Member Reviews

🔥🔥 - open door

"... you’re a revenant, Josephine.... and if you fall apart again, you’ll put yourself back together again. Because you’re strong. The only difference is from now on, I’ll be there, if you want me to, to hold your broken pieces.”


This is the romance book I didn't know I neeeeded. I started this with absolutely zero knowledge about it, and I. LOVED. IT.

Clare's writing is raw and real and natural. Don't let the adorable cover fool you, this story has a depth and vulnerability that reminds me a bit of Emily Henry. I connected to the characters from the start and absolutely fell in love! It's the first book in a long while to bring me to tears.

Apart from being one of the sweetest second chance stories (more like a long ago missed opportunity), it touched on topics like females in entrepreneurial leadership, toxic social expectations, learning from mistakes, and the importance of friendship.

Just trust me on this one and READ THIS BOOK.

+ workplace romance
+ second chance
+ meet crash
+ fashion entrepreneurship
+ slow burn
+ tension
+ using her full name as a nickname
+ he takes care of her when she's sick
+ healthy communication
+ romantic friendship
+ female friendship
+ acts of service

🖤 favorite quotes 🖤

“That’s just it. You didn’t become very important to me. You became what’s most important.”

"Together, we add up to one hundred percent. I can meet you more than halfway. I’ll meet you at the seventy percent, eighty percent, ninety percent mark on your worst days if I have to, because I know you’re giving me everything you can."

"YOU are the good feeling.”


{a gigantic thank you to Clare Gilmore and NetGalley or the early copy!! 10/29/24}

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Rating: 4.5 stars!

Thank you to the publisher for sending me a digital copy of this book. I had a WONDERFUL time reading it!
Girly pop Haley Pham lead me to this author and I cannot thank her enough for her recommendation and I cannot wait to read her review of this book.
I loved that the main character was a girl boss, Lizzie McAlpine Stan, and great best friend. The MMC has my heart even more. I appreciate this author not adding a third act break up but still adds in that tension and drama. The plot dived deeper than I expected and I pulled so many great quotes that were written beautifully!

-ex best friend's brother
-second chance
-taking care of each other when sick

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Perfect Fit was the perfect book pick for my mood when I picked this up—heartwarming, full of friendship and character growth, it is such a charming read. Josie had been building her company for her whole twenties, but when her biggest investor insists she get a consultant, her priorities are forced to shift as the consultant is no other than Will Grant, the twin brother of her ex best friend. Ohhh Josie is so wonderful as a lead. She’s so career driven and has so many insecurities pushing her to be more and do more and she wants to be a good friend—she is tirelessly doing her best and I just love how genuine and authentic her journey feels. And Will is so sweet; the chemistry and banter is strong and he’s just so good and patient with Josie. All of this story just feels organic. And I loved the friendship too. The third act conflict wasn’t my favorite but the way it’s handled and resolved I really did adore. The communication is strong, the banter is fun, and the characters are so easy to root for. Perfect Fit is just a great romance.

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This book was very cute!! Clare Gilmore has a uniquely charming voice that stands out in a great way. It was a more low-conflict read than I probably would usually prefer but I liked Josie. I thought she was interesting and well-layered as a character.

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This book is everything I want in a romance. There was so much gentle affection, so so so much yearning and characters that are so likable, complex and truly felt like real people. This second chance story was so heartfelt and tender, with the best slow burn.

I mean, it's been 9 years since they last spoke, and it wasn't an easy parting.. and then they have a chance encounter that sets them on a path to reconnect. Say less!

Josephine & Will have the best chemistry! Their every interaction, even their car x bike collision, was brimming with it. They fight their attraction and feelings for each other so valiantly, which created the most delicious tension. I love when characters, who are so painfully and obviously into each other, try their darnedest to "just be friends".. and Josie and Will gave it their all, and failed spectacularly.

Will is a dream! He isn't perfect, but he is kind, attentive, and earnest. He truly sees Josie and is there for her. I will be adding him to my list of favourite softboys.

Josephine's inner monologue, and self-doubt was sadly so relatable. The anxiety of second guessing how people see you, if they actually like you, is awful. Seeing Will navigate this, and always making sure to communicate with her was everything.

Perfect Fit is such a beautifully balanced story. It features a romance to root for, great friendships, and tackles some more emotional things as well. Yes, it's a rom-com, but it really shines in its more emotional moments! It definitely had tears flowing down my face.

it had a few cheesier moments near the end, but not enough to change how much I loved the story.

a new favourite, and a new author I can't wait to read more from!

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Wow this book blew me away and took me on such a wonderful ride! I was sucked in from the beginning and found myself staying up later than I should because time slipped away when I was reading this.

Read this for:
- Best friend's brother
- Childhood crush
- Forced proximity
- He's gone for her
- Mental health rep
- Workplace

Josephine Davis is girl bossing as the CEO of her successful fashion brand and has been since she was in college. She doesn't expect her former high school tryst Will Grant that broke up her friendship and caused her social exile to slam into her life. She finds herself hiring Will as a consultant for her company.

This book felt so real and I could relate to so much in Josie's journey and the challenges she faced.

We need to have a moment for MR. WILL GRANT. He is legit PERFECTION. I love him so much. He can do no wrong. I adored how he didn't push Josie. He was there meeting her where she was at and that allowed her to feel safe and really let down her walls to fall in love with him.

These two together had so much depth and emotion. It felt so real reading about the struggles they each had and how they were trying to find their way to one another.

Also after reading this book I am obsessed with Brooks and I desperately need Clare to write his single Dad romance and give him his HEA he so deserves!

Thank you to St Martin's Griffin and NetGalles for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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4 🌟

I really enjoyed this cute romcom!

There is nothing that bugs me more than starting a romcom and having unlikable characters and/or characters who are not acting like adults. The Perfect Fit was so refreshing in that I liked both main characters and felt like they (mostly) acted like adults! Were there some cheesy moments? Of course. But overall, I really enjoyed this romcom!

Thanks, Netgalley for the ARC of this book!

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Another lovely showing from Gilmore. I really enjoyed how everything came together and their relationship built. And there were real and meaningful apologies when necessary.

A lot of the lower rated reviews I've seen mention that if they had better communication when they were teenagers that the whole story wouldn't work, but like... what teenagers have excellent communication like that? Esp in the middle of grief. And I thought it just showed how much they had grown as people that the learned from their mistakes as high schoolers and are committed to open conversations and clear boundaries and relationships.

Some parts felt a little stiff to me, and that took a little of the emotion out, but that is really my only issue. I look forward to Gilmore's next book!

*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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DNF at 35%. The plot was very stagnant - I just cannot slog through it anymore! As if a 27 year old fashion CEO wasn’t unrealistic enough, the “inciting incident” in the past for the FMC to stop being friends with her best friend, is that said friend caught FMC kissing the friend’s twin brother and thought they were only friends so she could get to the brother. Just kind of weak as a plot point for me.

I loved Clare Gilmore’s first book because it was really unique. This one just isn’t.

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4.5 stars

I am a huge fan of books that have one (or more) main character/s who basically dedicate their whole life towards their work, and then realize that work isn't EVERYTHING that life has to offer; so I am not surprised that I really liked this too.

I adored the main characters. It was single POV but it still felt like I got to know the characters really well. I loved Will so much and found Josie to be quite relatable even though my life is nothing like hers. The character development was fantastic too. The pacing felt very even and I enjoyed reading it from start to finish.

I would highly recommend this book to others!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I'm convinced Clare Gilmore will from here-on-out be an auto-buy author for me. She has done it again! I fell so hard for Will Grant. I love how Gilmore can take a boss babe who recognizes she has no self-control when it comes to social media and totally break her and piece her together again, showing how work isn't life and those who work hard can still find love.

This book is sweet and charming and funny. I have so many highlighted lines and scenes because the chemistry between Will and Josie just leaps off the page. Their history, her insecurities, his hidden hopes...gah!!! I can't even put it into words.

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Perfect Fit by Clare Gilmore 👗

This is one of those soul touching level books for me. The way I related to the main character and the romantic relationship between Josie and Will are one of my favorite things I have ever read. I absolutely loved Clare's debut and have been incredibly excited about this one. It lived up to my expectations and then some.

Josie is the CEO of the fashion company she started in college. She's aiming to take the next step for her company by opening up a brick and mortor store and get verified as a B corp. In order to help achieve that she brings in a consultant who ends up being someone from her past. The brother to her high school ex best friend, Will. The same Will who she kissed back in high school and then resulted in the loss of her best friend. As they continue to spend time together it's obvious something is there between them, but there's other things they have to consider before diving into the romantic relationship such as Josie's commitment to her compnay and how Will's sister will react to them reconnecting.

It's told in Josie's POV only, and I think that was perfect. I love Will. I'd do anything for Will. But I didn't feel like I was missing anything by not getting his POV. Josie is the main character and the focus of this book with Will coming in to show her what she can have when it comes to a romantic relationship depsite her incredibly demanding work life. Josie's feelings towards her work, the way she worries about how she is perceived by others and tries to limit it to the best of her ability, and her hesitancy towards a romantic relationship due to it not feeling fair to give them such little of her time. It all hit VERY close for me, it was honestly a little bit scary. I can only wish I have the chance to experience the relationship Josie and Will did. The way that the two of them cared for each other, communicated with each other, and loved each other - truly a perfect fit.

If you take any book recommendations from me, please make it one of Clare's books!

💕 second chance, in a way
💻 workplace
🤒 caretaking
✈️ a little traveling
👏🏼 no third act breakup

single POV
5/5 stars ⭐️
1/5 spice level 🌶️

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Josie runs her own very successful business and has a long list of personal goals. When Will, her ex-best friend’s twin brother is brought on as a consultant, they have to confront their shared past and Josie has to question her priorities.
The story of Josie and Will surprised me. At first glance, Josie seems a little self-centred and too focused on what other people think of her. As the book weaves along, however, it reveals a story about miscommunication, past mistakes, perception versus reality and asking what you want from life. The communication between Will and Josie is open and mature. They have real conversations and it was refreshing to read a romance with mature dialogue between characters.

It was a sweet story about new beginnings and healing old wounds.
3.5 stars rounded up to a four.

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I loved this book! First, even though I am not a workaholic CEO, I could I relate to Josie and how she handled her stress. Will is such a sweetheart. I love a hero who takes care of the FMC, both physically and emotionally. They have a great group of friends and I would love to attend Garlic Fest! I’m a Texas girl, so all of the Austin references were wonderful. I highly recommend this romcom.

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Another decent office/corporate romance from Clare Gilmore! Admittedly, I haven’t really related to the career aspect of either of Gilmore’s books (and I kind of skimmed some of that in this one) but I do think all her characters are relatable in plenty of other ways. In this one, Josie struggles with placing her self worth in her achievements, balancing relationships with career goals, anxiety over her social media presence/image, perfectionism, pain over past broken friendships, etc. I also appreciate that Josie was both strong and vulnerable. I particularly enjoy that there are only positive female relationships as well as a romantic relationship that is pretty darn healthy and devoid of the annoying miscommunication trope. At one point Will declares that they are going to have a direct hard conversation and at the end of it, they will not break up. So thankful for that. The miscommunication trope is just trumped up drama and this book proves you can still have relational tension without it or the third act breakup.

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Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press/St. Martin's Griffin for the ARC opportunity!

I really enjoyed this story. It was layered. We got a pretty good representation of who Josephine is in her daily life and her relationship. We get a really good representation of her internal struggles as well and why she is the way that she is. She had alot of finding herself to do, and the story there is why this is so good.

Her friends are great side characters as well. Camilla was really a great friend to her but you could feel their bond on the pages.

And lastly, Will. He was so likable from the beginning. This poor man just wanted so badly to be there for her. I know some of it was his guilt and trauma, but he genuinely wanted to be there for her regardless of that and it showed. The scene when he begged to get into the hotel to help her was so real and heartbreaking and sweet.

Their connection flowed naturally and never felt forced. I was rooting for them from the beginning.

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Special thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press/St. Martin's Griffin for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for my honest opinions!

One of my easiest 5 star ratings ever, but probably one of the hardest reviews to write. Its hard to sum up how much I loved this book and these characters in a short review online, I feel like some typed words on a random post won't do it justice - but alas, I will try!

Will and Josie's story starts with a laugh-out-loud meet cute, and throughout the first half of the book you learn about their complicated history and past connection. You watch them try to fight their undeniable chemistry, and eventually give into it, and learn how to be in a serious relationship, how to better support one another, and inevitably how to better love themselves.

The workplace component was so fun, especially because of the nature of Josie's job. She is a normal girl, with a not so normal job. Will comes in to help her company as a consultant, but he quickly takes the job outside the work place as they grow a deep friendship and understanding of one another. Because they start as friends, the love that grows between them is incredibly vulnerable, rooted in true compassion and care between them. The scenes in the hotel room while Josie is sick? I was SOBBING.

Josie was our beautiful, flawed, and relatable leading lady. Even if you can't relate to her job, you can find pieces of yourself in her people pleasing tendencies, love of simple things, and hesitancy to let people get too close. Watching her crack herself open and begin to work on herself was inspiring, encouraging me to do the same!

Will. Grant. This man was the definition of a damn good man. He was raised as a southern gentleman, but he also was just a good person. His love language is DEFINITELY acts of service, and the way he steps into Josie's mess and helps her through it each time helped her on her journey of self care and discovery. He goes through his own season of change alongside her, and they both become a support system for each other that is full of honest communication, gentle encouragement, and vulnerable confessions that help them grow into who they are meant to be as individuals and as a couple.

Clare Gilmore has solidified her spot in my ranks of favorite authors with this book. Her ability to write the most swoon worthy romances with incredibly relatable characters is truly unmatched. She simply gets what it is like to be a young adult in this day and age, and she portrays that experience so beautifully in her romance stories!

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The plot was cute! The characters were cute too, loved will and Josie. Will is hired by Josie’s team to help with her fashion brand and they don’t have the best history because Will is Josie’s ex best friends twin. the reason I’m giving it three stars is due to the execution. I felt the storyline was a bit rushed, from the very beginning it felt rushed. It’s a fun light read but something was definitely lacking.

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This contemporary romance may have changed my opinion about second chance romances! I know it’s a popular trope but it’s not my favourite…but Will Grant might have me rethinking my opinions! Will and Josie are thrust together in true second chance style and despite the obvious heat and attraction, they ACTUALLY deal with their past, talk things through and are really mature about everything which is (a) a surprise and (b) a refreshing difference from other miscommunication and burying the past preferences of other leading ladies and gents. I love the focus on Josie’s career and the company she’s building with her drive and passion. This is a beautiful story!

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While this book was fine, even cute at times, I couldn’t get myself to care about Josie or even root for her. It felt pretty rich she could just leave the company behind and the conflict with her romance just didn’t track with me. The ending cliffhanger was especially annoying.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in essence for an honest review.

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