Member Reviews

Dear St. Martin's Griffin,
please consider this review a declaration of my love for Clare Gilmore's writing.

I have been waiting for this book ever since I read Gilmore's first novel (which is also 5 stars and you should read my review where I gush over it). I always get nervous when I'm this excited for a release but this did not disappoint at all.

First of all, I just love Gilmore's writing. Everything flows so nicely you look up and realize you're already halfway through the book. This would've been a one-sitting book if life didn't get in the way. I love how she describes things as well. And of course I have to mention the dialogue which always feels so natural that I'm convinced she just recorded a group of friends talking. This adds to the vibes and authenticity of the book in general, but it really shines through during the bigger moments between the main characters, like when they confess their feelings.

One thing that shocked me was the fact that this book is a slow-burn. Why was I so shocked? Well as I previously mentioned Gilmore's style of writing pulls you in and refuses to let go for hours. Because of this, I didn't even realize how far into the book I was! It actually is a slow-burn (first kiss at 70%), but the pacing and writing don't give it that impression. I really am so impressed because I didn't feel like the romance had been rushed or dragged out; basically this is the Goldilocks of slow-burns.

The plot and characters were also phenomenal. It was amazing to see complex relationships and how friendships change. Everything felt incredibly real. By the time I finished the book I felt like I really knew the characters and had been with them on their own journeys. Simply beautiful.

This is one of my new favorite books ever. I want to spend the next hour listing out every single reason to love this book but I'd really just end up copy-and-pasting the entire book here. And please note the the main characters are my emotional support characters/couple and the only reason I'm not talking about them more in-depth is because I don't think I'd be able to stop.

Thank you to the publisher for the e-arc. I am already waiting for her next novel.

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If you're looking for a cute rom-com, this one is definitely for you! The characters and the stories were absolutely relatable and were told in such a sweet and engaging way. Can't wait to see what Claire has next!

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📖📖 Book Review 📖📖 Josie is a lady who knows what she wants -from her iced caramel oat milk latte to her preference on days of the week. When her former bestie’s brother that she has a past with shows up as a consultant at her business, her structured existence gets quite the shake-up! Perfect Fit is a beautiful and breezy escape to the laid back yet competitive fashion landscape of Austin, a breath of Texas fresh air! Clare Gilmore writes a book filled with a breadth of human emotions and complicated histories that come with relationships but pairs it all so well together like a tailored outfit that it all works together seamlessly. Perfect Fit is the perfect book for second chances blends and finding a smooth balance in life to find happiness.


Review is posted on Goodreads and final review will be on instagram closer to publication date and Amazon when published!

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Josephine Davis is the CEO of her own clothing brand Revenant, with her best friend by her side in business and in life. As she drives into work one day, she literally runs into her high school friend's brother, Will. From that moment, Josephine's world gets thrown off its axis as Will is in town to consult for Revenant. Through the weeks and month of their professional relationship, Josephine learns more about Will and Will gets Josephine to realize she will survive if life doesn't follow her perfectly crafted plans.

While this is a romance novel, it is a story about friendships, work/life balance and mental health, family, and overall happiness. The HEA of course does happen but it's a reminder that professional success shouldn't come at the expense of internal happiness.

Thanks to NetGalley and St Martins for the arc.

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This was a delightful read. The fmc and mmc relationships in this book were great. Romantically, professionally and as friends they always had that kinship and respect towards each other. Their honesty was refreshing!

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4.5 stars rounded up.

Perfect Fit is a beautiful story about navigating life’s challenges, finding yourself, and finding your way when things start to feel overwhelming and unclear.

Josephine is a workaholic, people pleasing, anxious perfectionist. As a fellow anxious workaholic feeling a bit suffocated in Corporate America, I related to Josie on so many levels. I loved her loyalty, selflessness, and passion.

Will was just absolutely precious, almost too perfect if I’m being honest, but I ate it up anyway. He showed so much love for Josie throughout without putting added pressure on her when in a pivotal crisis in her life. He was so kind and selfless for her and his acts of service made my heart melt. I couldn’t help but itch for his POV throughout just to get into his head.

Overall, the story had some consistency issues and some pacing issues, slowing particularly in the middle (e.x saying that she hates the term “girl boss” but then using it multiple times and the “it girl” references didn’t quite make sense as Josie’s really painted as more of a loner while in high school). Despite these issues, I really enjoyed my first Claire Graham read. The character banter was joyful, funny, and brought life to all of the side characters. I found the characters real and relatable and I found myself wanting more.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Clare Gilmore, the rising queen of rom coms? I loved Love Interest so going in to Perfect Fit, I had super high hopes. Every single hope I had was surpassed, Gilmore writes unique, interesting, and new concepts that the Tik Tok romance book space is severely lacking. I hope she keeps writing because I will keep devouring anything she is offering. Easy 5 stars.

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Thank you NetGalley and St Martins Press for this ARC!

3.5 stars- ooh this was cute! I love love when books feature strong, female characters and Josie was a stellar FMC that I really enjoyed reading about. In this story we have second chance, best friends brother, forced proximity, workplace romance, amazing communication between MCs- it was so easy to completely eat this one up!

Will and Josie earned their HEA and I think the way that it was done was so rewarding for me as a reader. I loved the female friendships woven in throughout this book and also the conversations surrounding mental health, grief and career burnout. I really enjoyed this story and am looking forward to reading more from Clare Gilmore!

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Just finished reading “The Perfect Fit” by Clare Gilmore.

This book was so enjoyable! It was just a perfect romance. This is the first book I have read by this author but will definitely go back for more.

All the characters were relatable and that really helped with the story. Who doesn’t want it all but still stresses about something losing out?!

Highly recommend!

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This was my first book by Clare Gilmore and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved the Austin setting, and the messiness of the characters was relatable and compelling. Gilmore explored start-ups, clothing lines, women in business, small businesses in general and friendship at different phases of life, but the book never felt scattered. The love story is second-chance/best friend's brother, and even though there's a pull right away, the relationship develops organically. Also, I know I'm probably in the minority but I loved the ambiguous ending. Will definitely read Gilmore's next book and would love to listen to this one on audiobook when it's released in the fall.

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This was actually the perfect romance for me, omg. Top 5 contemporary romance books of all time for me easily!!

First and foremost, if you love a more women's fiction leaning romance and to have hella emotional depth to your characters and the relationship in the romances you're reading, this is an absolute must read. I love a good rom-com, but my preferred types of rom-coms are the ones that are also going to make me sob and really connect to the characters' backstories, and this very much did that. Both of the main characters are absolutely flawed individuals, but they come together and make each other better just for being part of each others' lives, and that is the best sort of romance story in my personal opinion. There was so much character growth, both individually and with the relationships in this book whether they be romantic, platonic, or familial. I absolutely loved it.

Second, I so badly needed a strong (but not ice-queen) feminist icon of a main character, and Josie delivered that in spades. I mean come on; she's a literal CEO. A literal boss, yet is still so kind and helpful, and just trying to make a life for herself that makes a positive impact on the world. I absolutely love her.

And Will--omggg. The acts of service!!!!!!! And the way he is not intimidated by Josie being such a strong, independent woman, and supported her/did not dim her sparkle. We love to see it! Also watching him better himself both personally and in his career, for both himself and the people in his life, made his story so heartwarming.

The chemistry between them was palpable from page one. And THE BANTER. I absolutely ate it up. It felt so natural and realistic, while still being so funny and honest.

To the Emily Henry/Abby Jimenez/etc fans that like a little Elle Woods sparkle in their FMCs--You must read it!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Saint Martin's Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I was 5% into the book and I knew exactly why I love Claire's books, even if I've only read one (now two), is the way she translates feelings into words. She writes the kind of feelings I long to feel.
TS and Gracie Abrams references? in love.
This is the story of Josie, who has built a fashion brand off the ground from her college bedroom and is always grinding into expanding it further. She is determined to get her brand B corp certified, therefore, according to her biggest investor, she will need to hire a consultant firm to get the certification. After she literally runs into Will, the twin brother of Josie’s ex best friend, and ends up working with him as the main consultant for the certification, her life is turned upside down. She can't stay away from him, he can't stay away from her and it shows. This couple speak in acts of service which had me swooning and rooting for them. Before she considers the idea of a boyfriend she must deal with the fact that she lives in Austin and he lives in NYC and most importantly she is a workaholic with little to no time for a relationship. This is a slow burn with very realistic life circumstances. At around the 80% mark I wasn’t sure of where the book was going as it seemed over by then, but then it gets introduced the last conflict for the book to come full circle, I’m conflicted a little by this part but overall I loved the book.
My rating: 4.5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for the ARC.
My review will be scheduled for the pub date.

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This was an okay romance for the most part i found myself rooting for the main characters and hoping that they got their happy ending. The fmc is a business owner and fashion designer while the mmc is a broker turned consultant. When the mmc applies to consult for the fmc's company that is the first time they've seen each other since high school. The mmc's sister was the fmc's best friend and they fell out after the high school kiss.

This story felt very realistic with the fmc juggling her career, social media, burnout, and the business. I thought the romance was cute and happened and a steady pace that felt authentic to the characters. I also really liked that the main characters worked through their issues without breaking up. There were some parts where I felt a bit bored but overall this is a sweet romance that i would recommend. Thank you to the publisher for this arc for an honest review.

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Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press, for this ARC!

4.5⭐️ Wow, this is my first time reading one of Clare’s books, and I am a FAN!

Setting and Atmosphere:
From the beginning, this book drew me in because it was not only set in my hometown but also featured Josie attending my university! It’s hard not to love a book that is set in a place that is incredibly special to you, and it’s even harder when the author does such a wonderful job of capturing the essence of the city. I truly think Clare either has a connection to Austin or just did some in-depth research! The descriptions of the local landmarks, the bustling university life, and the unique vibe of Austin made the setting come alive.

The way Clare wrote Josie and Will was the perfect balance of realistic but still so much fun to read about. Josie’s character is relatable and genuine, and her journey through personal growth and relationships felt authentic. Will, on the other hand, is charming and his development throughout the story is both heartwarming and realistic. Their interactions are filled with humor, warmth, and tenderness, making their romance a joy to follow. Clare’s jokes about finance bros were too accurate and brought me back to my business major days, adding a layer of nostalgia and humor.

Themes and Resonance:
Clare also captured something that I personally resonated with deeply. Here’s the quote and my thoughts: “Oh my gosh… You’re secretly weird too!” When Zoe finds out that Josie also has a niche interest, she and Josie are able to feel seen by one another in such a sweet way. This moment highlights the theme of finding connections and being understood, which is something everyone can relate to. It beautifully illustrates the importance of embracing our quirks and finding our tribe.

And the love in this story was the definition of tender. “The way you feel to me is like an inevitable rightness.” UGH, yes Will. You are perfect, perfect, perfect! The romantic development between Josie and Will is handled with such care, making it both realistic and swoon-worthy. Their relationship is built on mutual respect, understanding, and a deep emotional connection, which is refreshing to see in a romance novel.

Final Thoughts:
Essentially, what I’m trying to say is you should read this book if you’re looking for a sweet romance surrounded by amazing friends and the realistic struggles of people in their mid-twenties. Clare’s ability to blend humor, romance, and heartfelt moments makes this a must-read. Whether you’re a fan of contemporary romance or just looking for a feel-good story set in a vibrant city, “The Perfect Fit” is definitely worth your time.

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Perfect Fit by Clare Gilmore was so wonderful!

Josephine is a powerhouse FMC - she created a fashion line and is an awesome boss. She also deals with anxiety, which was handled very well on-page.

Will is a blast from the past - and the reason she lost her best friend. When he comes back into her life with a promise to help her business, can she trust him?

Excellent banter, funny internal monologue, enemies to lovers and spice - this book had it all!!

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The chemistry between these two is so easy to see from the beginning. I loved that Will was all about acts of service. What a king. Will is the twin brother of Josephine's ex best friend, and when she's made to hire a consultant, it ends up being him. It's clear why some animosity between these two might exist to begin with, Will being the twin of her ex best friend. But they work so well together, and it makes the book that much sweeter. I love how it tackles topics like insecurities and self doubt, which is something I don't see a lot in books. Despite this, it really was a nice flowy easy read for me and I enjoyed it quite a lot.

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Thank you St. Martins Griffin for the #gifted arc to read and review

This was my first Clare Gilmore book and I’m sitting here screaming, “sign me up for everything she writes in the future!” This book was fantastic!

The characters were so incredibly well developed. So human and yet, their flaws never made me think less of them, only how resilient they were.

Expect —> badass female ceo, right person wrong time, ex best friend’s brother, office (ish) romance, relatable characters, a meet cute?

Jose has once again found her self-worth ties to her social media accounts and beloved the best course of action is to delete socials, duck her head down and dedicate EVERYTHING to her booming business. No time for a life and certainly no time or desire for love. Until Will literally crashes his bike into her car and the tectonic plates of her carefully curated world start to shift.

How incredibly relatable to find your self worth tied to social media and what is said about you or how a post performs 🙃

I feel like I went into this book about strangers and came out with friends.

I loved everything about this book!

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PERFECT FIT is a second chance, workplace romance about a CEO and a consultant with a past that they can't seem to put behind them. When Josephine Davis has to hire a consultant for her Austin-based fashion brand, the last person she expects to be working with is Will Grant, twin brother of her ex-best friend. As Josie and Will begin to work together, they find themselves drawn to each other. But Will lives in New York and Josie doesn't have time to date, so there's no point in worrying about it, right? Right...

I had such a great time reading PERFECT FIT! I really loved Josie as a main character. She was so realistic and relatable. At the beginning of the book, I was a little worried that the conflict of what happened between Josie, Zoe, and Will when they were teenagers would feel blown out of proportion, but as more details were revealed, I came to understand why each character had acted the way they did.

One of the cornerstones of a good book for me is good side characters and PERFECT FIT did not disappoint in that regard. I loved Josie's friends so much and I loved that they each got their moment to shine.

Overall, I would really recommend this book to romance readers who like second chance stories that deal with anxiety and burnout, great cast of side characters, and a mild amount of spice.

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Thank you NetGalley and St Martins Press for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

Perfect Fit was a lighthearted fun read about Josie, a CEO of a fashion brand in Austin and Will, her ex-best friend's twin brother. They meet again after a decade apart when Will consults for Josie's company. Josie wasn't the most relatable as a CEO whose wealthy family supports her company and life but I enjoyed their story.

Their chemistry was good and the relationship was cute. Will is very patient as Josie navigates some big obstacles in her life. His willingness to communicate throughout all changes, issues, and anxiety was refreshing. I also appreciated the late twenties burnout/quarter-life crises multiple characters navigated throughout the story.

Overall a fun read if you enjoy second chance romance with no third act break up and the best friend's brother/workplace romance trope. And the ambiguous ending did leave me thinking what I would want if I were in her shoes!

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Thank you to Net Galley and St Martins Press for this digital ARC!

I absolutely loved this book! Josie’s character goes through so much grow since graduating high school and her past friendship with Zoe allowed her to be a better friend to Camila and help her be the best version of herself. Will Grant is book boyfriend GOALS!!! I love when the MMC falls first and is all about acts of service. This book gave me all the best feelings and I can’t wait for more books by Clare Gilmore!

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