Member Reviews

Very helpful and actionable workbook to help anyone parenting a highly sensitive child. Great insight and resources and gave me lots to think about for myself as well. Thank you for this ARC

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Highly recommend for anyone struggling with how to help their child who is highly sensitive. Great resources and activities for parents and children to do together while exploring big emotions and more. So grateful for this!

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This was a timely and highly useful read for my family. I have a five year old daughter who has so many emotions that she shuts down at times when she feels overwhelmed. I really needed ideas on how to help her because what I was doing was not working and we just ended up being frustrated at each other. This was a wonderful resource to do along side her and really helped connect one on one. it was was helpful for her older siblings as well. I'm a mom of four kids ages 3- 7years old and it's a lot of work trying to help each one out as they discover their emotions and feelings. I am so grateful for this resource and I am definitely buying this in paperback once it is published because I even learned lessons along the way. What a beautiful reminder and easy lesson that helps not only children , but caretakers too!

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As a teacher and a parent, I would absolutely recommend this workbook designed for highly sensitive children. Highly sensitive children usually are more sensitive to lights, sounds and textures, display anxiety about new situations, are affected by others' emotions are bothered by mistakes and tend to have "big feelings." But highly sensitive individuals also tend to be empathetic, intelligent, kind, and detail-oriented. This book is organized into chapters titled: Understanding Big Feelings, Create Calm, Identify your Wants and Needs, Express Yourself, Create Boundaries, and Feel Good! Each chapter features activities for the child to complete with a family member. The activities are designed to be engaging for small children. This is a book I wish I had as a child!

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I so wish I had access to this book or one similar, when I was a child. I think it would have helped my mother navigate raising me as well. I was most definitly a HSC and I only learn about my highly sensitive trait when I became a teenager. Over time, I learned to accomodate myself and rest more in who I am and how my HS impacts my everyday.
This is such an important book and I can truly how this could end up saving some kid's life - or at least their quality of life.

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I really enjoyed this book. I've been looking for something similar to help expand my skills and this was absolutely perfect to achieve my goals.

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I was mainly interested in this book because my oldest daughter is highly sensitive. After reading it, I’d certainly recommend this to parents that struggle with connecting and communicating with their HS kids. The activities are fun and interesting without making the child feel self conscious. Loved it and will use it.

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As I am quite familiar with HSP/HSC and their needs, I was very hopeful about this workbook. Luckily, my expectations were met, and I was thrilled at the activities offered. I believe that the majority of the book is most helpful for 5-7 year olds, with some activities being usable for children on either side of that range. (Coloring activities, for example, lose their appeal for older elementary kids but would be more successful for a younger child.) I can't wait to get a physical copy of this for the HSC in my own life.

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I can not wait until I can buy this for ky daughter!! This is such a need for us. This was the right ARC at the right time. These seem like such helpful activities for HSCs.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

This is another book that I wish had been around when I was a child, It would've been very helpful to me because I grew up with multiple health issues and disabilities. Even as an adult, I agreed and resonated with some of the topics discussed in this book. I encourage every parent and teacher to buy this book and read it to children. I believe it will helo them alot.

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This book. WOW. This book hit very close to home as someone with a deep love and several degrees in psychology, raising littles who feel safe in their own skin, and having a daughter who is a HSC. I received this book as an E- ARC, and now can hardly stand the wait until it comes out and I have access to it so I can use and apply this with my child. It is affirming, and engaging, as well as a wonderful activity to do together as grownup and kiddo. Thank you for taking the time to bring this very needed book into the world. <3

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Many great ideas that will be helpful for lots of kids. The activities are easy to implement with minimal supplies. Useful for a variety of ages and easy to adapt to meet the needs of others.

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This book gives great activities for highly sensitive children and their families. I found it very kid friendly and approachable. I would recommend this for children and their families, or for therapists and counselors who work with children. This is a great resource for highly sensitive children and their families.

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This workbook is FULL of great activities to help with highly sensitive children.
The illustrations and activities were so well done.
I definitely see the benefit in many of the activities and look forward to using them with my own HSP child.
Beautiful book, and such an important and significant message.

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If I needed to name an important book to everyone it would be this one.

The message was there, the illustrations were perfect and everything made sense.

A book with a beautiful and important message!

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This workbook is filled with many great activities. My only concern was that some families/parents may not understand that these are activities to do together as some of the word choices may be a bit challenging for young readers to understand. Otherwise this is such a great tool for families who may need this workbook and can really find some beneficial activities.

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I loved this! I am a mental health therapist who works primarily with youth, and I can see these activities being so helpful for some of my younger clients, even ones who are not highly sensitive. I am also a HSP, so I definitely can see the benefit in a lot of these activities and tools. I am looking forward to using this as a resource with my clients and my own children.

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