Member Reviews

Thank you to Berkley and NetGally for providing me with a digital copy of “No One Does It Like You” by Kate Shepard in exchange for an honest review.

Ten years ago, Tom Wilczewski and Rose Kelly were madly, deeply in love. College sweethearts that met and wed before they were ready for that level of commitment, their marriage fell apart. Tom’s been pining for Rose ever since and in a moment of fear and regret, he leaves her a voicemail, telling her so.

Unfortunately, Rose doesn’t get the message the right way. It was her old number and it’s not until some time later, she hears his confession. In the meantime, Rose’s life is falling apart. Her beloved aunt’s beloved inn on Martha’s Vineyard has been seriously damaged in a storm and her huge, totally unsupportive family wants to just sell the property and move on. Rose is NOT HAVING IT, of course. So when she hears Tom’s message, she immediately takes advantage of his feelings to rope him into helping renovate the inn. Something along the lines of proving himself when he let her down so badly before. (It’s pretty manipulative, honestly, since he makes it clear that he wants her back and she not only puts a price tag on that conversation, but then proceeds to avoid it.)

What follows is a modern day, screwball romantic comedy, wherein sweet, not-super-bright Tom struggles mightily to regain his wife’s love, and stubborn-to-point-of-delusional Rose clings to a Big Misunderstanding to avoid her feelings for Tom. Does the inn get renovated? Yes. By Tom, Tom’s co-stars, and some of Tom’s dedicated fans. There are adventures with bees, falling off rooftops, and a lot of highly improbable scenarios. Don’t go looking for any deep, serious issues here; this is strictly a fun frolic through a bird-themed hotel renovation.

If we’re being honest, it is a messy, messy story and at times, Rose is hard to like. Yes, Tom wasn’t a great partner straight out of college, but forcing him into labor that he is TOTALLY unqualified for seems like an immature approach to advancing their current relationship.

Recommended for anyone who enjoys a second chance trope, readers who like their romance performed by a full Broadway cast’s worth of characters, and for people who love the words wacky, zany, and unpredictable.

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DNF @ 62%

Out On: September 3, 2024

This book started out with a lot of potential for me to love it. A second chance romance with renovations? Count me in! However, as the book progresses, it kind of just got weirder and weirder. I think that Rosie is a great FMC and following along with her passion for renovating her family's inn was inspiring. It's just Tom and co. that had me feeling a little weird. I just couldn't get over the weird and frankly obsessive fans for Tom and Boyd. The chapter I just finished reading is what officially put me off the book and it very clearly put Rosie into a weird place mentally. So unfortunately I am going to have to bid this book farewell.

P.S. I'm sure there are some closed door mods to come in this book, but i did not make it quite that far into the story.

Thank you so much to Berkley Publishing Group for this advanced copy on NetGalley!🤍

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No One Does It Like You is a second-chance contemporary romance about a couple who have been divorced for ten years. Tom and Rose met and married young. The stars and hearts in their eyes quickly faded and broke, and they have been plodding along through the last decade, neither really happy in their lives.

Rose has a large family whom she loves and is devoted to. (Maybe too devoted.) Especially a favorite aunt, Max, who owns an inn on Matha's Vineyard. Worn and aged, a hurricane looks like it may be the straw that broke the inn's back. While everyone else in the family votes to sell the property, Rose is determined to fix it up and fill it once more with her extended family. She's fueled by happy memories of her childhood but frustrated by the lack of support from everyone around her.

Tom is an actor who, after long years of mediocrity, may finally be poised to kick-start a Broadway career. Caught driving during the same hurricane that wrecks Rose's inn, Tom's co-star Boyd attempts to drive through a flooded road with disastrous and life-threatening results. Tom steps in to save Boyd's life after calling Rose and leaving her a message, confessing that he still loves her, has never stopped loving her, and would do anything to get back together.

With no support from her family, Rose turns to Tom. Did he really mean what he said about doing anything? Would he head to the Vineyard in the middle of January and help her fix things up? Tom readily agrees despite having no construction-related skills at all. He figures he'll wing it all, and he will ultimately win his ex-wife back.

Once they arrive at Martha's Vineyard, everything starts to crumble for me as a reader. Plot points and details seem to appear randomly with little or no set-up. In too many scenes, I felt like I was joining a story already in progress or trying to understand the punchline of an inside joke. For example, despite hearing Tom's message that he would do anything to get back together with her and asking him if he meant what he said, Rose seems genuinely confused that Tom thinks they are getting back together. Their interactions are awkward and almost uncomfortable at times. I wondered if they two ever actually talked to one another! Seventy-five percent of the story felt like a comedy of errors without the humor.

I struggled to connect with or care for the characters, but I read to the end in the hopes that, somehow, everything would come together. My hope was in vain. And so, I can only give this book two stars--an "it was okay." But you know what I always say: Not every book is for every reader. Though this one wasn't for me, it could be one you will really enjoy!

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for inviting me to read and review an advanced readers' copy of No One Does It Like You in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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This book was a delight! I adored Tom and Rosie's romance. Who doesn't love a guy who's determined to win his ex-wife back? That plus the home (inn) renovation angle, and the hilarious fan girl brigade just made this a fun, fast read.

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I was excited to read this book because I really enjoyed Katie Shepard's last book, Sweeten the Deal. I thought No One Does It Like You was fine. I found myself bored at times due to the lack of narrative momentum, stakes, or plot beyond these people fixing up an old inn. The pacing was so slow, and there wasn't enough going on to hold my interest. But the book was short and easy to read, so I powered through.

Sometimes, in a book that's more vibes than plot, the chemistry of the main characters can carry the story. But for two people who used to be married, I struggled to feel the chemistry and connection between Rose and Tom. A second chance romance lives and dies on the development of the characters' backstory and why they broke up in the first place. Unfortunately, I didn't find that aspect well-developed and think they'd be better off staying divorced.

Some aspects of the story, like the fangirls, were too over-the-top for me. I'm a reader who can usually roll with over-the-top things in books, but the fangirls strained credulity. Overall, I'm sorry to say I just wasn't feeling this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC, which was provided in exchange for an honest review.

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No One Does It Like You is a second chance romance that throws two college sweethearts, Tom and Rosie, into forced proximity at her family's hurricane-weathered B&B in Martha's Vineyard after they've been divorced for ten years. He's desperate to win her back, as evidenced by the meandering voicemail he leaves on her phone where he tells her he still loves her and would do anything for her. She's on the fence. Still reeling with with hurt, distrust, and skepticism. However, she gives him an opportunity to prove himself by asking if he'll help her renovate the B&B.

Can they repair the shingles of their crumbling relationship as seamlessly as they can repair the roof?

This had its cute moments, but I found I had trouble suspending belief in places. I still don't buy into the circumstances around Tom and Rosie's initial break up. It fell flat. I did like some of the quirky additions, though. Like the walls being infested with bees, Boyd careening on the roof in the middle of a thunderstorm, and the fandom girlies showing up on the B&B property. A decent pick for those looking for something light and carefree to close out the summer.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC in exchange for my review.

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“That’s was not a good place. So, no, not where we left off. Forward? Backward. Not sure which way. But someplace else.”

“But I just need the same thing I always needed.”

“I should have done this years ago.”
“Done what?”

Thank you NetGalley!
Pub date Sept 3

This book was cute!! I think it is a great palette cleanser and easy read. The writing is easy to follow and I found myself laughing a lot! The spicy scenes were funny cause they were just so real lolol which is refreshing to read at times.

I also liked the community that was built throughout the story too. How social media was used to bring people together that would have never met before, and how it connected them to resources that they needed! I honestly found the main MMC to kinda childish so he bothered me at times, but him and his friend Boyd were really funny together so it made up for it.

If you love a second chance rom com this is for you!

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This was cute. I’m a sucker for second chance romance, and I loved seeing a rekindling of a past marriage. The backdrop renovation was also a good way to force the characters together and felt natural. The book was also very angsty, in a good way, though at times I wanted a little bit more resolution. Overall a nice read that will resonate with people who believe in giving love and that One Person another chance.

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No One Does It Like You is a romance for people who are perpetually "online". You now what I mean. The main characters are queer, goofy, scared, pining, and surrounded by fanfic writers. I think a lot of readers will enjoy the fluff of this one, but it wasn't for me.

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Unfortunately, this book is not for me. I read to 20%, but am unable to finish reading, and I won't post a negative review on any other sites, but I wanted to leave some of my thoughts here.

The logic just wasn't tracking for me on several levels, but most importantly - why is Rosie asking for Tom's help in the first place? She's made it clear that there is enough money to hire contractors, and she seems adamant that her relationship doesn't need to be mended or their history even addressed at all. She's also so stubborn she is forcing miscommunication conflicts and that is one of my pet peeves.

The premise did sound interesting, and I'm sure a book like this has its perfect readers, but unfortunately for this one, it is not me.

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This is a new to me author, and I’ve heard nothing but great things about them and their books. And I DO think this book is good, but it’s just not for me. I love a second chance romance so much which is why I was so excited about it. And the fact that they’re reuniting after 10 years and working together to do some renovations on her family inn!!! It has the makings for a great book and I think people are going to love it.

I just don’t love the writing style. There’s something about the third person POV in this book that I just don’t like?? And honestly Tom annoys me.

I was forcing myself to keep reading and I hate doing that…

Thanks to Berkley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

DNF @ 45%

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It was...fine? I was entertained and enjoyed my reading experience, but overall thought it wasn't particularly well-written or developed. Tom wants Rosie back ten years after their divorce - but it kind of seems like out of nowhere? Like, I don't believe his love is that strong after so long. Rosie just needs help fixing up her family's old inn - and can only rely on Tom? It just doesn't seem realistic or well developed for me.

When Rosie finally comes around, it also feels a bit sudden. There is an attempt at will-they-won't-they, but it also feels very sudden. AND - there's this ongoing bit about our bi MMC having a boyfriend; there were just so many assumptions here, but no real, thoughtful discussion of what was actually happening between the characters.

Also - they broke into a cottage with no repercussions or discussion of it afterwards?

Again, I enjoyed my reading experience - the HGTV aspect of fixing up the inn, the motley crew of characters, but the romance and the characters just didn't do it for me.

CW // pregnancy, discussions of infertility, car crash, dangerous weather, animal peril, ableism, misogyny and biphobia, illness of an elderly relative, graphic language

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First off, thank you NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

This emotional, hilarious, and heartwarming second chance romance tells the story of college sweethearts reuniting to restore an inn during an impending hurricane season. As they work together, she begins to wonder if they can repair the damage to their relationship that they thought was long gone. However, the extremely slow burn and lack of communication between the characters made it difficult to stay engaged. While the story had potential, it ultimately didn't grab my attention as expected. Even though this was my first read by Kate Shepard and it ended up being just okay for me, I appreciated her writing style and the unique premise. I will definitely give the author another try, hoping her other works resonate more with me.⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Thank you, Berkley, for providing a copy of No One Does It Like You by Katie Shepard in exchange for my honest review.

Katie Shepard’s growth as a writer is evident in this final installment of her interconnected stand-alone series, and it’s a fantastic conclusion. This romance is a beautiful blend of heartwarming reunion and charming restoration.

In this touching story, college sweethearts Tom Wilczewski and Rose Kelly are given a second chance at love. After a dramatic rescue during a Category 3 hurricane, Broadway actor Tom reaches out to his ex-wife, Rose, to tell her he still loves her. Fast forward two months, and Rose is overwhelmed with storm damage to her family’s B&B on Martha’s Vineyard, while Tom is still making headlines as a hero. Upon hearing Tom’s voicemail, Rose decides to call his bluff and asks him to help fix the inn.

What follows is a delightful mix of romance, family dynamics, and home repair chaos. Tom’s eagerness to win Rose back is met with the reality of a less-than-ideal inn and a less-than-helpful family. But as Tom and Rose work together to restore the inn, they begin to see that their old dreams might not fit their new realities. The story explores whether they can mend both the inn and their broken relationship, making for a heartwarming and hopeful read.

Katie Shepard has crafted a story that’s both engaging and emotional, with a satisfying conclusion to her series. If you’ve enjoyed her previous works, No One Does It Like You is a must-read. It beautifully captures the essence of second chances and the transformative power of love.

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Thinking he is possibly about to die, up-and-coming Broadway star Tom makes a frantic call to his ex-wife Rose, leaving her a voicemail telling her that he has always loved her. Two months later, Rose, in the depths of despair following the devastating news that her family would rather sale her aunt's beloved inn rather than repair it, stumbles upon his message. Knowing he may be her only option, Rose asks Tom to help her make the necessary repairs and help her save the inn, the one place she has always felt brought her family together. While he doesn't have the slightest idea where to start, Tom jumps at the opportunity to spend time with Rose and see if he can convince her to give them a second chance.

Through a series of almost unbelievable events and using a slew of quirky characters, the story comes to life in the background of their rekindling romance. While Rose has always had remaining feelings for Tom, she's still not sure if she can trust that he has really changed and will fulfill all that he is promising for their future.

This second-chance romance shows just how two people can grow and mature and return to each other to find love right where they hoped it would be. The additional side characters were fun, though I really wish that more had been resolved as far as Rose's family and how they treat her.

A fun read for fans of young sweethearts returning to love and those who enjoy a heart-on-his sleeve MMC. This will find an audience with most fans of contemporary romance.

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I adore second-chance romances, so I was excited to dive into Katie Shepard’s newest novel, No One Does It Like You. This sweet romance expertly intertwined poignant, emotional moments with humorous, lighthearted scenes. The level of depth woven into this book took me by surprise in the best way. As someone who hadn't experienced Katie Shepard's writing before, I now find myself eagerly looking forward to exploring her previous works!

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I feel like I should start this review off with a disclaimer because I’m about to be real sassy. Am I the only reviewer that did not like this book?!?!?!! Like seriously every review I’ve seen on Goodreads has been glowing about this book. I’m sitting here thinking have I been punk’d. Now don’t get me wrong I enjoy Katie Shepard as an author. But No One Does it Like You is not it.

Brief summary before we get to the nitty gritty - Tom and Rosie and working together to restore a family inn after a hurricane ten years after their divorce. Tom desperately wants Rosie back, but Rosie is holding back. Will they be able to restore their past relationship?

So time for the nitty gritty. This book was all over the place. First the pacing, dear god the amount of times I wanted to DNF because of how slow it was. But I wanted to hang on to hope that it would turn itself around. Spoiler alert it didn’t….

Secondly our lead MMC & FMC just no. Not now nor do I ever ship them. In my honest opinion they should’ve stayed divorced. Like don’t get me wrong I’m a fan of the second chance romance trope. But I’m sorry this one was not executed well.

Again don’t get me wrong I really enjoy Katie Shepard’s humor and writing style but this book was not my favorite of hers. Even with all that said please check out her books. Just maybe save this one last. Unless you are a fan of a very slow burn.

Thank you to Berkley Romance and NetGalley for the opportunity to to read an early copy in exchange for my honest review

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This was a cute second chance romance. I really enjoyed how Tom and Rosie both still had feelings for each other, even if the other was oblivious to it. The reconciliation was slow burn. Sometimes I felt like there was so much going on with the inn and the side character though. Without all the distractions and just trying to communicate, the relationship could have been resolved sooner.

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No One Does It Like You by Katie Shepard is a work of pure brilliance. It seamlessly blends tender moments with sharp humor, creating a captivating read that is impossible to put down. The constant subtle wit woven throughout the story kept me engaged from the very first page to the final sentence.

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I feel bad that I've been in such a reading slump because I haven't been able to care about a lot of these anticipated releases like this one. I really wanted this one to be the one to break the slump, but unfortunately, this wasn't it for me.

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