Member Reviews

To Catch a Coronet, by Grace Hitchcock, opens in the year 1813 and Muriel Beau has decided to take it upon herself to find a fiancé. Her parents, being in charge of the task, only brought failure. Unfortunately, when Muriel proposes to the man of her choice, she and the rest of the ballroom hears his rejection loud and clear!

After Muriel heads to London looking for a man with a title, she meets a man she thinks is a simple sailor. This sailor is actually a sea captain and the Earl of Draycott. Erik has come home to recover from injuries. He had not been back to England in three years. Unfortunately, no one is in sight when Erik enters the front door of his home. He soon finds that shenanigans have been at play in his absence. Erik has mystery to solve!

Muriel is shocked, when at her first dance she learns that news of her disastrous proposal has found its way to London. What will she do now? Muriel cannot believe it when Erik actually appears and rescues her!

While Erik was at sea, an enemy reached out and left him gravely injured. Now that he is back in England, this person has decided to get at Erik by threatening Muriel. Erik must take action to protect this woman who is slowly becoming more than just a friend!

By the final page; you will discover that Erik’s mystery involves someone you would never have imagined!

I received a free copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.

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Prepare for a uniquely fantastic adventure of epic proportions with Grace Hitchcock's To Catch a Coronet, where love, laughter, and faith thrive amidst the bustling streets of Regency England! This is absolutely a must-read for every reader who craves impeccably crafter characters, moments of delightful laughter, and heart-pounding suspense!

Step into the charming world of Muriel Beau, a baker with a penchant for adventure and a heart of gold. From the quaint village of Chilham to the bustling streets of London, Muriel's journey is filled with unexpected twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

When Muriel's escapades land her in hot water, she finds herself entangled with the dashing Captain Erik Draycott. With danger lurking around every corner, Muriel and Erik must rely on their wits, courage, and unwavering faith to navigate deception and intrigue.

Throughout the chaos and excitement, Hitchcock skillfully infuses the story with themes of faith and redemption, reminding readers that even in the darkest of times, God's grace shines brightly. Through Muriel's steadfast trust in the Lord and Erik's journey of self-discovery, we are reminded that true strength comes from a deep-rooted faith in God's providence.

From the quaint village bakeries to the elegant ballrooms of high society, Hitchcock paints a vivid portrait of Regency England, complete with colorful characters, daring escapades, and unexpected plot twists that will keep you guessing.

With each turn of the page, To Catch a Coronet captures the essence of romance, adventure, and faith, leaving readers enchanted and eagerly anticipating the next installment in the Best Laid Plans series. So, grab your bonnet, lace up your boots, and prepare for an unforgettable journey filled with love, laughter, suspense, danger, and the boundless grace of God.

I received a digital copy of To Catch a Coronet from the author and JustRead Publicity Tours LLC. I am not required to write a positive review in any way or for any reason. My honest and unbiased opinions expressed in this book review are my own. My review focuses on the writing style, the pacing, and the story’s content, ensuring transparency and reliability.

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After a disastrous proposal gone wrong, Muriel, sets her sights on making an advantageous match in London, but finds herself swept away by a man more dashing than her wildest dreams.

An endearing historical rom-com, with a delightful heroine that I couldn't help but adore. Muriel is daring and creative, at times impulsive, but she has the best of intentions. An entertaining read with an enjoyable romance, likable heroes, and a healthy dose of intrigue.

Erik Draycott is a man with a strong moral code, and a low tolerance for devious games. I loved how he saw Muriel's heart, and was attracted to her for all the right reasons.

Overall, this was such a wonderful read from beginning to end. Each book by this author just gets better and better!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook.
I was so happy to receive this book. I was drawn to the cover and the story plot itself was good and fun to read. The characters are likeable and I wanted to know how it ended. Highly recommend for a light hearted romance regency read.

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Somehow those best laid plans had a way of going in a different direction for Muriel Beau. Once a lowly baker, now an heiress, she is not quite ready for London society. A misplaced proposal, besides greatly embarrassing, seals her fate in Kent, so off to London she must go.

I absolutely loved this book, bursting into laughter more than once. Muriel is just the sort of person you would love to meet and would surely become great friends in no time. Although her preparation for her society debut was sadly lacking, she makes up for it with her wonderful personality and the most delicious baking. Erik, Earl of Draycott, the former privateer Captain Warrick, finds her the most fascinating even though he would rather return to sea. Along with the rest of the well developed characters, you are sure to keep your nose in this one until you reach the end!

An ARC copy of A Novel of Best Laid Plans was received through Kregel Publication and NetGalley. These thoughts are my own and were in no way solicited.

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To be honest, regency romance can be a little hit and miss for me... and this one was definitely a hit. I find that when it comes to regency stories, those that I enjoy the most are the ones that have characters who are a little outside the norm for the time and/or that have some mystery to them. This one had both and as such kept me intrigued from start to finish. I enjoyed these characters so much and I loved all the predicaments Muriel kept finding herself getting into. Such a fun and entertaining read! This is the first book in a new series and I am so looking forward to what happens next!

**I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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Regency books usually aren't my usual genre to read but this one tempted me. I'm so glad I took a chance, as this was one of the best Regency books I've read. The author's details of the historical events intertwined with fictional additions, made this book come to life. The main characters are well-developed with many layers, and I enjoyed watching them unravel. Royalty and privateer adventures what's not to like?

Some very amusing moments made me laugh and others where the characters were uncomfortable and embarrassed. Then there were times of lies, deceit, and danger. Even a budding romance. This story had it all. The story had me on the edge of my seat and I couldn't put it down.

Everything wrapped up nicely in the end. I also loved the Christian aspect of the story and look forward to reading the next book in the series. Highly recommend.

I received an ARC for Netgalley and voluntarily chose to review it. All opinions are my own.

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I really enjoyed this book! I love historical fiction, especially those set in the regency era like this one was. Muriel and Erik had so much wonderful chemistry together and the bit of mystery and intrigue in the side plot was a lot of fun as well. Also the ending was so cute, but I won’t spoil it here!

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I really enjoyed this story! I greatly enjoyed the story of Muriel and Erik, from how they met, all the messiness and adventures in between, all the way to the reveal of the true identity of Erik's nemesis and their happily-ever-after. There was a good mix of romance, intrigue, and adventure to keep me wanting to read more. Muriel felt like a real person, as I certainly understood her desires and insecurities.
The story itself goes to show you that sometimes you think you know someone so well as to be above reproach, as well as how you can find what you were looking for in the unlikeliest of places!

I was given an ARC of this story to provide a review. My opinions are my own.

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A young baker and heiress, Muriel, who doesn't want to settle for anything other than love, finds herself a laughing stock when she purposes to the man she loves, at a ball. With everyone's eyes on them, he refuses her..

The only way for Muriel to make everyone forget her debacle is to run, find herself a man with a title, marry him, and return to her home to show her friends and family that she isn't a failure.

Erik has lived many years under an assumed name. He Is the Captain of a renown ship. He's also heir to his uncle's estate and title. His life of a privateer is his calling and he longs to return to it.

You'll have to read it to discover what fate has in store for these two. This book is full of humor, danger and suspense. I loved it and hope you will as well.

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Grace Hitchcock’s first Regency romance is a solid winner! This captivating story features the adventures and misadventures of spunky, unconventional heiress/baker Muriel Beau and earl/privateer Eric Draycott. It is a perfect combination of authentic history and sweet romance sprinkled with laugh-out-loud humor and inspiring faith. The well-structured, fast-paced, mysterious plot with skillfully placed twists and surprises drew me in from the beginning and kept me reading expectantly to the very end! The characters are expertly crafted and endearing. The recipe for scones included at the end is a yummy bonus! I totally enjoyed this first book in the Best Laid Plans series, and I can’t wait to read the next one. I love all of Ms. Hitchcock’s books and this one met and exceeded my high expectations. I highly recommend it!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Delightful! Funny, charming page-turner, romantic, with danger and traitors in their midst, a sweet baker turned heiress and a dashing captain turned earl. I couldn't stop turning pages in this charming regency tale! Author Grace Hitchcock has penned a winner in her first Regency romance. I cannot wait for the rest of the series!

Some quotes from To Catch a Coronet:
"She was the one who had ignored sage counsel and run straight into a scandal that would live beyond her years."

"Do not allow a title to mar our judgement in the man's character, which should be far superior to his title if a marriage is to work." I loved how she took to heart her father's warning about seeking character above a title.

"Her shortcomings were growing more and more evident despite Lady Ingram's assurance that Muriel's vast dowry would go a long way in smoothing out any inadequacies." "Haven't you ever had a dream that was so dear it made your heart ache?"

"Lord, you know the desires of my heart. I've waited so long for a family of my own-for a gentleman who say beyond my lack of rank."

"My whole life is the sea. I do not know how to anchor myself to land when my heart longs for the open water."

I thoroughly enjoyed this story of Captain Erik Draycott, Earl of Draycott, and Miss Muriel Beau, Baker of Chilham starting with their hilarious meeting to their adventurous conclusion. I highly recommend To Catch a Coronet.

Thank you to the author and publisher for allowing me to read an early copy. All opinions are my own. Also, I cannot wait to try the "Secret Recipe for Muriel's Scones" at the end!

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I loved this book! The characters are fun and I felt as if I knew them personally. Muriel kept me laughing, I love how down to earth she is for being among the social elite. Her impulsive behavior kept me laughing, I could see us being great friends. I found myself rooting for her and Erik and the budding friendship that turns cozy. The goodies Muriel bakes and her many suitors keeps this fun story rushing through escapades that only brings danger with a surprising twist. A white knuckle mystery with lots of breath holding that keeps this fast pace story mesmerizing to the very end. I love every book I’ve ever read by Grace Hitchcock and this is another one that needs to be in every library!
Was given a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

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A baker adopted into the aristocracy? An earl masquerading as a pirate? Spies? Smugglers? Assassins? True love?

It's all here, in To Catch a Coronet. Such a lovely story, with many twists and turns, echoes of The Scarlett Pimpernel (love that story!), and of course, truly evil villains, of the sort one loves to hate.

Hitchcock has excelled at drawing us into the Regency era with all its foods, foibles, expectations, and follies. I loved this story, with the sweet romance and fierce commitment to character written on nearly every page. Well worth the time spent! The only complaint I have is that I was rather hungry given all the luscious food descriptions.

I received an ARC; this is my honest review.

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