Member Reviews

What's not to like about a Jane Yolen book. When that book takes you back to the youth of King Arthur, of course, Its going to be good. I love the theme that as the story progressed, the reader along with Artos learns there are many kinds of wisdom.

My Thoughts:
Ever since I was a kid, I have loved Jane Yolen's books. When I was about thirteen years old, I picked up Sword of the Rightful King. It's the first King Arthur retelling that I remember reading. I remember loving it so much that I read it in about two days because I couldn't put it down. Recently, I came across a book by her called The Dragon's Boy and wanted to give it a try to see if I still love her books as an adult. I thought it was just okay.
I have to admit, if I would have been the intended audience about twenty years ago, I think I would have loved The Dragon's Boy. As is, I thought it was just an okay book. I liked it, and found it fun to read. However, it didn't blow me away. I've read books that are a lot better about King Arthur over the years. I also found all of the characters to be unlikable. The main character, Artos, was a brat for most of the book. He was very selfish, and a jerk to those around him. The only side character that I really liked was Lady Marion, and she wasn't in the book very much.
Even though I didn't find The Dragon's Boy mind-blowing spectacular, I did enjoy it. Once it ended, I wanted to know more about the author's interpretation of the relationship between Linn and Artos. I might have to read/re-read some of Jane Yolen's other King Arthur books and refresh my mind on her take on the tale. I think this would be a good book for children that are interested in the King Arthur legend, but have never read anything about it before. It's a great beginning stepping stone to other King Arthur retellings.
I give The Dragon's Boy: 3/5.