Member Reviews

This was such a cute and fun time!! I really enjoyed Josie’s character and although I don’t have her occupation, I could relate heavily to Josie’s personal struggles of her self worth being heavily reliant on the opinion of others. I did feel like some of it dragged on for a bit too long. I did really enjoy the storyline and the themes surrounding friendship and work dynamics that were included. The writing was really good and I look forward to reading more from this author!

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I know I loved this book because I stayed up too late reading it! The Perfect Fit by Clare Gilmore was such a quick read for me because I could not put it down. I loved the characters, the setting, the subtle workplace romance, and the mentions of sewing! I cannot wait to read more by Clare Gilmore!

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This was a cute and easy book to read. I could definitely relate to Josephine with her anxiety and people pleasing. It's a closed door romance. Nothing really wrong with it but also nothing particularly groundbreaking or unique here.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the arc!

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Perfect Fit by Clare Gilmore

I loved this book from the dedication, “For the triers, for the tired ones, and for anyone who ever thought: If I don’t have the right outfit, I’m not going.” This perfectly encapsulates what it feels like to be a woman in her twenties to me. What a universal experience. And the book only got better from there. I love Gilmore’s writing style. It was crisp and intimate at the same time. Great re-meet cut!. Love Will! Love Josie! Banter up the wazoo! The sexual tension sprung off the page- had to fan myself sometimes.

So many good book boyfriends this summer and Will Grant is no exception. His honesty and humility, his slow play and support of Josie, his gorgeous kitchen- chef’s kiss! Amazing.

Oh Josie, I wanted you so much to take a breath and realize how awesome you were. To stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect (but I guess that’s my wish for myself and my friends too). I think this is because Josie was such a vibrant character that she felt like a friend. Speaking of which, excellent supporting characters in this; so specific and well-drawn. It was so easy to see everyone and every place in this book. Where can I get a Garlic celebration night like that?

5 stars because I truly enjoyed this book and couldn’t put it down! I devoured it and was sad it ended. Thanks to Net Galley and St. Martin’s Griffin for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Professional millennials who knew each other in high school get a second chance. Josephine is a fashion executive and Will is a consultant. Mature adults falling in love.

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Let me start with saying I have never read a book by this author. I really enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. It isn't my usual taste in books. one thing it did notice while reading this book is that I sometimes found it hard to tell who was speaking other that that the book was a pretty easy read. The story line the author used is super sweet making this an adorable romance. Very innocent no smut. After reading the epilogue I truly hope there will be a second book. Clare ended this book on a cliff hanger... Makes you wonder what's going to happen next. IF you like a cute romance somewhat of a rekindling fling from high school this book should be your next read. I truly enjoyed this book. Thank you Clare Gilmore keep up the great work.

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I loved this book, Josie who is the CEO of her upcoming business feels like her life is upside down. In a way it is, She feels like she never meets others' expectations and that she is failing her best friend, she also doesn't think she can handle the things being thrown at her. Until one simple accident starts to change things. Can she love someone and keep her business intact? She blames herself for things that happened in the past, that no one can be blamed for. Can those things be forgiven? I cried and I laughed several times while reading this book. I loved all the characters too. I feel like every female has been in Josies shoes at some point in life maybe not while trying to run a business but in life in general.....

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Clare Gilmore first stole my heart with Love Interest, but I am fully enamored with Perfect Fit. I giggled at the mention of the H.E.B. (TX staple!!!) I cried at multiple stages of the book (85-95% especially). The romance, the beautiful friendships, the raw and real characters… everything about this book just was so wonderfully done.

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Clare Gilmore's "Perfect Fit" is a heartfelt rom-com that captures the essence of modern hustle culture and the importance of slowing down for love. Josie and Will are beautifully crafted characters whose tender and independent spirits shine through. Their romance is filled with thoughtful, swoon-worthy moments that brought happy tears to my eyes. The book also offers a critical reflection on the pressures of being a modern working woman, making it more than just a romance. Will's acts of service and genuine care for Josie add depth to their relationship, making it feel real and deeply moving. "Perfect Fit" is a love letter to millennial women, reminding us to balance our professional ambitions with personal happiness. I highly recommend this book for its emotional depth, relatable characters, and perfect blend of romance and life lessons.

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Full of vivid scenes, complex characters and a second-chance romance you want to cheer for-Perfect Fit is a wonderful contemporary romance.

With plenty of funny and sweet dialogue moments, Josie and Will’s love story unfolds alongside the characters journeys to only find their perfect fit partner but their perfect fit everythings that make life truly heartfelt and meaningful.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the arc!

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“Perfect Fit” by Clare Gilmore
A Real Page-Turning Read
I found this to be a fun read. The characters were dealing with long-term issues that had made a difference in their choices in the past, and how of if, those issues would impact their futures. I want to share so much more, but I don’t want to spoil your discovery of all the twists and turns. This is a worthy read that I am very glad I had the opportunity to read. Happy Reading ! !

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This was a cute and fun book to read! I felt the emotions Josephine felt with her anxiety and being a people pleaser. I really enjoyed this book and thank you for the chance to review this ARC.

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Absolutely loved the banter in this book ! I am also always a sucker for workplace romance but to add the highschool background was nice. Great writing and overall just a really fun book to read.

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*Thank you to St Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

God, I needed to read a book about burnout and this one was FAB. High school fling meets workplace romance? Uh yessssss please!

I love how Clare Gilmore writes her characters. They always feel so REAL. Josie and Will's relationship developed so organically, despite Josie's attempts to nip it in the bud. Between an impactful (yes, I'm proud of myself for that pun) meet-cute, and chaotic store openings and bachelorette parties, they get to spend so much time together on page. Honestly this book is almost entirely just them interacting and I'm not mad about it. Also Garlic Fest? Ahhhhhhmazing.

I've been loving the trend of books having no third act break-up and this is no different. (No third act break-up? No problem!) Give me a man who fills my fridge with gourmet food, listens to what I say I want, and delivers it any day. This woman writes the heroes we NEED in this modern age and I freaking love it.

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Clare does it again! This book was dreamy, sexy, honest, and I’m obsessed with it. As someone in my late 20s, I understand Josie and her drive to succeed but the story of her finding love and breaking down her internal barriers was beautiful. Will Grant is every woman’s dream. He’s sexy, caring, passionate. Thankful I got to read this ARC and cannot wait to see what Clare does next!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher. This was a fun read, and I actually sped through it faster than her debut. I enjoyed the plot and the banter. It was a little slow at times, but I am excited for the audio of this as I think it will be a fun listen.

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What an adorable and healthy romance. I always go in expecting the usual complications and breakups and this was just such a breath of fresh air to read. It took me a bit to get through because it was a little slower in the middle but that ending is everything.

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This was such a sweet and tender book! The story was so sweet and had such thoughtful reflections on girlhood, friendship, burnout, and the cost of our capitalistic culture. I was hooked from the first page and just fell deeper and deeper in love with each and every character 💖 Josie and Will may be my new favorite couple in books (Will is for sure my new favorite book boyfriend 😍) I know that I'll definatley be returning to reread and experience their love story again and again!

Rating: 🌟∞

Thank you to Clare Gilmore, St. Martin's Press, and Netgalley for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review 🥰

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Thanks netgalley.

I love Clare Gilmore book perfect fit. It was fun and easy to read. The characters were easy to relate to to a point. I liked the writing style and the plot of the book.

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Reviewed for NetGalley:

Josie Davis, CEO and creator of a budding clothing brand, spends puts all her time and energy into her work.

That is, until the brother of a childhood friend, Will, crashes into her car and out of her past.

But when Josie hires Will as a consultant to her company, they learn more about each other than they ever knew growing up and quickly become attracted to each other.

This was a slow burn with perfect pacing and realistic characters. I found myself falling for the characters, just as they fell for each other.

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