, you see flaws, you see healing in the course of the story.
I can't give away too much without spoilers, because many things happen....
And it all is so worth it!
The romance is not only absolutely swoon worthy, it feels authentic with the characters, it had a healing element to it that made it a truly memorable tale.
The historical detail was stunning. I loved the barnstorming and early aviation. It was such a unique story.
A wonderful tale of redemption, faith, and love.
A truly beautiful story.
I recieved a complementary copy of this book from the publisher through Netgally, all thoughts and opinions are honest and completely my own.

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I’m still swooning after finishing this gorgeous book a few days ago!! 𝗪𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 𝗛𝗶𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 has a little bit of everything - a fascinating historical backdrop of the 1920s barnstorming era, death-defying adventures, high society intrigue, a compelling mystery, and a tender, uplifting romance between two beautiful souls who are finding their way back to each other.

Geneva Ashcroft is a New York City socialite who is forced into an arranged marriage with a newspaper executive by her controlling father who plans to use his new son-in-law to further his political aspirations. When her husband is killed in a plane crash, and Geneva is suspected to be the murderer, she goes undercover as a barnstormer hopping from town to town in her Jenny biplane searching for clues. But in order to uncover the truth, Geneva must first learn to trust - in others and in herself.

I loved how none of these characters were as they appeared on the surface. Geneva is a socialite but she is daring, courageous, and vulnerable. Warren is rich and powerful, but has a heart of gold. Their story of forgiveness and redemption completely swept me off my feet. This is a clean/closed-door romance but the tension, banter, and passion between these two is done SO well! Christian themes are woven throughout, but with a light touch that adds depth as the characters work through their struggles.

Overall this is a beautiful, incredibly romantic story set during a fascinating time in history that I highly recommend!!

Thank you @uplitreads @netgalley and author @rachel_scott_mcdaniel for the #gifted copy of this book for review!

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I'm clearly an outlier here with my opinion of this book. I really wanted to like it, but I was having to force myself to read it, so I DNFed at 58%. I love the 1920s, strong women characters and early aviation stories, but this just wasn't for me. It was light on the aviation part, unfortunately, and the poor little rich girl/love at first sight/perfect husband/a marriage in trouble that could have been fixed with a conversation (oh how long that was drawn out), just required too much suspension of disbelief for me. I never grew to like any of the characters, and they all seemed very one dimensional. However, your mileage may vary, so if this book sounds like your cup of tea, give it a shot!

Thank you to Netgalley and Kregel Publications for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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n automatic “favorites list” addition, Walking on Hidden Wings exhibits everything I love about the inspy/historical romance genre and the marriage of convenience trope. What begins as an engaging mystery soon transforms into an adventurous, high-stakes romance — and the high stakes come in the form of a missing friend, an aviation accident (or is it sabotage?), and the subterfuge of a 1920s social ladder.

Author Rachel McDaniel has a prose-like style that fills the story with wonder in its details: in the flying stunts, sisterly devotion, a heroine out of her comfort zone in the country, a protective and empowering hero, and a thrilling romance. Speaking of romance, the narrative has smartly penned flashback chapters amidst “current” angsty tension that tell the origins of the romance and marriage of convenience situation Geneva navigated. This brings life-altering secrets and themes of reconciliation and hope to the forefront. Most impressive in this story framing and narrative is how every single detail of the characters’ lives matters and satisfyingly comes full circle.

Fans of ultra-romantic historical marriages of convenience like Rachel McMillan’s The London Restoration or books by Mimi Matthews should give Walking on Hidden Wings a space on their TBRs.

Thank you to the publisher and Just Read Tours for the review copy. This is my honest opinion. I also purchased a final copy of the ebook for my collection.

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What an amazing read! Of course, being written by the fabulous Rachel Scott McDaniel, did we really expect anything less?

Walking on Hidden Wings is incredible! We’ve got a second chance romance, a murder mystery, and traveling air shows—all set in the stunning ‘Roaring 20s.'

I absolutely loved the setting and the challenging mystery! I was thrown for a loop a couple of times and then, when I suspected the real who, I was still utterly lost on the why.

And then there’s Geneva’s love life… For the sake of not sharing spoilers, I’ll just say I loved seeing the romance build from the beginning. 💙

This book is stellar! If you haven’t read it yet, what are you waiting for??

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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After the death of her husband, Geneva Ashcroft Hayes is determined to find out who killed him. Warren Hayes’ plane crashes, ultimately taking his life, and the police believe that it wasn’t an accident and someone had used the plane to murder Warren. While searching for his murder, Geneva becomes a wing walker. Her new career leads her to clues and closer to finding her husbands murderer.

Rating: 4.5 stars ⭐️

Opinion: When I saw the description of this ARC. I’m a huge fan of 1920s/ historical fiction books and Walking on Hidden Wings did not disappoint!

Geneva is a fun and great MC to follow. I thought here character was flushed out nicely. I loved that there were scenes of her wingwalking.

The romance between Geneva and Warren got the fast pace of the time, but also felt natural and flushed out, which I appreciated a lot!

The time jumps are nicely organized. Usually when times move around, it’s a bit jarring, but in this novel, it’s so easy to keep up with what’s happening at what time.

There are many twists and I felt they were executed well. I enjoyed every time I was surprised by them!

The big twist at the end wasn’t what I predicted or hoped for, but it still was great!

I would have liked to see maybe a chapter or two about the training Geneva went through to become a wing walker along side her piloting training.

Thank you to Rachel Scott McDaniel for the eARC!

I can’t wait to get a physical copy of Walking on Hidden Wings!

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Goodness I love McDaniel's writing. She really makes the 20's come alive with her characters, settings, and plots. But this story? Gosh I say this with every new release, but it might be my favorite, I LOVE Geneva's character. She's not afraid to be who she is, she's fiercely protective of her sister, and is a great actress (if you've read the book you'll know why I'm saying this!). And so much of this story is a spoiler, so I can't comment too much on it. But let's just say I love the romance, the wit, the everything. It shows the true meaning of trust, worth, and marriage.

I also enjoyed how McDaniel went back and forth in time (between "present day" and a few months prior). It gave you pieces that you needed just then, and not anything more. So you really are solving a mystery as Geneva remembers in her mind certain details. Oh and there's a plot twist that I did NOT see coming. That was a delightful surprise.

McDaniel is a favorite for a reason - she can write in such a way that makes me smile, ponder, laugh, and sit on the edge of my seat. I adore this book and everything about it. Highly recommend! I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Geneva's marriage may have been arranged by her father, but marrying Warren was beginning to free her from his control. Disguising herself as Stella Starling, barnstormer and daring wingwalker, the search for her husband's murderer leads to unexpected discoveries and fantastic twists in Walking on Hidden Wings.

With Geneva narrating, her time as Stella interlaced with chapters of flashbacks, the reader slowly learns the story of her marriage with Warren, the deprivations of her privileged upbringing, and her guilt and pain from the events leading up to the plane crash.
As my fourth (third if you go by start date) book by Rachel Scott McDaniel, I must say I do enjoy her brand of storytelling. Adventure, peril, romance, and a bit of glitz whether in the 1920's or another decade. And Walking on HiddenWings has plenty of each.


This review refers to a temporary digital copy that I voluntarily read and reviewed via NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

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Thank you so much @uplitreads @rachel_scott_mcdaniel for a gifted copy of this book!

✨ 𝙈𝙮 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 ✨
This book was such a fun change up from my typical reads! I enjoy historical fiction and this one has mystery, romance and adventure all in one!

Geneva is set up to marriage newspaper mogul Warren Hayes, otherwise her father will force her sister to marry someone. Geneva is pleasantly surprised upon meeting her soon to be husband, who is kind and supportive of Geneva.

Soon after their marriage, Warren is in a devastating plane crash and Geneva is suspected of trying to murder her husband. With just a list of towns as a clue, she sets off on an adventure to figure out what happened to him. Along the way, Geneva puts her new aviation skills to use and performs as a barnstormer and wing walker.

What’s really cool about this historical fiction novel, is the author did a lot of research about this time period where aviation was taking off and anyone could pilot a plane. I really enjoyed learning a thing or two in this book about that time and aviation. It was an exciting time for people to experience this new method of travel.

There was a sweet romance mixed in this book that I really enjoyed as well. Despite the arranged marriage aspect, Warren isn’t what you would assume and was a pleasant surprise to root for.

If you haven’t tried a historical fiction book, this would be a fun one to try out since it has a bit of something for everyone!

✨ 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚:
✈️ Historical Romance circa 1920s
✈️ Arranged Marriage
✈️ Aviation Stories
✈️ Adventure/Mystery

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I loved this unique take on historical fiction, the mystery making this even better than standard historical fiction.

The writing was amazing and really transported me to the time period. She bought the time and characters to life.

This was my first book by this author, and she is definitely one I'll have my eye on! I need to get my hands on her back list STAT!

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This is a sweet story with a hint of mystery.

Geneva lost her husband to a tragic accident. When that accident is revealed as foul play, Geneva becomes the primary suspect. She is on a mission to find out what happened while also trying to prove her innocence. She takes to the skies, her only comfort during this daunting time.

✨ Historical Fiction (1920’s)
✨ Mystery
✨ Pilots
✨ Dual Timelines, Single POV

I really enjoyed the characters and the overall story. Warren is an absolute dreamboat. The ultimate book boyfriend and male character. His love, respect, propriety… and sometimes lack of it were all wonderful.

This book is very easy to read and understand. It requires very little brain power and everything happens and then is immediately explained. This isn’t my personal preference when reading, I really enjoy putting clues together and figuring things out for myself. But I know some people really enjoy the ease of this writing style.

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If I could jump into a book and go along for the ride I’d pick this one!! Set during the roaring twenties I felt completely transported to the era. The story literally starts mid-air as Stella Starling aka Geneva Ashcroft is on the wings of a plane!

Geneva is on the run trying to find who killed her husband. She comes from a very well known and wealthy family so there’s a large reward to find the missing socialite. Not to mention, the authorities think Geneva killed her husband. She tries to buy herself some time to figure the truth out. She changes her name to Stella and starts flying the skies and doing acrobatics as a cover to continue her search for answers. This is literally just the beginning!! You will get a huge surprise in chapter two, but I promise I won’t spoil it here!

It’s an incredible adventure and mystery full of twist and turns. At the heart of this book though is a swoony and beautiful love story. Ahhh it’s so delightful, fun, and unique!! I couldn’t get enough! I really need this to be a movie.

I was enthralled with the aviation throughout. You can tell it was meticulously researched. I’m former Air Force and my husband is Naval aviation so to say planes are a part of our every day vernacular would be an understatement. Regardless of your love of flight this book will make your heart soar and leave you with a smile on your face!

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McDaniel became one of my auto-read authors last year, and this was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024 (guess what? I LOVED IT) Packed with McDaniel's signature banter and tenderness, with a twisty plot that had me like 🤯😱😍 a few times, it's a gorgeous story of faith and forgiveness.

Geneva was such a joy to follow, I just want good things for her always. She's so plucky and capable and iconic, but is also working through the heavy load of learning to forgive yourself for things that weren't your fault. Warren had to grow on me but by the end I was SUCH a softie for their relationship. (and their banter?? swoon!!) The themes of forgiveness and trusting God through hardship were beautiful!

The main characters are married early in the story, so a lot of their flirting could toe a line of "too much" for my strictly-clean friends (it had me blushing a few times haha) but there's nothing explicit shown on page! Just something to be aware of. 👍

Rachel remains one of my faves. I can't wait to see what she's got in store next! 5 stars from me!

**I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.**

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Another throughly well written and compelling story from one of my favorite authors. I NEVER miss a book from Rachel and this story is a prime example of why. Fascinating time periods, likable characters and an intriguing mystery all woven together for a fantastic reading experience. I was as much in the dark as to the villains and the motives as Geneva was and seeing all threads come together along with several surprises was so much fun! Loved this one!

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Oh my word! Rachel has truly outdone herself once again, creating a brilliant masterpiece in Walking on Hidden Wings, seamlessly weaving together elements of history, mystery, and romance, captivating me from the very first page to the last.

I won't delve too deeply into the plot details because half the joy of reading is experiencing the story unfold firsthand. But let me tell you, the married romance in this one? It's like a dazzling fireworks display! Warren and Eva's relationship, born out of convenience yet blossoming into something truly beautiful, is a testament to the power of love in unexpected places.

Eva is a character I couldn't help but admire. Her strength and determination in the face of societal constraints are inspiring, especially as she defies expectations by taking to the skies. And when she's accused of a crime she didn't commit, her tenacity knows no bounds as she fights to clear her name.

The narrative, with its seamless shifts between past and present, keeps you on the edge of your seat as clues to the mystery are slowly unveiled. And the backdrop of early aviation adds an exhilarating layer to the story, showcasing the daring spirit of those who dared to defy gravity.

In summary, 'Walking on Hidden Wings' is an absolute triumph of storytelling that left me utterly captivated. Rachel has crafted a story that will linger in my thoughts long after I've closed the book. Bravo!

Fans of Rachel Fordham’s The Letter Tree will enjoy this book.
Read if you like:
✨ Roaring 20’s
✨ Mysterious Intrigue
✨ Daring Female leads
✨ Married Romance

Many thanks to the author and publisher for the copy of the book for me to read and review. All thoughts are mine.

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Sometimes you can tell it's going to be a good story, from the first few pages. This book, within the first few pages, I was drawn in. A beautiful love story, broken apart by death and then manipulation but slowly threaded back together by many unforseen twists and turns, but nonetheless stronger in the end. This tale of Geneva & Warren is by far one of my favorites read this year.. The unabandoned love Warren shows for his wife and the bravery and sacrifice Geneva shows for her husband makes this story. The mystery, the intrigue, deaths, suspected murder, mistaken identities, more mystery and plot twists. This book is like riding a rollercoaster in the best way. The small faith themes throughout just rounded out the whole book in my opinion of being great to just amazing. This was my first time reading a Rachel Scott McDaniel book and I was not disappointed. I definitely will be reading more of this author.

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Walking on Hidden Wings is a wonderful historical novel full of mystery and history as it’s set in the roaring 20s. I’m a huge history nerd and love any book that is going to give me a bit of knowledge about history. This one didn’t disappoint on that front. Or on the front of being an entertaining fun novel to read.

A young widow sets out to prove that her husband was murdered, and not by her. She wasn’t in love with him, that much is true. But he was one of the kindest people in her life so she wasn’t going to murder him! From socialite to wing walker she goes from town to town trying to figure out what this list of locations has in common and what it has to do with his death.

Can she find out who was behind his death? And can she do it without getting herself killed as well? And is the past ever truly the past?

This was a wonderful novel. It read quickly. It kept me entertained and focused while reading. So much so, that I did not want to put this book down. The characters were real and relatable. I can’t recommend this one enough. You’re going to love it, I promise!

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from JustRead Publicity Tours. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

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Walking on Hidden Wings was the first book I have read written by Rachel Scott McDaniel and I look forward to reading some more of her books. Walking on Hidden Wings might be one of my favorite books so far of 2024, and that is saying something. This year has been filled with some amazing books so far. It caught my attention from the very start and sucked me in. I had a hard time putting it down. It is really well written and rich in vocabulary.

The character development was powerful. It really sucked me in. I was right there with Geneva flying that plane. I loved getting to know Geneva and Warren. Geneva had a lot of layers to her. I loved that the book was written from her perspective.

The storyline was outstanding. Rachel Scott McDaniel did an amazing job. Having Geneva’s flash backs to paint the full story was a unique way for the reader to get the full picture. Even if the flashbacks weren’t that far in the past.

The relationship between Geneva and Warren was sweet. I loved watching them fall in love. The chemistry between them was perfect. Overall, it was the perfect balance. Not too much that I felt uncomfortable.

The historical element was really great. I loved stepping back in time. I could really picture what it was like to be alive during the roaring 20s.

Rachel Scott McDaniel did a really great job intertwining faith in with fiction. Pointing the reader back to God. It was really encouraging.

*I received a complimentary copy from the author and voluntarily chose to review it. All opinions are my own.

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In “ Walking on Hidden Wings”, Geneva is suspected of murder for her husband’s deadly plane crash. With a new name and hairstyle, she must try and prove her innocence while trying to find her husband’s real killer. I really liked the storyline and setting of the roaring 1920s and a female pilot. This was my first book by Rachel Scott McDaniel. This story was a suspenseful mystery with plenty of adventure and plot twists until the end. It did take me a bit in the beginning to get my bearings since the timeline jumps back and forth quite often with flashbacks/ memories.

There was some faith in the story. Also there was passionate kissing and some implied scenes between a married couple.

“I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.”

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