Member Reviews

Worm's Lost and Found starts as a cute picture book but is elevated at the very end by combining the story with a seek and find. Children will love the inactive element along with the adorable tale.

I like that the characters here are random, not creatures that you typically expect to find together. Similarly, their personality traits don't follow any expected norms. The plot is basically what we would expect, with the uptight character having to rely on the help of his more chaotic friend. Cute, but not super memorable.

Love the art style used in this book. The colors are subtle, giving a watercolor vibe and makes for a pleasant reading experience. The story is easy to read with a few challenging words thrown here and there. The plot is the relatable story of losing things, and we can all connect to worm's feeling after losing something precious. I definitely recommend this book to parents of kids in primary school.

Worm runs a highly successful lost and found business. (I'm not clear on how this generates an income for worm to live on, but I doubt many children will ponder this dilemma.) So-o-o-o . . . it's pretty embarrassing for Worm when he can't find his own hat one morning. This is a cute and highly entertaining book that kids are sure to love. I really liked the author's illustrations.

Worm's Lost & Found is a cute story about problem solving, friendship and patience. Worm runs a lost and found for all his friends. Whenever he finds something lying around, he puts it in his lost and found. When his friends realize they have lost something, they know they will find it at Worm's Lost & Found. When Worm loses his hat, he is beside himself. His friend Seal tries to help him by giving him suggestions, but he still can't find it. When he stops looking and does something else, he finds what he was looking for.
This was a cute book that I read with my youngest grandson. He enjoyed it as we looked at all the things Worm had found. He thought Worm was a great friend helping everyone. What he didn't like was all the time and effort Worm and Seal put into finding his hat without success. We talked about patience, what else they could do and about leaving it and trying later, but he still thought the "story wasn't fair". I guess this just tells me that he needs to read this again at another time. I liked the message and realize it is one that young kids need, especially those that get easily frustrated. The illustrations were cute and very detailed. We spent a lot of time looking at them, and the end had a page of items that we went back to search for, strengthening the power of observation. I'm not sure about the rating for this one. I think it is a great story to teach some of those skills, but when I asked my grandson if he wanted me to keep it to read again, he wasn't sure.

Thanks to North South Books and NetGalley for the e-ARC of this title to read and review. Worm's Lost and Found has super cute illustrations and a fun comic book-like feel. I have a 9-year-old in my life who'd really enjoy the story and design style. I am always misplacing my daily objects so I obviously love the mystery and adventure of the tale, plus some solutions!

A nice, if slightly unremarkable, read, as a worm that runs a lost and found bureau gets into a tizz when his cap goes missing. The moral of the story – that we should not panic, think laterally, divert ourselves creatively until what we're seeking turns up – is lightly done, and the characters are quirky enough to make this stand out. But it lacked a little magic, and even when you consider the worm and his best friend a seal are the same size, and even when a page turns out upside down – for legitimate reasons – there's still a spark of something extra that these pages needed. Still, three and a half stars.

This was a cute book. It was cute how the worm has a very useful shop and is so helpful to those in the town. It is quite the switch that the one that does the helping then needs the help to find a missing item. It is quite relatable and a fun book to read.
#WormsLostFound #NetGalley

A very cute story about two friends - Worm, who is VERY organized, and Seal, who is...not. :-) One day Worm loses something and for the first time, Seal is able to help him, and then in return, Worm is once again able to help Seal!
Lovely illustrations make this even more delightful while reading, and there is a fun game at the end that will have everyone diving back into the book again and again. The lessons of friendship and helping others is gently taught here, yet in an easily recognized and will encourage conversation with each other and their grown-ups.
Well done.
Thank you to NetGalley, Jule Wellerdiek, David Henry Wilson - Translator, and NorthSouth Books INC for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

What an adorable book!! I loved that while it was lighthearted and fun for younger kiddos it had a deeper meaning in not letting your anger get the best of you and make you miss other important things. The illustrations were perfect—such a cute, simple read that I would love to share with my 3 year old son once it is published!

Simply adorable. Worm usually helps others find their lost items, so when Worm's cap goes missing his friend Seal is there to return the favor!
This book will likely be a huge hit with the preschool and early elementary crowd. The illustrations are super cute and colorful with lots of pastels and a watercolor-y vibe. Worm and Seal are both endearingly drawn, as are the other animals who make an appearance in Worm's lost and found office.
The language is fairly simple. Those at the younger end of the target audience will likely need assistance reading the text, but “desperate” and “cupboards” is about as difficult as things get.
There are a couple of interactive pieces to the story. At one point Worm and Seal decide to stand on their heads and look for his cap “from the other way up” and the text turns upside down with them, forcing the reader to flip the book in order to read the words. There are also lost items hidden in the illustrations that young children will almost certainly enjoy searching for.
This story teaches patience – Worm is understandably upset about losing his cap, but he might just make a happy discovery once he stops panicking and settles down to a nice meal of pancakes!
My overall rating: 4.25 stars, rounded down. Kids in the targeted age range, especially those with an interest in animals, will likely want to read Worm's Lost & Found again and again. It's a super fun little tale!
Many thanks to NetGalley and NorthSouth Books for providing me with an advance copy of this book to review. Its expected publication date is October 8, 2024.

Thank you so much to NorthSouth Books and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.
Worm owns a lost and found shop, helping all his animal friends find what they are missing, but then he loses his cap and doesn’t know how to find it.
This was such an interactive book, it was so full of things to search for, to look at and I really loved that. Children would be so engrossed into the search and find aspect of this story.
The story itself was sweet, worm was really kind and helpful, his shop though messy was organised how he liked it, he could help anyone in the blink of an eye. But when he loses his own hat he struggles to know what to do, with the help of seal he tries to find it but his emotions take over for a while.
I really enjoyed how he came to the realisation of where he’s lost it and then was ready to start his day again. This was a really sweet and adorable book, with really nice illustrations to look at and full of interactivity.

I received an arc of Worm’s Lost &Found from NetGalley. I throughly enjoyed this lighthearted, creative read. Worm has a lost and found shop and helps his friends find their lost items. The depth of his friendship is shown by how readily his friends are willing to help him when the need arrives.
This book was a delight to read and I highly recommend!

Worm runs a lost and found shop, but then he loses something of his own and doesn't know how to find it! He calls in his friend to help!
There's a theme of friendship and helping others throughout the story. Short and sweet with some silliness that kids will love!
I love the seek and find bonuses is this book for some extra fun!

I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. Worm runs a well-known lost and found shop that is the best in the land. But what happens when a Worm loses something? Will his friend be able to help him find what he lost?

Worm loves helping friends find their lost items, but what happens when Worm loses his most prized possession himself.
Worm’s Lost and Found shop opens weekly from sunup to sundown. Worms meticulous sorting and filling system makes it easy to find lost items when owners come looking for them.
One day, worm finds his prized possession is missing just as he is preparing to open shop. He decides to ask his friend Seal for assistance. Seal provides 3 a step plan to eventually recovering Worms missing item.
I enjoyed the cute pictures that tell the story of a worm and his lost and found shop. Its a nice story to teach kids that eventually lost items can be found, if they give it a little time.

I found it very hard to rate children's books so everything is a 5 star read for me!!
I really loved this book, the illustrations are so beautiful and captivating that I found myself smiling through every page I read.
The story itself is very beautiful and inspiring <3

Brilliantly illustrated and written story. I was smiling all the way through, the rhymes were so subtle which I loved the most, they keep you hooked and going. I liked the message behind the story; we get frustrated when we lose things and just like worm, we might throw a tantrum, therefore, a friend can help us calm down by doing another activity and in time, we will find the item we lost and be happy.
Oh and the last page is genius, kids will spend a good time looking for every item!

The concept is fresh and original, like the friendship between the seal and the worm. It's fun and heartwarming. Cute illustrations, although the font was very basic and could've used some colorful and quirky touches.

Soothing illustrations. Showcases a variety of emotions concisely. Simple message about accepting the need for help and dealing with something lost. Easy-to-foresee plot. Generic characters. Worm deals with worry in a realistic and childish way. Themes could be expanded on. Overall, an average read.