Member Reviews

everything felt half done with this book. the plot never felt fully wrapped up or fleshed out and the same could be said for the romance. overall eh

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I wanted to like this book but it just couldn’t hold my attention at all! I normally finish a rom com in 2-3 days and after 10 days and 72% I have to DNF. It’s just boring to me. I’m very easily to please so idk why this one just wasn’t grabbing me.

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College sweethearts Tom and Rose have been divorced ten years, but ex-husband and Broadway star Tom is still the one that Rose can call upon in a pinch. When she takes on the renovation and repair of her family’s inn on Martha’s Vineyard, which was abandoned and left neglected after her beloved aunt’s passing. Like belling the cat, not a single family member wants to help and indeed, encourage her to sell.

Their marriage fell apart due to their immaturity, lack of communication, and not making time for one another, but the chemistry, love, and passion are all still there under the fear, vulnerability, rejection, and hurt. Tom enlists his co-star and rumored love interest Boyd to help, public interest in the project picks up, and the next thing you know, a fan-fiction contingent that ships Tom and Boyd are helping with interior design, while Tom’s castmates assist with construction. Many hands make light work; at the end of the project, will Tom and Rosie go their separate ways again?

The writing is very skillful: a lovely slow burn with the rebuilding of the inn mirroring the rebuilding of the relationship, and the impending hurricane season building tension alongside amping up of physical desire and Tom’s progress in getting back into Rosie’s heart–and bed. The pace might drag a little too much and there are some uncomfortable moments of biphobia and misogyny.

I received a free advance reader’s review copy of #NoOneDoesItLikeYou via #NetGalley courtesy of Berkley.

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I received a free copy of this book thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group; all opinions expressed are exclusively my own.

I wasn't sure exactly what to expect from this title, but here's what I got: essentially a romance between someone with ADHD and someone who parented themselves and how catastrophically that can go wrong, and how it can be recovered, with a lot of slash fic references thrown in for good measure. It's definitely got more depth than I expected, and the cast of characters is colorful and enjoyable. I'd say this is a rom-com with a spine thrown in almost precisely calculated to make me have feelings.

For sensitive readers, there are explicit sex scenes, invasion of privacy, brief life threatening situations, and depictions of family neglect.

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No One Does It Like You was exactly what I expected from Katie Shepard (which is a great thing).

What I loved:
Characters: Tom was just perfect. He learns from his mistakes and won’t allow his plans to be compromised. Rose was also great (do we still say #girlboss). She was one of my favorite characters in Bear With Me Now, so it was wonderful to see her as the FMC. I also want more of Boyd (hoping for the next novel to be Boyd/Sloane?!) The fangirls were also a welcomed addition - especially knowing of the author’s fanfiction past.

What I liked:
The brief mention of Teagan and Darcy’s wedding. I want more.

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It’s well-written but the plot is not paced well, so I’m not personally enjoying. Our couple does not get to the inn until the 25% mark. At the 35% mark, our couple just started cleaning/getting things moving, and then at the 38% mark, they decided to go look at wallpaper (not shingles for the holes in the roof, the windows to replace, clean up needed, or any of the other substantial problems that need to be addressed). I’m stopping here. I am left questioning if the author has ever actually done extensive home improvement or if this is just a surface-level HGTV montage. As someone who has done extensive renovation, I was disappointed. And at the 40% mark, we still haven’t seen the merry band of Tom’s co-Broadway stars at the house helping out, so we’re technically still not through the blurb, which is another clue that pacing for plot isn’t working. This should have been addressed in editing. We basically spent the first part of the book dealing with the details and emotions of their separation, which is fine for character-driven readers, but it’s not being marketed that way.

This should fall into the 3 to 4 star range for target audiences. But again, definitely character driven readers, so be mindful of that when recommending to library patrons.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC.

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I really wanted to enjoy this book, and I thought the writing was lovely, but unfortunately I simply couldn't get into it. The plot was arduous, and I found myself skipping entire pages to get through it. I do think the author has wit and a way with words, but for me there was too much fluff and not enough happening. I do not think this was a bad book, it just was not for me. I also struggled with the POV and felt it kept me, as the reader, detached from the characters.

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Second chance/marriage reconciliation makes me SOB EVERY TIME WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF

This was fun even when it was also devastatingly sad. It also was like real heavy on the fandom references which I did not expect and gave me a wild tumblr throwback. Are people still doing that on tumblr or is it illegal now?

Tom is so gone for Rosie it’s like he can’t see anything else, and Rosie is so gone for him she refuses to even look at it. And a decade is so long to be yearning.

I feel like I could have used a little more yearning, or like; more fighting and talking? Because they do, but there are still parts where you know what they’re saying but also that they’re still not on the same page. Babes gotta communicate more.

But the idea of being like “will you help me renovate this inn” and then suddenly a movie star shows up with a bunch of teenagers and just takes over. Lol. And then One Direction shows up and tells you that your mom sold you to them to afford the inn. To be continued… 😂

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Review of no one does it like you:

I am so so sad to be leaving these characters. I truly loved this trilogy and while I think book 2 is my fave this one is close. I loved the couple, I loved that the heroine was plus size and it was not a thing. This book was a great exercise in body neutrality. Similarly the heroes bisexuality was just a fact that the heroine had always been aware of. Their love story was romantic and heart wrenching, but also I adored the supporting cast. The sexually ambiguous himbo movie star and the feral fan girls in particular. Katie Shepherd has become an auto click author for me. 9/10

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I thought this book was so well written. Rosie and Tom's story kept me captivated the entire time. Shepard and I definitely share the same type of humor, she had me audibly laughing at all the completely accurate happenings of second chances and inn renovations.

"Mean what? That he still loved her? Like REO Speedwagon sang it: when I said that I love you I meant that I love you forever." Had to stop and belt out that one and I desperately want to win at the Three Song game. Top tier romantic comedy!!!

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This book hooked me in from the first chapter. I loved the character development and how the story progressed.

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LOVED LOVED LOVED This was a second chance romance that may be my new favorite. The characters had so much depth and the side characters were hilarious. I loved it all!

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This is a a romance that will resonate deeply with all the hopeful romantics. It’s a story of seeing the power of healing and love in a manner that will sing deeply to the heart and soul of the reader. A true magnetic tale to have one swooning.

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Sadly, I had to DNF. I just can’t bring myself to read a book that is written in third person. This makes me really sad because I was so excited to read it.☹️

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This was such a cute and fun read! This story follows college sweethearts who reunite to restore an old inn in a new romance by Katie Shepard. Broadway actor Tom reaches out to his ex-wife Rose during a hurricane to express his love and ask for a second chance. Rose, preoccupied with family and the B&B's storm damage, eventually agrees to let Tom help fix the inn. As they work together, they both question if their past relationship can be salvaged.

The book skillfully executes depth depth of its characters, reminiscent of Abby Jimenez's style, and the humor of the side characters is chef's kiss. Overall, really recommend it!

Some CWs to keep in mind:
depiction of the pregnancy of a minor character, discussions of infertility, a car crash, dangerous weather, animal peril, ableism, misogyny and biphobia, illness of an elderly relative, graphic language, and explicit sexual content.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for sending an arc my way!

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I love the vibes of this novel. It’s so nice to see a change of pace and see someone find their way back to each other instead of just give up on each there. I loved the premise and how the story unfolded. It was just such a refreshing, fun, and light romantic book I highly enjoyed it.

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