Member Reviews

After the disappointment of book two, this sampler has me hopeful that this is a return to form for the series. I don't know how to feel that we are being taken away from Orisha and I hope that the entire book doesn't take place outside of the world that has been built for the first two books, but I'm interested in seeing how magic in other countries around Orisha is different from that of the Orisha magic system. Still, the ending of book two felt lack-luster and without a proper conclusion, so I hope that we don't spend the entirety of this book without knowing how things went down in Orisha following the abduction of our main cast of characters.

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A thrilling wrap-up to Tomi Adeyemi's ground-breaking trilogy, "Children of Anguish and Anarchy" will captivate readers right up to the very last page. This epic narrative elevates the bar for fantasy fiction and cedes Adeyemi's position as one of the genre's most intriguing voices with its captivating characters, vividly created universe, and thought-provoking issues.

ready to read the rest after this delicious sampler!

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We pick up with where book two, Children of Virtue and Vengeance, left off. With Zelie, Inan, Amari, and Tzain captured on a foreign ship controlled by the Skulls. The maji are all locked in cages and hope is blight as they are trafficked across the seas. With the sample of the third addition to the series, Children of Anguish and Anarchy puts you right back in the world of magic and wondering how will the maji get out of this one and save their people.

This was only 5 chapters of the book, but by the first 5 sentences I was HOOKED! Adeyemi has such a poetic and entrancing way of writing stories that drown out all other sounds and thoughts to make you hooked from the first word of the book. The Children of Blood and Bone Series was my first fantasy novel and it opened my world up to fantasy. I kid you not, my mind is transported and explodes with imagery of the world that Adeyemi depicts in her novels. It is like I am standing next to Zelie and I feel her magic.

I know Adeyemi wrote another masterpiece with the third installment. This has me excited and I cannot wait for the release date!

#ChildrenofAnguishandAnarchyChapterSampler #NetGalley

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance sampler copy of Children of Anguish and Anarchy Chapter Sampler by Tomi Adeyemi in exchange for an honest review. This sampler got me ready for the new book in the series and makes me want to reread the previous to refresh my mind. I love this series and can't wait until I get to finish this book.

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This feels...weirdly disconnected to the earlier books in the trilogy. Some of this is undoubtedly due to the long wait between books; it's hard to remember where things left off and the finer details of the world and characters. There's a good bit of recap at the beginning of this sampler, slipped into the narration itself to remind readers of how book 2 ended, but it just feels kind of clumsy. Nor does it solve the lack of connection on a deeper level. This could have been an interesting chapter opener to a new book, but it feels so separate from what was going on in book 2 that it doesn't flow.

Part of the issue is that the book 2 ending was so abrupt and out of left field that following it up almost necessarily feels like a departure. Suddenly, the characters are in chains on a boat. In this sampler, we're introduced to the Skulls, their captors. With all the creativity of the first book, having a random group of slavers sweep in and naming them "Skulls" feels lazy.

I didn't have a lot of confidence that this series would be able to right itself after the disappointment of book 2, and this further cemented that for me.

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I didn't realize that this was the third book in a series when I first downloaded the sampler, but now I'm ready to hop in my car, drive to Barnes and Noble to buy the first book in this series. These first five chapters were brimming with lore and magic and I absolutely loved it. Considering I didn't have the context of the first two books, I think that this was an excellent introduction to not only remind the reader of where they were left of in the previous book (seeing as it has been about five years since it was released) and also the in-depth magic system of this world. Nothing was confusing and the story started off with a bang, gripping its readers within the first few chapters and reeling them in quickly to want to read more.

One thing I love about Tomi Adeyemi's writing style is that she talks about her world and the magic within it in a way that gives the reader information without feeling like a lore dump. The rules of her world are perfectly ingrained within her prose, weaved into the story so that you don't even know you are being given a history lesson while it's happening. And her writing is absolutely beautiful. It is clear that she has a vivid imagination and has planned out all the details of her world perfectly. It was such a pleasure to get to read the first five chapters of "Children of Anguish and Anarchy" and I will most certainly be picking up a copy of "Children of Blood and Bone" to see how Zelie and Inan ended up in the precarious position they find themselves in at the start of this novel.

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I absolutely loved the first book in the Legacy of Orisha series, Children of Blood and Bone. The second book, Children of Vengeance and Virtue was still good but seemed to drag a bit and felt like there was not a large plot to it. I was excited to get a sample of the third book and so far it is looking like it will be the best one out of the series.

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I havent stop screaming. I can't wait for the entire book to be published! I've been a fan since the beginning and can't wait till the movie but this book right here is gonna be gold. I just know it

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It's just a taste. I want more! Can't wait for this book to come out and I pray I can get my hands on a copy soon.

Definitely see this being worth the wait. Already looking for this to be the best book I've read all year.

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A sampler? Oh no, dear friends. This was a straight up TEASER! A total tease. The five chapters absolutely FLEW by and now I'm left anxiously awaiting the rest of the story. Please, please hurry!

Overall: 5 stars (It LOVED it)

I'll tell my students about: language, rape, sexual elements, physical abuse, mental abuse, trauma,

**Thank you to NetGalley & Macmillan Children's Publishing Group | Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) for the free ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.**

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I need the rest of the book. How are you just going to give a sampler on NetGalley?!?!? Please give me the rest of the book. This was getting good and then it just gets cut off. I love this series so much

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This wasn't ENOUGH!! I needed more! Damn June can't come any faster!! From what I read; those five chapters are ONLY the beginning of the ride we're about to have! Once again Ms. Adeyemi can't do no wrong!!

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I only got to read the first five chapters and I am here to tell you that we are in for a ride with this one. I was immediately sucked back into the world of Orisha and alongside Ze'lie, absorbing all of her emotions. Tomi Adeyemi has a way of putting her words together to create a movie in your mind. This is my most anticipated release of the year, and my heart is held captive until the moment I can conclude the story of the Maji

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The Children of Anguish and Anarchy Sampler was tantalizing! Set immediately after the battle that ended the previous book, Zelie and Inan find themselves captive on a boat sailing to an unknown destination. Their people, the maji, are caged, beaten, and murdered, and it is all Zelie can do to try to come up with a way to escape the Skulls. This sampler leaves me excited and on the edge of my seat to read the rest of the book and the completion of the Children of Blood and Bone series. I've loved these books, and I think Children of Anguish and Anarchy will deliver! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this sampler in exchange for my honest review.

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Yay! This sample gives a sneak peak with the first five chapters in the upcoming book. It took a while for me to get back into the universe but it made me more excited. I am going to re-read the first two books before startinf on the third.

Thank you to netgalley for providing this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This sampler was the perfect teaser to get me excited about the anticipated 3rd book in this series.
Adeyemi gives us enough of the conflict and a glimmer of hope of escape in the few chapters of the sample. I can’t wait to read the full book and see how Zelie and the other magi fight for freedom.
If you haven’t read the first 2 books of the series now would be the time!

Thank you Henry Holt and Company and Netgalley for the advance sampler chapters.

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Children of Anguish and Anarchy Chapter Sampler reminded just how much I loved this series. Can't wait to read the entire book.

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I forgot much of what happened in the previous book but just from reading the chapter sampler, I’m going to go back and read the books. The cliffhanger!

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What an action-packed and thrilling sampler! I can't wait to read book three in this series and appreciated how the sampler reminded me of things I had forgotten. I love these characters and cannot wait for what promises to be a heart-pounding finale!

Thank you to Tomi Adeyemi, Henry Holt & Co, and Netgalley for a free sampler in exchange for honest feedback.

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I am so excited for this book and also absolutely not prepared. I love how the background details are sprinkled through the first 5 chapters here because there are definitely things I have forgotten. There is action from page one and just from these few chapters I can tell this book is going to wreck me. Now it’s time for me to reread the first two in preparation for the whole book!!

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