Member Reviews

Thanks to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster for an ARC of The Blonde Dies First, going by just the title I expected a slasher type of book. Yes, it did involve the Horror tropes like the first to die and the Final Girl. Wellington does such an incredible job of describing all the original parts of Brooklyn being overthrown by the evilness of Gentrification, I have never been to Brooklyn, but I can picture all the old housing and buildings overshadowed with the grittiness and sorrow from the people who made it what it is with its history. I loved that Devin and Drew are twins because I am one and she does such a good job with showing how different twins can be but at the end of the day there is no one closer with a connection than with them. Devon wanting to have the greatest summer ever starts off with a bang not over a mortal killer but that of a paranormal kind. I didn't know if I was going to click with it in the beginning because I felt it didn't take off soon enough, but I definitely appreciated a set up with the characters because usually in a slasher type setting you don't get to know the characters, so you don't have that sympathy or willingness to cheer them on against the killer. No, it is not a human set out to get them but instead a demon. Wellington knows her horror rules and set ups so perfectly. The big reveal/motive like in the horror movies for this book is simple yet effective. The Higher-class will always look down their noses at the underclass and they do it to their own people. I loved the cover its a homage to every horror movie VHS cover that existed back in the day. Overall, I had a blast with this book. I absolutely cannot wait to read more from Wellington, and I hope it's every bit horror.

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I think I went into this book with really high expectations because I absolutely loved Their Vicious Games. I wanted to love it so bad but I just couldn’t. It was really slow in the beginning and I was hoping it was going to pick up or at least have some type of plot twist that would make it more interesting. There was nothing that really made me want to keep reading besides the fact that I was already halfway through. I think it had a really good plot, but it just dragged way too much for me.

Thank you to Net Galley for this ARC copy!

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Love this book! The story follows the horror movie trope of killing off characters, but there are unexpected twists that draw the reader in. Highly recommend this book for anyone who loves horror.

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3/5 stars

Though I appreciated the homages to 90s/00s slasher films, the group dynamic, and the underlying theme of gentrification (which I do wish we went more in-depth on), this did not work for me.

Going into this, I was expecting more of a high-stakes, campy slasher horror. Instead, the story veered more into the paranormal horror sub-genre with low stakes for the characters.

I also struggled with the uneven pacing. It started off very slow and didn’t pick up for me until about 30%, However, when it did, the action scenes were great, but were few and far between and didn’t last very long.

Additionally, Devon and Drew’s relationship rift isn’t addressed until the book is almost over, and by that point I had honestly forgotten about it.

I also accurately guessed the ending very early into the book, which was a bummer, so the end fell completely flat for me.

This may be best enjoyed by someone dipping their toes into thriller/horror, but may disappoint more experienced horror readers.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to review this title. As someone who grew up watching Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, I had high hopes this book would be of similar vibes and personally, I didn't get that at all. 2 stars. Felt like the author was trying a bit too hard and over playing things.

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The Blonde Dies First is a queer YA thriller/horror that follows a group of teens accidentally summons a demon using an Ouija board at a summer party.
I enjoyed the horror tropes and the final plot twist was really interesting. Overall, really fun and enjoyable read. Highly recommend it!
Thank you Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers and NetGalley for this arc!

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Okay, that was idk 😂. It was funny, that’s for sure. It gave me “Scary Movie” vibes. Not once, was I truly creeped out, but it was exciting! The character development was A1! I got to know the entire friend group and I enjoyed them all. I love how they all contributed to the groups thoughts and actions in their own way. It’s a healthy friend group and who doesn’t want/need that?

The author was very creative in the way this all played out. I absolutely thought it was going to turn out differently than it did. The end had me like 🤨🤨.

Also, even though I don’t have a twin sister or a sister that’s close in age I completely understand the misunderstanding that Devon and Drew had. Sometimes it’s hard living up to everyone else’s expectations that you become this expectation, Drew’s being “Andrea”.

I feel like Drew firmly telling her friends to only call her Drew was her drawing a line between her expectations and who she truly was. She was trying to keep them separate but even her family and true friend group made that hard for her. I’m glad they were able to rediscover themselves and realize that even though they are twins they are constantly growing and changing and sometimes that’s together or apart.

I’m a bit late to the party, but thank you Net Galley and Simon & Schuster for the ARC of this book.

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It took me a long time to get through this book. Almost a month. I enjoyed it in the end but I’m not sure if the book was the problem or if I was.

Overall it was pretty fun, I devoured the first half (55%) in one day!! Then I completely lost interest and would periodically pick it up only to read a page or two before giving up. I can’t point to anything specific in the middle that made me lose interest but I’m glad I stuck with it and finished it.

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This was a really good thriller/horror book. I enjoyed all of the call backs to classic thriller/horror culture. The characters were diverse and compelling. Fast pace and fun to reach. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A thrilling and entertaining read that will appeal to fans of horror and YA fiction alike. With its clever premise, engaging characters, and suspenseful plot twists, this novel is sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

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The Blonde Dies First by Joelle Wellington
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / Pages: 336 / Genre: YA Horror

Devin is determined to give her twin sister Drew The Best Summer Ever before she starts college a year early. Drew has always had genius potential and even attended a private school away from her twin. As part of her plan, Devin and her friends make an effort to show some interest in Devin and her friends. But when they attend one of their parties and an Ouija board is whipped out and an evil spirit is unleashed, the twins and their friends spend The Best Summer Ever running for their lives.

This was a pretty fun coming-of-age horror story. I liked how the horror movie rules applied to who was being hunted. The teens here were, as usual, self-absorbed but not obnoxiously so. Well done!

Thank you, @NetGalley, @SimonTeen, and @JoWellington for my gifted copy.

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I was given this book by the publisher in return for an honest review.

I'll start with I love Joelle's books but this one was harder for me to love than her others. To start that third scene twist, I'm yeah I saw that coming a mile away. It for a little weird in regards to how it's happened but I wasn't surprised.

This is also my second thriller in a row where the MC (Devon) it's hard crushing and really pulls you out of the story when they derail from the main plot to talk about the minor subplot. I'm now sure I love the push for Thrillroms? Rom-thrillers? They should probably leave that for Romantasy. It just doesn't work with the subject matter.

I love that the cast is diverse. I live the recognition of socioeconomic status and POC's here. The plot was okay but predictable. I like a little shock and awe and it didn't really happen with this one. The story isn't awful, it could've been better without the forced romantic subplot. But predictable isn't a five star rating for me.

It's honestly give it a 3.75 I wish we could more accurately represent that in our rating. It's worth a light beach read but an intense thriller, on the seat of your pants it is not.

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love a good slasher and all its tropes so of course I had to read this one. It was fun! Lots of great callbacks to classic slashers. It was giving me scream meets the tropey satire of cabin in the woods meets final destination/Tarot. Depending on when this was written I’m halfway convinced Dead to Rites was based off of the very poor reception of Tarot 😂. All that but add LOTS of teen angst, primarily between or main MC Devon and her sister Drew. Miscommunication is still not my favorite trope but there was enough action going on that I can look past it. The plot did get quite chaotic and a tad hard to keep up with at the end (if I hadn’t already guessed a few of the twists) thanks to maybe one too many sub plots/red herrings but I still thoroughly enjoyed The Blonde Dies First.

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This is my second book that i've read by this author and I am now certain that I love her writing. This story had me captivated and I had to stop myself from flipping to the last page to find out what was going on. This is a play on a horror movie come to life after a night at a party where someone has the bright idea to pull out the Ouija board. There is a demon on the loose and Devin is the main character and blonde, which means she has to die fight. This book was filled with humor and suspense and I was into it. It's the kinda thriller that doesn't leave you looking over your shoulder at night. The perfect amount of thriller for scaredy cats like me. I will say I enjoyed the twists of her first novel Their Vicious Games more however this was still an enjoyable read. I especially liked the "post credits" scene included in the end after the acknowledgments.

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This was an insanely fast paced thriller. The culture was felt from the moment I started reading. Joelle Wellington does an amazing job with making her characters real and almost “life like.” This is a book where it may not be for everyone but it was for me and I enjoyed it!

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The cover is fantastic, but this novel fell short of my high expectations after loving the author's previous book. Devon, the main character, wants one last big summer with her twin sister Drew, but things take a turn for the worse when their group accidentally summons a demon. The pacing was inconsistent, starting slow and picking up only after 100 pages, and the sister dynamic wasn't explored until too late. The gentrification theme felt underdeveloped, and the horror elements didn't quite deliver the thrills I expected. However, the twist at the end worked and bumped this up from a 2-star read.

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I love the diverse friend group in this book! Might be one of my favorite parts of the book. I also liked the twist! The queer characters, the banter, the way the demon was written was all well done! I enjoyed this book!

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NYC teens fight a demon in this send-up of slasher movie tropes. These teens hold no punches. They are loyal to and fiercely protective of their friend group, unapologetically candid about their alcohol and weed use, and out to have a fun summer, when a demon is unleashed and is tracking them down.

Heavy on found family, queer representation, and subversion of the horror tropes where you get killed if you are black, or queer, or have sex, or split up.

Recommending for HS library acquisition

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Are you a fan of classic horror movies, but want a book with a modern twist? The Blonde Dies First is the book for you! The action picks up almost immediately after Devon and her friends reluctantly mess around with an ouija board at a summer party. When the board seemingly unleashes a demon, it’s not long before the teens are fighting for their lives.

I loved this author’s debut novel when I read it last year and am so happy to have loved this one as well. You can tell they are a horror fan as this was the perfect homage to films like Scream where the “rules” of horror movie survival are fully on display. This book may be YA, but there were some pretty gruesome kills involved. I loved the humor and comradery between this group of friends, and especially the complicated sister relationship between Devon and Drew.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a review copy. I loved this author’s debut novel as well so I’m definitely looking forward to reading more in the future!

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This book was EXCELLENT. Classic horror story! Its involves a group of teens who plays with a oujia board as a joke, thinking its harmless only to find out that they have actually awakened a demonic entity instead. It is a nostalgic read that takes the classic tropes of a horror movie. That mozes in with urban fantasy. Joelle Wellington is great when it comes to writing twist that have that leave you gaping. I throughly enjoyed this book and couldnt put it down!

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