Member Reviews


DNF: 5%

Welp. Unfortunately, this is going to have to go down as a DNF for me. And ooh how I was looking forward to reading this!!!

After finished my previous read (a novel about women supporting women), I was in search for something similar. None of my library books contained that particular premise so I searched my ARCs. And when I stumbled upon the synopsis of Dead Girls Talking, I got really excited to give it a try. So, I downloaded the Audiobook to read alongside my ARC EBook version and quickly settled into reading both the Prologue and Chapter 1. Sadly, I knew, once I finished Chapter 1, that I was going to DNF this.


(1) Bettina Holland came off way too insufferable. She literally is all about making bad decisions while she complains about her father “killing” her mother.

(2) She literally has sex on the dirty train tracks (yes, in the first chapter) with a boy named Xavier. But, minutes before was willing to almost get hit by a train on those very tracks (insert eye rolling emoji here).

(3) All she did was complain about her life in Chapter 1. I know more about her Grandparents than I do Bettina. I never received a description of who Bettina was besides the fact that she is the daughter of “The Smiley Face” killer. Frustrating!!!

I am aware that I only read 5% of this book. But, I am a strong believer that when you know a book isn’t going to be for you then DNF it and find something more interesting.

I truly wish Megan Cooley Peterson best wishes on everything, especially her writing endeavors!!!

Thank you NetGalley and Holiday House for granting my request for an Advanced Reader’s Copy in exchange for my honest and personal opinion!!!

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Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for providing me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Ooooh, honey—Dead Girls Talking?? You had me at the title. I mean, come on. That’s iconic. I saw that and knew I was about to be shook, and let me tell you, Megan Cooley Peterson does NOT disappoint. This book is dark, it’s mysterious, and it’s serving up realness with every page. It’s giving you that eerie vibe, with just the right amount of sass to keep you hooked.

Now, let’s get into it:

👻 Supernatural suspense—we’re talking ghostly vibes with an attitude, honey. It’s not just any old murder mystery—this is a whole new level of creepy-cool meets whodunnit meets girl power. Dead girls are talking, and you better listen.
💔 Haunting but relatable—you’re not just following spirits; you’re diving into their lives, their secrets, and the drama that led them to where they are. It’s got layers, like an onion, and each reveal just hits you harder.
🔥 Twists and turns—just when you think you’ve figured it out? BAM. Megan Cooley Peterson hits you with that plot twist and you’re like, “Did I just read that?!” Oh, you did.
✨ Badass ghost girls—because these girls aren’t just dead—they’re smart, they’re fierce, and they’ve got something to say. You’ll be rooting for them from the first chapter to the last.

I absolutely love how the book doesn’t just throw you into the supernatural. No, no. It builds, it creeps, and when it hits, you’re hooked. This isn’t just another ghost story, darling—it’s a bold, haunting, talking back kind of story.

And the title? Dead Girls Talking is like the catchphrase for everything these girls are about. You better believe they’ve got stories to tell, and they’re gonna make you listen.

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Title: Dead Girls Talking
Author: Megan Cooley Preston
Page Count: 288
Format: Ebook
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book Number: 27
Dates Read: 2/9-10
Review: I was given this free advanced copy, and I leave this review voluntarily.

What a wild ride. This mysterious, thriller rocks me to my core. Throughout the whole story, the twists and turns keep you w0ndering just who did it and who is involved. The friendship built between the girls is one to remember. I would recommend this to thriller readers.

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Dead Girls Talking by Megan Cooley Peterson is a chilling, fast-paced thriller that blends gripping suspense with sharp social commentary. Bettina Holland, haunted by the belief that her father was the notorious “Smiley Face Killer,” is forced to reconsider everything when a series of copycat murders points to a darker truth. Teaming up with Eugenia, a goth girl with a penchant for the dead, Bett embarks on a quest to uncover the real killer—and confront the terrifying possibility that her father may not be the culprit after all. Peterson crafts a taut narrative, full of dark humor, razor-sharp wit, and a fierce exploration of justice and anger. Dead Girls Talking is an unrelenting, thought-provoking ride for readers who love their thrillers with a bite.

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Sometimes a book is saved by audiobook narration. When I first got to the advanced reader copy for this I couldn't get past the beginning - for some reason I simply didn't resonate with the writing style so I ended up dnfing. It wasn't until recently when I got the access to audiobook and thought that I might as well try to work on my Netgalley score that I ended up finishing it. And honestly, I had a blast. This book was so much fun, the narrator should get an award or something, seriously. They made for such a an immersive experience, that I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

Usually, I can roughly predict who is the killer and while the final killer was one of my theories, their motive was completely different than what I imagined. I also like how the reveal tied back to the original case. I'm however little sceptical, how was the main character never for a moment questioned as a potential suspect: she had found both bodies, and she even had a motive for the second murder.

While I did like her as a protagonist overall there were parts where she got on my nerves. And again as much as I like who to find killer was I think it's a shame that after all that investigation, the main characters stumble upon them basically on an accident - they never even suspected them, so as far as the detective work, I can't really praise the girls on that.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Dead Girls Talking was a fun, thrilling read that scratched the itch of a YA thriller. I liked the characters and loved the twists and turns it offered along the way.

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First time reading from this author and will not be the last. The reason to begin with that i requested this was because of the cover! WOW

This book has you drawn in from page 1. it was a mix between a summer vibe and a spooky Halloween vibe.

I liked the book and the writing. Glad i was offered and advanced copy. I love YA and i will read more by the author.

Thanks NetGalley for letting me read and review.

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Thank you netgalley and the publisher for gifting me this advanced reader copy!!

I was so drawn to this cover and I was really hoping for Jennifer’s body type of vibes and it really wasn’t. This book would be really fun for some kind of summerween/ Halloween readathon but otherwise it’s a skip for me!

the writing was really bland, it felt like maybe the author was trying too hard with certain sentences and then it would go back to not being great.

There was some explicit content in this book that didn’t feel very YA and aside from the writing and the characters being in high school it felt like an adult book. There’s also a lot of plot holes and it feels like some things weren’t resolved within the story.

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I really really wanted to like this one. The plot, the cover, the characters. I was ready for a new favorite thriller. However, I really struggled to get into the story and I found myself not like the MC that much which will usually help me if I’m not loving the pacing of a story. So it was hard to get through this one and I struggled at times not to DNF. The premise was interesting enough though so I would like to try the author again maybe for a different book.

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As soon as I heard this was about the daughter of a serial killer I had to get it in my hands immediately. I couldn’t exactly get into it when I was trying to read it with my eyes, but I finished it so much faster when I was reading it with my ears. And it just so happened I finished this on Halloween which made it even better.

So the mystery in this was crazy lol It was all over the place. And the craziest part was the family? They were so weird yo lol Everytime we found out something else about one of her family members I felt my mom dropping further and further. All of them had something that they should have unpacked before the next I guess phase in their life, but they didn’t. And real people were harmed because of it.

The culprit tho?! If you’re one of the ones who tries to guess who did it before, you can definitely figure out who did it, because I did. HOWEVER, I didn’t figure it out until the chapter or two before it was revealed. It was But I did feel weird af when it was revealed. But only because of the reasoning. I didn’t think the other person was involved at all, but they were and I hated it. Can’t we get something like this without the event that took place between the two?

I’m pretty sure I loved this because I love true crime so much. And let me tell you, this was definitely like I was looking at a tv show. It had so many twists and turns and it was all over the place. And the way the drama all played out was hella crazy. I was like biting my nails off when shit started to hit the fan. It was a mess lol

This was good enough for me to look up all the other things that Megan wrote. So basically I added another book to my TBR. True Crime in a book is all I needed to know. Give me everything now lol

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This was an okay YA murder mystery. There were definitely parts I liked, twists I didn't see coming and an open ending that fit the creepy vibe. I mostly struggled with the main character Bettina, who was mean even to the one person who wanted to be her friend. She had been through a lot and I can understand being defensive, but it was too much at times and it was hard to root for her.

The plot had some parts that were a bit too unbelievable or not well explained. The whole 'Smiley Face Killer' thing, why do we not know more about that??

I was entertained and the pacing is super quick, so not a bad read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own. Thank you to Holiday House and NetGalley for the copy.
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I really enjoyed this book! It was a captivating read that held my attention from start to finish. The story was well-paced, and the characters felt real and engaging. I’m grateful to the publisher for providing an early copy—it was a pleasure to read!

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Setting: North Carolina
Rep: n/a

This was a super basic ya thriller. I read it because someone mentioned the girls falling in love but that's not true, no queerness here, and also literally nothing about Bett's character felt like old money - she came off as poor and kind of deprived which was weird. Boring.

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What a fun YA thriller to read! It gave me an older version of Nancy drew vibes. It serves just the right amount of thrill along with a sweet developing friendship. Hope to read another book with this pair solving crimes.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Holiday House for access to an eARC in exchange for my honest review!!

what's it about? ⬇️

The Smiley Face Killer has been behind bars for a decade now. Bettina would know that better than most, considering he's her father. The media surrounding her convicted serial killer father has followed her every day of her life since he was finally caught after killing her mother ten years ago--podcasts, an upcoming documentary series even her estranged aunt is taking part in, and the worst of all, the walking tour her ex-best friend's mother set up as a way to make an extra buck at her family's expense. But all and all, Bett and her grandparents are doing all right. She does her best to behave and not cause any problems for them, and they all avoid looking too hard at the darkness of their collective pasts.

But when she's stuck traipsing home through the woods one night to avoid being caught breaking curfew, Bett finds a body. A body that looks just like her mother. A body out here in the same woods where another of her father's victims was found all those years ago. A body that turns out to bear the same wounds and markings as the other Smiley Face Killer victims. But how is that possible?

When it seems like everything in her world is about to be turned over on it's head, Bett decides that she's going to figure this out for herself the way the cops in town couldn't before. And despite their differences, she ends up teaming up with Eugenia Clark, the local Undertaker's daughter who has always been made fun of behind her back for being too bookish and pale and weird. Is this a copycat killer following in her dad's footsteps, or has her father potentially been innocent all along like her aunt claims? Can the girls solve the mystery of this new string of killings, or will they find themselves under the Smiley Face Killer's knife before they can crack the case?

my thoughts? ⬇️

Was this book perfect? No. But did I have an incredible time reading it? Absolutely yes. I flew through this one in like a day and a half and I enjoyed every second of it. The characters were all messy and flawed and selfish just like you'd expect a pack of teenagers to be, and even the adults in town came with their own messiness, and as I've said a million times before: there's almost nothing I love more than a messy, flawed character.

One of the biggest compliments I think I can give this book is on the pacing. The beginning gave us just enough time to understand how Bett had been handling things the last ten years and gave us just a glimpse of the person she has chosen to become and her little coping mechanisms--healthy and incredibly unhealthy--that help her get through the day. The action started up very early on and never really let up, and the way the mystery was slowly revealed piece by piece was such a fun time. Also, the plot twist!? It had me messed up for a few minutes there.

But the place where I think this book truly shines is in the relationship between Bett and Eugenia. They're both their own people with their own reasons to look into what's happening in town, they aren't friends at first, and they're both just teenage girls who make mistakes. But they learn first to work together, and then to get along, and finally to love one another, and even when they make the wrong choices or mess up along the way, they still take care of each other, still protect one another from the increasing dangers around them.

Dead Girls Talking was such a fun read, and I genuinely think it's one that I would happily revisit one day...especially for spooky season!

based on your likes? ⬇️

If you enjoyed any of these, I think Dead Girls Talking would be great for you (and vice versa!).

😱 Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey - horror, serial killer dad, small town mystery, a paranormal touch.
😱 The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson - thriller, long dead mother suddenly returns in the middle of filming a documentary on her case, female rage, small town mystery, *messy* characters.
😱 The Burned Photo by QCODE Media - horror podcast, dead mother trauma, paranormal mystery, female rage, messy characters.
😱 Sadie by Courtney Summers - thriller, messy teenage girl with trauma, revenge seeking, female rage, podcast/media inclusion, an impossible mystery.
😱Out of the Fire by Andrea Contos - thriller, messy teenage girls with trauma, revenge seeking, female rage, powerful female friendships.

trigger warnings ⬇️

death of a parent, child death, death of pregnant woman (mentioned), murder, violence, death, blood, gore, injury/injury detail, physical abuse, domestic abuse (mentioned multiple times), emotional abuse, gaslighting, grief, vomit, toxic relationship, toxic friendship, sexual harassment, sexual content, misogyny, sexism, panic attacks, infidelity, bullying, media abuse, alcohol.

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DNF @10% - I don’t have much to say. The writing just completely put me off. That’s all I have to say. I can’t fully explain it. I just really didn’t mesh with it..

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intense, ominous, dramatic, a worth it read to anyone and everyone who's up to read it. take a look!

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Phewww the way I had to drag myself through this one 🥲. I’m actually really disappointed. I waited and saved this one to read during spooky season for optimal enjoyment factor and it truly just fell flat for me. I thought the main focus was going to be the serial killer (which is always fascinating) but no, I really focused on the very unlikeable MC who is mean because her mom was murdered. Her “sidekick” Eugenia was way more interesting and the story probably would have been more fun is it was from her pov but unfortunately it wasn’t and I found the story so boring.

The blurb from a fav author of mine also really sold this and now I’m wondering if we read the same book??

Anyway, I’m really sad I couldn’t get into this one but maybe you’ll enjoy it more than I did 🥲.

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I want to get a positive out straight away. I really enjoyed this twist ending. I had a pretty good idea where the story was going, but Peterson managed to rug sweep me, and even leave a crack in the door for a potential follow up someday.

Do I want to read a follow up? No, I don't.

The premise here is pretty great. A teenage girl whose mother was murdered by her father when she was 6 years old, and she was the only witness, who testified against him and send him to prison. That's not a unique plot, but it's still a fun one.

He even gets a moniker, which is strange, because those are generally reserved for serial killers. Solo killers don't usually get a nickname.

10 years later, women who look a lot like her mother start turning up dead, in the same manner, and Bettina befriends the local undertaker's daughter to solve the crime that the police aren't even remotely interested in.

Doesn't that sound really cool?


The biggest issue for me is the writing style. I still enjoy YA, though I've gotten pretty far outside of the genre with my enormous reading slump. I've always said YA authors work harder than adult authors, to keep the attention of a reader of any age.

This author...I mean, I think no, wait, I'm wrong. I thought she was a fairly new writer, she has published quite a few books. Damn. Okay, my excuses are failing me.

We bounce from paper thin writing to suddenly a completely random pop of purple prose dropped in, followed by more paper thin writing. It's like drawing with crayons on printer paper then suddenly using a splash of water color. It doesn't fit.

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Cover, concept and book all right up my alley. Just fab, loved it. Publishers, more like this please.

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