Member Reviews

An exciting first five chapters to the conclusion of the trilogy! The maji are imprisoned and incapacitated by the skulls. Zélie has to escape, right? Vividly written like the first two books, Adeyemi hooks the reader with action and suspense.

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I am definitely intrigued and even more excited to read this highly anticipated conclusion to this trilogy after finishing this sampler..
I loved how we get caught up from the 1st 2 books in the form of flashbacks right from the start. Therefore, I was immediately able to delve into the fear, pain, and hope for sweet revenge as I read about the prisoners on the ship. The "Skulls" and the imagery of their brutality hooked me as well. I care so much about these characters and can't wait to spend more time w/ them. I am thrilled to say Adeyemi's writing is just as strong as Children of Blood and Bone , which is one of my all time favorite fantasy novels.

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I loved this peek into Children of Anguish and Anarchy. I am beyond excited to continue this journey and read the full copy.

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The chapter sampler of the Children of Anguish and Anarchy by Tomi Adeyemi was given to me by Netgalley and I can't wait to read the full book. So thrilling. Gosh!

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What the hell do you mean by “sampler”?! I NEED MORE!
I can't believe I have to wait so many months to discover what happens next. Don't get me wrong, thanks very much to the publishing house and NetGalley, but a taste is not enough!

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I thoroughly enjoyed the sampler and plan to pre-order the book. I can’t wait to read the third book of the series.

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It’s like I’m happy I was able to read this sample but also sad because it was only five chapters. Lol I need more.!!!! After the way book 2 ended this series has been living in my head rent free. I am so excited for Children of Anguish and Anarchy. The children of Orisha still have some fight left in them and I am excited to see how they will overcome the situation we ended with. But in relation to this sample Tomi definitely continues to deliver. I was so invested I didn’t even realize how fast the fast chapters flew by.

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This was a great sampler for the third book in the Legacy of Orïsha series, it had everything that I enjoyed from Tomi Adeyemi’s writing. It made me excited to read more in this world and read the full book when it comes out.

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This was only the opening 5 chapters, but WOW, what an opening! The ending of Book 2 was shocking and I wasn't sure what direction Adeyemi would take for the finale in the trilogy, so I'm happy to report, she's done it, y'all!! Can't wait to get my copy and see how Zélie's story resolves.

Thank you to Tomi Adeyemi and NetGalley for the opportunity!

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ugh this teaser was NOT enough. i need this book IV’d into my body.

Also THANK YOU FOR THE TEASER!! Avid Tomi reader and this will tide me over until the release ᵕ̈

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I’m 100% biased since I loved the first two, but I absolutely loved the sneak peek of the new book! Cannot wait to see how the story wraps up and I’m happy the 3rd book is finally coming out!!

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*gasp* I can't wait to read the rest of this. I definitely need to get myself caught up and re-read the first two since it's been a few years. Can't wait!

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This book was JUAT AMAZING!! I WAITED YEARS YEARSS FOR THIS BOOK TO COME OUT AFTER THE CLIFFHANGER IN BOOK 2!!!!!! It started off what happened last time and BOOM!!!!! Still can’t believe what happened. Now I’m excited for the release so I can read the full book

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The first book was amazing, but the second book was eh. So when I saw this chapter sampler I was curious, because there's that little thought of what if this is just as good as the first book? Well off that first chapter let me just say that I am getting excited! It had that flair to it that the first book had, and oh was it making me wish I had the next chapter right away!

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Reading this sampler made me immediately want to go out and reread the first two books. Thank you so much for the opportunity to give it a read!!

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The long awaited ending to this series! This little sample chapter just made me that much more excited to read this conclusion!

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I managed to get a sampler with the first few chapters from Netgalley. Amazing so far!

The writing is beautiful as expected. I’m intrigued and eager to read the final book in this trilogy once it comes out.

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This was a great start to the last in a series. I have been waiting so long for this book to come out. I hope the rest of the book will wrap up the series well. This sample makes me optimistic.

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Loved the sample. Been waiting years to for the conclusion of the series and I’m so glad that it’s coming out so soon.

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This teaser was amazing! So pumped for book 3!!!!! I can't wait to get to read the entire book. This world has been so meaningful to me because of the representation and I couldn't be more thankful

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