Member Reviews


A historical romance set in the Roaring Twenties?! Sign me up!

I absolutely adore this story from beginning to end. I didn't want to put it down. And when I had to, I kept thinking about how I can get back to it!

A life among society and an arranged marriage later, Geneva Ashcroft begins a search, looking for clues to the unfortunate plane crash involving her late husband. From being a socialite in the highest of circles to flying planes, Geneva finds herself caught in a web of lies and secrets as discovers more about the world she once knew.

I love the past and present pieces in this story. You experience Geneva and her two lives- the glittery socialite and the adventurous female aviator. Hello 1920s! I have always wanted to read this time period and I loved it!!

But let's talk about the romance. I can't go into details here as there are so many spoilers to this journey. The love story is PERFECT! Sweet, heart melting moments, with angsty fiery chemistry. The push and pull. The way they compliment each other. Seriously...SO GOOD! I couldn't get enough!

So basically I ADORED this book!

Thank you Rachel for my #gifted copy! I can't wait to dive into your backlist!

*Romance - closed door

*TW- assault, verbal abuse, miscarriage, death of loved ones, near death experiences

#walkingonhiddenwings #histfic
#rachelscottmcdaniel #1920s #roaringtwenties #marriageofconvenience #favoritebooks #christianthemes #aviation #pilot #pubday #aprilbooks #aprilpub #tuesdayfeature #bookfeature #newfavorite

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Geneva is to marry Warren Hayes, a newspaper mogul, only to help her father get good press in the newspapers in his political career, but when she meets him and realizes they actually have a lot in common, she knows she will be just fine. A few months after their wedding, there is a plane crash and Warren is dead. The police think it may have been murder and his new wife is their first suspect. Geneva sets off on a journey to find out who killed her husband and what she discovers along the way is so shocking.

I loved this story from the start with all the aviation references. My dad had a small plane that we would fly in as kids and it was always the best. The mystery aspect of this book kept me intrigued and I really wanted to know who the killer was and what happened to Brisbane, Warren’s friend. I had suspected Warren’s cousin since family can get jealous of what someone else has and that also made me consider Geneva’s sister. Overall, I loved the setting, the characters, the aviation references, and the mystery.

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Geneva Ashcroft’s father is controlling, he wants his daughter to marry an owner of a newspaper, if she doesn’t he’s threatened there will be consequences and her younger is his target. Geneva loves her sister, she doesn’t have a say in anything in her life, her mother picks out her clothes and now she’s to marry a man her father has chosen. Geneva meets Warren Hayes, she’s pleasantly surprised, he’s a nice man and cares about her feelings and something she’s never experienced before.

Months later when his plane crashes, she’s devastated and a widow, the police think his biplane was tampered with and she's a suspect. Geneva sets out to find who sabotaged her husband’s plane, she has a list of clues from a private investigator, and to prove her innocence. Prior to their wedding and afterwards, Geneva had been getting threatening messages she didn’t tell anyone and she regrets it now. Geneva changes her appearance, she owns her own plane, she’s decides to visit the country towns listed, preforming as barnstormer and wing walker.

In America during the early 1920’s, the army had a surplus of planes left over from The Great War, if you had the money and anyone could buy one. No license was needed to fly a Jenny, and pilots would land in a farmers field, take people up for joy rides and others did aerial tricks, barrel rolls and wing walking.

I received a copy of Walking on Hidden Wings by Rachel Scott McDaniel from Kregel Publications and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was pleasantly surprised by this book and it's one of the best novels I have read this year, it takes you back to a fascinating time in American history, during the roaring twenties, with prohibition, speakeasies, and when aviation was in its infancy and less regulated.

I really liked both Geneva and Warren’s characters, he treated his wife as an equal, the feelings they developed for each other and he was the only person to ever show her any kind of affection, her society parents had a lot to answer for and Geneva's father was a horrible man. A page turning, thrilling and well written story about arranged marriage, secrets, mystery, revenge, religion, finding love and discovering the truth, and five stars from me.

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I enjoyed this book. There is no fewer than 3 major plot twists, banter, suspense, and a less discussed relationship. I’ve already recommended this book to multiple people. Thanks to the author for the ARC. I loved the story. Kept me on the edge of my seat.

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Title: Walking on Hidden Wings
Author: Rachel Scott McDaniel

Ch: 37

Pg: 328

Genre: Christian historical fiction Christian historical romance dual time

Rating: 5 stars

Publisher: Kregel publisher

Walking on Hidden Wings by Rachel Scott McDaniel may be her most emotional book to date. It’s also her steamiest in the sense that the couple is married, but it’s still a clean read. But you can still feel the love that they have for each other despite what they’ve been through. And the book is still faith filled.

Geneva Ashcroft Hayes is determined to find out what’s happen to her husband Warren Hayes. I love how this story plays out and is told in dual timelines. I also enjoyed learning more about wingwalking and barnstorming a lesser known piece of 1920s history and I’ve always loved planes. McDaniel never disappoints with the mystery romance and faith filled stories.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

I received a copy of this book from the author . I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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I am obsessed with Rachel Scott McDaniel’s new book Walking on Hidden Wings. I loved everything about it, and I couldn’t put it down. It was so good. The story has romance, mystery, betrayal, adventure, forgiveness, hope, and love.

The story was so full of twists and turns, so I don’t want to give too much away in my review. You need to be able to experience this story for yourself. The story is set in 1920s in New York. Rachel’s descriptions are so full and vibrant that you feel swept up in the glamor and advancements of the time period. I could just imagine the excitement of watching the barnstormers fly their planes over the farms or the frustration of staying somewhere without electricity.

Geneva was a wonderful heroine. She was sassy, strong, determined, and afraid to love. Her character arc was beautifully written. My heart broke and mended right along with hers as the story progressed.

This beautiful story explores the themes of love, forgiveness, and hope in a tender and thought-provoking way. Rachel’s brilliant writing made the story just leap off the page. This book has landed itself a spot on my list of books to buy in paperback. The romance and kisses are so swoony while the mystery had me guessing until the end. I could go on and on raving about this book, but I don’t want to give too much away.

Here are a few more quotes
“I’ll do anything to make you smile.” He rested his forehead on mine. “It’s a favorite hobby of mine.”
It words could melt, I’d be a puddle of swooning female beside the crumbs of bacon that’d fallen from my tray.

“You make it sound as if anything can be bought.”
“In my world, that’s the way of life.”
His head tilted, and something marked his eyes. It looked suspiciously like compassion. He braved a step toward me, caution saturating his movements, as if approaching a delicate creature. “In my world, all you have to do is ask.”
“But you told me a second ago you couldn’t.”
“As in, I couldn’t accept anything from you. But I’ll freely take you up there.” He nodded toward the sky. “If that’s what you want.”

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Synopsis: “I’d feared I was incapable of love, as if it were beyond my reach. But what if it had been with me all along?” The Angel of Ashcroft, Geneva Ashcroft Hayes, has finally been married off to a highly respected newspaper owner and pilot, much to her family’s advantage. But within just a short time, Geneva has fallen hard for her husband. With promises of love and adventure, Geneva has finally taken a chance with her heart. But when an unexpected plane crash suddenly takes her husband, Geneva is accused murder. To prove her innocence, she leaves on a hunt to find her husband’s killer disguised as a pilot and wingwalker. As secrets unfold, she finds a tumultuous past, a troublesome present, and an unpredictable future.

Analysis: If you love old-fashioned love, classic mysteries, and little-known history, this book is for you! Rachel is a master at capturing adventure, love, and intrigue. I absolutely loved the focus on women and barnstorming in the Roaring Twenties! Geneva is a heroine you’ll find yourself rooting for and relating to. And, boy, does she know how to write a swoon-worthy hero 😍 This book will leave you longing for your own adventure and examining your own heart. Rachel brings all the page-turning suspense but also pulls out deeper themes of love, acceptance, and identity in Christ. I absolutely LOVED this novel and highly recommend adding it to your shelf!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Content Rating: Clean (One note on content: this is a beautiful marriage-of-convenience story. There is some fade to black intimacy between a married couple, so I would recommend for those married! It is very tastefully written 🤍)

*I was given an ARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Rachel Scott McDaniel’s books have been on my TBR list for a long time and when I heard of Ms. McDaniel’s latest release, Walking on Hidden Wings, I knew it was a book that should firmly be on my “read” list ASAP! Rachel Scott McDaniel’s Walking on Hidden Wings is a roaring, highflying mystery full of many twists and turns. Set in the 1920s, Walking on Hidden Wings tells the story of Geneva, and the events of her marriage while on a journey to solve what she believes is the mysterious death of her beloved husband, Warren. Using her plane “Jenny” and going undercover as “Stella” to gather clues, Geneva soon realizes that nothing of her high society lifestyle is what it seems and each clue leads to more mysteries than it does the answers to solve them. Despite the rocky turbulence of the trip, what Geneva learns of herself, her husband Warren, and of God’s Unconditional True Love, shines light on all the clues showing Geneva that the Truth truly does set you Free.

From the very first page of Rachel Scott McDaniel’s Walking on Hidden Wings there are so many twist and turns in Geneva’s story that I felt like I was getting readers whiplash–which is a good thing! (Not to mention the cover is gorgeous and grabs your your attention from the get-go.) I was constantly on the edge of my seat trying to figure out each mystery that came to light and who was the cause of the upheaval in Geneva’s life. I felt that the plot of Walking on Hidden Wings was unique and the world that Ms. McDaniel created was something I had not experienced in a book in a long time and I found it refreshing. Geneva is a firecracker and I would love to be her friend! The way Ms. McDaniel described the 1920s and the scenes in the “Jenny” made me feel as though I was fully submersed in the story. I love the relationship of Geneva and Warren. The way Warren and Geneva adore and are fiercely protective of each other is endearing and what they learn from one another shows growth and maturity. I love how Warren and Geneva did their best to keep Christ at the center of all they did despite the rocky road the two of them were forced to travel. My heart broke for all that Geneva and Warren went through and it hurt to see them being taken advantage of from those closest to them. To me, a theme of learning about the Unconditional Love of Christ was woven throughout Walking on Hidden Wings. If you are looking for an uplifting mysterious read with a Powerful Message, then I highly recommend Walking on Hidden Wings by Rachel Scott McDaniel!

Have you read Walking on Hidden Wings by Rachel Scott McDaniel? What did you think of the book?

Thank you to NetGalley and Publisher for the opportunity to read Walking on Hidden Wings. I would like to thank Rachel Scott McDaniel for letting me be on the Launch Team for Walking on Hidden Wings and assisting me in compiling the information I needed for this post. It’s been a joy! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

My review is also on Amazon, Goodreads, and my blog Leslie's Library Escape.

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What a ride this was as I joined Geneva on the wing of a biplane. Would I actually do that in real life? No! But, it sure was fun to imagine.

History, romance, mystery, and a glimpse into the world of the wealthy in the 1920's makes this a fascinating story to read. I loved learning about the flying circuses and would gladly have attended any and all air shows that I could.

Geneva (Eva) and Warren's story shows the beauty of loving through difficulty and choosing to trust. They are just soo good for each other. Eva has a compassionate heart and generous nature but is especially drawn to the downtrodden. Warren sees this in Eva and does everything he can to help her realize she is a treasure.

Things to love (besides what I mentioned) :)
Second chances
History coming to life
Twists and turns
Loving your neighbor as yourself
Surprising conclusion

Would I recommend this book? Absolutely!

I received a complimentary advanced copy of the book. All opinions expressed are my own and voluntarily provided.

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"Love gives, not takes. It never forces another person to sacrifice but sacrifices itself for the other person."

Wow, this book was good. I don't read a whole lot of books set in the 1920s but Rachel Scott McDaniel always amazes me with her 1920s backdrop and the variety of history infused into her stories. I loved this 1922 setting when aviation was starting to become popular among the lay people. Geneva's first person voice was honest, refreshing, down to earth, and so relatable though she's an heiress. I enjoyed experiencing the wealth and glamour of her lifestyle but equally felt the loneliness, anguish, and grief of her position as well. Her short courtship and marriage to Warren was all told in flashback and their romance was absolutely sigh-worthy. I loved their conversations that were full of wit, humor, and tenderness. And Warren! He had me practically melting in my reading chair every time he spoke to Geneva. There is a whole lot of intrigue and mystery in the plot and I was completely taken aback when the villain was revealed.

The book is an absolute treat with the perfect blend of history, romance, mystery, and faith. I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Kregel Publications and via JustRead Tours and was under no obligation to post a positive comment. All opinions are my own.

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“I believe with you, I could learn to fly.”

Oh my heart! Rachel Scott McDaniel has always been a favorite, go to author and in this book, she’s created a masterpiece. I was blown away by the gamut of emotions: surprise, suspicion, heartache, breathless anticipation, humor, swooniness, and suspense, just to name a few. I was immediately captured by the first chapter and couldn’t put it down.

I adore books set in the 1920’s and this story featured a different aspect of those times. There’s all the glitz and glamor of the Roaring 20’s, but also the exhilarating thrill of flying. Seeing airplanes was a rare treat in the countryside at that time, and the author reflected that excitement of wing walking and barnstorming. The arranged marriage, second chance romance was so incredibly well written and the mystery had me guessing and second guessing.

Heiress Geneva “Eva” Ashcroft Hayes is on the run after newspapers accuse her of murdering her husband, Warren Hayes. She was devastated after her husband’s airplane accident and vows to find the real killer. Posing as a barnstormer, she assumes the name of Stella Starling and travels from small town to small town following clues left by her husband’s now missing best friend. As she unravels the mystery, she finds a second chance at romance along the way.

I don’t want to say too much, because it’s so much better if you go into this story not knowing anything. I loved how the story is told from different periods in time. It starts in the present right after Warren’s death, but then goes back and forth beginning with the night they first met leading up to his plane accident. I loved their relationship and how it grew from an arranged marriage to true love. But, there are so many secrets and as each one is unraveled, I fell in love with these characters even more. The side characters ranged from the endearing residents of the small towns Eva visits to the utterly despicable. Filled with twists and turns, this story had me on pins and needles culminating in a thrilling, suspenseful conclusion.

Walking on Hidden Wings is historical romance at its absolute best! It’s a story I’ll be thinking about for a long time & I can’t wait to go back and reread it! All the stars and highest of recommendations for this achingly beautiful, sizzlingly romantic, captivating historical romance. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.

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It’s not very often that a book leaves me speechless, but that is exactly what “Walking on Hidden Wings” by Rachel Scott McDaniel did. Even now, over a week later, I’m having a hard time putting into words how absolutely stunning this book is.

From the beginning pages, this book sweeps you up into the clouds and takes you on a breathtaking adventure of love and mystery in the 1920s. The mystery kept me turning the pages, and the romance was what romance dreams are made of. More than once my jaw dropped at the turn of events, and more than once I melted at the love the characters had for each other. This book is the definition of feeling all the feels in the best sort of way.

My one regret with reading “Walking On Hidden Wings” was the rate in which I read it. I did nothing but read for one day, because I was so swept up into the story. It was beautiful and stunning, and I loved every minute of it. I didn’t want it to end, and when it did, I wanted a chance to read it for the first time again, and maybe take a little more time to soak in the story. I plan on doing a reread very soon to do just that.

“Walking on Hidden Wings” showcases what Rachel Scott McDaniel does best. Her ability to write mystery, romance, and history is a gift that I am so glad she shares with her readers.

I received an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. These opinions are my own.

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Thank you Uplit Reads, Rachel Scott McDaniel, and Kregel Publications for my #gifted copy of Walking on Hidden Wings!

𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫: 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐌𝐜𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥
𝐏𝐮𝐛 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞: 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟐𝟑, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒


I think I just found a new auto-read author in Rachel Scott McDaniel! Walking on Hidden Wings was flawless! Historical fiction is a favorite genre of mine, and I loved the romance and mystery elements in this book. I highly recommend this one!

Walking on Hidden Wings was such a unique story and unlike anything I’ve read. I really appreciated how much research went into this book and how I felt transported to the 1920s. The author did such an amazing job bringing light to the barnstorming era, which was a period I really knew nothing about.

Geneva is such an amazing character. I loved her so much and found her strength to be admirable. From socialite to aviatrix, hosting flight shows to cover her search for clues behind the murder of her husband. She is so determined and just amazing. Truly one of my favorite female main characters.

It is so hard to review this one without spoiling it. I cannot recommend it enough. It was such a pleasant surprise and I will definitely be picking up some more books by Rachel Scott McDaniel now that I’ve discovered her amazing writing!

Posted on Goodreads on April 22, 2024:
**Posted on Instagram - Full Review- on or around April 23, 2024:
**Posted on Amazon on April 23, 2024
**-will post on designated date

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A gripping mystery set in the Roaring 20's, full of secrets and suspense!

Engaging plot that unfolds in a non-linear timeline, as Geneva Ashcroft searches for answers to the questions surrounding her new husband's untimely crash. There is a lot going on, and I loved how we unravel the mystery along with Geneva, as she explores a different side of life as a wing-walker and barnstormer. She is determined, and unwilling to give up. I liked the strong themes of faith and enduring love.

A novel that kept me guessing throughout, with strong characters, and a riveting plot. Hard to review in some ways because SPOILERS! But completely worth the read, with rich setting, and excellent pacing. Highly recommend!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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“Oh that invitation to adventure. There was not a cell in my being that was immune to it.” Adventure turns to danger when Geneva Hayes is accused of murdering her husband.
In 1922, Geneva feels confined by her posh lifestyle so she finds adventure in wingwalking and flying a Curtis Jenny airplane. Yes Geneva finds adventure- more than she bargained for.
There is so much to love in this book: heartache and hope, mystery and peril, and the romance of married life. The author puts it all together beautifully and gives us spiritual lessons as well. There is soul searching, learning to trust and acting out forgiveness. And there are so many possible suspects that you are constantly kept guessing. One thing remained: God’s love and provision.
Warren was a great example of compassion and steadfastness. I love Geneva and Warren as a couple. Even when they had doubts, they were there for each other.
Ms. McDaniel is on her A game with this intriguing, thrilling, romantic tale. This novel has it all and will be on my keeper shelf.
* I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel via NetGalley. I was not required to give a favorable review. All opinions are mine alone.*

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After trying for several days, I will not be finishing this book. I’m a little over 25% into the book but just cannot get into the story.

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I loved this high-flying mystery. With a sassy, brazen woman, who is ahead of her time. She is willing to get down and dirty in her garden. Or step into some coveralls and jam a helmet on her head before she steps into her Jenny. Her biplane that she cannot get enough of. Geneva lived in the shadow of her father. Who wants everything and will stop at nothing to get it. Even if it means marrying off his daughter to help his political career. In steps Warren, a newspaper mogul, whose family is not only well off but can help get his name out to the masses. What her father did not bet on was a love that everyone dreams off. A man who cannot get enough of his wife, and a woman who cannot keep her mind off her husband. They are a match made in heaven. Until the fatal day when Warren is in a horrible accident. How can she continue when the love of her life was murdered. Geneva has a plan to find out what happened and why. Leading her to fly from town to town gathering clues along the way.

The book will have you in its clutches by the first page. It is a glorious read that will keep you guessing. The characters are perfectly written, and the plot is fantastic. I love a character that can go outside the norms and be herself. To reach the skies and actually make it. To find a love that will make her truly happy, after her childhood. Which made her untrusting, unknowing how to love, and to see her open up and blossom made me smile. Thank you to Rachel Scot McDaniel , Uplit Reads, and Kregel Publications for this page turning mystery.

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Walking on Hidden Wings kept me awake reading, wanting to know more! An arranged marriage leads to possible murder! Rachel Scott Mcdaniel did an amazing job telling this story. Not everything ends happily ever after, but I'm thankful for that. This is a must read & I already can't wait to read it again!
Thanks netgalley for a copy. All thoughts are my own.

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A fantastic mystery filled story blended with beautiful swoon-worthy romance... all set in the 1920s!? Um, yes, please! There was so much to love about this story! The story alternates between two timelines---one being Geneva's current life searching for answers as to what happened to the husband she's been accused of murdering and then back to the start of their rather unconventional meeting and marriage. While sometimes dual timelines like this can get a little confusing, I thought this one was done just perfectly. The balance was perfect between the two... each keeping me absolutely captivated and wanting to find out what is going to happen. I don't want to say too much and give anything away... but this one kept me guessing in the best possible way and I absolutely adored it! The mystery and adventure kept me at the edge of my seat... but the romance stole the show for me. Oh my goodness, I just couldn't get enough of Geneva and Warren together! If you love a good kissing book--- well, this is definitely it!

That said, the kisses are a little more detailed than we often see in Christian fiction, and it does have some vague fade to black moments and implied intimacy off pages (between a married couple, not at all explicit). While it's definitely closed door, it may still be more than some readers are comfortable with. There is also mention of miscarriage, which could be triggering for some readers.

If you love a great historical romance, this is one not to be missed.

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Very enjoyable 1920’s book full of mystery and romance! Here are the things I liked about this one:

- Immersed into historical fiction without being bombarded with facts/info
- Beautiful romance
- Intriguing mystery (or mysteries hmm?? Haha!)
- Solid, smart main heroine
- Overall good writing style

I didn’t give this one full stars though, and here’s why:

- LOTS of conversations taking up many many pages that could’ve been shortened
- Book felt unnecessarily long
- Multiple instances of “telling, not showing” in the writing

Overall though, I definitely liked this one :) it’s not one I’ll reread in a hurry, but I’m so glad I took the time to read it! 🩵

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