Member Reviews

**⭐️⭐️⭐️ | An Important Story with Mixed Execution**

Peter Houlahan’s *Reap the Whirlwind* provides a crucial examination of violence, race, and justice through the lens of Sagon Penn’s story. The book sheds light on significant social issues and offers a detailed account of Penn’s experiences. However, the narrative can be uneven, with some sections feeling disjointed or lacking in depth. While the book’s subject matter is important and timely, its execution sometimes detracts from the impact of its message. It remains a valuable contribution to discussions of race and justice, though it may leave some readers wanting a more cohesive exploration.

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Reap the Whirlwind is a well researched and riveting look at policing and race in the US especially in a post BLM era. Peter Houlahan brings readers into the era and allows us to see the factors leading to the incident and aftermath depicted in the book.

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