Member Reviews

I received a Kindle copy of this book to review. As I enjoy journaling and would like to turn that into words written for others, the "Pen" part of the title encouraged me to request it.
On receipt, I downloaded it, and my heart sank a little. I don't see myself as a woman on a spiritual journey who has low self-belief, so could this book help me?
Short answer - yes, yes and yes.!
I found so much useful advice in this book, along with writing exercises and encouragement.
It's a book that I will return to again and again.
And it has encouraged me to sign up for a creative writing course: I am now taking my writing seriously, rather than thinking that "one day...." I will be a writer.
Thank you, Robin.

I didn't really know what to expect when I started to read this book, and I honestly thought it was going to be just another 'samey' self-help book that was all about how the author managed to overcome their fear of whatever... But I was immediately issued with an overwhelming sense of support and feeling.
Robin ensures that you know that YOU matter, that YOUR voice is worth everything, and that it doesn't matter what you write, as long as you write.
She explains many ways to understand and get your voice on to paper, and offers many writing exercises for you to take part in: whilst reading, or later on.
I've made so many notes from the book, and it has certainly given me a lot of encouragement to continue with my own writing

I was super skeptical about this book based on the title. I was worried that it would be too hokey for me, or maybe have a weird religious bent. I’m so glad that I took a chance on this despite my reservations, because it is a phenomenal guide with lots of thoughtful prompts and exercises. I’m feeling inspired to write, and confident that this guide will help me stay on track!

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a writer. I even wrote a novel that my grandma illustrated, on a blue notebook with thin lines titled “Novel Book #1”. Then my grandma got sick and couldn’t illustrate the second novel, so I set aside the notebook for later and never wrote again.
This book appealed to the younger self that’s still inside of me, and made me want to write again in the most magical way.
Robin Finn writes about her doubts, her limiting beliefs, her impostor syndrome, her fear that she isn’t a good mom/wife/person because she takes time to write, or how her work is never enough. How is that magical ?
Well, Robin Finn is a accomplished novelist, writing coach, and workshop teacher. And still, she doubts. What is magical in this book is her honesty.
On top of writing her heart and fully disclaiming her fears, the author includes practical writing exercises, prompts of her workshop students, and most of it, tips that help her go further, keep on writing, trust her work, be gentle with herself. She encourages readers to write, go further, trust their work, be gentle with themselves. Did I say that before ?
Although they may be some repetitions, this book is an ode to writing, whatever purpose the writer has. And you know what ? I’ve started writing again. Who knows, there may even be a “Novel Book #2” one day. Or not. And it’s ok. Thanks coach !