Member Reviews

Edge of the seat thriller with great twists, loved the way the writer was written, very enjoyable. read it IN LESS THAN A DAY - IF YOU LOVE TWISTY THRILLES HAVE A READ OF THIS.

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#TheWriter #NetGalley
Becca is a struggling writer trying to make ends meet. Every Monday she attends a writing group for thriller and crime authors, and it is the highlight of her week. But Becca is harbouring a secret, she has been stalked for ten years for her involvement in a tragic event, something that still haunts her to this day. Black hearts follow her everywhere and soon the manuscripts being shared in the writing group start to manifest into real life tragedies. Is Becca going mad, or is someone in the group a killer?
The story isn't so simple.
I loved it.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me an advance copy.

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The Writer follows Becca through her daily life, which only includes going to work and her writing club,The Mystery Maidens. Becca has secrets, and soon comes to find out she isn't the only one in her group with secrets. This book was very well written. It was suspenseful throughout the entire book. Once you think you know what's going to happen, trust me, you don't! The twist was a good one! I highly recommend this suspenseful domestic thriller! It was Amazing!

Thank you to Netgalley and to the author and publishers for giving me a chance to read a prerelease of this book!

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I really liked this book! The reason it was not a 5 star read for me was that the start was a bit slow and it was a but predictable. But despite all it was a very enjoyable read for me me and kept me on my toes the whole time.

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Wow ! What a book. Every time I knew who the killer was … I was wrong . This book is full of unexpected twist and turns you will not be able to put this book down . I was fully invested in every character , completely obsessed with this book !

The main character Becca is an aspiring writer with a haunting past . For the last 10 years a mysterious stalker had been reminding her of her past with black hearts appearing out of nowhere. When Becca joins a group of other aspiring writers . Things take a weird turn when some of the stories written within the group are suddenly happening in real life but why are they connected to Beccas past ?

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This was a really good read but for me something was missing and I can’t quite put my finger on it. It kept me turning the page but I don’t know it could just be me. I would recommend it.

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As someone who loves writing I could identify with Becca's feelings of frustration when a new plot idea wouldn't appear in her imagination and the frustration of rejection emails so I connected with her straight away. Becca is part of of a mystery writing group, again, something I'd love to be part of - however the sinister turn this story took is something definitely better between the pages of fiction.

Becca finds herself not knowing who to trust as her past and the present collide. Using her mystery writing skills she tries to find the answer and unmask the villain. (A light hearted Jessica Fletcher style story, this is not!)

Mystery fans and arm chair sleuths will enjoy this twisty read.

Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to review this book - this is my honest opinion.

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As I was trying to get through the slow beginning of this book ,I questioned whether to finish it or not. I am so glad that I soldiered on and got into this book further and finished it. It was a book with women supporting women, mystery and the past coming back to rear it's ugly head. So interesting how it was all woven together and the surprises that kept popping up much to my surprise. Just when I thought I knew who did it, I was proven wrong. All that Becca has endured in her past and what she's put through now is quite shocking as was the ending.

Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for the ARC.

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The Writer follows Becca, an aspiring writer who uses her traumatic past as inspiration for her books. Becca is part of the Mystery Maidens, a writing group, as she tries to navigate the 10th anniversary of her friend's death. Becca is also being stalked by someone who knows a bit too much. When Marley joins the group, a series of mysterious events start to happen. The Mystery Maidens realise someone is acting out the scenes in their books... including murder. With the police now involved, will Becca be able to keep her secret?

Full disclosure: I am a huge Miranda Smith fan! I dicovered her with Some Days are Dark during the pandemic and haven't looked back. Every time she announces a new book, it makes my day.

The Writer was such a good book, in typical Miranda Smith fashion, the novel centres around a flawed heroine with a great character arc that sees her become stronger in the face of adversity. The characters were well written and developed, and of course... the twist!

Totally recommend it!!
Disclosure: I would like to thank the publisher and author for my advanced review copy of the book. This is my honest review

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This is a spoiler free review! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

“When I’m writing, I can take back some of the control I lack in my real life, invent a different ending.”


☆ Synopsis

Becca is a struggling writer trying to make ends meet. Every Monday she attends a writing group for thriller and crime authors, and it is the highlight of her week. But Becca is harbouring a secret, she has been stalked for ten years for her involvement in a tragic event, something that still haunts her to this day. Black hearts follow her everywhere and soon the manuscripts being shared in the writing group start to manifest into real life tragedies. Is Becca going mad, or is someone in the group a killer?

☆ My thoughts

This was a massive disappointment for me, after reading positive reviews and loving the premise I was excited to read this. Unfortunately, it just massively missed the mark for me. The writing style was good and easy to follow but my biggest gripe with this book is just how mindnumbingly boring it was at times. The story didn’t pick up until about 65-70% through the book and while I don’t have an issue with slow and suspenseful starts to books, this was just plain boring to read. Honestly, if I wasn't planning to review this book I would have marked as DNF.

The twists were predictable and the ones that weren’t felt like they were just thrown in there seemingly for the sake of it as some of the motives of the characters made no sense. Speaking of characters, there were no redeemable characters, everyone felt either annoying or unrealistic, and it felt the villains were almost cartoonishly evil. It would’ve been a two star if the epilogue didn’t ruin it for me. Without going into it too much to avoid spoilers, the ending takes perhaps the only redeemable, interesting character in the book and ruins her story line. Overall, just a really disappointing read.


Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was an awesome story in the making with a really intriguing premise. Sadly I noped out of it by 80% because of the really monotonous, cliched writing.

After reading countless books with dual or even multiple POVs, going back to reading a single POV book, felt quite dreary, almost like a 280 page monolgue. Considering that the protagonist is depressed and a failure, made the tone of the writing even more so.

Still powering through because I was hooked by the blurb, I finally pulled the plug on it when the killer revealed their reason behind the serial murders. For an author who has written some really engaging thrillers, the motive here could have taken a bit more thought and work.

Overall, not one of my favourites by this author. Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for providing a digital copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Writer by Miranda Smith is an okay psychological thriller. The premise sounded promising, and I usually like Miranda Smith's writing and books. However, the story felt slow, and it was kind of the same as other books in this genre.

I would probably recommend this book. I will read more by this author.

#TheWriter #NetGalley @bookouture

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This was a new author for me. The title and description is what drew me to the book. It was a decent read, not bad. I'd recommend it to others who enjoy theillers.

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Thanks NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC! The Writer by Miranda Smith is a fast paced easy to digest thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat. Becca's dream is to make it big as a writer, but she is haunted by the 10th anniversary of her best friend's death. She is being stalked by someone who never wants her to forget it either. She starts to see crimes happening that line up with the stories being told her writer's book club and has to settle this once and for all. I appreciate how 'easy' the writing is which makes it easy for the reader to fly through this book. That being said, I felt that the ideas were repeated over and over. I didn't need to be reminded 10 or 20 times of the plot of the book, I've been there reading it! If you like a twisty thriller this is definitely one to check out.

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Thank you to Miranda Smith, Bookouture, and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest opinion.

A group of 4 women (who have diverse personalities and backgrounds, making for an unlikely foursome) form a writing group, Mystery Maidens (what a cool name), so they can share their ideas, stories, and support each other on the journey. Then a new girl, Marley, joins the writing group and it gets wild from there. Things start happening the exact same as the stories written by the ladies in the group....including MURDER! Of course when they try to go to the police, their concerns are immediately they must work together to find this killer and put a stop to them once and for all. I kept thinking to myself that this has to be every thriller author's worst nightmare to have a killer copycat one of their stories in real life. It reminded me a little of Peter Swanson's Eight Perfect Murders.

I found the first third of the book to be a bit slow, but once it picks up, there is no stopping this rollercoaster ride. It kept me on the edge of my seat for the remainder of the story. The characters were well developed and there was depth to each one of them. You think you know where this story is going, but the author did a great job at proving me wrong time and time again. I loved the twists and the turns and I really had a hard time putting it down (sometimes work really interferes with my best reading life lol). I would definitely recommend picking this up on April 15, 2024 if you want an engaging psychological thriller that will keep you up reading late into the night!

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The Writer was very well written, but I just didn’t enjoy the plot. I didn’t find it particularly thrilling or suspenseful.
As we followed along Becca’s search for her mysterious stalker, I felt more in a detective novel than in a psychological thriller.
It was sort of fun, trying to follow the clues to find the killer, but suspenseful? Thrilling? Not quite.

I also found Becca, the main character, far too unlikeable. She didn’t feel like a heroine, and she didn’t sway me into rooting for her.
The finale felt a little unbelievable and far-fetched.

Overall, this story had its moments, but it lacked some suspense, some depth, some actual thrilling moments to make it a good thriller.

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Miranda Smith is back with another gripping page turner. The Writer had me guessing at which characters were reliable and who had ulterior motives. Plenty of twists and connections are made in Smith’s usual unputdownable fashion and her fans will be happy with this newest novel. This wasn’t my favorite story of hers, but she didn’t disappoint and it was a good read.

Thanks netgalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review of the book.

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The Writer
By: Miranda Smith
Publisher: Bookouture
Pub date: April 15, 2024


I have loved every book by Miranda Smith. Her fast-past, action-filled psychological thrillers always have me guessing what will happen next.
Becca wants to be a published writer. While she’s working as a waitress, she joins a writers group. They are called the Mystery Maidens.
Becca is haunted by something in her past, and she is finding black hearts and her tires have been slashed outside her work place. Too close for comfort!!!
Someone knows about her past and she is starting to suspect someone from her writers group. Becca’s details in her stories are coming true!

Thank you Bookouture for this advanced copy out April 15, 2024.

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A seemingly slow start, but it’s just building up for the upcoming tension. Like when you’re on a roller coaster and it’s moving slowly to the top and you know that terrifying drop is coming. Same!

A group of 4 women form a writing group – Mystery Maidens – where they share their work and support each other. Then a new girl, Marley, enters the group. And things start happening exactly as in the stories written by the group. Including a murder!

Oh, and then I could not turn the pages fast enough! So good. You won’t be able to put it down. Loved this – I’ll be looking for more books by this author.


Thank you #NetGalley for the complimentary copy of #TheWriter in exchange for a honest review.

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I loved the plot of this book, I couldn't imagine being part a writing group and having your world turn upside down, full of high intensity and suspense.

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