Member Reviews

What a fun, twisty, and fast paced read!

I loved the concept of being in a writers group and your plot lines getting turned into murders. It was a unique plot line I haven't seen in thrillers and I gobbled it up! The main character was likable and the writing was fantastic. I loved the cliffhangers at the end of each chapter, I just couldn't stop!

This book kept me on the edge of my toes and I stayed up way too late reading this one!

If you are looking for a thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat this is the one for you!

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Enjoyable read about 4 mystery writers who meet to discuss their current stories. The stories start coming true and everyone becomes a suspect. The book picked up speed as it went along and had a good ending.

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Becca’s hope of becoming a writer stays alive through her weekly writers club with women she calls not only peers, but friends. She pays the bills with her waitressing job but there is a dark cloud that follows her. Every time things seem to be going her way, a black heart mysteriously appears as an ominous prediction of a downfall. Absolutely beautifully written and full of suspense, The Writer’s first person narrative allows such a rich connection with Becca as her new book takes on a dark nature that seems to manifest into reality. Page after page is filled with thrills and chills for Becca and the reader as we hope the pieces of this mystery come together in time to save the entire fictional story turning into Becca’s worst nightmare…

Review is on Goodreads and will be posted to Instagram in April right before publication.

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I have to say I loved this book, I could really feel for the main character. The twists and turns kept me guessing. I would highly recommend this book and am so grateful for the opportunity to read an advanced copy.

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An authors worst nightmare happens when a killer starts mimicking her suspense story in real life and people start dying exactly the way she writes about. Who do you trust when everyone is acting suspicious? There are so many twists in turns that you won't know who to trust or what is going to happen next.

The Writer starts off slowly and was a little difficult to get interested in but then it picked up and I couldn't put it down.

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Throughout history, authors have often revealed that they’ve practiced ‘authorial intrusion’ and inserted themselves into their works. For the main character in Miranda Smith’s domestic suspense novel, The Writer, it’s been a dangerous, albeit necessary, literary device.

You need to place yourself in Becca Walsh’s world to feel the tension and panic of realizing that the domestic suspense story you’ve shared with your writing group is being mimicked in real life. When she runs into difficulty figuring out who is leaving her the notes with a black heart on them and copying her literary crimes, she uses her craft to smoke out the perpetrator.

This glimpse into “life imitating art”, a mystery centered around a group of writers, the Mystery Maidens, is fresh and compelling. I felt the fear, the hopelessness, the lack of control, and the frustration of someone trying to get on with their life and wondering when the next mail would arrive and wondering which of my friends was behind the recent copycat events and why. I loved trying to figure out how these ‘normal’ people could be at the center of such an obscure crime and will admit to enjoying moments I’ve pretended to be someone I’m not!

I was gifted this copy by Bookouture and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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I was hooked! This made the hrs at the airport just fly by. I loved the premise and the characters were all well written. There wasn't anyone who felt OTT as being set up to be suspicious which I liked. I have how unrealistic it is when all the characters are acting obviously unnatural and suspicious but these lot were just average women, all going about their lives! I had no clue who it was going to be and was as convinced as the MC about who I though it was only to be proved wrong

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This is a quick read about a group of women who are writers...they meet to share what they are writing...give each other ideas...critiques...praise...this is a book of intrigue and mystery...some of the stories go along with what they are writing...friends and family...secrets and red herrings...keep the story separate from the "writing" of the main character became somewhat difficult...that being said, this writer keeps the attention of the reader...a cannot put down novel. Thanks Netgalley.

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A great novel, where life is seemingly imitating art! I really wasn’t sure where this one was going to go, I thought I had it figured out. I was wrong!! A good read on the whole, which did enough to keep my attention.

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Becca is a writer above anything else she has done. She waitresses only to pay the bills.

Every week, there is a writer's group meeting where stories are shared.

And all is well until the stories she shares are mimicked in real life. People start dying in the same way as the characters in her stories.

Heck! This was truly suspenseful and unputdownable.
A well thought out mystery thriller, with believable characters, twists and turns and red herrings galore!

If you think you have the killer figured out, you are wrong! I was totally taken by surprise!!

Loved the book!!

Thanks to NetGalley and BookOuture for the opportunity to read this book.

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Publication date: April 15th, 2024
Page count: 273
Genre: domestic thriller
Setting: small town
POV: Becca

What happens when the stories from a thriller writing group start being copied in real life?

The story started out slowly, and was difficult to get into. About 30-50% into the book, the story began to pick up and become more interesting.

Twists, turns, suspense.- until the very end.

Thank you to author, publisher, NetGalley for advanced copy. This is an honest voluntary review.

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I would like to thank NetGalley, BookOuture, and the author for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review!

I made it about 20% in this book and could not get into it at all.. maybe it’s me but the story and what’s happening is not suspenseful at all.. I’m not getting that “edge of my seat” feeling when I’m reading this.. its like I don’t really care who is sending her these black hearts in my opinion.. the story is still flat and not getting me into it at all.

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I loved the premise of this book and I guess it must be every author's nightmare when this would happen to them.

It's not uncommon for people to lose themselves in a world of fiction in order to escape something devastating they went through, but what if that fictional world suddenly becomes very, very real? One nasty figure using your work for inspiration to go on a killing spree...

I loved Becca's determination to go and find out who this despicable person could be. She know where to put her feelers out, because she is certain one of them has to be the one to blame. 

And then she comes up with a plan. Will this be how she will lure the killer to reveal themselves or was this a very stupid thing to do?

I am so glad I am not interested in gambling, because I would no have any euro left in the bank anymore. I, once again, had put my money on the wrong person. Not once, but even twice... I will not surprise you I was totally surprised when the real baddie was unmasked.

A very entertaining story and when you think you know it all, you can think again. :) 5 stars

Thank you

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I normally really like her books but this fell short for me. Becca really wants to be a writer but after something that happened at college she just can’t live up to her full potential. She spends her days writing and nights working. She is a member of a writing group with a few other women. Becca has seen black hearts pop up ever since this terrible incident at college. They start popping up again and people are getting hurt in the same manner they are in Becca’s latest work. Is it Crystal, her college roommate who recently moved back in? Is it Marley, the new girl at the writers group who makes Becca uncomfortable? Or is it someone else she never considered? Some good drama but overall the book was too long for this story.

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