Member Reviews

Very cute story involving dinosaurs, missing hats and important lessons that don't involve schoolwork!

When Freda loses the precious hat given to her by her grandmother, she is more than a little upset. Luckily her classmates help her to locate it.

But now she faces a dilemma: does she really need the hat more than the person who is currently using it? Her teacher, Miss Beak, helps Freda and her friends to find the perfect solution!

I suspect young kids will love this. The illustrations are terrific. The storytelling is creative and fun. It gets 3.5 stars.

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Picture Day at Dino Play is such a cute story. It’s the perfect book to teach the young ones that sharing is caring.

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Ebook received for free through NetGalley

Such a cute adorable book. Loved reading this and glad I came across it.

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All teachers should be as sweet and fun as the teacher in this book!

Freda and her classmates are all ready for picture day; it's today at Dino day care. Freda even has her special hat on. Through the day, in fun and play, Freda loses her hat. Miss Beak and the whole class go hunting for the hat only to find that a bird has used it to make a nest. They decide that that is a better use for the hat and leave it to the birds but Miss Beak doesn't let Freda's generosity go unnoticed. They come up with a creative solution sure to make everyone smile.

We loved the characters, the way they worked together, the generosity displayed and the unique approach to problem solving...all things we want to instil in our kids. Even better when we can do it as a story, right?

Plus, it's dinosaurs and we have a little dude who loves them.

Perfect for kids 3-6 and with a love of Dinos!

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Picture Day at Dino Play by Sean Julian was cute story about a Dino who looses her hat for picture day. My preschooler classroom enjoyed reading and tagging along with the Dino class in helping Freda find her hat. The pictures are beautiful, colorful, and entertaining. With lots going on on each page we always had something to talk about throughout the story.

* Thank you NetGally, NorthSouth Books Inc., and Sean Julian for an eARC copy of Picture Day at Dino Play.

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Cute story with a great example of not bringing precious things to school because they might get lost but then turning it into so many other cute lessons!

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It's picture day, and Freida is wearing her favorite hat for the occasion. But the photo won't be taken until afternoon, and in the meantime, Freida can't resist playing. But then she loses her hat, which forces her to make some tough choices.

Many a child has struggled with the grief of losing something of sentimental value, but few are given the chance to choose to share despite their sorrow. This soft little book is a cozy reminder of what really matters. The language is a little stilted, as it's quite formal, but it helps the story feel quirky and proper, which is OK.

Thank you to NetGalley and NorthSouth Books for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Cute little dinosaurs, colorfully illustrated. This is a fun children's story, with nicely detailed illustrations, telling of these cuties at dino daycare.....& ends up with a nice little lesson in sharing & caring! I'd definitely like to share this with a little one!
I received a digital ARC from publisher NorthSouth Books Inc. via NetGalley, with the understanding that I'd read it & offer my own fair/honest review.

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What a heartwarming book about generosity, coping and patience with something lost, and friendship! The illustrations are very well done, and my son loves both dinosaurs and hats so I cannot wait to read this with him. This is one of my new favorites.

Thank you NetGalley and NorthSouth Books for this advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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Bright, colorful illustrations fill the pages of Picture Day at Dino Play. Picture Day is an experience that all school age children understand. They will sympathize with Freda who tried so hard to keep her special hat clean for the class picture. But she can’t stay away from the fun during outdoor play and loses her hat. Her classmates band together to help Freda find the hat in a wonderful display of how to help others. When Freda discovers who is using her hat and why they want it, she is happy to leave it where it is. As the story ends, the little dinos wear handmade hats for their photo. This charming story is sure to delight small children. It leads to discussion questions about having fun, helping and sharing. 5 stars.

Thank toy to NetGalley, NorthSouth Books and Sean Julian for this ARC.

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Picture Day at Dino Play was an amazing children’s book. I love how all the animals are helping find the hat. The pictures are very colorful. I cannot wait to show the book to my four year old granddaughter.

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A great lesson of kindness and selflessness. It's picture day and Freda is wearing her favorite hat, but she loses it. Her friends get together to help her find it and the resolution is even better. Celebrating the act of giving with amazing characters and a wonderful art style.
Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for this e-arc.

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My youngest daughter is almost 3 and she loves dinosaurs. She absolutely loved this book and asked me to read it again as soon as I finished. It's nice having a dinosaur book that the character is a girl. The illustrations in this book are adorable. I will definitely be buying this one to add to our collection!

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I really like the storyline for this kids book. I had difficulty reading it because it's not kindle friendly, but seeing past that..the storyline is super cute.

I really enjoyed the illustrations as well.

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This is an adorable book about a triceratops named Freda who loses her favorite hat on picture day. My three year old enjoyed it, the story kept her interest and she loved all the drawings. Her favorite part was looking at the hats at the end of the book and the baby birds. The illustrations are colorful and include a wide range of dinosaurs. I think the overall message is sweet, about friends coming together to help Freda find something and making her feel included in the end. I would definitely read more from this author and recommend it to all who have dinosaur loving kids. Thank you to NetGalley and NorthSouth books for the ARC in exchange for my opinion.

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Thank you so much to the author and publisher for the opportunity to have a look at this one early. I was very drawn in by the gorgeous colours in the illustrations.

I read this one with my daughter who has just turned seven. She's just starting to veer away from picture books as they are a little shorter, however she is obsessed with dinosaurs, and has recently had school photos so I thought she'd like this one.

We both agreed that the illustrations were gorgeous. The dinosaurs had such character and were beautifully detailed.

Unfortunately I felt like the story fell a little short. First in that it was quite short, and second in that it wasn't really about the photos, that was almost an afterthought. Really it was about losing something but then realising someone else might need it more. Which is still a lovely message and we enjoyed the book. I just thought the title didn't exactly reflect the story itself.

Still a charming picture book with gorgeous artwork.

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That was adorable.
I’m a huge fan of the illustrations.

The story was also super sweet. I loved the honesty from the teacher.

The ending put a smile on my face.

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absolutely precious! Cute little Frieda in her favorite hat! Loved the illustrations
quick and adorable

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I thought this book would be an introduction to picture day at school for youngsters. It was a little of that but so much more. It teaches teamwork and helpfulness when her classmates all rally to help the MC find her missing favorite hat. It teaches selflessness through the MC character giving up her prized possession to another who needed it more. These are important and relatable lessons for the target audience.

I just loved the whimsical and colorful dinosaur illustrations and their humanized personalities and activities. It reminded me a little bit of the 1980s classic kid's film The Land Before Time. Introducing dinosaurs to very young children in this manner is a good way to get them interested before they learn how vicious and scary many of them really were.

Thank you to NetGalley and NorthSouth Books for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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A cute book about picture day at a school with dinosaurs! One of them is really excited about her hat, but when she loses it is upset. When they find it finally, it’s being used by a bird as a nest.

The story was cute and the illustrations were also great!

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