Member Reviews

When book clubs go bad ...... OK so not quite book club but writers support group where the stories being spun start to actually happen. A holiday or lazy afternoon kind of read.

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I found this book met my expectations, it was a fast paced, quicker page turner book. I enjoyed the plot and loved the twists, although I did find them to be predictable hence my rating.

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I enjoyed this story even though I didn't particularly love the main character. Also, the plot felt convoluted at times and took me longer than I wanted to get into the story.

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I did not see the ending coming, very fun and I had to take a few minutes to process what I had just read.

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Highly enjoyed this story. I enjoyed Becca as an “amateur” detective. I loved following Becca’s train of thought on laylas murder. I would have loved to know more about Becca and crystals friendship but with The thought of loosing a friend and never talking about it would eat me to. I can relate to her writing experiences to get stuff off her chest. I loved the double twist at the end-didn’t see that comming..
thank you to everyone who allowed me to be able to read this story. I would definitely recommend.

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This was a good one!! Becca wants to be an author. She has joined a writing group to get feedback on her writing, as well as sending her newest manuscript to literary agents in hopes of being picked up. Each of the members of the writing group writes mysteries, thrillers etc.. As Becca is trying to find her footing in the world as an author, she is haunted by her past via black hearts. Soon, events that occur within the stories are happening in real life. Becca needs to find out who is behind it all, and it may just be someone in the writing group.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. While stories coming to life is not a new concept, this book felt fresh because it seemed to be done in a new way. There were two mysteries happening in this book, and they were nicely intertwined. The writing is easy to read and it flows nicely.

I was kept guessing until the very end as to who was behind the stories coming to life. But there was a twist thrown in there that I didn’t see coming from a mile away. If there were any breadcrumbs left for the reader to try to figure this out, I didn’t catch them at all. That is something that I love about thriller books – my inability to guess and a true twist that leaves me surprised.

This is the third book that I have read by this author, and I will be reading her others. I hope that you check her out!

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Very well done, good premise and solid execution. A thriller whodunnit, perfect for fans of Freida McFadden. Would definitely recommend, written well.

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This book gave me McFadden vibes. From start to finish, I had no clue of what to expect and I didn’t even try. I just wanted to know what happened who did it and all of the works definitely looking for more books from this author

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“The Writer” by Miranda Smith is a psychological thriller that hooked me and would highly recommend.

Every Monday, Becca goes to her writing group in a warm, lively bar to drink a glass of wine or two. It’s the highlight of her week. But all that is going to change because something terrible is happening.

It started with the slashing of her tyres followed by a woman been hit by a car outside her apartment. But then, yesterday, someone was murdered. The strange thing was that the events were taken from the stories shared at the writing group.

This is so well paced and full of suspense, drawing readers into the seemingly benign world of Becca and her writing friends. It begins with minor disturbances, but quickly escalates into far more sinister happenings. But it is the similarity between the real life events and Becca’s stories that is the most alarming. Is it a coincidence or is someone playing with her.

Becca’s growing paranoia builds up the suspense and each member of the writing group comes under suspicion. As Becca tries to unravel the mystery, the reader is left trying to work out the guilty party among her fellow writers.

The plot is full of twists and turns and together with the fast paced writing make it virtually impossible to put this book down This is a standout thriller that has excellent characters and a gripping plot that is sure to captivate and thrill readers. A must-read for anyone who loves a good psychological thriller.

I would like to thank both Netgalley and Bookouture for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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I was intriqued by the title and it did not disappoint. i finished the book in 2 days. I did not see the twist at the end coming!

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I liked how Miranda kept me guessing in the book. But I didn't feel like this book had the wow factor for me. At times it was a bit unrealistic, but I did still enjoy it.

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Imagine joining a writers group to share ideas and gain inspiration, and a stranger starts a murder spree that eerily resembles the horrific details in your stories. That’s what Becca and the Mystery Maidens are faced with. One amongst them is a murderer. Becca herself harbors a secret: someone’s been leaving her cryptic messages for years. Now that person or persons has taken the taunting to a new, horrifying level. While Becca asks the police for help, she knows she’ll need to provide more concrete evidence if she’s to be taken seriously. And she’s unsure of whom she can trust within her writers group.

I thought this was a good mystery with multiple characters to carry suspicions. The writing was so that that I easily fell into the rhythm of Becca’s day. I enjoyed the bit by bit reveal of her past. I also liked the Mystery Maidens, comprising of aspiring writers from different backgrounds. There were red herrings aplenty though I was automatically skeptical of them.

After the build up had taken its time, the end unraveled too quickly. I was blindsided by who the culprit was because when I looked back I couldn’t pinpoint to any clues and go, “Ahh. There it was.” I wish there had been something more in the setup prior to the discovery for the ending to feel more convincing. It could just be me so I’d be interested to know how other readers received the ending.

Pick this one up for:
🖊️ Multiple suspects
🖊️ Easy to get into
🖊️ Protagonist with a big secret
🖊️Writing about writing

Be aware of: mention of sexual assault

Thanks to @bookouture and @netgalley for my ARC in exchange for an honest review. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 is available now!

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Aspiring writer Becca’s journey to become a published author was fun to read on its own, but there’s more going on beneath all this. She’s also being stalked & has a hidden secret from her past. She’s in a group of writers that work together…..and one of them may be a killer. Becca works to figure out who may know her secret & could be looking to make her pay.

I loved the writer aspect of this thriller! It was intriguing to get that along with the intense circumstances that kept happening around Becca.

Thank you, Miranda Smith, @mBookouture & netgalley for my copy! All opinions are my own.

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I found this book met my expectations, it was a fast paced, quicker page turner book. I enjoyed the plot and loved the twists, although I did find them to be predictable hence my rating.

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★ 3 stars.

Reading Miranda Smith's "The Writer" was a bit of a mixed experience for me. The premise is compelling: Becca, an author whose life eerily starts to mirror her dark, fictional stories, is caught in a web of paranoia and suspense. Her writing group, initially a source of camaraderie, becomes a breeding ground for suspicion as the line between fiction and reality blurs.

One of the novel's strengths is the atmosphere. Smith does a great job of setting up a tense, almost claustrophobic environment where Becca's paranoia feels palpable. The writing group meetings, which should have been safe havens, gradually become fraught with tension. I appreciated the way the author unfolded the characters’ backstories piece by piece, maintaining a constant sense of mystery.

However, I struggled with Becca as a protagonist. She felt flat and somewhat unlikable, which made it hard for me to fully invest in her journey. Her decision-making often left me frustrated, and there were moments when her inability to connect obvious dots felt more like a plot device than authentic character behavior. While I understand that flawed characters can be compelling, Becca's flaws seemed to overshadow her strengths, making it difficult to root for her.

The pacing of the book was another issue. While the beginning and end were engaging, the middle sections dragged. I found myself waiting for the plot to pick up, and when it did, the twists—though surprising—didn't quite pack the punch I was hoping for. The resolution felt rushed, and the final twist, while unexpected, seemed a bit tacked on.

Despite these criticisms, there were elements I enjoyed. The dynamics within the writing group, "The Mystery Maidens," were well-crafted. Smith skillfully keeps readers guessing about each member's potential involvement in the unfolding real-life horrors. Marley, the new member, added an interesting layer of suspicion and intrigue.

In the end, "The Writer" had moments of suspense and a few clever twists, but it fell short of being a gripping thriller. The interpersonal relationships were the highlight, providing depth and keeping me somewhat engaged. While it didn't fully deliver on its thrilling premise, it was an enjoyable read, and I'd be interested in seeing how Miranda Smith's storytelling evolves in her future works.

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Throughout literary history, authors have frequently engaged in 'authorial intrusion,' weaving themselves into their narratives. In Miranda Smith's gripping domestic suspense, "The Writer," this technique becomes both perilous and indispensable for the protagonist.

To truly experience the tension and dread of Becca Walsh's plight, one must immerse themselves in her world. As she grapples with the unsettling realization that her fictional tale, shared with her writing group, is manifesting in reality, the stakes become alarmingly high. Determined to unmask the individual leaving ominous notes adorned with black hearts, Becca employs her writing prowess to expose the culprit.

This exploration of "life imitating art" within the confines of a mystery surrounding a group of writers, known as the Mystery Maidens, is utterly engrossing. I keenly felt Becca's fear, helplessness, and frustration as she navigated the uncertainty of each impending threat, questioning the motives of her acquaintances. Delving into the enigma of how seemingly ordinary individuals could find themselves entangled in such a bizarre crime was a thrilling journey. I must confess, there was a certain allure in the moments when I, too, indulged in the fantasy of assuming another identity.

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Becca seems in a perpetual loop in life. Since she left college after the incident, she has tried to reinvent herself time and time again. But every time Becca seems to get a leg up on life another black heart shows up. The black hearts have haunted her ever since what happened back in college, and it isn’t until she has a nightmare that it brings back all the bad memories.
The only constant Becca has in her life is the passion for writing and her writing group the Mystery Maidens. She is excited to share her new story brought on by her nightmare, she is soon surprised to notice that murders start to happen in the form of the other Mystery Maidens' stories along with a black heart at every crime scene. Will her story be next, because she knows it already has.
Overall rating 3 /5
This seems like a darker Murder She Wrote episode, but with multiple writers and a sorted past event. I wish Becca’s character was more vivacious. She just fell flat to me and seemed to drag down the story line. I do like the premise of the book and wished there was more of a gritty conflict between Becca and the murderer. This book was a quick and easy read.
*Thank you to the author, Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC copy. I am freely leaving my honest review.

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I enjoyed this one, especially the surprise twist at the end that I was totally not expecting or looking for. I love when that happens. This was a quick and easy thriller, and I was able to read it all in one sitting. I enjoyed the flow of the story and it was a great plot I hadn’t seen done before.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book!

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The Writer by Miranda Smith has such an intriguing premise.

When a body is found near the university, the details feel eerily similar to a story Becca wrote and shared with there writing group, Becca begins to panic. Then every week as the Mystery Maidens meet to share their work, more incidents creep up in her life that feel like copycats of her literary ideas. Becca then wonders if someone in her writing group is acting out her stories and setting her up to take the fall.

The tension and mystery propelled the story, from an initial who-dunnit to a why-dunnit. What is the killers motive? Why are they targeting Becca and her writing? What is their end goal? When will it stop?

For fans of domestic suspense and books about writers, The Writer, might just be story you need.

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Miranda Smith does it again! If you are a fan of her books, you will not be disappointed in this new one. The book sucks you in from the get-go and you will find yourself thinking about the characters long after you finish it. Do yourself a favor and get this book!!

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