Member Reviews

Once again Rachel has written a book that is completely swoon-worthy and mysterious. I absolutely love the time period this story is set in. I mean how can you go wrong with the 1920's and this particular author has a knack for writing stories that are captivating while keeping the theme and scenery of this era. If you haven't read any of her books you are definitely missing out.

We meet Geneva who feels like who feels like she suffocating in her posh surroundings. She yearns for adventure and love that is genuine. She finds both in Warren, her soon to be beau and husband. But things don't go as planned and we find her in a predicament that I honestly did not see coming. I don't want to divulge too much without giving the story away but you will definitely see Geneva go into an adventure as she tries to find out what truly happened to Warren?! (Intrigued yet? You should be!)

This book truly has alot to love. There is heartache, mystery, adventure, love and hope. There is definitely a thread of God's love and forgiveness. The mystery will keep you guessing; at least it did for me. Oh, did I mention there were swoony moments that made you sigh out loud?

Overall I really enjoyed this book. Rachel Scott McDaniel is one of those authors that I have read all books she has written and will continue to do so. I really do enjoy her writing and I am looking forward to what she pens next.

If you enjoy romance and adventure set in the 1920's with wing-walking, barnstormer heroine then this is the book for you!!

I received a copy of this book for review. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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This was my first book by McDaniel and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! Oh my goodness!

Just a few pages in and the writing completely pulled me in. 1920’s setting, perfect balance of suspense and mystery, the romantic tension was just right. Grab this book now and go in blind. Trust me. The story was unique and so well written. Definitely one I plan to buy in paperback because it was just so good!

Need a little more convincing?
“Darkness invaded, but I wasn’t terrified of it. Not anymore. I’d been wrestling the shadows ever since darkness had the nerve to snatch Warren from my arms. Being this close to the clouds meant being closer to him. If only I could reach up and draw back the velvety blue curtain of sky to see my husband’s face, the tease of his smirk when he called me Eva.”

How beautiful is that?!

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Socialite Geneva Ashcroft goes undercover as a barnstormer searching for clues that point to who could have killed her husband. She discovers so much more throughout her journey, including a trust in the One who will never leave her. I LOVED this book! I was on the edge of my seat, anxiously awaiting the next plot twist (and boy those last 2 twists really surprised me!!). A romance with a mystery is one of my favorite genres, and Rachel truly excels at it! It’s been a while since I’ve read a marriage of convenience, and I really enjoyed this one. My heart when out to Geneva, as she learned what true love looks like. Her reactions and hesitations seemed realistic. I loved her relationship with Warren. He is such a swoony hero! They may be one of my new favorite couples. I did not know much about barnstorming before reading this, and I enjoyed that aspect of the story as well. Rachel is my go-to for stories set in the ‘20’s, and this is not one to miss! If you’ve never read a book by Rachel Scott McDaniel, start with this one!
Thank you to the author and publisher for my review copy. All thoughts above are my own; I was not required to write a positive review.

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"My gloved hand stretched high as if to skim my fingers along the fringe of heaven, but one wrong move would send me careening eight hundred feet to unforgiving earth. Spectators huddled below on a broad field, their necks craning, eyes no doubt squinting against the fiery afternoon sun. All to glimpse the crazy dame who batted her lashes at danger and wooed risk atop the wings of a Curtiss Jenny biplane."

Eva never planned to be a female aviatrix. She also never planned to be a widow. Solving her husband's apparent murder is what is providing her with focus. Doing demonstrations and stunts allow her to travel around the countryside without looking suspicious.

Soon she discovers that determining what happened to her husband is risky and perhaps dangerous. Secrets abound. Someone wants the truth to stay hidden. Will she be able to complete her mission and still stay safe?

I absolutely loved this historic novel set in the 1920's. Barnstormers were certainly brave - flying was more adventurous than today. Romance is also an important element in this story, but I do not want to give anything away. The author has a few surprises up her sleeve in this title.

Rachel Scott McDaniel is a must-read author for me. This book contains Rachel's typical wit, compelling characters, plenty of action, a bit of intrigue and a wonderful back story. Her characters always make me think.

I did read an advanced copy of this book. I wanted to read and review it. All opinions are my own.

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Through captivating language and historical accuracy Rachel Scott McDaniel will transport you into the glitz and glam of the 1920’s in her newest novel,
Walking on Hidden Wings. When socialite Geneva and newspaper mogul, Warren plummet into love for one another the story takes to the air. But happily ever after, comes barrelling down just a few months later when Warren’s plane crashes. Accused of his murder, Geneva sets out on a wild mission to find out “whodunnit”—and prove it wasn’t her. Readers will be left with the sensation of sitting right alongside Geneva, inside the “Jenny” wing-walking and barrel -rolling with every suspenseful twist. Although darkness lurks behind every corner, the truth is eventually brought into the light.

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Wonderful Escape to a Bygone Era

Aviation and the Roaring Twenties collide in the most magical way in Walking on Hidden Wings. The world Rachel Scott McDaniel creates is compelling and unique, drawing you in like a moth to the flame.

This era is brought to life, both the good and the bad, through the eyes of a flawed heroine on a search not only to find herself but to find truth. One thing that really surprised me by this novel was the fact that the love story is between a couple that is already married, giving a troupe twist I hadn’t foreseen. With this bond already established it opened the door to showing true grace and forgiveness within the marriage union and gave a little more romantic tension and details that I normally do not see in a clean romance. So, if you’re sensitive to that subject matter be forewarned.

This is one of those novels that is so incredibly easy to get lost in and I was captivated from the beginning. The characters are rich and developed and take us on an adventure full of mystery, romance, and all that jazz. There were a few plot points that I did feel needed to be better fine-tuned, especially when it came to unbelievable choices coming out of the woodworks near the end, but overall, this was still a wonderful literary escape to a bygone era done in a masterful way.

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I am blown away by this clever page-turner. The historical details make reading about the roaring 20’s so fantastic. It was so fun learning these historical nuggets while weaving through the twists and turns of the mystery. And wow were those twists good! Easily a top read in my book!
CW: fade to black romance

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Walking on Hidden Wings: A Novel of the Roaring Twenties is written by one of my favorite historical authors, Rachel Scott McDaniel. Her writing always transports you back in time and you find yourself in a world that you did not know you needed. In this story we meet Geneva Ashcroft Hayes. Her father is controlling and he is very intimidating. Her marriage was arranged to a newspaper mogul, Warren. However, his plane crashes a few months after they said I do.

Suddenly she finds herself the suspect in his murder. They find his plane tampered with. However, Geneva knows she is innocent and wished she would have shared the threatening messages that she had received. She knows she needs to clear her name. She has a list of clues from a private investigator and she knows she needs to find out who is behind all of this and why.

Geneva decides to change her appearance and leave town. She buys herself a Jenny plane. Which there were so many left over from the war, you just needed cash, not a license. She starts to travel and performing wing walking stunts. The descriptions to these scenes is truly captivating.

This book has the perfect blend of history, romance and mystery. I absolutely loved it.

Thank you to the author, publisher and JustRead for allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own.

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Walking on Hidden Wings is a historical romantic fiction novel set in the Roaring 20s and follows the story of Heiress Geneva “Eva” Ashcroft. Geneva, set to marry newspaper mogul Warren Hayes, obediently follows her father's instructions with no questions asked. Shortly after their marriage, Warren dies in an airplane crash, leading to Eva being accused of his murder. Leaving her luxurious lifestyle behind, she is determined to find the real killer and chooses a stage name while performing daring flying stunts searching for clues, and seeking Warren's friend.

The mysteries surrounding the case leave Eva increasingly puzzled every day and unexpected twists add to the intrigue.

The story skillfully shifts between present-day events and events from several months prior, offering clues in both timelines. The amazing romance between Warren and Eva is charming, beautiful, and intense, with their relationship evolving smoothly as Eva finally discovers what it means to be truly loved.

Walking on Hidden Wings is a fabulous combination of mystery, intrigue, long-held secrets, revenge, and making peace with your past. Rachel Scott McDaniel has written a breathtaking novel that will leave readers impressed and eager to read more from this author.

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3.5 Stars

Rachel Scott McDaniel is making a name for herself with her historical romance books. Walking on Hidden Wings is filled with romance and mystery.

The romance is well developed with plenty of swoony moments, and the mystery will keep you guessing as Geneva/Stella investigates. While I enjoyed the story, there were a couple of issues I had with it.

First, I would have liked to actually see Stella while she’s barnstorming and wing walking. We’re told throughout the book this is what Stella does but we rarely see it. There were also times when I felt the author withheld information just to give us a bigger reveal, which made author intrusion evident at that point of the story.

As the mystery unfolds around the 70% mark, the pace picks up (with a few red herrings thrown in). While I had the actual culprit on my radar, I had dismissed them along with Geneva throughout the book.

All in all, this was an entertaining read, and if you’re a lover of romance, you can expect all of the feels.

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive or negative review. All opinions are my own.

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4 1/2 stars

Oh, I so enjoyed this story. What an admirable character Geneva was. Throughout the entire story, no matter what roadblocks were thrown into her path, she stood strong for her convictions. In addition, she was fearless and vulnerable at the same time. Then there was the mystery. So many suspects and quite a few twists and turns, kept her (and me) on our toes. I initially struggled with the beginning where the story bounces between past and present but was able to adjust. Without spoiling the story, I can only add that there is a very sweet and swoony romance which was my favorite thing about the book overall.

I received this book complimentary as a participant of the JustReads reviewer tour. I was not required to give a positive review. All of the opinions I have expressed here are honest and my own.

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I am speechless. This book was incredible!! I was drawn in right from the very start, and did not want to put it down. The mystery and suspense was a perfect balance to the romance and growth. Oh, it was just so good.
I am completely obsessed with Warren Hayes. He is a swoony, romantic, dream boat and I loved his adoration and patience with Geneva.
This book will have you sure that you know what’s going on, and then second guessing yourself, then completely changing your mind 😂 You will love the roller coaster ride that accompanies the pages of this book.
I loved the huge emotions that this book pulled from me- I wanted to cry, scream, punch, swoon, and start all over again. Haha This is one book I will be thinking about for a long time. I loved it and I am going to recommend it to everyone.

Read if you love: Christian romance, clean romance, light suspense, good mystery, swoon, redemption

TW: mentions of miscarriage; mentions of marital relations- closed door but lots of descriptions of a husband and wife loving each other and the physical bits that accompany it

Thank you to the author for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own

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This historical fiction mystery opened my eyes to the world of barnstorming in the 1920s, and it was a unique and fun tale.

Geneva is a socialite whose father arranged for her to marry a newspaper mogul. Despite her initial misgivings about an arranged marriage, Geneva finds herself falling for her new husband Warren and the freedom he bestows upon her. Warren teaches her to fly, and the skies become her happy place after her husband dies mere months after their wedding. Geneva begins to travel around to small towns with her plane, putting on barnstorming shows and searching for clues to who killed her husband.

The mash up of historical fiction and mystery was entertaining, and I loved the time period this one was at in. I’ve read a great deal of HF set during the wars and was happy to read about a different era in our history. The history of the government selling off planes and the fact that people didn’t need an aviation license initially was fascinating to me, and this book definitely taught me something new about the roaring 20s.

Geneva is a fabulous protagonist who feels more like a modern woman than a woman from a century ago. She yearns to break free from her socialite role and to enjoy the freedoms afforded to men, and I loved watching her become a performer and taking death defying risks during her airplane shows. Her life is a true whirlwind of intrigue and mystery, and I admired her gutsy actions and determination.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kregel Publications for the ARC. All opinions are my own,

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Talented author Rachel Scott McDaniel swept me away to New York in the 1920s in her newest book, Walking on Hidden Wings. The plot was imaginative, the characters were colorful, engaging, and multi-layered, and the history was fascinating.

“I must align myself with a worthy spouse because that was what one did when situated on the highest rung of the social ladder. I wanted nothing more than to kick the infernal ladder over.”

When socialite Geneva Ashcroft and newspaper owner Warren Hayes enter into a marriage arranged by her father, Geneva begs Warren to teach her to fly his plane. She is devastated a few weeks later when his plane crashes. When she is suspected of his murder, she embarks on a mission to find the real culprit. Warren’s tender care and love toward Geneva was so sweet, and I admired Geneva for her courage, tenacity, and willingness to buck against the social system.

With plenty of suspense, action, history, and romance, this story has something for everyone. It was easy to immerse myself into the tale and the historical era. I’ve read several of McDaniel’s books and enjoyed them all. I recommend this book to those who enjoy historical Christian fiction. 4.5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from Kregel Publications. All opinions are my own.

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I absolutely loved this book! The romance was amazing. I loved the characters and was super invested. I loved the mystery that kept me guessing! Such a good read that had me hooked from the beginning!

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"Love gives, not takes. It never forces a person to sacrifice but sacrifices itself for the other person."
I absolutely loved this new story, Walking on Hidden Wings! This author is one of my favorite storytellers and this new release reminded me why! She weaves two timelines so beautifully and highlights themes of authentic faith and the gift of holding on to hope when things look dark. It didn’t take long for this story to completely hook me! It has surprises, mysteries and twists, as well as, sweet and swoony romance! I can’t recommend it enough!
Is there something that is a sweet reminder of God’s love for you? In this story, white pebbles is one that is dear to the main character. For me, it is the stars and the family the Lord has blessed me with!
“God revived the wintry earth, His breath alighting spring. Could He do the same to my icy heart?”
“But Warren held captive all my masks, kept them locked away and out of my reach.”
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley, Kregel Publications, UpLit Reads and author, Rachel Scott McDaniel for the gifted physical copy and e-arc of this book to read and review!

The roaring twenties!!! Gah. It’s one of my very favorite historical fiction eras. And let me tell you … this book has all the feels of that glamorous period and brought it home with a big squeeze to my heart. There’s sweet & swoony marital romance, adventure, suspense and a cast of engaging characters along with a few plot twists that were perfectly placed and completely unexpected. Beautifully and elegantly written, this book will have you soaring in the clouds with Geneva on her journey of courage, faith and hope as she learns to tear down walls and teaches her heart to love.

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“I won’t hold you back from anything you want, Eva. If you want the skies, I will teach you how to soar them.”

Geneva Ashcroft Hayes’s marriage to a newspaper mogul might have been prearranged, but the New York socialite is truly devastated when her husband’s plane crashes a few short months after they are married. When the authorities suspect murder, Geneva bravely sets out on an intense mission to find his killer—and to prove it wasn’t her!

When mysterious notes surface pointing to Geneva’s guilt in his death, they only strengthen her resolve. She has little to go on except for a detective friend’s cryptic list of locations connected to her dead spouse. When the dear friend also disappears, she trades her sparkling gowns for coveralls and pilot goggles.

Armed with a new name and career as a wingwalker and barnstormer, Geneva travels from town to town in hopes of unearthing clues and locating her missing friend. But Geneva surprisingly discovers that her past may not belong to her ... what she once believed as truth may be nothing more than lies and deception…

@rachel_scott_mcdaniel you have weaved such a moving story! Filled with suspense, mystery, breathtaking romance, endearing characters, and intriguing history! This story is engaging, and is one that isn’t easy to put down, and will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat, anticipating with what’s to come next! The marriage of convenience in this story is beautiful and tender, and I found myself sighing more than once. It’s a book well worth the read, even if you are up till 1:45 in the morning reading as I was!

“Yes, though in the end...Love conquered hate.”


“With God’s love within me and Warren holding me tight, my heart could soar to the highest heights.”

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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🤍 Thank you @uplitreads for the gifted copy of Walking on Hidden Wings!🤍

As soon as I read the synopsis for this book I was SOLD! A female wing-walker, a m*rderer, and a very addictive mystery.

Geneva was such a strong character. I was pulled in by her determination, her fire, and her kind heart!

Don’t even get me started on the romance! I was a puddle of ALL the feels and it was just perfection.

Read if you love:
• 1920s settings
• meet-cutes
• suspense and mystery
• a strong FMC
• wing-walking and pilots

★ ★ ★ ★ ★/5
Steam: closed door
TW: mild violence, miscarriage

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1922 New York

Engaging historical romance novel! RSM does a great job of weaving details from the past into her story lines. In Walking on Hidden Wings, she brings to life the brief heyday of barnstorming. Loved the author's note at the end which shares additional tidbits from the time period.

Favorite the hero and heroine meet. What a fun beginning. And it strips the characters down to who they are at their core rather than the facade shown at social events.

Plenty of plot twists to keep mystery fans yearning to figure out who the villain is and why. This reader was surprised when the reveal occurred.

Great cover!

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