Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley, PRH Audio and Berkley Publishing Group
for providing me with this book for free in exchange for my review! I was also lucky enough to receive an ALC from the Penguin Random House Audio Influencer Program. @prhaudio #PRHAudio #PRHAudioInfluencer
All opinions are my own. @BerkleyPub @BerkleyRomance #BerkleyPartner #Berkley #BerkleyBookstagram #BerkleyBookTok

This was an ADORABLE read and will most definitely going on my list of favorite rom-coms of 2024! Katie Shepard has done it again!

I loved the chemistry between Rosie and Tom, and I enjoyed that this book put a spin on the trope of having a second chance romance...but this time it's between two exes who are divorced. That seems to be a rare occurrence in the romance books that I have read, so it was quite refreshing to me.

This book reminded me of a Hallmark movie and I ate up every second of this charming romance.

The audiobook is narrated by Savannah Peachwood and I love how she brought the character's voices to life. She is a wonderful narrator with a soothing, sweet voice like honey!

If you are looking for a "second chance" romance to curl up with this fall, I definitely recommend this book!

Many Thanks again to NetGalley, Berkley, and Penguin Random House Audio for providing me with this book in exchange for my honest review!


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Rosie is adamant that Windward Inn, which was damaged in a hurricane, has to be saved. She can't do it alone. And no one in her family will help her, because they are all adamant that they should sell it. Then she remembers that her ex-husband, Tom, left her a message, telling her that if she needed anything, ever, she only had to ask. So she does.
This second chance romance. I'm usually a fan of second chance romances, but I am slowly figuring out that I am not such a fan of second chance romances where both main characters used to be married. Even more so when, like in this case, I don't feel a connection with, or between the characters. I loved the LGBTQ+ rep, and it was a quick read.
I received an advance review copy of this book for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Rose and Tom’s relationship ended because of a lack of communication and they were only 22 years old. Way too young to figure out that they needed to fight for their marriage instead of just give up. 10 years later, Tom is still acting and in his first big Broadway role, yet he doesn’t hesitate to rush to Rose’s side to provide whatever help he can give. In the telling of this story we learn quite a bit about their dynamics as a couple and what went wrong, and what I loved about that telling is that with more adult eyes, the things that were so important at 22 were not as important at 32. It’s the message behind trying to make things work that, well, made this kind of awkward novel work too.

There was a fun sub-plot to this story about Tom being romantically involved with his male co-lead, Boyd, who’s actually a very well known actor. The reality is a bit different that what’s playing out in the gossip rags, but Tom is actually bi-sexual, as he was when he and Rose met. This sub-plot was a bit of mis-direction but also had a lot of charm and brought a sense of lightness to what could have been a kind of serious novel about second chances. A lot of that had to do with Boyd, his not very bright decision making, and his pack of groupies. I was never sure where the scene would lead when Boyd entered the page, but I always looked forward to it.

This novel wasn’t perfect. Tom and Rose’s second chance was filled with a lot of doubt and gray areas that sometimes made their character’s decisions kind of hard to follow. I loved Tom’s fortitude in wanting to win Rose back despite all of her hesitations. He was all in, and because of that I was all in too.

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This story has a unique start as we’re following two different characters: Rose and Tom. Both are dealing with some massive changes as Rose is dealing with the possibility of losing a huge part of her childhood and young adult life. Meanwhile, Tom is having a major career move that is likely to help become a star.

Things take a turn when Tom rescues Boyd, an extremely popular Hollywood actor, and leaves a voicemail for Rose, his ex-wife. While the two don’t exactly leave things on the best terms, Rose listens to his message and decides to go find him. Since Tom promised he’d do anything for her, he agrees to help her fix up her aunt’s B&B.

From the very start, there are a lot of misunderstandings between these two which is to be expected but it makes for such a delicious story. Whether it’s Rose's misunderstanding Tom’s relationship with Boyd or Tom thinking he has no chance, the chemistry between them is just so well-written. The way Shepard wrote these characters, their growth, and their eventual reunion made for such a compelling and romantic tale.

Aside from the amazing romance between Rose and Tom, I loved seeing all of the side characters like Boyd, Rose’s aunt, and even, the two fangirls who camped out to find Tom and Boyd. This book also explored tough familial situations and coming to terms with realizing that not every situation is good for you. The themes feel very similar to Shepard’s debut and I mean that in the best way.

Ultimately, No One Does It Like You is another banger of a second-chance romance. The other one I recently read is What She’s Having. Maybe it’s just me, but it feels like second-chance romances are having a moment and I’m here for it.

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Tom and Rosie and working together to restore a family inn after a hurricane ten years after their divorce. Tom desperately wants Rosie back, but Rosie is guarding her heart while hoping to repair family rifts at the same time. Can all of the damage to hearts and homes be repaired?

I really enjoy Katie Shepard’s humor and writing style. Even though this book wasn’t my favorite of hers, it was still a cute and entertaining read. It is quite a slow start and lots of plot revolves around the home renovation. Second chance romance is not my favorite trope and it just seems like the characters should have reconnected or talked much sooner. The thing I do enjoy about a second chance romance is learning the character’s history and backstory and where it all went wrong. There’s usually a good reveal there, and I enjoyed learning about Tom and Rosie. I did enjoy the last third of the book but found it overall to be a bit slow paced and hard to become invested in. Those who enjoy a very slow burn, second chance divorced couple with an interest in DIY renovations would love this book.

Thank you to Katie Shepard, Berkley Romance, and Netgalley for the opportunity to be an early reader and reviewer for this book!

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Title: No One Does It Like You
Author: Katie Shepard
Publisher: Berkley
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4
"No One Does It Like You" by Katie Shepard

My Perception:

'No One Does It Like You' was a sweet romantic read by Tom Wilczewski and Rose Kelly. Seeing what Tom would do to save his ex-wife back was attractive. Will he be able to do it after all they have been through? You will enjoy this second chance at romance in how this author brings it out to the reader. You will be given a heartwarming reunion by the end as things come together for these two. Be ready for a good read of a 'mix of romance, family dynamics, and home repair chaos' that will make you smile as you see how these two work it all out in the end.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the ARC, which was provided in exchange for an honest review.

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If you like:
😩 Annoying FMC’s
🥈 Second Chance Romances
💋 Bisexual MMC
😷 Chronically Ill FMC
📸 Viral MMC

Read this fluffy, flirty, and smutty romance!

Thanks so much to Berkley for my ARC in exchange for my review!

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This wasn't my favorite second chance dual POV kind of romance but it had a unique premise in which college sweethearts, Tom and Rose (Rosie), who have been divorced for ten years try to reconcile after a category 3 hurricane uproots both their lives.

Bisexual actor Tom's life flashed before his eyes when he gets caught in the hurricane and he vows to try to repair his relationship with Rose - the one big regret of his life was letting her go. Rose meanwhile is stuck trying to repair her family's inn in the aftermath of the storm and Tom volunteers to help her with the renovations.

Throw in some of Tom's castmates, Rosie's elderly ill aunt and Tom's ex boyfriend, mega movie star, Boyd Kellagher and things definitely get out of hand. But everyone bands together to help the couple and they do eventually find their way back to one another.

While I liked the narration by Savannah Peachwood, I wasn't a huge fan of the two main characters as a couple and struggled to buy into their second chance romance. Just an okay read for me and not one I would go out of my way to recommend. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy and @prhaudio for a complimentary ALC in exchange for my honest review!

Steam level: a couple open door scenes

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I loved Tom from Sweeten the Deal and I love a second chance romance, so this was right up my alley. If anything, I wanted to spend even more time in the book. (And I also feel like the back half maybe could've been expanded just a tad.) I related a lot to Rose. The fandom-related parts of the story are truly hilarious.

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Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Rose and Tom divorced ten years prior—but when he leaves her a voicemail professing his love in the midst of a hurricane, she decides to take him up on his promise to “make it up to her” by requesting his help renovating her family inn.

This is everything second chance should be! The pining and yearning was top tier, and I LOVED seeing Tom’s growth—he clearly always worshipped Rosie, but needed to learn how to give her what she needs and he did the work to do just that. I love a second chance book where we can see actual evolution of the characters and the places where they have become different people (for the better), and NO ONE DOES IT LIKE YOU delivers that in spades.

I also just adore Tom, honestly. Some of the lines that come out of this man’s mouth had me flat on the floor—I mean, “If you’re asking me to pretend like I’m not in love with you, I don’t think I’m that good of an actor.” COME ON WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT?!?!

Rosie’s insecurities were also HIGHLY relatable in this one, and the supporting characters were so fun—especially Boyd, who is just such an adorable himbo I could read about ALL day.

CW: Pregnancy; some medical content

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“I miss you. I love you. I want you in every single one of the days of my life, the good ones and the bad ones.”

Thank you to Berkley Romance, Berkley Pub and NetGalley and for this gifted e-ARC. All opinions are my own.

The storyline in this one is adorable. Ten years after her divorce Rosie takes on the responsibility of rehabbing her family’s inn that was recently destroyed by a hurricane and because she is the only one in the family that doesn’t want to sell she is desperate for help. The help comes in the form of Tom, her former husband who has never stopped loving her and is determined to get her back. Rosie is not ready to forgive and forget but who can resist having someone so devoted to them in their corner.

Overall I thought this one was cute. The writing was fun and although the many mishaps with the inn were kinda out there, they still made me laugh -- the bees in the wall, Boyd up on the roof in a lightning storm, the three songs game. I will admit that the MMC Tom was not my fav and Rosie’s family was the worst but Boyd and his fangirls were very entertaining. If you are in the mood for a sweet and funny rom-com then this one will do the trick.

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Rosie and Tom were college sweethearts who married young and divorced quickly. As Tom pursued his dreams of being a Broadway actor, Rosie pursued hers of being in a stable career and spending time at her family’s inn on Martha’s Vineyard. When a hurricane causes major damage to the inn, Rosie decides to take Tom up on a panicked offer to do anything for her and enlists his help in restoring it.

This was a cute and sweet second chance romance! I loved that Tom called Rosie in a moment of panic, thinking he may die. Wanting her to know he still loved her no matter what was deeply romantic to me. Tom never wavered from that moment forward that Rosie was the one for him and I enjoyed watching him work to prove that to her.

Some of the elements with Boyd and the fangirls were a little over the top silly for me. I mostly just wanted more of Rosie and Tom without all of the extra complications.

Overall I enjoyed this and have enjoyed this entire trilogy of books! Pick this one up if you love second chance, pining, home renovation, and fandom!

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This had so much potential but I simply could not handle it. I loved the cover. I loved the premise. Otherwise, the writing did not impress me, the third person POV did not work for these characters, both characters annoyed me. Way too much miscommunication. I’m sorry if this is harsh but I just could not handle it. I appreciated the bisexual representation but otherwise the book did not work for me.

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A fun and cozy second chance romance. It was a very slow burn that was hard to follow at times. Overall, it was enjoyable.

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A whole lot of miscommunication and for a second chance romance I kind of expected that. But this one goes over what I expected

The couple divorced 10 years ago, essentially due to Tom not pulling his weight. When he rescues a cast mate from a cliff side he calls his ex-wife. A while later she shows up at his place after listening to his voicemail. Shes there for help with an inn. He thinks she’s there to get back together? 🤨 I didn’t feel like anything was moving forward and from the interactions they had I didn’t feel any of the chemistry

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This was the slowest burns of burns. I had to DNF this at 60%. I felt as though the story just took forever to get to the point and there was a lot of unnecessary situations that could have been left out. Just wasn't something I enjoyed.

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At times, the book left me feeling disengaged due to its lack of narrative drive and meaningful plot, focusing merely on characters renovating an inn. The story moved at a sluggish pace, failing to capture my attention fully. Despite its brevity and straightforward language, which allowed me to finish it, the novel's essence seemed to hinge more on ambiance than a solid storyline. Typically, the dynamic between main characters, especially in a narrative centered around a rekindled romance like Rose and Tom's, would be the crux of the engagement. However, their interaction lacked the spark one would expect from a couple given a second chance at love. The success of such a romance hinges on a well-crafted history and a compelling reason for their initial separation. This critical element felt underdeveloped, leading me to conclude that their continued separation might be for the best. Elements of the plot, such as the portrayal of fangirls, verged on the implausible, disrupting the story's believability. As someone who generally embraces the extravagant in literature, even I found this aspect a stretch too far. Regrettably, this book didn't resonate with me.

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While the premise made me want to read this novel, sadly I never connected to the characters. I never even cared about them and that made this a difficult book to read for me. The plot also confused me and with only the information given about Tom and Rosie's past relationship, I didn't understand why Rosie would bring Tom back into her life or why Tom would agree to be a handy man when he'd never done carpentry work before. The interactions between Tom and Rosie felt awkward and I didn't think the attempt at humor worked.

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This one was okay. It was fine in many ways-- the premise had potential and Katie Shepard is a talented writer. But, I just couldn't get into it. I had to really push myself to pick it up and I really struggled to connect with the characters. I didn't think our leads had much chemistry, and I don't know that they were really meant to get back together. Overall it was cute, but not particularly captivating.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-copy of this book. This one was a second-chance romance about a couple who divorced 10 years priors. I have trouble connecting with the characters overall which made it a real struggle to finish it, sadly I was confused about all the plots. I enjoyed the LGBTQ+ representation.

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